2 quite useful data collections
250 studies on COVID vaccine injuries, and a collection on the childhood vaccines
Quick summaries of 250 studies:
ICAN’s collection on how all the childhood vaccines were studies before approval. It turns out none had a long-term safety study using a true placebo. This is mind-boggling. Vaccinology appears to be a religion, not a science. ICAN and Aaron Siri have now collected all the data and can prove it.
It's unbelievable to see billionaire Gates involved in creating gain-of-function virology and genetic therapies that harm and kill people, yet he remains unindicted and unprosecuted. These are terrible crimes.
Thanks so much for your tireless work to educate people. Maybe finally enough people will be educated to resist propaganda. You may end up saving more lives than you would have saved as a clinician had you been able to keep your license.