This is a different type of post than I normally write. This is more about me than I would normally disclose.
During the COVID experience, I discovered to my surprise that I was able to wade through all the baloney better than almost everyone else. I attributed this to my 35 years’ interest in biowarfare and 26 years’ interest in vaccines and vaccine safety. It also helped that I could read scientific articles and was good at critiquing them, and also had a broad knowledge of medicine and moderate knowledge of holistic medicine.
Then I realized that, while there was SO much material that seemed critically important, I was being led (randomly it seemed) to what I needed to see. When I tried to be methodical about what I read, there were many fewer important nuggets appearing. When I silently asked the universe to lead me to whatever I needed to see, to do and to write about, things came to me.
There were certain important business-type things I needed to do, but I always find them unpleasant. Dispute a credit card charge. Wait on hold for hours to solve a computer problem. Etc.
I ask for guidance daily, and I report back to whatever is helping me that I am extremely grateful to be able to serve in this way. It has become a “gut” thing—I can tune into what my body tells me. All week my body didn’t want to do those business things. Instead, it told me to relax, to sleep, to read instead.
I was nervous about following these instructions, but the same message kept coming so I followed it. Two books I randomly picked up to read were TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: SOCIAL ENGINEERING THE MASSES by Daniel Estulin and LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy by Joseph P Farrell.
I went back and forth between them. But then last night both books were telling me the same thing. Both books were telling me about the ways of Masonic magic and the JFK assassination. And both authors (these are very knowledgeable authors who footnote almost everything, and I don’t think they have ever worked together) explained how the JFK assassination and its in-your-face coverup were used to create a cultural change in the USA: to stop people feeling that they had agency. To make us passive. To believe it was impossible to fix anything. That is why they put verbally-challenged Kamala up for President. That is why they make it obvious that our “leaders” are sock puppets who themselves have no actual power. That is why we must eat ze bugs. To accept our debasement as no better than animals. To engender feelings of hopelessness.
And then almost immediately after I read this in both books, someone I respect wrote to me and said “I no longer think we win” — and I realized those books had needed me to read them so I could understand how people have been deliberately shaped to be passive, for at least 60 years.
Estulin explained that television (and Hollywood) is the main culprit, which grabs the attention of so much of the planet for hours every day. The Masonic tricks, according to both authors, are also used to instill passivity and loss of hope.
The universe sent me a 2 thumbs up message this morning. My substack reached 40,000 subscribers for the first time. Then I did those business things and they went so smoothly and quickly and painlessly, it was amazing.
Let me know if you would like me to post some screenshots from the 2 books that I found compelling.
I love this post, Meryl. You are amazing. I’m so glad you make time to read and reflect using the excellent brain God gave you. You are doing God’s work. Thank you. Yes, please do post the pages for us to read. 🥰🙏🇺🇸
I just got back from a trip to California where I used to live visiting all my old friends who I love so much.
And we could not talk about politics at all! Or vaccines at all.
They did not want to have a discussion!
And when I just wanted to have a calm paragraph of words to say why do you think this way, can you help explain to me? They did not want to talk about it.
I love them, but there is such a huge mountain of cognitive dissonance of accepted passivity and HUGE fear… there’s a lot of “frozen energy”.
I went down Montana Avenue in Santa Monica and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills because those were the epicenters of creativity and lots of financial sales… and there were an extraordinary number of business closures, multiple business closures, empty stores shockingly in high numbers.
And, the clothes that were inside these places looked like Ann Taylor from 40 years ago.
The stores used to represent such artistic, creativity and unusual vision, and those edges of the Spectrum of the flow of art. It’s all bland now.
I just flew back to AUSTIN last night and I’m marinating on all this and then read your Substack today.
I write in Substack too.
I always follow your Substack and I listen to a lot of your podcasts.
One night I was having dinner at Dr. David Brownstein‘s (another huge fan of yours ) house and I took out one of your podcasts on the history of vaccines and his mother was there and his wife was there and we all listened to. It went to the end and then we went right back to the beginning and listened to it a second time.
Thank you so very much for all that you do, wish we could reach more of the corners of the Earth and have more intelligent exploratory respectful conversations.
Off to the gym to try and process all this! As am wont to do.
Sending you strength and support and shared sisterhood within the cacophony ❣️🎈