Oct. 25, 2022 Kennebunkport. American Legion Hall 6-8 pm, 102 Main St., Kennebunkport
October 28, 2022 Ellsworth. John Linnehan’s Constitution Hall 6-8 pm, in the former Ellsworth movie theater, High Street, Ellsworth. (next to Hannaford’s)
October 29, 2022. Tiptoe to Tyranny (online) a documentary about the effort by Big Pharma to get rid of vaccine exemptions in Canada in 2019. I am in the film and will be on a panel afterwards. 7 pm.
I would so enjoy driving to Maine to attend your talks! Unfortunately, Biden will not allow us unvaxxed Canadians to cross the border…
Wow ■ what a testimony to share at these meetings; no fear, no cowardice, keep the faith to the end.