How the narrative sausage on bird flu is made, starring MedPage Today
and a few reliable propagandists
Amy Maxmen was on the Fauci team since the start of the COVID pandemic, spreading narratives. Arthur Allen I first met 25 years ago, when he spread the narrative lies on anthrax vaccine. He then wrote a quite good book on vaccines. But now he is back to narrative. A waste of talent, but he always knew which side his bread was buttered on. MedPage Today is the National Enquirer of medical magazines, appropriately edited by my bete noir (the Liar in Chief during my case, to whom my Board paid $500/hr to say I am incompetent to practice medicine) Jeremy Faust. What good news do they have for us today?
Yikes, there is a shortage! Better run out and get my bird flu test, Batman! It might be a cold, but it might be…BIRD FLU!
Beware the narrative sausage reflux ... What if, those bird flu tests are actually not testing for H5N1 but the currently circulating covid strains ... That way they can hide the massive tsunami of deaths predicted by people like GVB and say "hey these people didn't die from the jabs, it's not covid, they tested positive for bird flu!". Nice camouflage. Then people get scared and line up for the bird flu jabs ... The wheel of depopulation. Can't put it past those criminals to do something that evil to escape judgement.
Apparently the bird flu has spread to pigs.....they seem to be mutating and growing wings....Fauci has patented an umbrella that he says will protect us in the unlikely, he is quick to assure us that those infected pigs will fly. These umbrellas are structural in nature and capable of protecting us against even a viral load....