At this point, I believe there are no more covert operations. The Cabal knows as well as we do that much has been exposed and more people are aware of the truth. So, they blatantly killed whistleblowers and others, not forgetting the millions they killed (will kill) with the death jabs, so taking out world leaders to send a message seems par for the course.

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Interesting info below that the entire day of weather data for the 20th, the day the Iranian President died, is missing from a well-know weather website:

Did Weather Wars Take Out the Iranian President?


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That’s two no votes met with violence

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Actually if you count the Czech offucial..it's 3.

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Thanks for the correction

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It’ll be interesting to see if any other “no’s” die. News stations are reporting foggy weather but I simply don’t believe any thing any msm reports. They’ve lost all credibility. #cencorshipmachine

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I do not believe in "coincidences" like this. My first thought when I heard of his death was it might have been a "Directed Energy Weapon" or possibly weather manipulation. Directed Energy Weapons are very focused lasers, microwaves. I wouldn't put anything past the U.S. or Israel.

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Evidence mount that DEW was responsible for both the high winds and fire at Lahaina. Seems certain parties intend to create a 2nd lucrative Waikiki.

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Israeli space laser

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Maybe they did what was done too Slovakian leader. He was also against the WHO enslavement treaty. Of course if so they will probably blame Israel. Even though it's because Iran rejected the WHO treaty. And the new thug taking over will vote I'm favor

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The conventional protocols of the Department of Dirty Tricks, correct? It's somewhat like their typical approach.

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It was a very foggy day. They crashed. (Unless it is otherwise discovered.) Not everything is a conspiracy. However, God may allow something to happen if it serves His purposes towards an end goal. Pray for families of those lost, they are grieving.

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They got WHOdered for sure.

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teaching rebellious world leaders not to oppose will of the plantation owners

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Ok so that’s two attempts to take down those that were against the WHO plandemic treaty. I just hate to believe this loss of life could represent a nefarious objective to kill off the objectors. At least one survived, Slovakian Prime Minister Fico, which just have been a surprise that he did survive 5 bikers.

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Whoops…meant to say 5 bullets. Fast fingers!

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Good point, important point, critical point, decisive point.

They move another piece on the chessboard.

As Ms. "Hillary" has said in the past: "the ends JUSTIFIES the means."

Somehow I could never square that one.

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This was posted about the Iranian interim president:


Summarized, someone who has to be knowledgeable re "satanic sect" running the West.

This also because Iran developed medication against the c19 bioweapon:


(Looks a lot better than the toxic crap, mandated to Westerners)

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This is very interesting. Thank vous for posting. I am impressed by the 100% herbal saliravir.

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My pleasure. Especially countries with ancient culture either developed new or applied existing solutions. For me it became part of the evidence that the WHO had zero interest in health.

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I will take a look at these links. There must be many people in every country who trust their own instincts and come up with their own ways of responding instead of following you know WHO diktats. May this continue.

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Indeed, there's a wealth of herbal medicines and it could have benefitted everyone. It would have given "caring for the environment" a meaning everyone would understand. But the ultra-greedy, addicted to accumulation of wealth, prevented that. Now, that gang already figured out how to enforce the WHO dictatorship we are trying to prevent: with a private army of mercenaries like Blackwater.

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Yes, I saw a little of that. There was an African country that used Sweet Annie aka artemisia annua to quell covid. They were generously manufacturing an extract of this when they were shut down early on. Has anyone done an overview of the worlds spontaneous place based cures and medicines during covid? It would make a great documentary.

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That African country was Madagascar. The president was proud to present the herbal medicine and how the satanic gang reacted is well known.


So this was ignored as well:


China too has a rich tradition of medicine:


India is well-known for Ayurveda. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344361695_A_Critical_Review_on_the_Antiviral_and_Immunomodulatory_activities_of_Important_Ayurvedic_Drugs

Hence the issue is "who prevented rapid application of existing, effective antivirals and caused so many deaths that could have been prevented?"

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It wouldn’t be hard to believe, but they were flying in mountainous terrain with lousy visibility, easy to conclude as an accident. While there are undoubtedly many that aren’t disappointed at the outcome, this being an accident at the hands of poor decision making is most likely. Anyone that has had any amount of flying experience I think would agree, too bold of a pilot.

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"Easy to write off"= "Hard to prove wrong-doing",

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Ironically, I think the Butcher of Tehran lost his life riding a Bell helicopter in bad weather in a mountainous terrain and underlings too scared to tell him it was a bad idea.

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NATO's Gladio is very, very busy.

About time to remove funding from NATO and let the Russians have them all...The City of London, Crown Corporation and the 'Committee of 300'; utterly wipe them out and divide the spoils among all the nations they've robbed for millennia.

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There’s been a tragedy.

Sympathy is always a good start.

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Ghoulishly reveling in anyone's death turns us into THEM, but here's a little backstory on this guy

1988 executions

Main articles: 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners and Trial of Hamid Nouri

Hussein-Ali Montazeri named Raisi as one of the four persons involved in the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners.[26] Other persons were Morteza Eshraghi (Prosecutor of Tehran), Hossein-Ali Nayeri (Judge) and Mostafa Pourmohammadi (MOI representative in Evin). Names of first two persons are mentioned in Khomeini's order. Pourmohammadi has denied his role but Raisi did not comment publicly on the matter.[27][28] Due to the involvement of this prosecution committee in thousands of executions, it has been informally called the 'death committee'.[29][30][31][32] His role earned Raisi the reputation of being a “hanging judge”[33][34] and the nickname 'butcher of Tehran.'[35][36][37]

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I wasn’t expecting tears, just decorum instead of crassness.

The use of “but” negates what came before.

While you’re vilifying the dead:

Tell me about the crimes of your “elected” leaders, past and present.

Tell me about the crimes of mine, e.g. Tony bLIAR.

Tell me which members of which governments have clean hands.

Then praise the man you vilified when it suits your purpose. Oh, he was great when he rejected the WHO.

Tell me whose hand is inside the WHO glove puppet if not the US? He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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