This is SO bogus a scam! In NO democratic country are our publicly salaried public servants elected/appointed as 'owners' of their people (slavery being illegal, as is all else regarding this criminal lunacy) and country (belonging equally to all citizens, as a Commons - not to only those in public office or the wealthiest bidder) and have no right to dispose of what is not personally and only theirs but belonging to others (theft and all else to do with this being illegal).
Within every democracy, by definition, we ALL have the right of self-rule of/by/for the people, among all other rights established in domestic and international law/agreements; none of this can be 'legally' dissolved by simple greed and power-grabbing backed by threats and brute force.
In this case, the perpetrators are all seemingly claiming to be able to betray their country and their people to abject slavery as experimental animals by a person or any group(s) by their merely signing/leaving to stand a privately made agreement - between two criminal groups - to dispossess and destroy the rest of their people and their country, something which clearly cannot be binding on the country or people under ANY excuse - including that of, simply because a government has been infiltrated by traitorous criminal fellow-citizens.
These thereby rendering themselves illegitimate in holding, in order to abuse, the power/function of any public office funded and supported by the people betrayed, such public office only funded by the public so that such public office can serve the interests of the public, within a government existing, in great part, to safe-guard (not betray!) the rights and sovereignty of these citizens and their country.
Criminals are subject to law; in any democracy, by definition, no-one can declare themselves 'above the law' - all are subject to rights-protective law, and abuses of human rights by public officials (or any others) can never be tolerated.
There are, and can be, NO excuses for human rights abuses - not even when 'only following orders'.
And it's long-overdue that we make this clear, that we, those citizens among the publics to whom each threatened country belongs, with our inherent and inalienable rights being known to ourselves, cannot be conned into accepting as legitimate this traitorous, furtive, privately-agreed 'on paper' Constitution/law-violating betrayal as anything binding against the people in any manner or into accepting any further abuses from those whom we publicly pay, in great part, to ensure that what they attempt to do against their people and country can never be done.
Watched.... and ppl we all need to coalesce around this issue .... forget a ‘ balloon’ and other distractions.....
This is SO bogus a scam! In NO democratic country are our publicly salaried public servants elected/appointed as 'owners' of their people (slavery being illegal, as is all else regarding this criminal lunacy) and country (belonging equally to all citizens, as a Commons - not to only those in public office or the wealthiest bidder) and have no right to dispose of what is not personally and only theirs but belonging to others (theft and all else to do with this being illegal).
Within every democracy, by definition, we ALL have the right of self-rule of/by/for the people, among all other rights established in domestic and international law/agreements; none of this can be 'legally' dissolved by simple greed and power-grabbing backed by threats and brute force.
In this case, the perpetrators are all seemingly claiming to be able to betray their country and their people to abject slavery as experimental animals by a person or any group(s) by their merely signing/leaving to stand a privately made agreement - between two criminal groups - to dispossess and destroy the rest of their people and their country, something which clearly cannot be binding on the country or people under ANY excuse - including that of, simply because a government has been infiltrated by traitorous criminal fellow-citizens.
These thereby rendering themselves illegitimate in holding, in order to abuse, the power/function of any public office funded and supported by the people betrayed, such public office only funded by the public so that such public office can serve the interests of the public, within a government existing, in great part, to safe-guard (not betray!) the rights and sovereignty of these citizens and their country.
Criminals are subject to law; in any democracy, by definition, no-one can declare themselves 'above the law' - all are subject to rights-protective law, and abuses of human rights by public officials (or any others) can never be tolerated.
There are, and can be, NO excuses for human rights abuses - not even when 'only following orders'.
And it's long-overdue that we make this clear, that we, those citizens among the publics to whom each threatened country belongs, with our inherent and inalienable rights being known to ourselves, cannot be conned into accepting as legitimate this traitorous, furtive, privately-agreed 'on paper' Constitution/law-violating betrayal as anything binding against the people in any manner or into accepting any further abuses from those whom we publicly pay, in great part, to ensure that what they attempt to do against their people and country can never be done.