No time for COVID complacency says W.H.O. today
When there is still money to be made on vaccines, tests and treatments.
IMHO the bivalent “new” boosters were designed as a publicity stunt to convince more people to get vaccinated and justify new mandates. Why is it so important to government officials and the WHO to inject us, and do it over and over again?
They are despondent that interest in the new vaccines, rolled out on September 1, has “stagnated.” Below is the press release, just out.
They will move to the next fear porn attempt… keep in mind that these genocidal maniacs want to keep the earth habitable for themselves. I don’t see anything too catastrophic being initiated. We need to keep exposing the truth. No action is too small.
LMAO...the global pandemic was an 110% farce. No mRNA gene therapy injection will protect you from anything or any virus...but it might protect you from living longer if you so desire. WHO is a medical terrorist organization of no use to anyone.