Oklahoma event: Seeking Justice and Accountability for the COVID Fiasco through State Action
January 14, 6 pm
from Sasha’s substack, organized by MicMeow, the nurse who was instrumental in getting Oklahoma’s law passed that denied jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF, and the Former Feds Group:
"But wait a minute, it seems that Kansas permits citizen initiated grand juries…
Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and OKLAHOMA.
No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states."
We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?
Accountability means making those personally responsible personally accountable. Compensation for mRNA-shot victims must not come from government coffers, or it merely transfers accountability from the responsible parties to the taxpayers. The people who made the decision to use fraud or force to get uninformed or unwilling people to take the shots must be the ones who pay the compensations to the victims. This probably includes some billionaires, but the financial compensation must come from the responsible parties' personal wealth, regardless of how much personal wealth there is. That necessarily limits the amount of compensation; going to the government for compensation applies no limits (and unjustly confiscates the wealth of innocent people) and would likely allow for even more corruption as the funds were "processed" in government agencies.