Our Congressional breakfast symposium was a huge success
Watch the entire 3 hour event. This is probably the first time a single event has linked various ways that global governance and control is being attempted
Epoch Times streamed the entire event, which can be watched below. This is something you need to share, discuss, and deeply understand.
They’re going to lose on pandemic control because it has been such a farce with Covid. You can’t go around killing people with vaccinations and expect people to say that’s fine. We are at your command. The big problem coming is that they’re going to pull the climate BS, as some type of hot mess were in that needs dictators to beat us down. If you don’t think the climate change is nonsense as an existential threat do some homework. It’s the next big push. There’s a lot of very gullible lemmings, produced by sorros ready to jump.
Kudos Dr. Nass, and everyone involved.