Paul Craig Roberts: The Incompetent Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine Just Had Its Dumbshit Ass Handed to It by the Destruction of one of its incompetent hired gun witnesses against Dr. Meryl Nass
... in a hearing the incompetent Board was forced to hold
February 2, 2023
The Incompetent Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine Just Had Its Dumbshit Ass Handed to It by the Destruction of one of its incompetent hired gun witnesses against Dr. Meryl Nass in a hearing the incompetent Board was forced to hold
Dr. Thomas Courtney was forced to retract his false charges against Dr. Nass. The same is the looming fate for the dumbshit Dr. Jeremy Samuel Faust.
How doctors brainwashed by Big Pharma disinformation such as Courtney and Faust are allowed to remain in practice is beyond me.
Just thinking out loud, but shouldn't Dr. Courtney be liable to a "counter-complaint" against HIS license for bearing false witness? Not meaning to be vindictive, but the only way this stops is to make people think twice before so cavalierly disparaging a fellow professional.
GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! big smiles here!!!!