Dr. Peter McCullough Warns of ‘One-World Government Coming Our Way’
“The next pandemic is not a matter of if but of when,” says veterinarian and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Klaus Schwab, the WEF, and the so-called global elites gathered for a 5-day annual meeting in Davos from January 15-19. One of the topics on their agenda that raised some eyeballs was “Preparing for Disease X…
a year ago · 27 likes · 9 comments · The Vigilant Fox
Sorry....can't get myself to refer to these self-absorbed, hyper-fixated control freaks as "elite." Since this is a family stack, I'll refrain from listing some rather obvious descriptors....most ending in "heads" or "holes."
I remembered this song last night in which Bruce Cockburn was singing about what was being done to the developing world. It is coming for the whole globe now.
And They Call It Democracy Bruce Cockburn