Readers asked for this information in the handouts
I don't think it works in handouts, but am including here for your advice
BMGF gives (launders) money to the WHO though so many different routes it is hard to convince the normies that it is all BMGF money.
I think billy gated is an ugly toad like muppet creature, but he seems to be the dude pulling the puppet strings.
I ve always felt queasy about the guy, I know not why. Well, I do, but mere words can't convey the multitudes of revulsion and sundry terror inflicted by those who claim to be doing it all ....for our own good, in their glamorous beneviolence
I think all the different funding categories in this WHO graphic are intentionally confusing. If you created your own, with one "Bill Gates' organizations" pie slice, another for Wellcome, and a third for national governments, that would tell the story.
I think the impact on the Constitution is essential for Americans. Please capitalize "Pandemic Treaty" and use lower case for "unconstitutional." Can you add "in the U.S." at the end? That would clarify...