I was so pumped up about the freedom rally in DC on January 23, I could not attend but donated, watched every minute, the people, I, desperately needed this rally to keep hope and sanity. I will never forget this event. The leaders that bravely spoke at this event will go down in history as heroes. Whether or not it is in their lifetime is not know. I have suggesed there are now many musicians that have joined the freedom movement and we need to organize a large, Woodstock, event to continue helping people understand what has happened and continues. How unbelievable would that be?
Does anyone take into account the overwhelming amount of Jesuit educated perps in this Scamdemic?
It's more like a medical inquisition.
I was so pumped up about the freedom rally in DC on January 23, I could not attend but donated, watched every minute, the people, I, desperately needed this rally to keep hope and sanity. I will never forget this event. The leaders that bravely spoke at this event will go down in history as heroes. Whether or not it is in their lifetime is not know. I have suggesed there are now many musicians that have joined the freedom movement and we need to organize a large, Woodstock, event to continue helping people understand what has happened and continues. How unbelievable would that be?