What is the Future of Food?
by James Corbett corbettreport.com January 15, 2022 If "you are what you eat," as the old adage has it, then what does that make us? As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have "solved" the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty o…
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2 years ago · 52 likes · The Corbett Report
I'm into year 3 of my journey towards self-sufficiency in the face of the Great Reset. I write about my experiences here:
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as a former hospital worker who can read Kochs postulates, Dr. Lanka papers on no isolation of virus/particle from snot. I never got sick cleaning up vomit/feces of very sick people with no masks, no gloves . Virus are Dead Cell Debris not contagious. Flu LIKE symptoms are the body detoxing pharma or other toxins. Med students nor any doctors are ever required to "isolate" a virus from a sick person in biology class and prove it makes a healthy person sick let alone with exact symptoms. has never happened and will never happen. No "infectious disease " doc ever got sick from any patient and before 2019 they NEVER wore masks in the presence of sick patients. Like SCURVY-once thought to be highly contagious was NOT. so called experts didnt figure it out.
www.Viroliegy.com www.VirusTruth.NET www.youcantcatchavirus.com