The Oversight Committee, Peter Daszak and HHS
an unsatisfying, bureaucratic conclusion for now
Here is what the Oversight Committee concluded in its May 1 report after investigating Peter Daszak:
And so the HHS quickly complied today, and got the Committee off its back and onto Peter Daszak’s, “debarring EcoHealth Alliance from grants.
"this suspension is a temporary action... The suspension is effective until the conclusion of debarment proceedings. It is important to note that suspension and debarment actions are not punitive. Accordingly, I will consider any information EHA provides in response to this Notice. Debarment is generally for a period not to exceed three years; however, regardless of whether EHA contests this action or responds to this Notice, I may impose debarment for a longer period or shorter period as the circumstances warrant."
Bureaucrats will be bureaucrats. Did Daszak get his comeuppance? Unclear. Did the public learn much new to solve the COVID riddle? Uh-uh.
Daszak, the bagman for this COVIDian death cult, was always going to be the first one to be thrown under the bus as per SPARS 2025-28. He is not the head of the snake.
Thank you for reporting on this and the WHO so tenaciously.