The Pandemic Preparedness Agenda, BioTech, Artificial Intelligence and Vaccines: Where the greedy go to find their pot of gold
Biosecurity is for Bandits
Where do the ambitious head these days?
When I was in college, they went into law or medicine. Scientists didn’t earn that much. Maybe they started a company, built a product, but then you needed investors. You couldn’t make a fortune with just your brain.
But today, you can. A few years after I went to school, people like Steve Jobs and Michael Dell figured out how to build and sell personal computers and make a fortune. Then the software industry exploded, once the hardware was available.
You can make good software with just your brain. Software, and now “AI” is where the money is. A relative left a good academic job to earn much more working on AI for Google. He has a number of wealthy friends who began their own software companies. You cannot imagine how much venture capital is floating around, ready to buy up shares in one startup dream after another.
You can design medical products in a preclinical, unregulated environment, and while clinical trials are terribly expensive, you can sell your product and let another company deal with the trials and the regulations. If the government is buying, you may be able to charge anything you like. And once the EUA pathway was created 20 years ago, the government became happy to buy barely tested products. It saved them so much money! (Ugh)
Get people frightened of anthrax, and then sell your crummy, unproven vaccine to the government at a 300% markup, and then they have to replace the product every 2, 3 or 4 years as it expires, whether it was used or not. What a great business model!
Design a drug, or a vaccine or a virus. You can do the whole thing on a computer. Even when you have to test the product, if you can sell it at a high price, you can still make out like a bandit. Look at the price for the vaccines below.
Merck’s pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13, the company claimed, yielded a 40% profit. You needed to revaccinate your children because it had 6 more antigens than the Prevnar 7. Other companies noticed the dollar signs when you use this model, and so Vaxneuvance created a pneumococcal vaccines with 15 antigens, while Merck decided to do the same maneuver with a Prevnar 20 vaccine, hoping parents and the elderly will get revaccinated yet again, to benefit from yet more antigens.
Look at the cost of each dose! The private sector cost to provide the 4 recommended shots is about $1,000 per child.
Merck also created a 21 antigen vaccine which it is marketing only to adults. Remember, if CDC recommends a vaccine for children or in pregnancy, the manufacturer gets a huge bonus: a liability waiver. This is why vaccines are such a great business model, and it probably accounts for why so many shots are now being recommended for children and pregnant women.
Biodefense products besides anthrax vaccine can also make a killing for their developers. They include PCR tests, rapid antigen tests, drugs, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies. The US government spent about $2 billion to develop one smallpox/monkeypox vaccine, and then develop it in both liquid and freeze-dried forms. It has probably spent a billion developing bird flu vaccines, yet it is unlikely any of them work for current strains. And anyway, the current strains are so mild, why would you use a vaccine to protect against them in humans?
You get the picture. The biosecurity agenda provides the means by which friends of politicians and hundreds or thousands of others can strike it rich.
Furthermore, the biosecurity agenda was also positioned to proliferate bioweapons and make it easy for leaks and releases to happen, with no ability to determine exactly where the newest pandemic came from—because next time, every nation and pharma company will have their personal stash of the same “potential pandemic pathogens,” for which they are busy trying to develop countermeasures. And a pandemic every so often could be part of the business plan.
Now to Dr. David Bell’s strange paeans to an improved WHO
David was a friend and colleague and we worked together on fighting the WHO’s pandemic preparedness agenda during the past two years. I also worked with many other people, but I especially liked Ozzie David’s keen intelligence and easygoing nature. Yet after dealing the WHO a body blow, David suddenly, without mentioning anything to me, got a few of his mates together, joined up with Nigel Farage, and started writing about what we will lose if we exit the WHO. What? He could not come up with any more ideas than WHO apologist and global health lawyer Lawrence O. Gostin. Because we really don’t benefit from our WHO relationship in any meaningful way, and the developing world only benefits a little, compared to the money poured into the WHO’s coffers.
If the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments were adopted as initially drafted, the WHO would cost at least TEN TIMES more to run than it does now, according to several independent estimates. And the developing world’s public health programs would likely suffer from the redirection of resources. All of which David Bell has documented.
Here is the conclusion of David’s latest essay about this issue:
The enthusiasm for the WHO withdrawal seems widely to have forgotten two things:
The pandemic agenda and the Covid-19 response that exemplified it is not primarily a WHO program. (WHO said essentially the opposite in 2019).
The actual pandemic industrial complex of surveil-lockdown-mass vaccinate is already essentially in place and does not need the WHO for it to continue.
The WHO Bio-Hub in Germany is largely a German government and Pharma agency with a WHO stamp. The World Bank pandemic fund is the main funding current source for pandemic surveillance, the 100-day vaccine program (CEPI) is directly funded by hapless taxpayers, and the Medical Countermeasures Platform is a partnership with countries, Pharma, the G20, and others. These would probably continue irrespective of the WHO’s existence. The pandemic industrial complex made hundreds of billions of dollars through Covid-19 and has the capacity and incentive to continue.
The complexity of all this is being addressed on social media by statements such as “The WHO is rotten to the core,” “The WHO is unreformable,” or even “Pure evil” – all unhelpful labels for a complex organization of 8,000 staff, 6 fairly independent Regional offices, and dozens of country offices. The WHO’s work on reducing the distribution of counterfeit drugs saves perhaps hundreds of thousands of people each year, and these people matter. Its standards for tuberculosis and malaria management are followed globally, including by the US. In several countries, its technical expertise saves many lives – people who can be abandoned to cliches or taken seriously.
The organization desperately needs reform, as President Trump notes. Its current leadership, having spent the last few years blatantly misleading and lying to countries about Covid-19 and pandemic risk, seems an unlikely candidate to help. They have played the tune of private interests over the needs of the world’s people. However, the WHO’s structure makes it the only major international health institution that countries alone can actually force to reform. It simply needs sufficient Member States of the WHA to force exclusion of private interests, and to force the WHO back to diseases and programs that actually have a significant bearing on human well-being.
Should such reform prove impossible, then the coalition of countries built around the reform agenda can replace it. The massive bureaucracy that global health has become needs to be seen through the same lens as that in the US. The fantasy built around pandemic risk is not substantively different from many on the domestic agenda that the Trump administration is now targeting. It is similarly erosive of human rights, freedom, and human flourishing. Addressing this is an opportunity we would be foolish to miss.
Dr. Bell may have missed RFK, Jr's book THE WUHAN COVER-UP, which reveals RFK’s deep knowledge of the global pandemic agenda. He may also have missed the Trump administration's plan to redo or get rid of USAID, which has served as a slush fund for covert operations for the CIA and other entities, costs $40 Billion/year and dribbles out some aide.
The USA gets nothing of substance from the WHO, which I would characterize currently as primarily a jobs program and a public relations firm, lacking expertise in international health and preferring not to get its hands dirty, contracting out the on-the-ground, hard work, such as helping to contain an Ebola epidemic.
Members of Congress are coming to understand the global biosecurity agenda; David Bell helped me educate them at one event we sponsored.
David's calls to reform or replace the organization fail to grasp the huge importance of the US saying no to the international pandemic cartel, as fronted by the WHO. The reason the Pandemic Treaty can't be completed, and the reason most of the IHR amendments were trashed, is because we put on such a powerful demonstration of US rejection of the pandemic plan: US Senators (49), Governors (26), Attorneys-General (22) rejected the WHO plan, and 2 states passed laws (LA and OK) denying any power to the WHO, rejecting its pandemic preparedness plan.
This massive rejection of the WHO and its biosecurity/"pandemic preparedness and response" agenda, which I helped bring about, was crucial in waking people up regarding the threat we face from globalist elites and their goal to centralize planetary control.
The efforts of the WHO to grab sovereignty over public health, and its rejection, revealed to the world that efforts are afoot to use the UN’s multinational organizations to centralize and cement power over nearly 200 independent nations.
While the fight to defeat this agenda continues, we must not give up our major victory. David is right that globalism and the impetus for easy riches will continue, but if we get a Cabinet in place that understands all this, it can be defeated. We have to keep moving forward. And we will.
Bio security is a government funded racket. Just like climate change.
RIP Francis Boyle🥲