The US Government paid the College of Ob-Gyns over $11 million to force COVID vaccines on unsuspecting pregnant women
What do you call such a heinous crime? How can the conspirators be brought to justice?
Hat tip to Maggie and Jim Thorp for uncovering this.
The US government knew by February 2021 at the latest about the disaster the shot was, especially when used during pregnancy. But it carried on nonetheless. As did its ‘bought’ handmaiden (the ACOG) and so many other ‘bought’ organizations.
Please help crowdsource the investigation into the thousands of other entities that were paid off by the US government to overwhelm us with all kinds of pressure to induce us to be vaccinated with dangerous experimental products. These quid pro quos must be uncovered. This was wanton criminality. Thanks.
You know, Meryl - I'm out of "Outrage". I just don't have any more left in me, and it's not a productive emotion anyway. I suspect I'm not alone. Would love guidance as to how to channel whatever it is that is left, so that one can focus one's potency into a productive response.
That is evil