To meet the WHO's International Health Regulations metrics would cost between $100 and $200 BILLION DOLLARS
This is according to cost estimates by the W.H.O. and McKInsey. Who's buying? Who's paying W.H.O.?
Hey, remember Tom Frieden, MD? Former NYC Health Commissioner and former CDC Director under Obama? His two current gigs (after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor for sexual something or other) include working for the Council on Foreign Relations and directing an organization called Resolve to Save Lives.
Tom Frieden’s Resolve put out a booklet to prove that we REALLY, TRULY do need pandemic preparedness. I guess at this point Frieden does what he is told, and pandemic planning needed a booster.
And pandemic preparedness is totally cost effective, didn’t you know, since it might save $trillions? Both the WHO and McKinsey analyzed the costs of ‘capacity building’ to meet the International Health Regulation indicators. And they concluded that it would only cost between $102 and $196 Billion dollars, give or take, over 5 years, to get everyone up to speed on the increased surveillance, vaccine passports, stripped human rights and other measures required of member nations by the International Health Regulations (IHRs), in consideration by the World Health Assembly, the 194 nations that make up the World Health Organization (WHO). Here is the cost analysis:
Prepare to hear an earful about our dire need for the Pandemic Preparedness Fantasy as we head toward the May 2023 meeting of the World Health Assembly, where it will be discussed and the new IHRs could be voted in. The Globalists are offering a great big carrot to the developing nations if they go along. It will come from your pocket.
Any excuse for major spending is a chance to further collapse the existing financial system. They will jump on it.
Is it possible that they make such extra ambitious plans in order to distract everyone from the obvious fact that defunding would be appropriate? Same logic as in either wet market or lab leak, to distract from the third possibility