What have the 1)Green Revolution, 2)Capitalism and then 3)Globalism done to our FOOD and to us? My 32 slide deck
I posted the pdf’s here: https://pdfhost.io/v/i6opJ9y6I_Final_Waltham_101924
Sorry, my computer is playing games with me wrt cut and paste. The URL above is now correct.
I love the presentation, other than the reference to "capitalism" being a causal factor.
Having been a farmer, raising all types of animals and poultry for food, under an organic, biodynamic, AND grass-fed approach, over the past several decades, I can tell you, with great authority, that the problem has nothing to do with "maximizing shareholder value" and everything to do with the Departments of Agriculture and the agricultural "colleges" pushing farmers to "get big or get out" and insisting that the ONLY way to raise food, profitably, is via the CAFO approach that you, so correctly, condemn within your presentation.
The government, and their accomplices, the Ag schools, have been killing off the small farmers and the local farming communities, for decades. Their goal has been a large, corporate Ag industry that they can easily -- and completely -- control via a Central Command setup. I could write books about this topic, having experienced it, firsthand, but, for here, I will just request that people stop blaming capitalism for something that is, in fact, communism (think centralized Soviet farms).
Capitalism gets blamed because the government has created a corporatist approach to farming that would not exist under true capitalism. The greatest farming efficiencies actually occur at the 50-acre to 100-acre farm size, NOT 10,000-acre farm size. Why else would the most profitable farms be those --HORRORS! -- still farmed with horses????? A small farm of less than 100 acres, usually, but not always, Amish-farmed, is, almost always, more profitable than the 10,000-acre grain-only corporate farms, or the 5,000-head robotically-milked cow dairies, also "corporate" owned and operated.
The real problem is that the U.S. has NOT been a capitalist country in decades. We worship at the altar of corporatism -- not capitalism. We are so far off from a true capitalism that the Millennials and younger are almost "born socialists" because people push the idea that capitalists are, and capitalism is, at fault for things that no longer have anything to do with capitalism.
Please be very careful with placing the blame where the blame belongs. Other than that thought, the presentation is fantastic. Please keep up the excellent work!
You are a very dedicated hard worker your efforts are educational and useful. Thank you.