Why would your nation give away its sovereignty over health and information to a corrupt organization run by a bald-faced liar?
They had to hide the sovereignty grab because if citizens knew what this was about, they and their Constitutions would never allow it.
The full links to the two articles are below my tweet.
WHY would you give enormous power over the worldwide pandemic response to WHO’s Prevaricator-General?
The WHO was a “cheap date” for the globalists, with a budget of under $4 Billion/year.
It didn’t take much to buy it.
The globalists had already taken control of most Western governments.
Do they control your government yet?
How many nations will bow to the WHO and acquiesce as it slips a legal noose around their citizens’ necks at the end of May?
Can anyone name ONE piece of Covid guidance provided by the WHO that was worthwhile and benefitted anyone?
If someone made a list of all the pronouncements of WHO experts that were later proven to be false or dubious and then compared this list to all the pronouncements the same experts made that turned out to be true beyond a reasonable doubt, which list would be longer?
Basically, WHO supporters are saying we should give give far more power to a group of unelected bureaucrats who were WRONG about just about everything Covid-related.
Normally, one would think such a proposal wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being ratified.
But our "New Normal" tells us these amendments will very possibly be ratified.
The problem is most citizens of the world are dumb @sses. They have no clue what is going on in their government and the situation seems to be worse the more "civilized' the nation is. They have more important things to worry about. Like are they a male or female?