At this point in time, it's impossible that public health officials, school officials, GP doctors and so on haven't been made aware of the enormously high incidence of harmful and lethal effects on teenagers and young adults from these toxins. Yet they continue pushing these into those age groups who don't need them. Any doctor or official still pushing these deadly products is complicit in criminal activity - whether "legally" criminal or not. It's incredible how large a percentage of professionals are willing to cause harm or death just because they're ordered to do so, or because they might lose their jobs if they don't, or because they might get attacked socially.

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I have a Dr friend who reads much of the articles myself and another send.

Pretty much refuses to acknowledge this.

Says it’s drug overdoses, any thing but the vaxes.

Maybe because early on, she and her husband both bought the lie.

Hard to admit to oneself?

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It's incredible that so many doctors have their head in the sand. It's mostly out of fear. Doctors are threatened with loss of jobs and/or medical licenses if their dare speak the truth about these toxins. And the majority of doctors give in to their fear instead of saving lives.

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Yes. I agree.

The difference.

These two are retired 😜😜

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You are not alone My husband Dr is the same & they are recommending boosters + flu shots.

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If charges could be brought against them…..

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I saw a college student (family friend) over Christmas break. I asked her if she had been boosted. She said yes. I asked her to please not get another shot (she’s had 4). She was a bit taken aback and I referenced some of the research that has come out and offered to share more. She later contacted me and asked for the info. She told me she got the booster because they offered it on campus and she really did not give any thought to it nor did she consult with her parents. It makes me angry that big pharma and the cabal are literally banking on the naïveté of these young adults.

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"Yet they continue pushing these into those age groups who don't need them." There is no age group that needs them. They increase the death rate for all age ranges, especially for people who are able to get access to re-purposed drugs like Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and those who are able to keep their vitamin D levels above 60 ng/L.

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In Maine, for most (if not all college institutions) the vax is still mandated. I don’t get it. It does not stop transmission. This age group does not need it. Let them get herd immunity going.

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Maine is where Dr. Meryl Nass practiced. The medical board there suspended her license and she is fighting them.

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I am aware. I live in Maine and fought to get exemptions for my daughters (one would have been required to get the shot to attend the state university this fall). My mother died due to the vaccine causing an autoimmune reaction....sudden onset of myasthenia gravis/myasthenia crisis at the age of 82.

I presented a “brief” of research and medical records to my daughters’ pediatrician in Central Maine and they were given an exemption.

That being said, our state has essentially been bought and paid for by Gates and his proxies in not only healthcare, but also education. And energy is suspect. Maine is a cheap date and the politicians have prostituted our interests and needs to the predatory philanthropists. Current governor put in place prior to the pandemic a CDC director that was a Soros fellow. And appointed a DHHS director that comes with connections to the CAP and other entities and individuals pushing the far left progressive agenda. Sadly, the population at large is unaware that they are quite frankly being “played” and manipulated for a far bigger agenda.

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Condolences re your mother.

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Agree! I'd add that schools and universities are paid to push the vax by our government. Likewise the NFL is a member of the COVID-19 Community Corps—a Biden Administration & HHS program for transferring money to participating organizations in exchange for promoting COVID-19 vaccination among their members. Individuals and institutions who make massive, highly publicized commitments to pushing these high-risk, unnecessary and fatal jabs are paid as well.

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Clearly, there is an ongoing attempt to trick everyone into self-euthanasia.

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As Tonto said to the Lone Ranger when they were surrounded by savage Indians, in response to the latter's question “What are we going to do, Tonto?”—“What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?” Well, what do you mean we? I like certain columns of Alex Berenson, like this one, but the correct account is given by C.J. Hopkins about both Berenson and Musk: The Mother of All Limited Hangouts https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-limited-hangouts?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=298057&post_id=96058076&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

As for the we of it, I also recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERvURcpg3JE&ab_channel=Redacted BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris

https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ftbShzrkjl9/ Intent to Harm - Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel

https://expose-news.com/2023/01/08/us-dod-controlled-covid-vaccine-from-start/?cmid=76a6cbc1-922a-4b13-a879-871c1ffda045 US Department of Defense controlled the Covid Vaccine Programme from the start

I am no longer puzzled by Pfizer’s defense some months ago in a lawsuit alleging fraud that they were immune because they operated under an OTA (Other Type Authority) contract that exempted them from liability even when lying and committing fraud and killing people [sotto voce: because it ain’t a vaccine, it’s a military countermeasure.] Don’t miss the screenshot towards the end of “Intent to Harm” from the CDC website that describes the vaccines as weapons and states that they remain the sole and exclusive property—not the property of Big Pharma that makes them or the hospitals that give them—of the USG until the moment of injection. That's the power of We the People.

Jan 12, 2023. The screenshot appears at 1:16:25. The heading equating the Vaccine with Weaponry may be the filmmaker's addition. The url to the CDC may be stale and I for one often cannot find CDC pages that I have previously saved, but only some revised Orwellian update. In this case the update is faithful to the original with the correct conclusion by the author that Vaccine = Weapon and follows below. Note that everyone in the USA from Richard Fleming to Ryan Cole who has taken possession of and analyzed one of these vaccine vials is now a hard-core self-confessed federal felon. Once again, that's the power of We the People:

https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/provider-enrollment.html "*At this time, all COVID-19 vaccine in the United States has been purchased by the U.S. government (USG) for administration exclusively by providers enrolled in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program and remains U.S. government property until administered to the recipient. Only healthcare professionals enrolled through a health practice or organization as vaccination providers in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program (and authorized entities engaged in shipment for the Program) are authorized to lawfully possess, distribute, deliver, administer, receive shipments of, or use USG-purchased COVID-19 vaccine. Other possession, distribution, delivery, administration, shipment receipt, or use of COVID-19 vaccine outside the parameters of the Program constitutes, at a minimum, theft under 18 U.S.C. § 641, and violation of other federal civil and criminal laws. Violators are subject to prosecution to the full extent of the law."

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wow, i can't believe someone other than me sees the two dimensional cut-out for the fascist oligarchs for what he really is... a limited hang out just like Jullian assange and ed snowjob...

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And the swine Flu shots were halted after, what, 67 deaths? This is criminal.

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A 17-year-old male at Western Brown High School in Cincinnati died of cardiac arrest on Monday. This is happening way too often to call it rare.

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Poisoning children at the $peed of The$cience

Cull op in progress

Please step aside /s

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The "vaccine" is the man-made lethal assault weapon of choice of the Globalists Power Elite.

The 3 E's of sustainable development of two decades ago

Economy Equity Environment

has morphed into today


Environmental Social Governance

Same dirge, second dark verse


Eugenics Eviction Enslavement

One World Death and Slavery System for All

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When the parents wake up to this tragedy all hell will break loose.

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I’ve almost given up that this will happen. It’s clear now. The brainwashing is strong.

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That's pretty sad because I know personally I would kill for my child.

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I think it's perhaps the saddest thing that I have ever seen.

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Prediction of resource depletion from back in the seventies. They/them thinks that if there is going to be a die-off anyway, why let the subhumans blow through the rest of the stuff.

In the sixties, they were saying we need to either decrease the birth rate or increase the death rate. Bingo.

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Why are we continuing to inject mRNA poisons (they are not vaccines) into people? So big pharma can keep their tyrannical and highly profitable medical mafia going full steam. Do you have any other reason?

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Clotshots are bad! Breaking News!


Um, didn't we all know a year ago that these shots were poison?

Hey! I have an idea!!

Why don't we all just sit around and point at our TV and shout "DIED SUDDENLY!" one some teen athlete or news anger drops dead on camera!? We could keep all kinds of stats, type of shot, number of dead per day or per team or per game. We could even have side wagers!

Or... wait.... Hey I have another idea!

Why don't we stop the shots by addressing the ROOT CAUSES, beginning with the FAKE VIRUS narrative?

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There's no other conclusion than 'they' want us dead or maimed. I can't even imagine finally realizing the injections are causing all of this if I had insisted my children, family, friends, co-workers, and employees getting this 'countermeasure'. Not sure I could live with the guilt and grief.

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Betting this is not reported by msm.

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Pharmaceutical costumers for life! It’s a brilliant business model. And very sad for our populations.

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Thank you for exposing this.

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So we know 1:5 boys are affected with heart issues large enough to show in a EKG. Do we have any idea why it's not more? Could more have latent issues that just haven't arrived yet? Are many adult non-athlete hearts at risk? One wonders at how little attention is given to such a large effect in our nation. Apparently Taiwan cared enough to actually test these kids, near 5000. Could we not use https://www.heartcarecorp.com/ where https://emergencymcg.com/ says each test costs ~ $300 with minimal training required?

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