Thanks SR!

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These work. Thanks!

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''The Origins of SARS-COV2 'Fauci', 'Wuhan', 'EcoHealth' & More''

September 18, 2022

''Renz Law in collaboration with Make Americans Free Again have put together a report presentation documenting '133 Citations', Declaration of an employee of EcoHealth under penalty of perjury, months of research and consulting with experts. Below you find a copy of the presentation and the full report.''


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"BREAKING: U.S. Senators finally receive critical Evidence to indict Fauci, Intelligence Agencies involved – Bombshell Renz & MAFA Report"


"BREAKING: President Biden Has Just Declared That the Covid-19 Pandemic is ‘Over’"


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Interesting & FYI...

If I click on the links from my gmail account it takes me to blogger.com - as if they writers had a null website. If I copy/paste the links into a BRAVE browser they come right up.

Thank you for sharing, Meryl!

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Thanks much. These links worked for me on Firefox and Brave. Wondering why people are still having trouble. (I did link them incorrectly at first)

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Similar problems. I’ll try the brave route!

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Still won’t work for me.

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Can’t get to it.

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"Denmark Will No Longer Offer Covid-19 Vaccinations For People Under The Age Of 50"!


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"Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects"!

A peer-reviewed study in Italy found that 94% of people who experienced side effects after receiving mRNA vaccines had abnormal blood and contained foreign matter one month after vaccination, Epoch Times reported.


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1.) Mary Holland: “We are winning. Why? Because Morals, Science, the Law and the Nuremberg Code are on our side!” (video+transcript) Nuremberg, August 20, 2022!


2.) 'Time to support Vera Sharav… The Unthinkable at Nuremberg – Again!'


3.) WATCH Renate Holzeisen with "Reiner Fuellmich" – Legal success in Italy: Emergency appeal granted, "injections classified as experimental"!


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Dr. Paul Thomas Vaccinated Children Vs UnVaccinated Children!

Vaccinated Children have more Behavioral Problems!


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Great interviews!

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The Promises of Speeding Up: Changes in Requirements for Animal Studies and Alternatives during Covid-19 Vaccine Approval

July 17, 2022


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🧡Thank You Meryl! For all of the devotion and dedication you reflect in your work, for a 🙏 humane humanity. I see your writings quoted in many… other authors articles, 🤓Good On You! - Meryl, I know you have stated debate is over for you on your position of weather there Is… a Covid-19 virus, or Not. — I found Dr. David Martin’s comments on isolation of a virus, just after the 30 min. mark, an interesting perspective. - Interview: “DR. DAVID MARTIN - COVID VACCINE MRNA CODE IS A BIOWEAPON DEVELOPED VIA A DIGITAL SIMULATION” https://www.bitchute.com/video/sH0NhT8liCH8/

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She is a Great American!

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Great interviews. Thank you for answering the $64 billion dollar question as to why almost every doctor went along with the treatment protocol for covid-19.

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Thanks Meryl. You're a treasure.

Comments: sounds like a couple of people need to wait a day before they post. Perhaps their wives will come home and remind them to put themselves in other people's shoes.

Or else you (Meryl) are being SO effective they've had to move trolls in. In which case WELL DONE!

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Dr. Nass, thank you for your tireless work for humanity. Jessica rose shared this film today. All is made clear. https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/watch-this-movie-today-and-please?r=tx4py&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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AOL mail also redirects to dead end but cut / paste in Firefox gets to the intv'w. Listening now, Dr. Nass is always great and her remarks are very informative.

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Her remarks on HCQ suppression certainly corroborate my personal experience prescribing this treatment in NY back in 2020 and onward.

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"after six months you have negative efficacy...that's not even counting the side effects". Plus it was not tested on humans. Scary.

"Who is pulling the strings and why?". Indeed.

Thank you for tracking and reporting this.

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They never had a clue. The AstraZeneca website admitted as much. Sadly I don’t seem to be able to post the photo excerpt here.

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But don't worry, because

WEF: ‘Global Elite’ Will Escape Mass-Extinction Event Courtesy Of ‘Technological Noah’s Ark’


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They’re both on a re-direct.

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