Krystal Ball and Saager Enjeti interview RFKJr. for 49 minutes on Breaking points. Thanks Christine.  

Krystal exhibits stress at the outset, seeking to distance herself from Kennedy's positions on vaccine harms, makes that point, then holds those questions for late in the interview, when she again exhibits stress and is unable to accept Kennedy's answers to her questions. Being in this position is clearly stressful for her, because she is unable to debate the merits of the medical arguments with him. She says he has no studies, then will not hear his citations of specific studies. (I know his position to be correct, myself, having followed all the information I could find closely from December 2019, and treated many patients with various antiviral combinations, including myself, and paying attention to the treatment-responses.)

She does recurrently return to the question of "how will you deal with people who believe as I do?"   This is Kennedy's everyday life, of course. He seems kind and respectful of her internal struggle. She has committed her own children to vaccinations, which she states as a matter of faith and endorsement. She will not hear evidence of harms, rejecting it in her initial question-formulation.

When asked how he would deal with a pandemic, he answered that seeing what known drugs could help, and what was working for practicing physicians would be the traditional approach and his first choice of approach. It is certainly what I and many other physicians did do.  

Kennedy supports wind and solar installations, but not nuclear energy, due to long term and demonstrable risks of catastrophe, and very high costs per kWhr.

He says "show me a polluter and I will show you a subsidy". He advocates bringing externalized costs back to the profit centers, such as the mercury contamination of fish and sterilization of lakes to the cost of burning coal.

He points out the need to safely store nuclear waste for 30,000 years, Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc.

No insurer will insure a nuclear power plant.

He states that he does believe in anthropogenic climate change, and that Exxon company scientists in the 1970s quietly laid it out to company officials as a benefit, since warming the north pole would make arctic oil accessible to drilling. Climate change has been suborned to totalitarian ends, which ends and means he will always oppose.

He says that he feels "every abortion is a tragedy" and that he continues to "absolutely support bodily autonomy and privacy of all medical decisions", specifically including abortion. 

When asked if he would support the Democratic candidate, he said that he intended to be that candidate, but could not support any candidate who was supporting a war, quoting JFK's statement that "the main job of a president is to keep the country out of war".

When asked if he would run third party, he said he "had no plan-B". When asked if he would support (anti-war) Donald Trump, he said that he thought they "were probably too far apart for that to ever happen", but did not strictly say "no".  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjqDoPD7AXM

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Yes and he completely ignores the 20X material inputs of solar & wind, far higher radioisotope emissions (but that ends up in China so he doesn't care), toxic waste, coal powered Solar & Wind factories (again in China so he doesn't care). The fact that the mining for wind & solar would far exceed the entire World's present capacity, the enviro-destruction would be unfathomable.

He touts the insurance risk for nuclear but completely ignores the far, far higher risk of other protected industries like aircraft, weapons, CCS, Oil & Gas wars, rail accidents, wind/solar mining etc. The fact that Deaths/TWh of nuclear is the lowest of any energy supply, including Wind & Solar, mostly by a vast margin. And get real, commercial NPPs can't explode. He doesn't have a clue. Chernobyl was an illegal military reactor without containment and a positive void coefficient of reactivity. It isn't relevant. The ever present double standard when discussing Nuclear Energy.

And he cherry picks Nuclear costs, using the worst case scenario. Instead of say the recent 5.6GWe just finished in 8yrs in the UAE, starting from scratch, @ $4.4B/GWe. Wind & solar cannot compete with that, not even close.

And touts the Tritium storage at Fukushima which is just blatant nonsense. Tritiated Water is a weak beta emitter, far weaker radiation source than the K-40 in your own body. And is a trivial, minuscule addition to the tritium naturally present in seawater. If you applied his standards there would be ZERO energy production, especially including Wind & Solar. And 8 billion people would die. That puts his Energy opinions in the Genocide category.

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It does use fossil fuels to make solar collectors, but they are not so toxic, not like mining rare earth minerals. The batteries are a problem, but we just won't be able to have all the electricity we want day and night in the future.

There are political moves to transfer a lot of solar-collector manufacturing to the US, particularly the new generation of much higher efficiency 3 & 4 layer panels, which can be almost twice as efficient as 2 layer paels, and have been used in space for decades.

To say that everything is hopeless absolves you from responsibility.

Nobody will force that on you, but Bobby Jr. is accepting his responsibility to Americans, to humanity and to life fully.

I greatly appreciate that and will help him in this work, however I can.

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RFK Jr is a man of high integrity and intellect - and his persona is not simply a facade. Of the many interviews with Kennedy I have seen, his stoic handling of the interview process speaks volumes of the Man.

Thank you for sharing.

Interesting that behind Kennedy we see the book HATE INC. - which is summarized as " an insider's guide to the variety of ways today's mainstream media tells us lies. Part tirade, part confessional, it reveals that what most people think of as "the news" is, in fact, a twisted wing of the entertainment business. "

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They are solar panels not solar collectors( that's CSP). And they are certainly far more toxic than nuclear and do use substantial rare earth minerals. And without electricity 24/7 our economy, most especially solar & wind production facilities will grind to a halt. It just ain't that easy to produce all the goods our society requires, with sufficient surpluses to keep the whole infrastructure operating, which includes health care, education, military, legal system, transportation system, arts & culture. You are talking a bare bones subsistence economy which would inevitably fail. And 2X efficient solar is a pipe dream. These big efficiency increases have not occurred. There has been very slow progress which is minor. The major problems are intermittency, seasonality and geographical limitations. They are pretty much useless in Northern areas.

And you know 20X the material is not something you can laugh off. We are not talking pizza here. We are talking the life blood of every economy. Energy is a the major & essential part of any economy. When you say 20X you might as well say a millionX because either one is impossible to do. 20X will collapse the economy. Read this:


I'm not saying it is hopeless, I'm saying the opposite. But that doesn't mean believing in ridiculous fantasies, as wind & solar are. Nuclear energy is the only viable substitute for fossil. And the only energy source that can supply the needs of the current West AND the future demands of Developing Nations = 5X current primary energy supply. And even just fission can supply that level of energy for at least 10 million years. Essentially forever.

Bobby is NOT taking responsibility. He is advocating genocide on a scale never before seen. He quibbles about minor things like low level radiation (which kills nobody), while sentencing billions to their deaths due to energy poverty. Even Michael Moore figured that out:

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs:


And so has Oliver Stone. Maybe RFKjr should talk to him, and learn the truth about energy. Reality can be a hard slap on the head.

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Solar Photovoltaic Cells, sorry to have written "colllectors".

The ones that are about to be available have been restricted from terrestrial use by patents. They work as described. They are a higher technology. I'm not saying that our industrial civilization can continue as we have known it thus far. We discovered a huge fossil-fuel energy inheritance and we started spending it. Any other species would do the same.

Facing reality is not genocide. It's very different.

Our lives will be very different with much less energy available to us. The financial system, as structured, collapses without growth. That is wel underway.

War is the traditional method to deal with huge changes. People are forced to comply.

We need to face this honestly and constructively this tiime.

Surplus Energy Economics, Dr. Tim Morgan has a good handle on this.


What did our families live like 100 -150 years ago? We can live somewhat better on the same energy budget, but it is a one time opportunity. I am trying to find a path there, but it will look a lot more like subsistence farming on a small scale There is a place for small gas-powered farm tools, like the 2 wheeled tractors they use in Asia.

A horse or a draft-ox took 10 acres to feed by grazing in Lavaca County, Texas in 1905. That is a lot of land for an ox or a horse. There are all of these kinds of realities to live with going forward, not just for India.

We can all live meaningful lives. A library and a garden was "everything" in the ancient world. Weather that won't usually kill you helps, too.

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No your solar cells are nonsense. They can make higher efficiency cells at a much higher cost so they just aren't cost effective, that's why they aren't used. It doesn't matter anyway, even if solar cells were free, they would still be incapable of powering our civilization. Intermittency, unreliability, seasonality, low EROI, high material inputs, non-dispatchability, geographic limitations, short lifespan, large land area are just such terrible and insurmountable issues that wind or solar cannot supply our civilizations energy, that is they cannot even supply the energy necessary to produce the wind & solar generation itself. Our civilization would collapse to your 150-200yrs ago. That means ~7 billion people will perish. I call that genocide, since it would be caused by nonsensical beliefs like your Grifter / Dimwit @ "Surplus Energy Economics". Akin to a crackpot religion.

Here's what you and grifter are saying: "We have to downsize our economy to 200yrs ago, kill 7 billion people, because fossil is getting too expensive, but we can't allow shifting to nuclear energy because there might someday be a Fukushima with zero deaths, or because some insurance company won't pay for non-existence damage outside of radiation Fear Porn nonsense. Yep so we need to kill 7 billion people, instead. That's being humane, yep"

And grifter is another dummy who thinks money is a God that we must worship. Sorry, not true. Money is just a metric that measures the relative value of goods and services. Just numbers in a computer. The problem is we are using an idiotic, privately created debt currencies, due 100% to corruption. With sovereign money, we can eliminate all the monetary problems he is hyping. The Real Economy is Real Goods, Real Services not silly financial casino capitalism charades. Here's an example of Real Money = Real Goods & Real Services:

#6 How to create Producer Credits:


"We already use Producer Credits - customer reward points, prepaid cards and business-to-business "capacity credits" are all Producer Credits. This is the doorway to a stable global money system, in which only producers of real goods and services in demand get to create money."

The simple truth that the PTB don't want you to know, is that nuclear power is easily capable of replacing all of the World's current energy supply, expanding it 5X to raise the standard of living of Developing Nations, and do that essentially forever, at least for millions of years, that's just fission resources, here on the Earth's land mass.

And do so at an EROI that is nothing less than astonishing, certainly greater than 300:1, but likely upwards of 1000:1. And at a cost that NO form of energy can compete, not even close. Factory built SMRs, built at the scale they need to be built, will easily cost <$1k per kwe, $200/kwth, you just can't compete with that. With a tiny fuel supply, easily placed anywhere on the Earth, deep in the sea, in the high Arctic or Antarctic, on mountains, deserts or in space, Moon, Mars, Asteroids.

Those are just the facts. And believe me the PTB know that very well. They figured that out in the 1970's, when the USA was completing a new NPP every month, and would have been 100% nuclear electricity by 2000 if they allowed that to continue. That's why they launched the international boycott of nuclear power, using Fear Porn, NGO's, corrupt media. There is strong evidence that even the TMI meltdown incident was contrived. And using ENGO's like Greenpeace, who still refuses to tell us where they get their $400M/yr from.

Listen to Nuclear Engineer Dr. Robert Zubrin explain it to you, listen and learn:

Nuclear Energy, Space and Humanity's Future | Robert Zubrin | The Human Progress Podcast Ep. 30:



How to liberate nuclear energy, with Robert Zubrin, Alex Epstein:


The Case For Nukes: How We Can Beat Global Warming and Create a Free, Open, and Magnificent Future, by Robert Zubrin


Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet


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Do look at Surplus Energy Economics. https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/

Yes, the moneyis a problem. Hopefully that gets sorted out this decade. Itis timeto end debt-based-money, have a "jubilee" of some sort (or it will happen anyway) and go to the kind of societal finance system that Ellen Brown and Michale Hudson endorse, on the lines of the Bank of North Dakota.

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My friend I hate to say it but you truly are missing a realistic view of this. Small, contained nuclear reactors are quite safe as the development over time has refined this greatly. But step back from that, and realize we actually don’t know half of what we think we know about oil supplies. Or coal, and plants now use half their energy to pump CO2 back down into the ground. The “model” of CO2 & “global warming” seems familiar, like I’ve seen something like that before.

Wait, I remember. COVID deaths!

Rising CO2 increases plant growth dramatically, which good for food AND lowering heat gain from the sun! We have no clue as to where the actual calculus of this works out (impact on temp, etc).

ALL of their models make so many assumptions they are useless, certainly nothing to cripple our nation over. Energy storage issues doom solar for large scale operations, but have SOME utility. IF one had solar parking for daytime at work, plugging in cars would make sense (and I know these exist). I designed & installed an off-grid system, and wired a mini-split heat pump to it as well as a pool pump, efficiently using daytime production. But night still happens. I seriously doubt doubling of panel efficiency is going to happen, but if it does but takes double (or more) the cost, rate earth metals, etc => no benefit except for high density cities.

Bobby Jr has some good ideas and some bad ones. The system has proven adept at killing the Kennedys whom they dislike, while letting the corrupt one commit murder without consequence. I suspect Bobby won’t get the chance either way.

And do you STILL think elections actually matter, that YOU have any day in what happens? Naïveté ...

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Untrue. That is what he is talking about when he refers to the "corporate agenda." WTH do you think he meant?

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?!? WTH are you referring to?

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Thank you. Excellently laid out. On faith, I'm with you in believing he will oppose subordinating "climate change" to totalitarian ends. If I have that faith, it is not a primary issue for me if he fully buys into the CO2 primary cause theory or not. And I AGREE with him on the nuclear power issue. Just like the debate over 'germ theory." I more and more question its validity. But since, on faith again, I don't believe he would consciously, selfishly, and greedily push its products and "cures" on the populace, it is not a major issue for me. Those are the two primary areas where I've seen (sometimes vicious) criticism of him from people on "our side." To the absurd point of some calling him "pro virus." Is that like, "Commies for Social Security?"

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No the main problem with RFKjr is on the energy issue. That is life or death for all of human civilization. It makes everything he has done or said on vaccines and bad medicine pale to insignificance. You cannot be humane while effectively advocating for the genocide of 7B human beings. That's the reality of energy. We have no alternative to nuclear energy. He should learn that. Oliver Stone did. He needs to as well.

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How is he advocating for genocide of 7B human beings? I really don't care what Oliver Stone has "learned." Let him buy a house within a couple of miles of a nuclear reactor.

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You know that 7B people on this Earth survive due to fossil fuels right? RFKjr doesn't want us to use fossil fuels. Even if he changed that opinion, we don't have enough economical fossil fuels to continue that for much longer, never mind grow it by 5X so 7B can live up to Western standards, as they are entitled to. What you think warm sunshine & cool breezes can replace fossil, like RFKjr's fantasy?

Oliver Stone, who unlike you knows a bit about the subject, would have no problem whatsoever living within miles of a nuclear reactor. A nice clean environment. You really are grasping at straws. You need to have some compassion for the lives of others.

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Is your real name Krystal Ball?

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Is your real name Anthony Fauci?

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I wrote about this today and reference Dr. Nass's previous posts showing that Kennedy actually has a chance to win and is getting some positive press from surprising sources.


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Thank you for highlighting these articles and leading me to this little item I found in the American Conservative article:

In 1962, RFK Jr.’s uncle, President John F. Kennedy, awarded the federal government’s highest civilian medal to Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey, an FDA official who practically single-handedly kept thalidomide out of the U.S. market.

And, today, we have Rochelle Walensky lying about the Cochrane review on masks being retracted.

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This is my favorite substack.

Thanks Meryl, you are one mean machine of truth. Bless you

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Generally I agree with RFKjr and support him, but he is a complete loon when it comes to energy issues. His interview with Krystal & Sagaar about Nuclear was abysmal. The man doesn't know what he's talking about. He should watch Oliver Stone's (who supports RFKjr for President) new documentary on Nuclear energy, he would learn a bit about the subject:



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He does say he is always open to changing his mind if the evidence is convincing. I think that matters a lot. He may not have all the answers but he sure has the desire to see the hellscape we are living in turned around for the good of the country and the people living in it.

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Yes, that's why overall I would support him. At least for the Democrat candidate. But he sure is clued out on energy issues. Reminds one of Bernie Sanders and AOC. Problem is people like RFKjr just lack an engineer's mind, which is all about math. And being unable to conceptualize things that way, they are easily misled by Grifters trying to sell you on fairy dust, that sounds so wonderful but will kill you dead.

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You are so correct. We need the engineers and others who are reality based. Engineers pay for their mistakes, unlike the climate activists.

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See my summary of that interview in these comments, please.

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Thanks! For the YouTube averse, here is the url for the interview on Rumble:


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Only a loon is capable of learning and adjusting his standpoints, no Krystal and Sagaar will ever come up with a or definite solution in the real world of Nuclear, let that sink deep into everyone’s consciousness

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Watched that interview and agree here. Maybe he needs a Doomberg subscription.

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I agree with you. He's our only hope.

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Yes, Mary Lou, there are around 20 people in this present world that I “admire greatly”, but when I see RFK’s face or hear him speak my heart nearly breaks with LOVE.

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I worship him (almost)

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Let's greatly admire him instead. I appreciate a man who says what he really thinks.

He's the only candidate speaking out against the travesty and shambles of our hyper psychotic DoD and the gross taxpayer waste. Clearly, these thoughts need wide circulation. Americans desperately need a new direction.

We've been lied to for decades about the dangerous threats of leaders around the world. All those goofy slogans of, 'we need to stop communism over there so it doesn't come to the US'. What a bunch of hooey. All those wars to protect our Constitution and freedoms was a front for endless grifting and corruption. All it took was a PLANdemic for our government to take our rights away (freedom of worship and assembly and others). Those rights were taken away by our own government, not some boogey man. We need to wise up and vote responsibly.

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He should also be aware that the people who did that crime against humanity are the same people who have financed the anti-nuclear energy movement to the tune of $billions/yr. They are Malthusians and they have a seething hatred of Nuclear Energy since it blows away their crackpot religious dogma.

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He's a wonderful human!

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I cried just reading the contents.

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Thank you for pointing us to these links so we can all learn who Bobby Kennedy is and what he stands for. I just wish the Substack writer Russ Baker would see these. He’s been waging an ad hominem war against his subscribers who support Bobby.

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What is his substack called....

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I’m shocked by the way he is treating his readers. It’s all ad hominem. He has even resorted to doing research on a very personal level, calling into question his reader’s’ qualifications to speak.

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If you haven't seen the Russel Brand interview with RFK Jr, it is an absolute must see. The full version is available on Rumble and is an hour long while YouTube is just a few minutes of it due to censorship.

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I grew up in Massachusetts in the '60's and recall clearly what it felt like to be "Kennedy Democrats". The last few weeks, since he announced his plan to run, I have had moments of euphoria just contemplating what it wojld feel like to have this brilliant caring man at our helm. A dream come true!

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Thank you so much Dr Nass! Very much appreciate you bringing these article to light. Amazing that both liberals and conservatives appreciate his honesty and integrity and are not so far apart on the big issues. I have not felt this hopeful for decades!

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Democratic party wont allow him to be a candidate. Hes not part of the world economic forum or the deep state. He will have to be a 3rd party candidate

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RFKjr is a DEMOCRAT. He believes the “climate change” nonsense. Where does he stand on ABORTION… again, he’s a democrat and they believe in murdering babies in utero is a “right” and “health care.” Just because he’s against c19 shots doesn’t make him “the guy.” He’s pro-vaxx otherwise. There are a whole lot of reasons NOT to vote for him. Just make a logical, throughly INFORMED decision before voting for him. Look at the big picture.

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Don't worry about it. The DNC won't even let him win the primary. In fact they have already stated in a court of law that they don't need to hold primaries they can just select who they want to be their candidate.

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Yes I agree and hope he will win and not be killed

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