"Insouciant gullible Americans are expert at fleeing from unsettling bad news."

I like Roberts, but this statement reflects his own ignorance and contempt: "Christian evangelicals have no opposition to the evil that is engulfing us, because they have been brainwashed that they will escape it by being wafted up to Heaven. The growth of evil is actually their escape from a sinful world into Heaven. The more evil, the sooner their escape." A small cadre, maybe, but Roberts bashes Christians using idiocy here. Not all Christians embrace the Rapture, and they certainly don't relish watching their nation implode. The bible warns of the Mark of the Beast, and Christians are already organizing to refuse the electronic currency and vaccine.....

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I’m pretty certain that he isn’t addressing all Christians but rather the ones who believe that they have a “Get to go to Heaven free card” instead of owning up to the Hell that this planet is becoming.

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It is a gratuitous insult against what he calls "Christian evangelicals." These are his allies, so I guess attacking Christians serves the goal of preventing tyranny? And I don't think they fail to "own up to the Hell this planet is becoming" -- he claims they rejoice at it..... Just sayin'....

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This is the problem with what Iain McGilchrist calls "the Procrustean bed of the category," which is what the left hemispheres of our brains use to think. James Lindsay, at the covid summit Friday said one of the practices of neo-marxism is "hate craft," which I think applies to all the manipulators. It is hate craft which we are vulnerable to online as the right hemispheres of our brains, which are grounded in physical reality and faith and poetry and music and deep embodied knowledge, more gestalt, rooted, go sort of offline when we are online. All faith, beyond the category, and beyond belief systems that have hijacked the "god-shaped hole" in us to achieve some end of power or control or dogmatism, is about love. I heard a presentation from the Pari Center in Italy yesterday discussing the tenth anniversary of a manifesto for post-materialist science, which is the nexus where science and medicine intersect with physics, and consciousness studies and faith itself. All NDE research, and psilocybin research and paranormal research, done with scientific rigor (rare these days), show the commonality of an ineffable experience of love, Dante's "love that moves the sun and stars," as mysticism and undogmatic faiths all embrace.

On Mt Athos there is a sign that says (in Greek I think) "if you die before you die, you will not die when you die" A force adversarial to our souls has been at hiding this from us for thousands of years. If we reject the category and remember the individual and our own interiority and soul, we pull towards the strange attractor of love and away from their desire to destroy all faith that focuses on love and our commonality. And with that we have a chance, in an interfaith sense, of shifting the world. The lever and the place to stand. The traps and temptations towards corruption of that are intense and so well funded and so much everywhere that it is breathtaking. And yet it is a realm of the soul and consciousness that those captured by the adversary can't even begin to imagine it. Bob Dylan, in A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall, says "I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it" Like the Poles on horseback against the Nazi tanks, let us march together towards that highway.

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Follow the money always , and the evil monsters who want to control us . This is a spiritual war .

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There's no doubt about it. A "spiritual war" which will escalate and finally culminate with such an uncomfortable world-wide condition, that the masses will WELCOME a "spiritual leader" (Three guesses as to who that person might be!) That same spiritual leader has already announced that God is showing His "wrath" in a small degree, for "humans destroying the planet!" He WILL (prophecy foretells it) at first suggest that a "rest day" be implemented to allow the Planet to rest, and "to give 'family' its due time away from business draws. The Fourth Commandment of our God, reminds us to "REMEMBER" the Sabbath Day, as a means of showing our faith that He and He alone created everything, AND has redeemed us with the blood and sacrifice of His Son Jesus, Christ. This vicar, as he appoints to himself, has definite plans to institute a FALSE Sabbath, which of course is Sun Day, a Pagan custom of false worship.

It does not take long to verify these statements. It is highly recommended that everyone become familiar with these truths, while it is yet "day" so that a logical decision might be made.

Welcome to the NEW "Dark-Ages" Please, please, please, find these things out before they become entanglements that are impossible to handle. TRUST our Lord, and His Promises. This is no time to "sleep." Babylon (apostate Protestantism) is on their march (again) toward Israel (God's people). It's a historical event being acted out in perfection, only on a worldly scale.

You will surely see this to be the case. The world is NOT friendly toward its Creator! Therefore the Hand of God has been slowly withdrawing, allowing for repentance, if we should be so inclined.


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"On February 16, Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Benz, the world’s leading expert on the censorship industry. Here you have a complete and accurate explanation of who rules us–and No it is not the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergs–and why the US government has decided to deep-six the First Amendment:" WRONG! The the anti-Democratic policy is in full co-ordination with the World Economic Forum which is an offshoot of Bilderberg(!) and thus a project the Rothschilds and other Elite ruling class organizers of the the Bilderberg! Why the irrational swipe at conspiracy theorists who get it right!?

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Better yet, call them the "Conspiracy FACTUALISTS" that they are.

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Don't disparage theory. All human ideas about everything are theories.

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Facts are just theories someone is confident about or anxious to convince you be confiedent about.

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Agreed. Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz are both "limited hangouts." They name the most obvious villains but completely ignore the powers behind it all--and yes, it includes the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergs and many more.

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Not "limited hangouts". Our overlords want them both dead or in prison and may well achieve that yet. Both of them, like almost all politicians & major media personalities who haven't been completely captured by the minions of the ruling Psychopath Parasites, try to avoid "going there" because a) you will be painted as a crazy conspiracy nutball & b) for someone of that stature to do so carries a possible death sentence or imprisonment or worse. JFK was murdered shortly after his "Secret Societies" speech.

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Actually. No. I'm not complaining about Mike Benz nor Tucker Carlson. Tucker does mention the Bildergergs etc on occasion. It is Paul Craig Roberts who disparaged the idea the Bilderbergers or Rothschilds were involved. I'm not sure if Mike Benz goes there on occasion, or not. Benz certainly nailed the bureaucratic deep state participation in destroying democracy / representative governement.

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All of the funding for the bureaucratic Deep State originates from the Fed (owned by big bankers) and Treasury, and is voted upon by captured legislators, then removed from our pockets by the IRS. At dinner with Jefferson, Hamilton told him we needed a central bank specifically to corrupt the political process, as they did in England.

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Creating money out of nothing is clearly the key to rule.

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Can you provide a reference for this Jefferson/Hamilton conversation. Would be helpful to me to document that.

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Hamilton was "so bewitched & perverted by the British example," wrote Jefferson, "as to be under thoro' conviction that corruption was essential to the government of a nation" (p. 671). Hamilton viewed "his" bank, the Bank of the United States, as being absolutely essential to his Americanized version of "the most perfect government which ever existed."

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There's a reason the Establishment LIONIZED the fascist Hamilton recently.

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"John Adams" by David McCulloughed is a great place to start. Also the Library of Congress. TJ and JA had a complicated friends -- 2 great intellectual minds who once went 20 years not talking nor writing to each other.

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Yes, I noticed that, too, and it bothered me that he threw that in without backing it up in any way, and with such presumed authority. Insulting and inaccurate!

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The Rothschild crime syndicate is certainly a part of the conspiracy. I don't know what he is talking about "The Bilderbergers" since the Bilderberg conferences are like many other gatherings promoted & financed by the ruling Overlords, just to put on a show of inclusivity & consensus. More feel good propaganda. I doubt they could care less about what participants in those confabs have to say. It's just for show. Orders come down from the top, and those at the top have already decided what they have planned for "their World".

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Yes, of course. The Bilderberg Meetings are propaganda for the MINIONS! But, they are crucial exercises, by the ELITE.

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"So, No, it is not a conspiracy theory."

How about dropping the the anti-conspiracy theory tropes concocted by the CIA.?

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Right-on, but I've got news for Dr. Roberts, who is DEFINITELY a great True American Truthteller, the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers are involved TOO. And that's NOT a conspiracy theory either, folks!

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Orwell’s 1984 meets 2024. Since 2020 the Plandemic PysOp has been methodically brainwashing Humanity. Propaganda (Narrative) on a coordinated global scale told us that Evil was Good and Good was Evil. If a person dissented from the Narrative they were ostracized from Society. If a person bought into the Narrative they could resume their pre Covid lifestyle. Orwell’s famous math equation, 2 plus 2 = 5, became fact for brainwashed Humanity. In 2024 the Globalists need to deal with the fast growing Awakened population. Their last perceived impediment to implement the Great Reset. I totally agree that a global censorship dragnet of Awakened influencers and their followers is coming fast in 2024.

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Trouble is, the writer has set out a manifesto for inaction & despair.

In effect he is saying: “ALL these forces are ranged against you. The 1A is dead. There is no hope”.

He appears to forget though that WE ARE EIGHT BILLION!

The WEF-CCP club has massive wealth & power - but if enough of us wake the hell up, we boot them out of power with ease.

They have been rattled by truckers & farmers. We need to find ways to open people’s eyes so they MOBILIZE to get rid of the tyrants. People don’t much like losing freedom and choice - they don’t want their children & grandchildren to be slaves. So we do have hope and, as they overstep more & more boundaries, we may well have the numbers!

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This is one reason i am organizing for rfk, jr. He has been relentlessly defending our constitutional rights, and even if he does not ultimately prevail, we will have a committed cadre of freedom lovers to resist the globalist liars.

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Well done!

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Very good point!

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Well yes Trump mentioned God, and Biden does not know, or presume to know, God at All! so it is a war between good and evil and it has always been there! Now we are suppressed to the limit! The evil ones do not want us to say a word; which is akin to the great masking we had before. It is the silent spring of 2024 - I can hear the birds (still) but cannot hear the opinions of anyone in France now they have all been silenced - keep quiet and hope the don't force you to accept the bioweapon shot!

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Paul sees what is happening.

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Allopathic medicine destroyed my life. TCM saved my life. TCM is not recognized because they are racist.

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So will TCM and Orthomolecular still be under the WHarmOrg?

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I do not know what that is. Since freedom at 16 I have done everything for myself with natural herbal. When congenital ear disease almost killed me TCM saved my life.

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Think it's Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Orthomolecular docs doctor with supplements. WHarmOrg is my new name for WHealthOrg, which has nothing to do with health.

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It's all just Godless History repeating itself, Not bowing to the Ceser, King, Leader or Hitler, playing god, could be a death sentence! Or as Ecclesiastes 1:9 puts it, 9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

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IF Biden had his way he would do as Chiang Kai Shek did in '49 when he invaded Taiwan

Declare martial law and all who opposed rounded up and executed

We were stationed in Taipei in early '60s and witnessed what happened. Some were

summarily executed (including my father's driver's parents) for defying the invasion

Others were pulled off the street in broad daylight, and some from their homes middle of

the night never to be seen again.

THAT is what they salivate about in Washington

It is why they want to scrub our 2nd.

Perhaps one of the biggest jokes is how Musk squawks about WOKE when

his CEO confirmed they censor.

I am no longer on Twitter for having spoken TRUTH. Twice permanently suspended

(first by Agrawal and then reinstated by Musk in March '23 only to be permanently

suspended 3 months later.

My first suspension under Dorsey for merely stating:

While truth has no fear, censorship is ripe with it

That was for 12 days

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I believe, because I experience the fact that the House and Senate GOP are 90% in agreement with the Democrats. I blame the GOP for the mess the country is in, the House have the purse strings, after all. And what did they do with it? They make sure the DOJ and NSA are fully funded when the R's pitch their CR.

Their continued Punch in the face of Americans and the rule of law, the wide open border,, the J6 political prisoners and the turning over our Bill of Rights in their quest to "get Pres Trump" could have all been stopped by the GOP. Instead they clutch their pearls and wring their hands and decry the 2 tier justice system all the while funding it and the overthrow of our Constitution by the Administrative and Security States.

I can't see how we come back from this when the Deep Staters own our elections.

Pres Trump will be the president. This time they won't be able to make enough votes to compensate for Trump's landslide. But he'll still be handcuffed by Congress. They want him impotent so

we'll still have to replace the RINOs with America First and I just don't see that happening. Without a civil war.

Btw, I'm saying it like it is, I am in no way advocating for violence

PS. the Republican pundits are gonna have to get over their Christian prejudices because we are the base.

Pres Trump is a savvy man and he knows he wouldn't win without the Christian majority. So get over yourselves and stop blaming us.

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Yeah this interview is a guy little known but highly knowledgably. Saw this a week ago or so glad he brings it to top of page again. Bureaucratic Technocrats, just doing their jobs!

"On February 16, Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Benz, the world’s leading expert on the censorship industry. Here you have a complete and accurate explanation of who rules us–and No it is not the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergs–and why the US government has decided to deep-six the First Amendment:"


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Supplements make me sick. I feel that it was probably those one a day vitamins my mother gave us for a couple of years before she got off that kick I burped tar every day. In my life I try to shed preconceptions, observe and contemplate. New action should be very cautious. I remember Dr. Fan prescribing me some herbs. I asked why he used them. He said he did not know but they had been using them for 1000 years successfully, they always worked.

the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. 'A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.'

The assumption that a whole system can be made to work better through an assault on its conscious elements betrays a dangerous ignorance. This has often been the ignorant approach of those who call themselves scientists and technologists.

Laboratory evidence tends to blind us to a very simple fact.That fact is this: we are dealing here with matters that originated and exist out-of-doors where plants and animals carry on their normal existence

Frank herbert

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And what, exactly, are we "hapless taxpayers" supposed to do? If I knew what action to take, I'd take it. But our elections are fixed, protests rarely work, and I feel powerless against all the multiple forces at work.

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Yes, this is what they want you to feel.

I won't go there. We must organize to resist them. They cannot run their society without all the people they wish to enslave. I am organizing for RFK, Jr., because he is bringing freedom lovers of all stripes together. Win or lose, we will have found one another to create the vanguard of resistance to the putrifying globalist order.

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