I'm looking forward to Trump's future U.N. addresses. Here's a little bit of the 2018 speech.

"...America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination. I honor the right of every nation..to pursue its own customs, beliefs and traditions. The U.S. will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return."


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@Joy; I hope Trump bounds his shoe on the table when ordering the U.N. to Cuba or Iran!

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All smoke & mirrors, the new world order is as old as time.

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Stop the payments to the UN and all other lettered agencies.

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Why not start with your government?

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I have been asking my reps for years and nothing has happened as yet. Too many RINOs right now.

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Thank You, Warrior Sister.

"It's all published."


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What stands out to me is the timeline. Clinton/Gore and Tony Blair . And NAFTA , breaking rank and building up NATO, ignoring the warnings that Al Qaeda was planning the WTC attack, admitting China to the World Bank…and the introduction of George Soros. I don’t believe in coincidence

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http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf 114 pages

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The lady speaking is so prescient with how she interprets the document and predicted so many things life biowarfare, transhumanism etc and how its being used against us.

Everyine in NASA is either a Mormon (ie luciferian worship) or a Free Mason (also luceriferianism at the higher levels)


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Please read the document. It is all there: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf 114 pages

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Thank you. I have downloaded it. Will be passing it on.

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Thank you Potatodots!

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If anyone cares to be TRULY shocked by a manifesto penned in the past, such as the one presented herein, then it is only necessary to READ the words penned almost five hundred years ago titled: (something like) The supreme oath of induction of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Secret Society).

Chewing on it for as long as it takes to swallow, one will acquire practically all one needs to know as to "where, how, who, and when" the complete destruction of true Christianity (Sola Scriptura) will culminate. The two page manifesto will answer so many difficult questions of societal disturbances, assassinations, wars, political workings, and every form of created chaos one can imagine. It's trajectory will ensure your confidence that it is no coincidence at all!


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It probably has David Rockefellers and Henry Kissingers fingerprints all over it.

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Pray it never comes to fruition. If it does, that will be during the tribulation. Evil stuff from evil ppl.

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Looks like Global governance book and People’s response to global governance book both available on eBay

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$ 105 on Amazon but free on archive.org

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OR, in the Bible!

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Yes the UN is an evil organisation based on luceriferian principles. The WHO is under the UN and now that the WHO failed to get agreement of the Pandemic Treaty or IHR Amendments, the UN have taken back the job and are positioning themselves for global domination


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America provides one third of its budget...we must immediately stop allocating any money to the UN. It is a traitorous act on the part of our Congress to support a foreign organization whose aim is global dominance...and plans on taking over America.

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Send the U.N. to commie Cuba! Where it belongs!

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I'll add this (when i get a moment) to the trail of talks and action about NWO


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I had forgotten about this little gem! It was the purview of us "conspiracy theorists" and our bitchings years ago. LOL! Everything old is new again.... (or, these psychos like to stick to a plan.)

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George H W Bush signed us up for agenda 21, we now have agenda 2030 and more. Not to mention the C40 cities. All for control!

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Whenever there is a global anything, there is a global governess behind it!

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Than you Meryl! Have you watched Joe Rogan's interview with Mike Benz? I thought of you as he broke down the rot in our government that needs to be exposed.

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Article 29.

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Can you see the problem? "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." Since when does the UN get to decide what every country (and independent soul) has to do?

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This is another reason we must ignore and disband the WEF-influenced and, now corrupt, United Nations!

Covid and 'DEADLY mRNA vaccine' Policies were pre-planned decades ago, by the New World Order (using the WEF's template). The UN seems to be in favour of this Depopulation Policy.

What is the difference between a Covid injection (supposedly a 'VACCINE') and the 'BOOSTERS' which seemed to appear out of nowhere? Were 'BOOSTERS' ever Authorised with a different Licence number? Such illegal action is pre-meditated mass-murder by the 'authorities'.

Did the UN know the mRNA injection is either instant death, or death within weeks, or sometimes - a longer-term 'Vax DEATH', but inevitably = a reduced Life Expectancy?

These jabs cause many more illnesses than occur in the unjabbed.

Beware hospitals that might slip an mRNA poison when it is not relevant to your hospital visit.

Also, reject any BLOOD TRANSFUSION because they do not segregate mRNA VAXXED BLOOD from clean blood. This means that mRNA will enter your body through the contaminated blood.

This is why Pfizer, modern, J&J, etc, enjoy ZERO LIABILITY. They would be sued off the planet if they had to respond each time a vax recipient became ill or died as a result of their poisons.

Unjabbed Mick. (UK) We'll live longer without corrupt Big Pharma injecting their poisons!

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