You know I just went to urgent care and I had so much anxiety, but my ear was killing me and I really tried everything natural. The nurse guy came in took my vitals and then said, 1. Have you had your Covid shot? I decline to answer, I said. 2. Have you had your flu shot ? I decline to answer, I said. 3. Have you had you tetanus shot? I decline to answer, I said again. Then the doctor comes in and tells me I’m the first person he’s ever had like me. I’m thinking how sad and we’re all doomed. Then I go to CVS and they ask me would I like a shingles shot. It was like treading through mud just for an earache. Stay strong everyone!!!
CVS is horribly depressing, every time I go in there I feel bad, must be the lighting or something, but there's a lingering sense of sadness in the place.
Maybe it's the ghost of the vaccinated, who knows.
I’ve ALWAYS felt that in CVS too!!! At first I tried to figure out why, because I wanted to shop there. We used to have Eckerd and I loved shopping there, so when CVS took over most of Eckerd’s spaces i wanted to support them. The feeling never went away and I finally just decided I’d never know and just stopped going there.
Try a hot water bottle with hot water in it. Be careful that you don't burn your ear, so on for a few seconds then off for a few seconds until, over time, you can bear the heat of the hot water in the bottle as it cools down. The cure is the heat - it works really well if you have a sore or infected tooth as well - bloody amazing.
Thank you, Christine! When I was a child, my mother would warm 1/2 teaspoon of pure olive oil and let it dribble into affected ear, some cotton wool kept the oil in there, also lying the head to one side, so the oil would not run back out.
It has been many years since I was a kid - let's see - that age 70 years ago - I do remember my mother doing that to me once, now that you mention it and for bronchitis she heated glasses in an oven and put them on my chest, open side down, supposed to suck the badness out - don't think it worked very well though, only did it once and then there was methylated spirits and pepper soaked into a rag on my chest with Vicks on my nose and mouth - don't think that worked very well either.
Thank you Christine, I enjoyed your recounting of childhood memories!
For bronchitis or worse, my mother made a hot potato poultice for the chest! 😀
What I liked about the natural remedies, is, that if they didn't work so well, at least they didn't do any harm!. And the action of doing something out of the ordinary to assist healing, was a positive! It showed so much love and care.
Wow, your mother was 'modern'! The treatment with the hot glasses is now called cupping!!!!!
Have you been on the earth more than 70 years? Me too, 77 in fact.
Wait. Why asking you about tetanus vaccine??! I was recently talking about how I had to get a tennis shot for a broken elbow..... There was no rusty nails involved and I started to get nervous that they snuck the c19 shot in in me- either as the ER tetanus or while I was under during the surgery. I will satisfy myself with the reassurance that no matter what happened I never got any side effects so that's was reassuring.... By why are they asking you to get a tetanus shot for an ear infection!!!
Because they make obscene profits with every poisonous injection and to know what to give you next, so you will stay a repeat customer of the sickness industry.
I would HATE living in USA for their health system. Sickness industry indeed right from birth! There seems to be lots of drama if one gets a cold ? Mothers panic? (I live in England and lately , that’s what’s beginning to happen with young mothers here. Brain-washed by the media to feel guilty if your baby isn’t 100% perfect!). . I’m glad I was born in 1940s , during the deprivations of WW2, when common-sense ruled in matters of health. There was no time to fuss over colds and scraped knees. Too busy surviving ! I’ve brought up seven kids, one of them with cerebral palsy, and hardly ever visited any doctors, only for absolute emergencies, (like strokes! ..heart attacks…lol….joking here). , even though we have free health-care here ! Just always used “old-fashioned “ sensible methods that we used during WW2 etc , eating small healthy meals (pull a carrot from the soil folks and eat! lol Joke) , olive oil in ears etc for ear pain , lemon and honey drinks for everything , That particular remedy saved one of my kids from dying of meningitis …(caught by accidently getting some dog-Poo in his mouth…long story…) The doc who was in charge at the hospital said it was the best thing I could have done letting him drink such homemade drinks , and letting the wonderful God-given immune system do its work …giving it time…(I've photos of my kids with measles etc. and other childhood ailments They got over it , as WE did during the War when we were kids! No FUSS. It passes It builds up their immune system naturally, We were taught resilience…battle through it…99% of the time everything will be ok. But everyone wants instant 100%cures these days; instant , perfect health! NEVER have a cold…or ‘flu Mothers panic if their child gets an earache! Deal with it and don’t fuss. They are tougher than you think. (Ask my son with cerebral palsy! lol. I could write a book about what he has survived ). Perfect health for all though? That is Unreality. Ain’t gonna get it. In this system of things. We are all imperfect beings. We all get sick now and then. We all die when we get old That’s reality. But everyone does what they think is best , so ignore me. At least there is a hope for the future (re health) if we believe the Bible. (See Rev 21) So why worry? Worry can cause you to become sick ! 😄
I concur! My mom was born in 1926 and was raised by my Grammy, who didn't have a job. I know she was a midwife, and if memory serves me, I believe she was a seamstress as well. I was born 1960. We ARE more resilient. I probably could have walked in to my house holding an amputated arm, and my mom would have shrugged and told me to get a band-aid!
Hahaha.🤣 I know exactly what you mean Stephanie. My eldest son, disabled, wanted to climb trees with his brothers. He did. He was helped by them to place his poor uncoordinated body each step of the way and back down. It was wonderful to see the triumphant joy on his face! Yes. He fell many times…but he was helped back up…he is 64 now. Tough as old boots as we say here! He Loves life in spite of the many accidents he’s had trying to live it. When asked he says he wouldn’t have changed anything. Like you said , resilience. That’s what’s lacking everywhere I look today. It’s sad because we are all going to need it as things get worse ….
Couldn't agree more. I'm disabled- thanks to doctors, but I am as active as my body permits. I have a friend who uses any little ache or pain as an excuse- yet she can drive long distances and walk around Walmart no problem- but she NEEDS that handicap parking space! Kudos to your son(s). Sounds like they were raised the right way! And, yes, many are going to be blind sided and will not even know what hit them. It is very sad.
Brave and courageous you. Look for sound healers etc. or look within, not meaning to be trite, but we need to practice our own energy healing now. Best of luck
I’m very old and have had fabulous alternative/allopathic drs for the last 40 years. They retired or died and can’t go to a holestic or naturopathic dr. NONE of them will take insurance and we don’t have $350.00 and up to walk through the door!
That is the number one problem with our health system! The good holistic doctors don't take insurance because the insurance industry won't accept their claims! Not many of us can afford the $$$$ it takes to see and follow through with an "alternative" doctor. I did have a wonderful integrative doctor who promoted more of the natural health remedies than the allopathic ones, but she mysteriously closed her practice, and I can't find another integrative doctor who takes insurance payments within driving distance. Very frustrating!
Susan, don't know if this appeals to you, but this is what I'm signing up for- Dr. Tom Cowan has a program where you sign up for yourself, or a family plan. He has several providers, including a veterinarian. I have been in a medical nightmare for well over a decade. I treat myself and WAS improving, until I made the mistake of having a culture done for something in my mouth. I'm now convinced that 'covid' was a toxin on the hospital swab. I woke up with fever, headache and complete loss of smell. I also recently found out I have a brain tumor- no idea whether it's related. My health continues to decline and I simply cannot find a 'provider' who will even make a referral! It is despicable. I'm giving Dr. Cowan's team a try- they've walked away from the system. I've often said that if we truly had health care, insurance would cover the providers of OUR choice. I didn't mean to write an essay- my apologies! I wish you well, and just google Dr. Cowan- the website should (hopefully) pop up. I think it's called New Medicine (?) Not sure off the top of my head.
Thanks, Stephanie, but Dr. Cowan's program (New Biology Clinic) is not in my financial ball park. Nothing about insurance is on the website, so I'm assuming they don't accept Medicare or any other health insurance. I looked at all three plans, the $89, the $159, and the $199, and all three have the exact same description! Why the difference in prices??? Weird. And there is nothing about the cost of tests, prescriptions, or hospitalization, if necessary, which for me currently are mostly covered by insurance, so I'm assuming those items would be out-of-pocket costs unless you have to keep insurance payments for those things as well as the monthly fees and the initial activation fee for Cowan's program. I'm relatively healthy, so the $89 monthly fee is already $62 MORE than I'm paying per month for my Medicare Advantage Plan monthly fee of $27, so if I don't need a "consultation," I would have already spent way more money each month than if I stayed with my conventional doctor (she does lean toward "integrative") and my insurance plan. I follow natural health strategies as much as possible and I eat about 90% organic and Non-GMO food, exercise, and stay away from environmental toxins as much as possible, so I don't need a doctor very often. I've seen some other health plans pop up since the Covid crap, but again, none of them are affordable for someone like me whose only income is Social Security. I'm sorry you have been going through a "medical nightmare" and I certainly hope that Dr. Cowan's practitioners can help you heal!
I don't live in your country, let alone your part of the world - if you have a problem, bounce it off me and if I have something which might work I'll tell you about it - alternatvely, I'm sure there are others like me with simple advice you can try, from the old ways, before modern medicine came along and failed miserably.
Nancy- please read my reply below to Susan. It might be something you would be interested in. I'm in the same boat. Doctors destroyed my health and now they don't want to be bothered. I cannot afford a naturopath, either! I wish you well!
I keep forgetting to stress the importance of growing one's own herbs, veggies, and foods, if possible. A little fresh, (and if able, raw) food will offset many deficiencies, because it comes from virgin soil, and not sprayed, etc.
They did the same thing to my mother-in-law at the er and my understanding is in Texas they aren't allowed to even ask that?! Nurse guy that looked like he should have been a cast member of The Alaskan Bush People asked her if she'd had her vaccines. But before she could speak I said what vaccines are you talking about?! No we aren't here for any vaccines and don't want any! What does this have to do with the muscle spasms in her ribcage?! He got up and walked out. It was visible to a blind person I was PO'D! Then the other nurse who informed us she'd just come back from being off surgery litterally could not stand still! I didn't say anything, but when she left the room my mother-in-law said I thought we'd come into hillbilly world and what is she on?! His hair was long, so was hers, braided, and she had a bandana on, so I laughed pretty good! But that nurse was DEFINITELY on something! Rocked side to side on her feet non stop! I wanted to say sit still or get out you're making me a nervous wreck along with I'm now PO'D! Then I brought up childhood vaccines and said we don't even do those because I watched them cause broad spectrum autism in my precious grandson. She would never look at me and repeated over and over...well I couldn't look at my kids and if they caught something explain why I didn't protect them. I said BUT THEY DON'T! She'd say it again. Then I said what were they going to get?! Especially when so many vaccinate their kids? She'd say it again! Then I said so you work in this field day in day out and don't see what vaccines are causing?! She'd repeat it again! I finally said you desperately need to do some research if you're going to be in this field and handing out advice! 👹
What does any of that have to do with your ear? And even if they are scared to death they are gonna die of some virus why on Earth would they ask about a Tetanus shot? So bizarre. Should have asked them if they got all 10 Covid shots and if not, why not? lol My husband was in 2 different hospitals for a weekish each time in June and August and there wasnt one mention of any vaccine either time. Phew.
Bravo. Most people would have taken every one of those shots. Including most who post comments in these substacks. If everyone across the Substack space truly lived what they post about in their comments, we could reverse much of what is going on. Unfortunately, most people are only brave behind a keyboard and cave as soon as they are tested in the real world. Thanks for standing firm.
Aren't you glad did not take jabs...cause if you had, nobody would ask anything ,,oh but the embalmer would supply any answers on your death certificate
I sympathize with you. I often relate on substack my last GP checkup. My Doc refused my request for an antibody test (need a script here) however she offered me a Covid shot, a shingles shot, a flu shot and a pneumonia shot. My answer was no, no, no, no. When she asked why I didn't want the Covid shot I explained that my wife did the research in the spring of 21 and figured out it was no good. She and her BFF came to us hubbies and said were not taking that sh_t.
AUKUS shots - see my substack, first post there - the military designed, paid for and distributed these "vaccines" and the mugs went along and had them - depopulation, it seems to me, sooner or later. I wish it were otherwise, I really do, I'd do probably anything to turn it around and send it back, but I can't do that and neither can you - sucks right?
Have you heard of "The Great Reset" what better way to do that but as an AUKUS military operation, we would not see that coming would we - see my free substack, my latest post - you might be interested in reading my last 2 posts after that one, but I don't recommend the one about what's in the vaccines to anyone after you have had any of their vaccines, just saying.
Yes, interesting that Klaus wrote 'Covid-19 The Great Reset', and published it in, I think, June 2020! How does one write a book about a global reset based on something declared in March, and it's published in June??? It's almost as if this was planned...
Reading "trust" and "science" in one sentence could be seen as the dominant WHO+WEF+related ilk oxymoron. Everyone with diploma kindergarten knows that the proper phrase is "VERIFY the science".
I’m still skeptical of their abilities to produce a deadly virus. Is there any pathogen in history that killed slews of healthy people, people who had plumbing, clean drinking water, nutritious food, sunlight…??? How long have mad scientists been working on this project? A century? A century of failure. I think it’s more about fear porn and keeping the money train rolling.
Viroliegists are all shameless!! Have you seen how the cook the results with: recipé: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique
Welcome, culinary conspiracists, to today’s special on “Cooking with Con-troversy,” where we whip-up a dish so dubious, even your lab mates will question their taste buds and understanding of la méthode scientifique." Get ready for a hilarious ride through the questionable kitchen of ‘Viral’ ‘isolation.’ Let’s dive into the recipé for our star dish: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique.
1. Collect le BALF: Begin by gathering your clinical specimens – a smorgasbord of liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (BALF) and throat swabs (écouvillons de gorge). Think of these as your “mystery meat” “viande mystérieuse” for the dish. They might look unappetizing, but they’re essential for our recipé.
2. Prepare the Cell Culture Crust - Préparer la Croûte de Culture Cellulaire." Take a hearty helping of Vero E6 cells (no monkey business in this kitchen) and spread them like a generous layer of pie crust in your culture dish. Add a splash of pénicilline-streptomycine to keep unwanted bacteria at Bay Watch! Let it bake in the incubator at 37°C with 5% CO₂ - the perfect temperature for making those cells nice and cozy.
3. Add the CPE Crunch – Ajoutez le Croustillant du CPE: Pour in your clinical specimens (énchantillons cliniques) like a questionable gravy (sauce douteuse). Watch for effets cytopathiques (CPE) – those delightful signs that your cells are being utterly ruined. It’s like adding too much spice, but in the world of viral cooking.
4. Harvest the Viral Goo – Recoltez la Boue Virale: Once your cells are cooked like a bad stew, harvest the culture supernatants. This is the equivalent of scraping out the leftover sauce from the bottom of the pan. Centrifuge to concentrate the viral goo – think of it as reducing your sauce to intensify the flavor.
5. Prepare for the Electron Microscopy Garnish – Préparer la Garniture pour la Microscopie électronique: To get those fancy EM pics, embed your virus particles in resin and slice them thin like a deli meat. Stain with heavy metals (uranyl acetate and lead citrate) to add that extra seasoning for a pop of contrast. Garnish with arrows and labels to declare whatever suits your fancy. Almost ready to serve.
6. Whisk Up the Genetic Filling – Battre la Garniture Génétique: Extract the ‘viral’ RNA like a precious ingredient. It’s key to the success of your dish, like the base for a good soup.
7. Reverse Transcription Sauce – Sauce de Transcription Inverse: Convert that RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase. Whip up a smooth cDNA cream, then toss in RT-PCR to confirm the presence of your ‘virus’ in this genetic mixed-bag of culinary tricks.
8. Dazzle with a Sequencing Show – Éblouir avec un Spectacle Séquencage: Add Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) as the final touch – a fancy garnish that reveals the intricate ‘genetic decorations’ of your ‘virus.’ It’s like adding pungent truffles to a dish to disguise any nasty, hidden flavors.
9. Serve with a Wry Smile – Servez avec un Sourire en Coin: Plate your dish with the confidence of a top chef. Use phylogenetic analysis to arrange your genetic sequences in an artistic display. Your audience may not understand the dish, but they will appreciate the presentation! Serve with a wry smile!
Voila! Presenting our signature dish: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique!
A key phrase in their litany of lies: "threats from nature "
What they are really saying is "be afraid, be very afraid....only we and the jab can protect you"....these people are monsters.... like that old movie, "Creatures from the Black Lagoon."
I started to read what soon revealed itself to be the 'orchestrated litany of lies' Meryl posted from that erstwhile respected organ The Journal of Virology. Had to stop. Couldn't do it. It was just too depressing to see that the institution of science, which for much of my life really did represent the crown jewel of human achievement, has finally turned into ... this. These authors no longer even bothered to construct shonky mathematical models to provide a sheen of respectibility, as the climate scammers did. Now they just kept repeating outright falsehoods, in black and white word salad.
I do note however that this paper is only a preprint, which means there's still the faint hope that a bit of serious peer review might reject it. But given the pedigree of the editor, I imagine it will just be sent to yet more corrupt pseudoscientists, who really are the peers of the authors. The whole business is really very sad.
I had to laugh at "lab leak hypothesis!" I think I'll hire these "scientists" to clean out my barn and chicken coops! They seem to be very good a shoveling manure, there was loads of it in their article.
I think it is about time they did some real hard, beneficial to the human race work, instead of shoveling "it"!
You know I just went to urgent care and I had so much anxiety, but my ear was killing me and I really tried everything natural. The nurse guy came in took my vitals and then said, 1. Have you had your Covid shot? I decline to answer, I said. 2. Have you had your flu shot ? I decline to answer, I said. 3. Have you had you tetanus shot? I decline to answer, I said again. Then the doctor comes in and tells me I’m the first person he’s ever had like me. I’m thinking how sad and we’re all doomed. Then I go to CVS and they ask me would I like a shingles shot. It was like treading through mud just for an earache. Stay strong everyone!!!
" I am here for you to ask questions about my ear!!
" I will use Dr. Google instead" 🤣
I left CVS and Walgreens behind, they both are constantly pushing the jabs!
I did 21 years ago and didn't take the C19 shot.
CVS is horribly depressing, every time I go in there I feel bad, must be the lighting or something, but there's a lingering sense of sadness in the place.
Maybe it's the ghost of the vaccinated, who knows.
I’ve ALWAYS felt that in CVS too!!! At first I tried to figure out why, because I wanted to shop there. We used to have Eckerd and I loved shopping there, so when CVS took over most of Eckerd’s spaces i wanted to support them. The feeling never went away and I finally just decided I’d never know and just stopped going there.
I think I might stop too, it's the closest pharmacy to where I live, but I can drive another couple of miles to not deal with it.
They hate when you say No!
No, they fear you becasue you have the strength they lack and they wish, in hindsight that they had had the guts to say No too.
Try a hot water bottle with hot water in it. Be careful that you don't burn your ear, so on for a few seconds then off for a few seconds until, over time, you can bear the heat of the hot water in the bottle as it cools down. The cure is the heat - it works really well if you have a sore or infected tooth as well - bloody amazing.
Thank you, Christine! When I was a child, my mother would warm 1/2 teaspoon of pure olive oil and let it dribble into affected ear, some cotton wool kept the oil in there, also lying the head to one side, so the oil would not run back out.
It worked as well.
It has been many years since I was a kid - let's see - that age 70 years ago - I do remember my mother doing that to me once, now that you mention it and for bronchitis she heated glasses in an oven and put them on my chest, open side down, supposed to suck the badness out - don't think it worked very well though, only did it once and then there was methylated spirits and pepper soaked into a rag on my chest with Vicks on my nose and mouth - don't think that worked very well either.
Thank you Christine, I enjoyed your recounting of childhood memories!
For bronchitis or worse, my mother made a hot potato poultice for the chest! 😀
What I liked about the natural remedies, is, that if they didn't work so well, at least they didn't do any harm!. And the action of doing something out of the ordinary to assist healing, was a positive! It showed so much love and care.
Wow, your mother was 'modern'! The treatment with the hot glasses is now called cupping!!!!!
Have you been on the earth more than 70 years? Me too, 77 in fact.
I'd put a couple drops of Betadine in my ear before submitting to any nonsense questions.
Wait. Why asking you about tetanus vaccine??! I was recently talking about how I had to get a tennis shot for a broken elbow..... There was no rusty nails involved and I started to get nervous that they snuck the c19 shot in in me- either as the ER tetanus or while I was under during the surgery. I will satisfy myself with the reassurance that no matter what happened I never got any side effects so that's was reassuring.... By why are they asking you to get a tetanus shot for an ear infection!!!
Because they make obscene profits with every poisonous injection and to know what to give you next, so you will stay a repeat customer of the sickness industry.
I would HATE living in USA for their health system. Sickness industry indeed right from birth! There seems to be lots of drama if one gets a cold ? Mothers panic? (I live in England and lately , that’s what’s beginning to happen with young mothers here. Brain-washed by the media to feel guilty if your baby isn’t 100% perfect!). . I’m glad I was born in 1940s , during the deprivations of WW2, when common-sense ruled in matters of health. There was no time to fuss over colds and scraped knees. Too busy surviving ! I’ve brought up seven kids, one of them with cerebral palsy, and hardly ever visited any doctors, only for absolute emergencies, (like strokes! ..heart attacks…lol….joking here). , even though we have free health-care here ! Just always used “old-fashioned “ sensible methods that we used during WW2 etc , eating small healthy meals (pull a carrot from the soil folks and eat! lol Joke) , olive oil in ears etc for ear pain , lemon and honey drinks for everything , That particular remedy saved one of my kids from dying of meningitis …(caught by accidently getting some dog-Poo in his mouth…long story…) The doc who was in charge at the hospital said it was the best thing I could have done letting him drink such homemade drinks , and letting the wonderful God-given immune system do its work …giving it time…(I've photos of my kids with measles etc. and other childhood ailments They got over it , as WE did during the War when we were kids! No FUSS. It passes It builds up their immune system naturally, We were taught resilience…battle through it…99% of the time everything will be ok. But everyone wants instant 100%cures these days; instant , perfect health! NEVER have a cold…or ‘flu Mothers panic if their child gets an earache! Deal with it and don’t fuss. They are tougher than you think. (Ask my son with cerebral palsy! lol. I could write a book about what he has survived ). Perfect health for all though? That is Unreality. Ain’t gonna get it. In this system of things. We are all imperfect beings. We all get sick now and then. We all die when we get old That’s reality. But everyone does what they think is best , so ignore me. At least there is a hope for the future (re health) if we believe the Bible. (See Rev 21) So why worry? Worry can cause you to become sick ! 😄
I concur! My mom was born in 1926 and was raised by my Grammy, who didn't have a job. I know she was a midwife, and if memory serves me, I believe she was a seamstress as well. I was born 1960. We ARE more resilient. I probably could have walked in to my house holding an amputated arm, and my mom would have shrugged and told me to get a band-aid!
Hahaha.🤣 I know exactly what you mean Stephanie. My eldest son, disabled, wanted to climb trees with his brothers. He did. He was helped by them to place his poor uncoordinated body each step of the way and back down. It was wonderful to see the triumphant joy on his face! Yes. He fell many times…but he was helped back up…he is 64 now. Tough as old boots as we say here! He Loves life in spite of the many accidents he’s had trying to live it. When asked he says he wouldn’t have changed anything. Like you said , resilience. That’s what’s lacking everywhere I look today. It’s sad because we are all going to need it as things get worse ….
Couldn't agree more. I'm disabled- thanks to doctors, but I am as active as my body permits. I have a friend who uses any little ache or pain as an excuse- yet she can drive long distances and walk around Walmart no problem- but she NEEDS that handicap parking space! Kudos to your son(s). Sounds like they were raised the right way! And, yes, many are going to be blind sided and will not even know what hit them. It is very sad.
Wonderful comment Jaqui!
Remember also, that your "disabled" 64 year old will be made "whole" when Jesus returns, if he is a believer.
Brave and courageous you. Look for sound healers etc. or look within, not meaning to be trite, but we need to practice our own energy healing now. Best of luck
I’m very old and have had fabulous alternative/allopathic drs for the last 40 years. They retired or died and can’t go to a holestic or naturopathic dr. NONE of them will take insurance and we don’t have $350.00 and up to walk through the door!
That is the number one problem with our health system! The good holistic doctors don't take insurance because the insurance industry won't accept their claims! Not many of us can afford the $$$$ it takes to see and follow through with an "alternative" doctor. I did have a wonderful integrative doctor who promoted more of the natural health remedies than the allopathic ones, but she mysteriously closed her practice, and I can't find another integrative doctor who takes insurance payments within driving distance. Very frustrating!
Susan, don't know if this appeals to you, but this is what I'm signing up for- Dr. Tom Cowan has a program where you sign up for yourself, or a family plan. He has several providers, including a veterinarian. I have been in a medical nightmare for well over a decade. I treat myself and WAS improving, until I made the mistake of having a culture done for something in my mouth. I'm now convinced that 'covid' was a toxin on the hospital swab. I woke up with fever, headache and complete loss of smell. I also recently found out I have a brain tumor- no idea whether it's related. My health continues to decline and I simply cannot find a 'provider' who will even make a referral! It is despicable. I'm giving Dr. Cowan's team a try- they've walked away from the system. I've often said that if we truly had health care, insurance would cover the providers of OUR choice. I didn't mean to write an essay- my apologies! I wish you well, and just google Dr. Cowan- the website should (hopefully) pop up. I think it's called New Medicine (?) Not sure off the top of my head.
Thanks, Stephanie, but Dr. Cowan's program (New Biology Clinic) is not in my financial ball park. Nothing about insurance is on the website, so I'm assuming they don't accept Medicare or any other health insurance. I looked at all three plans, the $89, the $159, and the $199, and all three have the exact same description! Why the difference in prices??? Weird. And there is nothing about the cost of tests, prescriptions, or hospitalization, if necessary, which for me currently are mostly covered by insurance, so I'm assuming those items would be out-of-pocket costs unless you have to keep insurance payments for those things as well as the monthly fees and the initial activation fee for Cowan's program. I'm relatively healthy, so the $89 monthly fee is already $62 MORE than I'm paying per month for my Medicare Advantage Plan monthly fee of $27, so if I don't need a "consultation," I would have already spent way more money each month than if I stayed with my conventional doctor (she does lean toward "integrative") and my insurance plan. I follow natural health strategies as much as possible and I eat about 90% organic and Non-GMO food, exercise, and stay away from environmental toxins as much as possible, so I don't need a doctor very often. I've seen some other health plans pop up since the Covid crap, but again, none of them are affordable for someone like me whose only income is Social Security. I'm sorry you have been going through a "medical nightmare" and I certainly hope that Dr. Cowan's practitioners can help you heal!
I don't live in your country, let alone your part of the world - if you have a problem, bounce it off me and if I have something which might work I'll tell you about it - alternatvely, I'm sure there are others like me with simple advice you can try, from the old ways, before modern medicine came along and failed miserably.
Nancy- please read my reply below to Susan. It might be something you would be interested in. I'm in the same boat. Doctors destroyed my health and now they don't want to be bothered. I cannot afford a naturopath, either! I wish you well!
Get in line, how old are you - I'm almost 80
I keep forgetting to stress the importance of growing one's own herbs, veggies, and foods, if possible. A little fresh, (and if able, raw) food will offset many deficiencies, because it comes from virgin soil, and not sprayed, etc.
Real unethical....
There are still a few of us "vax virgins" vaccines for me in over 50 years.
They did the same thing to my mother-in-law at the er and my understanding is in Texas they aren't allowed to even ask that?! Nurse guy that looked like he should have been a cast member of The Alaskan Bush People asked her if she'd had her vaccines. But before she could speak I said what vaccines are you talking about?! No we aren't here for any vaccines and don't want any! What does this have to do with the muscle spasms in her ribcage?! He got up and walked out. It was visible to a blind person I was PO'D! Then the other nurse who informed us she'd just come back from being off surgery litterally could not stand still! I didn't say anything, but when she left the room my mother-in-law said I thought we'd come into hillbilly world and what is she on?! His hair was long, so was hers, braided, and she had a bandana on, so I laughed pretty good! But that nurse was DEFINITELY on something! Rocked side to side on her feet non stop! I wanted to say sit still or get out you're making me a nervous wreck along with I'm now PO'D! Then I brought up childhood vaccines and said we don't even do those because I watched them cause broad spectrum autism in my precious grandson. She would never look at me and repeated over and over...well I couldn't look at my kids and if they caught something explain why I didn't protect them. I said BUT THEY DON'T! She'd say it again. Then I said what were they going to get?! Especially when so many vaccinate their kids? She'd say it again! Then I said so you work in this field day in day out and don't see what vaccines are causing?! She'd repeat it again! I finally said you desperately need to do some research if you're going to be in this field and handing out advice! 👹
A tweaker indeed! Meth is a terrible drug!
I wish all health!
What does any of that have to do with your ear? And even if they are scared to death they are gonna die of some virus why on Earth would they ask about a Tetanus shot? So bizarre. Should have asked them if they got all 10 Covid shots and if not, why not? lol My husband was in 2 different hospitals for a weekish each time in June and August and there wasnt one mention of any vaccine either time. Phew.
Bravo. Most people would have taken every one of those shots. Including most who post comments in these substacks. If everyone across the Substack space truly lived what they post about in their comments, we could reverse much of what is going on. Unfortunately, most people are only brave behind a keyboard and cave as soon as they are tested in the real world. Thanks for standing firm.
Mega dose vitamin C for ears, watch for bowel tolerance.
Aren't you glad did not take jabs...cause if you had, nobody would ask anything ,,oh but the embalmer would supply any answers on your death certificate
I sympathize with you. I often relate on substack my last GP checkup. My Doc refused my request for an antibody test (need a script here) however she offered me a Covid shot, a shingles shot, a flu shot and a pneumonia shot. My answer was no, no, no, no. When she asked why I didn't want the Covid shot I explained that my wife did the research in the spring of 21 and figured out it was no good. She and her BFF came to us hubbies and said were not taking that sh_t.
AUKUS shots - see my substack, first post there - the military designed, paid for and distributed these "vaccines" and the mugs went along and had them - depopulation, it seems to me, sooner or later. I wish it were otherwise, I really do, I'd do probably anything to turn it around and send it back, but I can't do that and neither can you - sucks right?
These whiners want a jobs program! Their belief in viruses and vaccination is pathetic. They probably want to create the next pandemic.
Bingo. Problem, reaction, solution.$$$$. They make billions, kill millions, settle for millions, and the rest is profit.
Have you heard of "The Great Reset" what better way to do that but as an AUKUS military operation, we would not see that coming would we - see my free substack, my latest post - you might be interested in reading my last 2 posts after that one, but I don't recommend the one about what's in the vaccines to anyone after you have had any of their vaccines, just saying.
Yes, interesting that Klaus wrote 'Covid-19 The Great Reset', and published it in, I think, June 2020! How does one write a book about a global reset based on something declared in March, and it's published in June??? It's almost as if this was planned...
Despicable liars all. $ over all. I listened to Podcast featuring Dr. Jack Kruse and Andrew Huberman today. Decentralized medicine is the future!
Is that Dr. Kruse the Neurosurgeon?
Reading "trust" and "science" in one sentence could be seen as the dominant WHO+WEF+related ilk oxymoron. Everyone with diploma kindergarten knows that the proper phrase is "VERIFY the science".
To prepare for future pandemics they need gain-of-function research...
I wonder why.
Wow; nothing suspicious about that.
Never mind that "viruses" don't exist.
Virology is a dead end science. In fact it is not a science at's a deadly cultist's dream.
I’m still skeptical of their abilities to produce a deadly virus. Is there any pathogen in history that killed slews of healthy people, people who had plumbing, clean drinking water, nutritious food, sunlight…??? How long have mad scientists been working on this project? A century? A century of failure. I think it’s more about fear porn and keeping the money train rolling.
Viroliegists are all shameless!! Have you seen how the cook the results with: recipé: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique
Welcome, culinary conspiracists, to today’s special on “Cooking with Con-troversy,” where we whip-up a dish so dubious, even your lab mates will question their taste buds and understanding of la méthode scientifique." Get ready for a hilarious ride through the questionable kitchen of ‘Viral’ ‘isolation.’ Let’s dive into the recipé for our star dish: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique.
1. Collect le BALF: Begin by gathering your clinical specimens – a smorgasbord of liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (BALF) and throat swabs (écouvillons de gorge). Think of these as your “mystery meat” “viande mystérieuse” for the dish. They might look unappetizing, but they’re essential for our recipé.
2. Prepare the Cell Culture Crust - Préparer la Croûte de Culture Cellulaire." Take a hearty helping of Vero E6 cells (no monkey business in this kitchen) and spread them like a generous layer of pie crust in your culture dish. Add a splash of pénicilline-streptomycine to keep unwanted bacteria at Bay Watch! Let it bake in the incubator at 37°C with 5% CO₂ - the perfect temperature for making those cells nice and cozy.
3. Add the CPE Crunch – Ajoutez le Croustillant du CPE: Pour in your clinical specimens (énchantillons cliniques) like a questionable gravy (sauce douteuse). Watch for effets cytopathiques (CPE) – those delightful signs that your cells are being utterly ruined. It’s like adding too much spice, but in the world of viral cooking.
4. Harvest the Viral Goo – Recoltez la Boue Virale: Once your cells are cooked like a bad stew, harvest the culture supernatants. This is the equivalent of scraping out the leftover sauce from the bottom of the pan. Centrifuge to concentrate the viral goo – think of it as reducing your sauce to intensify the flavor.
5. Prepare for the Electron Microscopy Garnish – Préparer la Garniture pour la Microscopie électronique: To get those fancy EM pics, embed your virus particles in resin and slice them thin like a deli meat. Stain with heavy metals (uranyl acetate and lead citrate) to add that extra seasoning for a pop of contrast. Garnish with arrows and labels to declare whatever suits your fancy. Almost ready to serve.
6. Whisk Up the Genetic Filling – Battre la Garniture Génétique: Extract the ‘viral’ RNA like a precious ingredient. It’s key to the success of your dish, like the base for a good soup.
7. Reverse Transcription Sauce – Sauce de Transcription Inverse: Convert that RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase. Whip up a smooth cDNA cream, then toss in RT-PCR to confirm the presence of your ‘virus’ in this genetic mixed-bag of culinary tricks.
8. Dazzle with a Sequencing Show – Éblouir avec un Spectacle Séquencage: Add Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) as the final touch – a fancy garnish that reveals the intricate ‘genetic decorations’ of your ‘virus.’ It’s like adding pungent truffles to a dish to disguise any nasty, hidden flavors.
9. Serve with a Wry Smile – Servez avec un Sourire en Coin: Plate your dish with the confidence of a top chef. Use phylogenetic analysis to arrange your genetic sequences in an artistic display. Your audience may not understand the dish, but they will appreciate the presentation! Serve with a wry smile!
Voila! Presenting our signature dish: Isolation du Virus par Méthodologie Suspecte avec Pure-ée Non-sense au Culture Cellulaire Toxique!
Bon Appétit!
On point!!!
A key phrase in their litany of lies: "threats from nature "
What they are really saying is "be afraid, be very afraid....only we and the jab can protect you"....these people are monsters.... like that old movie, "Creatures from the Black Lagoon."
Good I think, these creatures make themselves so public. When the Reckoning comes, we won't have to hunt them.
When that happens, they will all be hiding out in Lizard Boy Mark Zuckerberg's Bunker. 😠🦎👹👺
Cool. The more concentrated they become the fewer munitions required.
I started to read what soon revealed itself to be the 'orchestrated litany of lies' Meryl posted from that erstwhile respected organ The Journal of Virology. Had to stop. Couldn't do it. It was just too depressing to see that the institution of science, which for much of my life really did represent the crown jewel of human achievement, has finally turned into ... this. These authors no longer even bothered to construct shonky mathematical models to provide a sheen of respectibility, as the climate scammers did. Now they just kept repeating outright falsehoods, in black and white word salad.
I do note however that this paper is only a preprint, which means there's still the faint hope that a bit of serious peer review might reject it. But given the pedigree of the editor, I imagine it will just be sent to yet more corrupt pseudoscientists, who really are the peers of the authors. The whole business is really very sad.
Awwwww the poor victim$. Nobody wants to be their friend. Wah.
It is truly truly obnoxious that you are still pretending there was a virus. You are a fake pandemic enabler.
Shame on you.
You MUST be aware now viruses are fictional.
You are compromised through and through
I had to laugh at "lab leak hypothesis!" I think I'll hire these "scientists" to clean out my barn and chicken coops! They seem to be very good a shoveling manure, there was loads of it in their article.
I think it is about time they did some real hard, beneficial to the human race work, instead of shoveling "it"!