The top half is a bit dense for me, but I found the idea of "Elite panic" as a trigger for their race to dystopia to be interesting. And from that line down, I get it.
These emergencies are artificially created by the pathocracy, because they know their time is ending. It is their last stand. They have accelerated it because they know they are losing.
People think Stalin and Mao were following solutions from Marx but Marx didn’t really have solutions because he died before he could come up with them. He was good at diagnosing problems though.
As Marx describes:
"One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this centralisation, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever-extending scale, the cooperative form of the labour process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialised labour, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime."
The "socialised labor" and "instruments of labor only usable in common" described by Marx perfectly describe the internet/world wide web, which is the latest and highest expression of this process.
He observes:
"Centralisation of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated."
So what has been happening with the capitalist meltdowns of 2001, 2008, and now is that this integument is bursting asunder. The captains of international finance capital have known since at least 1867 that such things happen on a regular basis. They know that these crises are getting worse because of the advanced nature of socialized labor. What they fear is that they as the expropriators will be expropriated. That's why they are literally eliminating workers and enslaving those remaining. They have done their best to hide themselves and their reasons, but things are becoming increasingly clear to people.
My opinion is that the perpetrators of this medical fraud and tyranny have known for generations that automation will make the vast majority idle, economically dependent, and looking for a way to change things, in other words, revolutionary.
They like us as sort of cute pets or farm animals, but revolution is an existential threat to them so they will do anything including perpetrate genocide to prevent it.
Things have come to a tipping point now with the internet and resulting financial chaos, so they know now this is their last chance at survival.
Good one, and it’s a monster. Could be a hit at the next cocktail party… On the fly I’d say the ‘you are here’ really depends on the individual’s perception of the world around them and the gap of awareness has been steadily widening. I’d definitely rearrange some of the boxes, such as the ‘State/Corporate Fusion’ seem to do better around the ‘Elite contempt for Democracy’. When we replace the term ‘Elite’ with ‘Parasites’, I think we get to drop some of the abstract socio-rethoric and acknowledge the predatory nature involved. You know, I think you may be onto something, Dr. Meryl. This abstract could be a gateway into locked normie minds. I’ll print some out :)) Thanks for all you do for us, just stellar, hugs, and the Best for 2024.
Probably for a good reason: the new technological control system highly depends on visible, vulnerable sensors like cameras and wireless systems to transmit data. On a higher level, data centers processing and distributing the results to every place requiring electronic ID, which depends on an also vulnerable, well visible net of cell towers.
It appears that the only way out is the Total Techno-state, I'm not buying it. Where is the mass movement to ban the private creation of money and make it a public utility dedicated to the needs of people and planet?
New Years resolution = Things we have to achieve during 2024;
1. Stop Big Pharma killing (CULLING) humanity with their deadly injections that they call VACCINES!
2. Stop the recently re-opened Wuhan Institute labs from experimenting with viruses to maximise their deadly impact upon HUMANS.
3. Destroy the intentions of the World Economic Forum to Control us by INJECTIONS ('Vaccines'), enslaving us by Genetic modification achieved by the mRNA they pretend is useful for defeating diseases.
4. Disband the Corrupt World Health Organisation which we 'terminated' on the 30th November 2023.
5a. Reintroduce LIABILITY into the pharmaceutical marketplace by determining that all drug and medicine makers have to accept ALL legal responsibility for their products.
5b. Back-date LIABILITY to 2020 so that the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc, have to sufficiently compensate those that suffered health impact related to Big Pharma's dirty and frequently DEADLY injections that were intended to reduce the World's population.
6. Arrest and prosecute those all involved in the planning, creation and release of the Covid Scamdemic and remove these evil murdering 'animals' from our once wonderful planet.
7. Arrest and prosecute all involved in manufacturing the DEADLY injections they pretended were a "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" cure for the man-made Covid disease. They too must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity!
7b. Stop Pfizer from trying to 'avoid prosecution for mass-murder by claiming false BANKRUPTCY to avoid justice and their LIABILITY for the DEATHS and injuries their DEADLY injected poisons caused.
8. Arrest and prosecute all Politicians and other influencers of the Covid & Vax scams, as they are party to the mass murder of millions who were encouraged to accept the DEADLY injections. The same deadly fate must apply to these accomplices.
9. Arrest and prosecute all media personnel and those who advertised the DEADLY injections as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" medicines. The same fate will apply to these insane participators of genocide.
10. Ensure the now Corrupt organisations that assisted in promoting the Vax Genocide upon humanity. These include organisations such as The US FDA, CDC, The United Nations, any remaining members of the, now defunct, World Health Organisation. the BBC and many other culpable persons, organisation heads, politicians and all others who participated in the worst example of genocide ever witnessed on our planet.
This list is just the beginning of our intentions to free our planet from the evil clutches of those that mean us to be SLAVES, and that have been manifesting their plans over the past century and beyond!
the entire show is controlled by technology and not by people… No one is in control anymore, which is a good thing, as this ugly techno-industrial empire (global) will fall, one way or another, in the near future.
N S Lyons article is insightful and deepens our understanding of the social and cultural process we are going through. But, in some respects it falls short in that it offers little guidance in pursuing justice. I am suggesting the we cannot “clean house” if we fix responsibility on an amorphous elite class. We need to identify individual agents.
I believe the conduct of the pandemic shows that there was planning and coordination; further evidence is in Event 201. Very likely there was an executive function and chain of command. This would have been located within the National Security Council. A further question would be the source of guidance to the NSC.
Instructive that the Elite Panic is only one other step resulting from Elite Contempt for Democracy. They have only themselves and their self-aggrandizing attitudes to blame for their now rising panic. As soon as they saw themselves not as other cats herding cats, but as a totally different, more deserving, superior sort of animal, they sealed their fates. I think one answer is to keep pointing out to our fellows how the elites think of us, and where they think they are driving us to. Read yesterday that only 7% have taken the latest booster. The numbers don't lie, almost everyone is on our side now. Keep up the pressure people. Thanks for all you do Dr Nass.
If you substitute HUMANISM for "Enlightenment Liberalism" and PSYCHOLOGY for "Rationalism" It makes more sense to me as a Bible believer (The King James Bible - not the numerous corrupt modern bibles).
Our healthy depiction of this flow chart is based on simplicity, transparency and informed consent. If those 3 pillars are included it would be impossible to arrive at the same conclusions as N.S. Lyons chart. How powerful are we if we use the 3 pillars and ignore the complexity, propaganda and denial of human rights.
Dr Meryl - ONE HEALTH is now in every country and city -so when WHO creates a pandemic it already has a system set up in states, counties and cities - not sure about school districts.
I always thought that the share market was a fraud to rob people of their money for a piece of paper with no responsibility for causing a loss
With the government allowing the loss to be claimed against the government's fraud taxing
What happened was that all countries stared to live beyond their means robbing the new generations of young adults from obtaining the chance to have their own home
These emergencies are artificially created by the pathocracy, because they know their time is ending. It is their last stand. They have accelerated it because they know they are losing.
People think Stalin and Mao were following solutions from Marx but Marx didn’t really have solutions because he died before he could come up with them. He was good at diagnosing problems though.
As Marx describes:
"One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this centralisation, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever-extending scale, the cooperative form of the labour process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialised labour, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime."
The "socialised labor" and "instruments of labor only usable in common" described by Marx perfectly describe the internet/world wide web, which is the latest and highest expression of this process.
He observes:
"Centralisation of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated."
So what has been happening with the capitalist meltdowns of 2001, 2008, and now is that this integument is bursting asunder. The captains of international finance capital have known since at least 1867 that such things happen on a regular basis. They know that these crises are getting worse because of the advanced nature of socialized labor. What they fear is that they as the expropriators will be expropriated. That's why they are literally eliminating workers and enslaving those remaining. They have done their best to hide themselves and their reasons, but things are becoming increasingly clear to people.
My opinion is that the perpetrators of this medical fraud and tyranny have known for generations that automation will make the vast majority idle, economically dependent, and looking for a way to change things, in other words, revolutionary.
They like us as sort of cute pets or farm animals, but revolution is an existential threat to them so they will do anything including perpetrate genocide to prevent it.
Things have come to a tipping point now with the internet and resulting financial chaos, so they know now this is their last chance at survival.
It is their emergency, not ours.
I agree. What they really fear is a true revolution - the masses coming after them. They've done a good job of preventing this possibility.
Happy New Year to the soldiers of the 77th brigade.
Good one, and it’s a monster. Could be a hit at the next cocktail party… On the fly I’d say the ‘you are here’ really depends on the individual’s perception of the world around them and the gap of awareness has been steadily widening. I’d definitely rearrange some of the boxes, such as the ‘State/Corporate Fusion’ seem to do better around the ‘Elite contempt for Democracy’. When we replace the term ‘Elite’ with ‘Parasites’, I think we get to drop some of the abstract socio-rethoric and acknowledge the predatory nature involved. You know, I think you may be onto something, Dr. Meryl. This abstract could be a gateway into locked normie minds. I’ll print some out :)) Thanks for all you do for us, just stellar, hugs, and the Best for 2024.
Please let it fail miserably!
Thank you very much for finding and posting.
Happy New Year!
Thanks to you too.
- Luc
N.S.Lyons’ article at the height of covid madness about the “Physicals” and the “Virtuals” just blew me away. Brilliant.
Too bad the chart doesn't show us a way out of this mess.
Probably for a good reason: the new technological control system highly depends on visible, vulnerable sensors like cameras and wireless systems to transmit data. On a higher level, data centers processing and distributing the results to every place requiring electronic ID, which depends on an also vulnerable, well visible net of cell towers.
It appears that the only way out is the Total Techno-state, I'm not buying it. Where is the mass movement to ban the private creation of money and make it a public utility dedicated to the needs of people and planet?
The boxes are real things, although some that describe people power are as you say missing, but the arrows are all kind of silly.
New Years resolution = Things we have to achieve during 2024;
1. Stop Big Pharma killing (CULLING) humanity with their deadly injections that they call VACCINES!
2. Stop the recently re-opened Wuhan Institute labs from experimenting with viruses to maximise their deadly impact upon HUMANS.
3. Destroy the intentions of the World Economic Forum to Control us by INJECTIONS ('Vaccines'), enslaving us by Genetic modification achieved by the mRNA they pretend is useful for defeating diseases.
4. Disband the Corrupt World Health Organisation which we 'terminated' on the 30th November 2023.
5a. Reintroduce LIABILITY into the pharmaceutical marketplace by determining that all drug and medicine makers have to accept ALL legal responsibility for their products.
5b. Back-date LIABILITY to 2020 so that the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc, have to sufficiently compensate those that suffered health impact related to Big Pharma's dirty and frequently DEADLY injections that were intended to reduce the World's population.
6. Arrest and prosecute those all involved in the planning, creation and release of the Covid Scamdemic and remove these evil murdering 'animals' from our once wonderful planet.
7. Arrest and prosecute all involved in manufacturing the DEADLY injections they pretended were a "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" cure for the man-made Covid disease. They too must be exterminated for their crimes against humanity!
7b. Stop Pfizer from trying to 'avoid prosecution for mass-murder by claiming false BANKRUPTCY to avoid justice and their LIABILITY for the DEATHS and injuries their DEADLY injected poisons caused.
8. Arrest and prosecute all Politicians and other influencers of the Covid & Vax scams, as they are party to the mass murder of millions who were encouraged to accept the DEADLY injections. The same deadly fate must apply to these accomplices.
9. Arrest and prosecute all media personnel and those who advertised the DEADLY injections as "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" medicines. The same fate will apply to these insane participators of genocide.
10. Ensure the now Corrupt organisations that assisted in promoting the Vax Genocide upon humanity. These include organisations such as The US FDA, CDC, The United Nations, any remaining members of the, now defunct, World Health Organisation. the BBC and many other culpable persons, organisation heads, politicians and all others who participated in the worst example of genocide ever witnessed on our planet.
This list is just the beginning of our intentions to free our planet from the evil clutches of those that mean us to be SLAVES, and that have been manifesting their plans over the past century and beyond!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
the entire show is controlled by technology and not by people… No one is in control anymore, which is a good thing, as this ugly techno-industrial empire (global) will fall, one way or another, in the near future.
N S Lyons article is insightful and deepens our understanding of the social and cultural process we are going through. But, in some respects it falls short in that it offers little guidance in pursuing justice. I am suggesting the we cannot “clean house” if we fix responsibility on an amorphous elite class. We need to identify individual agents.
I believe the conduct of the pandemic shows that there was planning and coordination; further evidence is in Event 201. Very likely there was an executive function and chain of command. This would have been located within the National Security Council. A further question would be the source of guidance to the NSC.
The Elephant In The Room:
The Vaccinated Are Inferior Beings.
They Were Inferior Before They Took The Vaccine
And Have Proven Inferior After Taking The Vaccine.
That’s What Should Upset You.
Both If You Are Vaccinated
Or Not ... Of Lesser Constitution.
It Gets Me.
When I Let It.
Instructive that the Elite Panic is only one other step resulting from Elite Contempt for Democracy. They have only themselves and their self-aggrandizing attitudes to blame for their now rising panic. As soon as they saw themselves not as other cats herding cats, but as a totally different, more deserving, superior sort of animal, they sealed their fates. I think one answer is to keep pointing out to our fellows how the elites think of us, and where they think they are driving us to. Read yesterday that only 7% have taken the latest booster. The numbers don't lie, almost everyone is on our side now. Keep up the pressure people. Thanks for all you do Dr Nass.
I am troubled that so few arrows point up.
If you substitute HUMANISM for "Enlightenment Liberalism" and PSYCHOLOGY for "Rationalism" It makes more sense to me as a Bible believer (The King James Bible - not the numerous corrupt modern bibles).
Our healthy depiction of this flow chart is based on simplicity, transparency and informed consent. If those 3 pillars are included it would be impossible to arrive at the same conclusions as N.S. Lyons chart. How powerful are we if we use the 3 pillars and ignore the complexity, propaganda and denial of human rights.
Dr Meryl - ONE HEALTH is now in every country and city -so when WHO creates a pandemic it already has a system set up in states, counties and cities - not sure about school districts.
I always thought that the share market was a fraud to rob people of their money for a piece of paper with no responsibility for causing a loss
With the government allowing the loss to be claimed against the government's fraud taxing
What happened was that all countries stared to live beyond their means robbing the new generations of young adults from obtaining the chance to have their own home
But bottom line is