Every country needs to kick the WHOs ass out of town.

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It is easier to deny them access in the first place.

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Thank you… the British Constitution ie The Magna Carta aka The Law of Kings does not allow for any dilution, where any dilution is an act of Treason. Any Act of any individual and/or any Privateer that cedes sovereignty held and protected by The Magna Carta is an act of Treason.

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The Magna Carta is not the British Constitution.

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Thank you for your comment. I suppose this would depend on your point of view regarding which of the Jurisdictions one is standing in and seeing it from. The Magna Carta is for all intents and purposes The Constitution as it is the supreme Law of the Land and soil. The other much lesser Constitution would be that Formed for the Incorporated entities such as the UK INC and the United Kingdom Inc et all and all of those Corporations: the CROWN CORPORATION INC, the Crown Corporation Inc, HM Parliament and Governments PLC, the “House/HOUSES” of Parliament that were Chartered in the Global International Jurisdiction of the Air for conducting Business in Commerce for-profit in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea have their own Constitutions aka Particulars of Association just like all other Corporations that were formed “Dead at Law” in a Foreign Realm, Venue and Jurisdiction to that of Man and The Land and soil. The Magna Carta ids the supreme Law of the Land and soil and is superior to the Constitutions of all Corporations operating in Admiralty with a Private Society Legal System operating Commercial Colours of Law against living men and women which of course is forbidden. “Legal” by Definition taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica is given as: “The Undoing of Gods Law”

Ours is a Christian Nation of four distinct Sovereign Country Kingdoms: England unincorporated, Ireland unincorporated, Scotland unincorporated and Wales unincorporated. Best not to confuse those with the Incorporated versions/ substitutions being operated under a same/similar Name/NAME. Great Britain is a Territory being administered in Commerce, it is not a Country and Neither is “It” a Nation of living people. Knowing the difference between the Incorporated and the Unincorporated; the Enfranchised and the Non-Enfranchised; the living and the dead: helps when it comes to deciding which of The Constitutions is the most Superior. Whatever the State of State gone rogue running amok Officers , Masters, Ministers and Pope’s Imperial Majesty Emperor “King” Vassals have to say matters not. By our Law of The Land and soil they are required to obey The Law. The Private Society Legal System aka the Rule of Law ( Commercial Colour of Law) has no place on The Land and soil, in The Realm (Gods Kingdom) in the Realm that belongs to living men and women.

The Constitutions of Corporations are a nothing burger for there is not one Corporation on the Earth that has any Natural Right to even be present on the Earth; mankind on the other hand being part of The Creation, holding the Divine Right of Dominion over the Earth and holding all Superior Law and The General Jurisdiction has that Natural, Inalienable Right to be here on The Earth.

Man can subrogate any and all Corporations on The Earth and there is not one Commetcial Charter, Constitution/Particulars of Association can prevent that.

By Maxim of Law: The Created may not rule over The Creator.

It follows: that which a man and or woman ‘Forms’ for conducting Business in Commerce for-profit may not Rule over any living man or woman and may not attach/latch their Formed Commercial Persons/PERSONS with a view to taking an interest in and an Interest from any living man or woman.

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Constitutions are not signed by the chief executive at the point of a sword.

The Constitution was a coup on the Articles of Confederation staged by power hungry federalists.

If ours is a Christian land, why do none of its organic documents mention Jesus Christ by name?

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Seems like the US Constitution should also be interpreted as to not be able to delegate any authority to another country or UN.

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They bypass the US Constitution and achieve dominance via treaty.

Sneaky bastards.

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According to the Constitution, a properly ratified treaty is co-equal.

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Exactly. It can be either useful (Louisiana Purchase) or nefarious if the people are not paying attention - which we were not.

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There are/were two problems with the Louisiana Purchase.

The first one was that it was a blatantly unconstitutional action.

The second one was that Jefferson's successors didn't auction off the land in small parcels as he had intended it to be. Instead, the federal government kept it and it has become BLM and national forest holdings.

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It was purchased by treaty. That is my point.

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It was purchased in violation of the Constitution, making the treaty invalid.

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Since it doesn't.

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Thank You, Meryl.

All of this needs to be clearly discussed without pressure.

It is the globalist elites who are time-pressured, because they know their financial games are about to implode and they "need" emergency powers to stay on top of the rest of us.

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Bingo, doctot! The last country to attempt "Modern Economic Policy" was Nazi Germany. 45 years after the Holocaust, the World Jewish Congress with some aid from the Bronfman family of Canada, audited by piles of old Swiss and Polish financial records, seeking where some $30 billion in retirement savings of Holocaust victims had gone. The sobering truth: The day a Holocaust victim got shipped off to slave labor, his savings bought Nazi war bonds without his consent. When he got too sick to function on a starvation diet and was transferred to a death camp, the day he was poisoned, the War Bonds his money bought, defaulted.

Modern Economic Policy is nothing more than stealing money or property then killing the victim before the theft is discovered.

Prominent critics of the published version of Modern Economic Policy, notably Professor Ludwig von Mises and his students, wound up tutoring people in New York as refugees here. They were denied the ability to teach and their books were burned. Once we see the reason, namely that the Holocaust was openly a hate crime but covertly a money crime, it all makes perfect sense.

Yes, anybody can print unlimited amounts of money.

But the failure of Modern Economic Theory is that what leads us all to economic activity is nof money, but value.

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Well then, get your COVID booster...


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When it comes to not being covered, Bill Gates and the Trusted News Initiative immediately spring to mind.

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I’d imagine Geert Wilders would/will reject the Treaty. t least I hope so. He’s long been on my top ten leaders list .

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You are so naive, Maryl… Do you still believe the constitution matters? You don’t live in a democracy, Why can’t you get it? Are you blind?

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Naivete doesn't necessarily come into it. (And yeah, I get that you are a hard-bitten cynic.) We live in a republic, first of all. Secondly, the Constitution matters if we say it does. The problem is: most Americans have been derelict in their responsibilities of being citizens. This will all get much, much worse before it can get better--if it even can (This I'm sure you know.). Will you do anything constructive? Or will you spend your time dissing those who are making efforts to at least inform people?

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You really don’t get it…

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Help me to understand then.

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Do you believe in dark forces that influence the world?

Let me make it easier for you: when you look at the world, does it make sense to you that ordinary human beings with conscience (hopefully) would do to other human beings what they have done in the last century or so? Does this make any sense to you?

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Thanks for the reply. Presumably moral (That's a doozy of a term these days, I know!) people shouldn't do what they have so often been led into doing by psychopaths. We are a truly F'd species, to be sure. Plenty to ponder and discuss there.

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I don't believe the US constitution allows for a foreign state or entity to dictate to US citizens what freedoms they can exercise within the boundaries of their own country. The 10th amendment was to protect the individual states and the citizens thereof from being controlled by the federal government by reserving to the states and their citizens the powers not delegated to the fed.. The US reps were aware of this which is why the reservations were made in the 2005 IHR. The work around was to bribe the states through model health regs. - They still have that sticky problem with those rights granted by God and recognized as such in federal and state constitutions.

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Ah….well I am a Scots man and we have a Constitutional Christian ( Protestant ) Monarchy. If you are mincing words about the American Constitutions of which there are a number then take it up with Anna Maria Riezinger ‘Fiduciary’ The United States of America unincorporated for the Confederation of States. Or alternatively with the Hereditary Sovereign Head of State for America whose family seal is the Great Seal of America, he is The Belle Cher.

There is The Constitution of 1776 and there are “the” Constitutions for the sub contracted hired help Governmental Management Services Entities that sit as Corporations in Washington;

that were delegated enumerate powers by the Lawful Land Law Government: The United States of America unincorporated. ‘Americans’ are not Governed by The Constitutions but their hired help and the hired help’s citizens are. Americans are fully protected under the Unanimous Declaration of Independence.

As for the Corporations you have in Washington: “the” UNITED STATES ( INC) a MUNICIPAL VENUE CORPORATION owned and operated by The Pope; and “the” United States of America (Inc) owned and operated by the Queen/King who have been operating since the time of King John “Lacklands” as Vassals working for The Pope as the Pope’s Overseers of the Commonwealth. So is The Pope Christian? He has effectively been running everything, both sides of the sub contracted governmental Entities. Lucky for the Americans that there were those awake enough to know what was taking place and move to protect them and their landed estates. So we come full circle whose Constitution ‘trumps’ whose?

Certainly not the Constitution of the Whitehouse Office Inc that “President” Biden ( President of a Corporation and not a “Country”) has been Administering for The Pope/His Imperial Highness Emperor King Charles.

Go to: annavonreitz.com. You can find there everything that you need to know about the true lawful structure of the American Government and more.

However for all of that: there is no Constitution of any Corporation that can override mankind. Mankind does not belong to their Kind. Their Kind have no Rights and Titles to our Kind. Their Kind cannot hold our Kind as their Property and as their Slaves and nothing in any Constitution can ever change that.

We started off wirh the fact that there are Constitutions in existence that do not allow any ceding of Sovereignty or the Rights of Man.

The WHO INC is a Corporation, a a Privateer Vessel Stakeholder Entity.

We have established that Corporations cannot Rule over any living man/woman. We know that their Kind cannot ‘Own’ our Kind; therefore it matters not what the Officers ‘for’ the WHO INC say. Their Kind are in a foreign agent Realm and Venue to mankind and their Kind are forbidden from Trespassing. The Law of Kinds is in force at all times. Essentially “Each Kind to their own Kind” … Man to Man, Animal to Animal, and Corporation to Corporation. So do the Constitutions of Corporations mean anything at all to any living man or woman. No… unless you want to be under their Kind and let the gone rogue Officers of Corporations takeover and Rule over your life ‘for’ you and decide ‘for’ you.

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Excellent move.

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The US Constitution neither mentions sovereignty nor delegates it.

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Once again, an unelected bureaucrat thwarts the will of a country's parlimentary body. Sadly, such political maneuverings show the depth of evil which the human race as a whole faces.

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I am not an expert in any legal matter. The US Constitutuion is a wonderful document. However we have so many laws on the books now that seemingly delegate authority that bypasses the US Constitution. Katherine Watt of Bailiwick substack has documented many of these and is currently working with another colleague to document the progression to this extreme unrepresentative administrative state from the late 1700s. So what to,do about this administrative state and the incredible power garnered by the DOD in particular, an organization that wields much control,over congress by buying off representatives, or blackmailing them, or even I suspect threatening their families or themselves with a multitude of threats.

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The Constitution was a coup against the Articles of Confederation.

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I refuse to relinquish my personal human sovereignty. I don't give a crap what my stupid government does. They are not my leaders and never will be.

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That won't matter in their star chamber.

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Much appreciated. The WHO and US CDC made a spectacular power grab that removed democratic institutions from their ability to function. The last time the US saw such a power grab, the terrorist KKK rigged the 1876 Election then passed a "public heath" law commanding Segregation by race. Since the anti-Slavery Republican Party had many African-American volunteer supporters but few in law practice at that date, ordering Black Republicans and White Republicans not to meet, destroyed all political opposition in the South, until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 desegregated the polls.

Funny how the opponents of free and fair elections always manage to work fear into the formula, that gives them all the power.

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Praise the Lord for the brave senators

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