"Modern propaganda works insidiously through the pillars of influence we have been hardwired to trust.”[7]

Like doctors and scientists?

Just trust the experts! The vaccine is "safe and affective." Just trust "The Science!"

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"safe and effective"

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"Affective" might actually be true, though!

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More like INFECTIVE🤡

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it took many years for doctors to gain such power & authority, starting long before most of us were born. Check out my "Digging for the Roots in Toronto". and there's so much more.

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Doctors as individuals lost their individuality from the late 1980s forward, when corporate medicine created layers of control, payment, decision-making and certification above doctors.

"Doctors" are now used as archetypal symbols of shamanic power to control people.

I never played that new game, always served my patients and advised each one individually. I was fired for refusing COVID vaccination in October 2021. There were other attacks through my Board of Family Medicine (decertified for advising against COVID-vaccination, aka "informed consent) and a complaint to the Texas Medical Board by CVS that I was prescribing ivermectin and HCQ for COVID, "causing harm".

The machine is pervasive everywhere and has accomplished this in our lifetimes.

It is also unstable.

That which enslaves all of us also feeds all of us.


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So sorry, you have been treated so viciously for actually caring for your patients.

Please know that there are many of us who truly have great admiration for doctors with integrity like yourself.

In fact, I only want to see drs now (out of pocket) that DON’T advocate the COVID shots.

I am opting out of mainstream large corporation medical systems and looking for a functional dr who understand nutrition as a form of healing and treating the whole patient - not just lazily throwing drugs at them for life.

And speaking of CVS - they are such a disgusting company -

i abhor walking in there where my company has forced us to go to get meds.

No choice from HR to use other pharmacies or I would drop them in an instant.

I am constantly looking for discount coupons online, just so I can avoid buying from them and getting their “discounted” member price.

They have background music that is all about have you had this vax, or that vax from the minute you walk in, and even when you are on hold if you dare call them.

I have to hold the phone away from my ear or I will scream my head off out of frustration having to listen to their perverted sense of medical care.

Their pharma pimping is truly nauseating.

PS: there are many doctors who are going it alone now and opting out of the system.

Many patients on these sites would rather consult with a person like you, than a pharma WEF shill.

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God bless you

There are vast costs of "compliance" to practice medicine.

I am doing what I can do to help without incurring costs that I cannot pay.

I'm glad you are seeking paths to actual health. It's the right thing to do.

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I'll have to check out "Digging for the Roots in Toronto." Thanks!

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Excellent summary - thanks! "Live Not By Lies" is also the title of a book by Rod Dreher, who, by the way, probably because he sees creeping totalitarianism here, moved to Hungary, hoping that PM Orban's efforts for freedom, family, and Christianity, will keep that country saner for longer.

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Agreed. Fabulous summary. One Idea to Rule Them All.

Reminds me of lines 6 and 7 to the lyrics to Ring Poem from Lord of the Rings.


One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

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I recommend reading the works of Gustave LeBon, Walter Lippmann, EDWARD BERNAYS, Jose Delgado and James Giordano. The mind is the battlefield; truly.

The problem, though, is much deeper today than weaponization of language and emotions. Our moods, thoughts, feelings and even our memories can be manipulated via frequencies. Be aware of the existence of Directed Energy Weapons and their implications.

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DOE used to be the Atomic Energy Commission; they built the atomic bomb. While doing so, they participated in the Manhattan Project during which they tested how plutonium affected the body. They fed unwitting school children plutonium (Quaker Oats was a willing participant providing the oatmeal); they injected plutonium into hospital patients including pregnant women. This is the level of evil we are dealing with. And while I hope your message triggers a desirable response about the light bulbs, I find it hard to believe they care.

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Thank you! Praying for a miracle every day. When we move God out of places like schools, families and government, Satan runs in to replace God. And now we’ve lost integrity and truth . My heart is sad to see how our country has allowed this to happen by taking God’s blessings for granted.

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Thank you, Susan, the destruction of the God of the Bible is preeminent in the list of propaganda techniques. The cover photo of the book displays perfectly, Matthew 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

The evil ones do their utmost to belittle, berate, and yes persecute those of the Faith. Theirs is an attempt to remove all hope, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and the Love of God from mankind. It is not chance that the vilification and closure of churches was perhaps first in their list of covid propaganda tools. It was broadcast to the world that singing in church was a major spreader of covid. Then the closure and vilification of gyms as a major spreader. THE single most effective tool in overcoming their propaganda is to be in the Word daily. It is a lamp unto our feet. Read Psalm 119: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+119&version=ESV Read the Gospel of John for starters. God's Word does not return void. For those that would scoff at the idea of building God's Kingdom, don't listen to me, listen to what God's Word says to you. Until one has read the New Testament, asking God's help in understanding, His eternal Truth remains hidden. Genuine Truth comes from being in the Word, read It. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ephesians+6%3A10-20&version=ESV

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I'm with you. There is no substitute for engaging oneself in the Word of God in order to grasp the Truths therein. From what I've learned by "the Spirit of Prophecy", in our religion (SDA) the H.S. becomes our guide while we humbly investigate God's Book, with a teachable spirit and a prayer beforehand. Any man-made tradition must be set aside and allocated to the trash heap, if one is to learn of God's Character which is manifested so simply in the Ten Commandments.

Satan is very much alive and well, though in a state of contemplative hurriedness. He trustingly knows that prophecy clearly depicts his demise, and so is implementing the facilitation of chaos and all types of evil to the extent that the Father God allows. I always wonder how much people actually know about what the devil has planned. The impersonation of Christ is slated to be his grand finale. Spiritualism has opened the way for his demons to impersonate loved ones, who have died and are resting in their graves until bodily raised from the dead by Christ on the day He returns. I keep wondering how many people have trouble with believing these simple Bible truths. Especially after being inundated with false doctrines created by the "Babylonian invasion" of almost every Protestant church in America, the past couple of centuries. Thanks to the focused efforts of the Jesuits!


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God's love is His greatest gift to mankind.....for those willing to accept it.

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Yes we definitely need God, But We must no give up. Diedrich Bonhoffer was a clergyman who suffered and died in a concentration camp in his struggle against his own German people during the Holocaust.

His famous words during the events of this time werie:

"Silence n the face of evil is itself evil, God will not only us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act." As , Christian I'm sometimes torn between turning the check and reciprocating with a like offense. But I do believe it is our God-given duty to protect His creation by doing what takes to fight he evil that surrounds us.

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Aug 3, 2023
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Thanks, One of my favorite messages is Niemoller's original version. I never heard the updated one, but I'm sure that he would be pleased with it.

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Thanks for the update. It's a lot to digest, but I've heard about some of it.

One important thing in all of this, as well as the destruction that has been caused by geoengineering for decades, is the role of the hands-on people in the trenches carrying out these atrocities. You mentioned police for example.

Since the Military is knee deep in following unjust, deadly orders at times, I would like to remind our brothers and sisters in arms that they took an oath to defend our citizens from all foreign AND domestic threats. They should bear in mind that God's orders superceded anything else.

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Mark Crispin Miller, News From Underground; Patrick Wood, Citizens For Free Speech; and FIRE, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression - are all excellent also on understanding and resisting propaganda.




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Aug 3, 2023
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I am already a member and have been since 2021.

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Great! As soon as you have organized The Resistance Group Foundation, I want to be among the first to sign up.

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Boy he nailed it here:

Language: the weaponization of words, and the sanitization of speech. The use of language has been captured, censorship abounds, and definitions are changed to suit the propagandists.

How many times did the PTB change the definition of things to fit their narrative? Vaccines were the first thing changed and a lot of us saw through it immediately and could tell that they had an agenda that most of us rejected.

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Not the first thing that changed. They have been changing the dictionary meanings.

During the AmyCB Supreme Court Qualifying questioning, they were changing dictionary definition of words in real time. Fascinating and appalling to watch. It was when the Senator from HI, who is as dumb and evil as they come ( difficult to figure out the ratio ) asked her a question, the key word of this, was changed in real time. Interesting now, looking back, how and by who, I don't recall, I was directed to pay attention to it happening. They must have know the script. And it is all scripted theatre.

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They changed the definition of Pandemic to get to the changing definition of vaccine. And of course, natural herd immunity was changed to vaccine herd immunity. No truth in the meaning of immunity either.

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Ah yes I remember that now. Thanks! It’s all so see through now isn’t it. Funny how the normals haven’t caught on to this.

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Great follow-up to your previous 2 — the Simon Marcus article and the absurd Maine newspaper propaganda piece, the comments section of which is “Exhibit A” on how effective these years of propaganda have been on a hopefully shrinking collection of people willfully choosing against intelligence. Thank you.

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It is indeed absolutely fabulous! These are a couple of gems I mined from it on censorship and free speech:

“The greatest attack on language is censorship and this must be resisted at every level. You cannot have a free society without free speech, period. Any attempt to argue that others must be protected from offense and hurt feelings should be utterly repudiated. No government, no company, no fact-checkers can ever be the arbiters of truth.”

“Individuals do not need to be ‘protected’ from ideas. Protection from ideas is a way to disable and cripple free people. The First Amendment to the Constitution ensures that nothing can stand in the way of free speech and a robust marketplace of ideas, whether they be good, bad, or ugly. Of course, therein lies the problem. Labeling and censoring ideas as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ ‘harmful,’ or ‘offensive’ ultimately leads to control of ideas in general and cannot be done without suppressing everyone’s right to free speech. It’s either all or none.”

I only wish they would make an audiobook of it as I haven’t been able to find time to finish it and need to be able to multitask while reading[listening].

Michelle Stiles did a great interview with Mercola, too:


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This book should be a mandatory 101 college course!

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Teaching students how propaganda works and how pervasive it is landed Mark Crispin Miller in a hell he is still not rid of yet. Most likely he will never be permitted to teach his propaganda class again. I agree with you: this book should be mandatory. We all need to know what they're doing to our minds or we will just keep falling for their narratives.

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As long as it is not used as a manual. And it will be, by a percentage of readers.

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No wonder I have always treasured the first ten pages of S.I. Hayakawa's 1941 "Language in Thought and Action," in which he masterfully explains the different attitudes of two imaginary societies that offered "welfare," or "unemployment." Same thing; entirely different results in how their citizens perceived the wealth transfer.

Propaganda, which uses intellectually dishonest debate tactics to convince the masses of stuff that ain't so and cognitive biases to make it "stick," may be the single most important subject matter to master. It's the foundation for all the lies.

Which leads in to one of my few areas of expertise: alcoholism-fueled egomania, which makes addicts the most convincing and pernicious liars. Perhaps I should start writing....

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Ambitious young people will make a beeline to join the evil cartel especially if it’s a choice between have and have not

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I imagine that because of their youth & lack of experience combined with unbridled ambition & lack of morals, they can get on the train and never get off.

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Difficult to understand why they don't realize they will likely be disposed of by the Sociopaths after they have been used. It always happens.

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Many yes but Not if they have been taught to seek Truth in all things and always move towards that which is Good.

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This book sounds excellent. Thanks for the review.

I wrote two very short pieces that might interest you all on the ways conspiracies operate within the context of larger institutions such as the CIA:



They make some simple points but, just as the techniques pointed out in this piece, they are key to understanding the modus operandi of intra and inter-institutional conspiracy.

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Fantastic! Thank you for the tip, will have to get.

There's some very interesting quotes about propaganda, "pouring buckets of slop over each other's heads" in the records of the Hitler-Stalin pact:

The Hitler-Stalin pact: discussion of the Non-Aggression Treaty and the secret protocols

January, 1992


(Download full text PDF - free)

"In the period before the German-Soviet rapprochement the German Government made little secret of its hatred for the Soviet Union. Next to Jews the ideology of the Bolshevik state as well as its leaders were the pariahs of Nazi propaganda." - p. 21

"Ribbentrop suggested a joint and rather flowery communiqué to the press and submitted it for Stalin's approval. After reading it he said to Ribbentrop:

"Don't you think that we have to pay a little more attention to public opinion in our countries? For many years now we have been pouring buckets of slop over each other's heads and our propaganda boys could never do enough in that direction; and now all of a sudden are we to make our peoples believe that all is forgotten and forgiven? Things don't work so fast. Public opinion in our country, and probably in Germany too, will have to be prepared slowly for the change in our relations this treaty is to bring about, and it will have to be made familiar with it."

A more modest statement was agreed to. At the end of the discussions champagne was served.

Toasts to the treaty and the German people were made. Then Stalin proposed a toast to Hitler:

"I know how much the German nation loves its Fuhrer; I should therefore like to drink to his

health."" - p. 60-61

"Lastly the Pact and its consequences have shown what governments. both with and without

structural checks and balances are capable of. It also shows to what degree disinformation can

be created and perpetuated. It is this which is the lesson the historian and the student of history

must take to heart when studying the Pact." p. 87

Some additional insights from the paper I found interesting. Most of us have been taught our entire lives that Nazi's and Communists hate each other, Fascists and Marxists hate each other, Hitler and Stalin hated each other, and the Pact was just useful for strategic posturing and deception between the two nations and leaders. But that wasn't the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That was US and western propaganda:

"There was a natural link. Economically speaking both states [Germany and the Soviet Union] were closer structurally than they were to the capitalist countries. Ribbentrop noted in particular that both countries were, in fact, hostile to "capitalistic western democracies". Germany had economic four year plans. The Soviet Union had five year plans. Both maintained direct party and state control over the economic direction of their respective states. Germany still had private enterprise but the Nazi policy of Gleichschaltung ensured the primacy of the state in economic matters." p. 31

And this from the conclusions of the 1992 paper points to what happens when censorship and propaganda can no longer sustain a deception, the consequences come due. The Russian-Ukrainian war today that the US provoked and is underwriting with our tax dollars and weakening our economic status is the product of both the deceptions by Hitler and Stalin in the Pact and secret protocols, as well as the deceptions by the US and the USSR in their official denials of the Pact and secret protocols for a half-century following WWII. It may take a very long time for truth to prevail. But it does prevail. At great cost in the interim, and the aftermath. Propaganda and censorship leaves a trail of destruction behind:

"Had their validity been publicly accepted when they were discovered, after they were secretly spared from destruction, in 1945, they may likely have altered general Western perceptions of the day. It is greatly possible that this is precisely why the American authorities chose to suppress the documents following their discovery" and why the Soviet Union was allowed to discredit them.

The saddest consequence of the Pact was the forced subjugation, deportation of millions of people, and the annexation of the three Baltic Republics and the northern territories of Rumania. In the case of Rumania, it is only an irony of history that the annexed territories were spared the horrors of the Ceaucescu regime.

As for the Baltic Republics, their quest for independence rested on the rejection of the Pact by the Soviet Union. The problem Gorbachev faced was that a return to pre-August 1939 borders would give the Baltic States back their independence. It would also require a settlement of the territory seized from Poland. This would involve part of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian Republics." p. 86

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This looks amazing!

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I read the book Let the Children Go by Ted Patrick. Ted Patrick at one time was considered the Father of Deprogramming. What scares me is in his book he talks about how when people are out of a cult for a little bit, that even a year later they can, "float back" if they see, or hear their cult around them. That he emphasized isolating the person from the cult for as long as you can. That he "saved" people from cults and thought they were okay but they again were contacted by the cult and went back.

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Just goes to show how embedded a belief system can be even if at some level they know it is destructive. Or maybe they don’t really know that it is. Excellent points.

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