They’ve been using the divide & conquer strategies forever. People need to smarten up asap. Thank you for continuing to call this bs out.

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If you can't win an argument with facts

Attack the person

Discredit and drag them through the mud

Conflate the argument, and deflate them

Make the debate about them

It seems to work every time

Cancel culture 101

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You called it. This is 100% what the left does all the time. I see it on Twitter where they’ve had free roam for so long. I counter their assertions with facts and they get frustrated because they can’t out fact me -- and then they start calling me names, and then I call them out on that😆😆. It’s literally their M.O.

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ALWAYS the same tactics. They won’t produce data, but demand you do. When you do, they attack the author or the source, never the data. If you redact the source, so they’re forced to respond to the data, they begin the ad hominem attacks and how they don’t respond to uncited sources “you found from some troll on the internet.” So I’ve begun flooding them with memes, you can do four per tweet, and this really pisses them off because they can’t respond to all of them, meanwhile I can use them to share all of this data to lurkers reading the thread. When they do respond, I say nothing and hit them with four more. I have a folder with hundreds of memes and screenshots from studies and articles that support our positions. Some of them have forced me to use almost all of them...we’re talking about someone willing to keep responding to me 20+ times while I am saying nothing but memes. Eventually they blast me with acidic nastiness and block me. I screenshot that block and post on my thread as a “win.” And of course, there are psyop trolls all over Twitter. This is all they do all day.

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Damn man.

You should be training troopers.

It sounds like you have a system and it at least sounds like it'll work.

I mean.

At the end of the day most people don't dig too deep right.

That's why the headlines and the substance of articles don't always add up.

They know people read the headlines and keep scrolling.

But if they do click the link... And they do read the comments etcetera

They just gotta see it.

And they gotta see it simple and often.

Memes can be powerful for that

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Thanks for the compliment. :)

Agree. Major life decisions are made by headlines and scrolling chyron. I’m an atheist, but if there is a God, I feel like we’ve blue screened and he should consider a hard reboot.

I remember when many “news” sites started turning off their comments section. I’d read an article I wanted to rebuttal and suddenly...no comment section. Before that, many forced you to create a unique account to comment instead of using something universal like Disqus. Like the raptors in Jurassic Park, you could see their little minds working it out. In this case, how to restrict counter-narrative comments.

Look at Dr. Miller just last week. He gets published on a substack, MSM picks it up and he’s interviewed on Fox about how the unvaccinated received a lower standard of care. You view the video on the Yahoo News site and the comment section is turned of. Why? “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.” So I Google and find out they’ve “temporarily” suspended comments since 2020.

It’s a battlefield, most just don’t see what’s going on.

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I agree.

Straight up.

This is genuine war on the people with the use of...

Every tool in the box.

To most effectively take control of the primary resources, information, money, the world.

And to achieve that they have done an insane amount of thinking.

Using all the cutting edge, new and old, tricks of the trade.

What you explain is a big one on the social media front.

Whilst still appearing to have a slither of plausible deniability.

Enough so no one acts.

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Wow!! I have memes and screenshots all over my 25,000 photo file in my phone. I need to start organizing them. Good job, CT. I’m not on twitter but I have used memes.

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Dang, a real Twitter warrior! But the personal attacks on Twitter always amaze me.

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It’s full narcissistic behavior. There is no reasoning with a narcissist. They always, and I mean always- twist it so the good guy is the problem.

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Think about it.

Everyone has secrets

Everyone has some dirt

All it takes is a lens to be put on it

And your the one who's hurt.

If a good idea came from a janitor

Does that make it any less good than one from a CEO?

If a good idea came from a criminal, do we just ignore it and let it go?

A good idea is a good idea.

The person who said it, nevermind

Debate the concept, not the speaker

Or virtue signal us blind.

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Sounds like you are talking about Malone and Nass, and that's a good call.

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A lie repeated does not make it so ~

You can't replace TRUTH with a lie - the Light of TRUTH will come to pass. Thank you Dr. Nass for your courageous commitment in speaking TRUTH to tyranny. Grateful to be on the side of our Creator ...

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Well, Dr Nass, this is what comes of "Fame" I'm afraid. This is also why most doctors and other healers keep their heads low while the political shells explode over their heads. Regarding Latina "refugee"... who is it? Someone who hates Obama too apparently which kinda narrows it down to a mere 60 or 70 million people..Dr Malone was and is in the vaccine establishment. He spent his life working there and is a latecomer to this Precautionary stature. I see the conflict in him even today, but he, like every other whistleblower comes from the "Inside" and that is what gives him his Creds but also allows the "purists" to label him a "turncoat" or an "imposter"... depending on which side is criticizing. Just like Mike Yeadon who has become a pariah within the scientific community he used to lead, Dr Malone will get beaten up by his previous stance. Relative to this is the video going around of RFK Jr some years ago espousing the "opinion" that those who oppose Climate Change should be thrown in jail...so lots of skeletons will be unearthed and this is just the beginning

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You are correct. And that is why we must push back and support those being attacked, even though it puts ourselves in the firing line too. I've been there myself with being subjected to smear campaigns, and I just worked at my job harder, and talked to people they were affecting. Made a difference. Called the bastards on it in public meetings on the records, had the facts. Eff the bastards. Not fun, but necessary. The tables can be turned, and the enemy rendered irrelevant (you do have to keep a foot on their necks).

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Much as I love RFK Junior for everything he’s done during Covid, I’m hoping that he can come to see that climate change is the same sort of Psyop that Covid is. It was from the 2021 speech by RFK that I learned about all the pandemic simulations for which I am very grateful because before that I had no idea how they got such lockstep worldwide cooperation.

Thus he clearly understands that imposing totalitarianism was the only goal and he said as much at the time.

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Apr 25, 2023Edited
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And, we need to understand that there is indeed a crisis of man made climate change/climate disasters, but they are lying about the primary cause of it. Instead of cow farts etc. it is the megatons on particulates they have been dumping in the atmosphere for decades and using all sorts of energy weapons/ionosphere heaters like HAARP to modify and direct the climate.

Dane Wiggington discusses it weekly on YouTube. Elana Freeland’s first two books in her geoengineering trilogy give a lot of detail about what they are doing, and sheds some light on what caused the towers to go down on 9/11. Speaking of trilogies, those are the three main psyops of recent times.

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Apr 25, 2023Edited
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"It must be solved by engineers and by conservationists" - Thanks. We are getting better at building green buildings, then on to revising our cities with trees to moderate the heat islands. It's a gradual process of better understanding with engineers responding to conservationists.

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Apr 26, 2023Edited
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Between the green tyranny and the fossil tyranny, falls the shadow, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot. I think great minds not enchained to perverse incentives or committed to some technofeudal globalist version of The Great Leap Forward exist out there, some from disciplines not ordinarily associated with these issues, and a non-captured crowd sourced set of possible ways forward could address what we are facing. This is a great post!

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I recommend to all Rosa Korie's book "Behind the green mask", about how they are imposing tyranny and violations of private property rights, mostly locally, and how she went about opposing them.

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"Dr Malone was and is in the vaccine establishment" - Is that true? I sense he has consulted on schemes to exploit his mRNA discoveries, but he seems more oriented toward biodefense work. While that may involve vaccines as a counter, I suspect he has also looked into other defenses.

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I’m always skeptical of anonymous cat-themed accounts.

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Exactly. Faceless fake named accounts are the left’s specialty. Just look at Twitter!!

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I see Biden wont go head to head with RFK. Hide and Conquer with Dominion Voting Machines.

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Everything that has transpired over the last 3 years has led many of us to the same conclusion- that you can’t trust anything you read, or even see and hear (with the current A.I. trend) More than ever you have to be your own investigator, question the motives of every source of information, and trust your own instincts.

I can only imagine the dirt they will either dig up, or make up, a put RFK Jr. I know he is resilient, but my concern is that people will not have the ability to distinguish lies, psy-ops and propaganda, from truth and from intention. God bless the truth tellers...their integrity can not be diminished.

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God bless the truth tellers indeed...and God bless the truth seekers also...may He gently but very definitely guide our instincts...may we hear His voice above the din. As a person of deep and living faith, there is One in Whom I trust...pretty much all else I endeavour to hold lightly...at least until such times as my trust is earned...and even then I try not to get too ‘precious’ about what I do and do not know and about those I may or may not believe or trust.

I do tend to find that those who embrace and promote truth (the timing of this matters) and who value integrity aren’t generally afraid to have their beliefs and their message questioned...I greatly respect the degree of maturity and humility it takes to welcome, and even invite, scrutiny. In truth, I am otherwise tempted to question the intent of the messenger and/or the veracity of the message.

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Amen. Well said.

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Thanks for the heads up Dr. Nass. Peace. :-)

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I agree with your interpretation of events, heck you were there, so you are the authority on this one. But history is history and should speak for itself, it is surprisingly easy for anyone to dig up this kind of history, so I would not be surprised if anyone can do it, e.g. you can get a bunch of history from Wikipedia. Weird to see a substack like this pop up out of nowhere and get linked by everyone, clearly it is a hit piece circulating some other way. I'm guessing Vilma is not a real name. I think this fake name stuff is the big driver behind so much nastiness on the web. If everyone involved in these kinds of critical discussions had verifiable identities like you and Dr Malone, then the world would be a much better place. In fact, we should automatically ignore every substack, blog, facebook and twitter post that has an unverifiable identity behind it. Your response should simply be "unverifiable identity ignored".

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I put Wikipedia in the same category as Snopes or other "fact"checkers.

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Boycott Wikipedia. What is it now, but propaganda. I regret donating to their growth in their early days. I will never again use them.

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They are now. Didn’t used to be but they were taken over long ago.

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Some of that is our fault, anyone can be a Wikipedia editor, I am. It's just too many far left crazy editors signed up to tip the balance in their favor, and the Wikipedia owners didn't have a system in place to handle it so they caved in.

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I heard one of the guys who started it I cannot recall his name say that the leftists had taken it over & he seemed distressed by that. They do censor it. I’ve had my changes removed before. 

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Yes, I call these "editing wars", they absolutely happen, like on Dr Malone's page, and when it happens Wikipedia will step in and lock the page so no one can edit it, which is not really a solution. So that's what I mean when I say they have no system that can actually solve the problem.

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Well "surprisingly easy for anyone" - but only if they know exactly where to look. Based on the cited minutes and a Brave search and a bit of manipulation I found https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/boards/nbsb/meetings/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx, which is an index and sure enough found the 102811 transcription https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/boards/nbsb/meetings/Documents/102811trans.pdf. I also observed only 30 documents. Thinking Malone might have been in other meeting I tried "malone" site: www.phe.gov in Brave and got nowhere implying the site not fully indexed. How then does one find those minutes without knowing where to look?

I admit I'm not the greatest internet sleuth so "surprisingly easy for anyone" wasn't that easy.

A look at https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/boards/nbsb/meetings/Pages/default.aspx suggests they don't have these meeting very often. Wonder if Meryl was even aware of the transcript?

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i did not know a transcript existed. My guess is that an agent gave it to someone who had a chip on his shoulder, who I thought was a friend.

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I have asked for an apology before I spill his beans.

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My point was about about how "easy" it might be to dig up stuff. In this case it's obviously from an insider. I suspect the data was selective to push a point. And the point seems intended to harm Malone. I can picture times in my career of some 60 years that I have taken positions that I might regret. As a young troop I once informed my Capt that I rarely made errors in response to his desire to improve the quality of our work in calculations. Afterwards he went to the extremes to point out every error in any of my work. Young and stupid are related. To have something dredged up from 10+ years ago?

Malone said he trusted those who said the lipid issue had been solved (after 40 years). He and many of us had no idea how corrupt the system had become. I believe he was sincere.

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A problem in our world today is people have jobs and licenses to protect from the nuts who want to destroy anyone who speaks and believes differently than they do. These people act anonymously and file complaints that ruin truth tellers lives. Until that is stopped I see why it’s necessary to speak anonymously. Poor Dr. Nass and what she has been, is going through shows the his problem all too clearly.

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We've been in the Fog of War ever since "two weeks to slow the spread" and it is good to keep calling them out. We (people who are awakened to the lies) are most of America, but the strategy has been to make us always believe we're in the minority.

In the movie, V for Vendetta, a government surveillance van patrols neighborhoods, reporting back the proportion of people who are critical of government. The number reported is very high, something like 75% or 85%, but when the government official gets the number, he is unmoved.

For the power-lusters, it is natural and normal for three-fourths of the entire population to be against them, as long as they can make people believe that they are not a three-fourths majority.

Keep up the good fight, Dr. Nass.

p.s., I made and posted a "funny" about the spurious attacks on Dr. Malone (a fake tweet of my own).

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You are exactly right. I’ve been telling people this for a long time, because patch.com was never really censored like the other social media places--and you could see a huge difference. I told people we’re the majority not the minority.

I even got censored off Next Door early on!! They partnered with the White House and nobody really knew which is very concerning since they have everybody’s address.

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Considering they are “owned and operated” by Chinese in San Francisco - that is very concerning.

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The "last-nail-in-the-coffin" for the good Dr. Malone's reputation:


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Hang in there and don’t let the cretins get you down. Lots of people believe in you. Don’t lose faith

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el gato malo needs to take this one down!

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Bad Cat > Political Cat

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And that might be another clue. Isn't "La gata" trolling the original el gato malo?

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I certainly noted the choice of name and thought it strange.

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The kids didn't need the anthrax vaccine though. Every time you inject kids with these products, they have to clear toxins from their body. Even you say in this post - "considering the vaccine's side effects, Dr Malone wanted to inject less of it into kids". Geez! Don't you hear how that sounds? 🥴

Not all of us are angry getting this information about Dr Malone. His background warrants the utmost scrutiny, and that should be welcomed and honest questions answered. Yes, out right lies about anyone should be called out. But you're calling out Vilma's post that shows Dr Malone wanted to inject "less" of a product into children that had known side effects. That's not exactly a lie to be called out in my opinion.

Matthew Crawford just did a great video that included some of his personal experiences with Dr Malone, that makes him think things aren't on the up and up. The gist of his video is that we should not raise someone on a pedestal so they do our thinking for us. None of us are perfect, all of us are human. And we can count on the fact that some people in this "medical freedom movement" are here to guide us into a predetermined future that narrows the Overton window of thought and keeps power in the hands of a few. As more people find out about Dr Malone's past, there's more evidence that he is possibly one of those people. That is for each of us to determine for ourselves, and honest reporting on Dr Malone should be considered by all of us.

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Totally agree. It is hard (I work 12 hrs a day, 7 days a week most of the time) but we all have to train ourselves to be detectives, do the work, figure out what is happening for ourselves. I don't want followers who believe me. Verify everything! It is a battle for our brains, souls, children... so what choice do we have but to do the hard work?

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So true! Once we wake up a little, it seems like we have little choice but to engage it because it's so important for the future.

Take good care of yourself with all the work you do! 💕

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Anthrax vaccines were a contributing cause to Gulf War Syndrome.

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Yes they were. Children should never get this vaccine. As far as I know they have not. No one should get it; and it has never been proven to be effective.

But the FDA has (believe it or not--well, NOW you would believe anything about them) required drug and vaccine manufacturers to test their products in children, for which they get extra time on their patent. Sick. So for those in the industry, testing garbage on children is 'just part of it.'

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I have huge respect for Dr Ryan Cole...I have increasing respect for Robert F Kennedy Jr...and I’m not interested in launching personal attacks on anyone. BUT...I do want to know why Robert Malone seeks to financially destroy the Breggins when they questioned his apparent failure to raise the alarm about the mRNA jabs. Why would a Medical Freedom Movement ally so threaten and intimidate a fellow MFM campaigner? It doesn’t add up...not even remotely. It would seem Malone knew years ago (he wrote a paper on it I believe) that mRNA technology was as yet extremely dangerous and not fit to be injected into humans...and yet while he had the platform to do so, he didn’t warn people...he didn’t shout at the top of his lungs to caution entire populations who have now suffered incalculable death and harm. Dr Malone surely must answer questions (without threatening wildly exorbitant lawsuits) about his failure to warn each and every person within earshot? He publicly sat across the table from Joe Rogan and also Bret Weinstein and didn’t raise the alarm...WHY? Why withhold information that could have saved countless lives?

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I've explained it. Malone tried to reason with them. Many offered to help work things out. The Breggins refused and they appear to LOVE fighting, LOVE the attention, it just keeps coming, a scorched earth approach, and it presumably helps their book sales as well, since every single post they make is accompanied by a book ad.

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Meryl...you begrudge anyone, the Breggins included, the opportunity to promote their work when they have every right to do so?...honestly I find that surprising. That aside, and even the lawsuit aside (for now) why hasn’t Malone spoken out loudly, indeed VERY LOUDLY, over the last three plus years about the chilling dangers of the mRNA technology? What am I missing here?...Malone apparently published a paper (did he not?) with Darrell O. Ricke early in 2020 cautioning that Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ were too deadly to be given to humans...yet when he had the opportunity to raise the alarm while addressing millions, he did not do so...again I ask, why?

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I suggest you read my substack that explained the Breggins" argument made no sense because every man and his dog who knew anything was warning about ADE then--I provided examples. The Breggin analysis is dead wrong. But they never admit a mistake. See my analysis below.


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Thanks...I’ll read your post. I’m also going back over recordings and writings of Malone to re-listen for any and all warnings about ADE and any of the myriad risks posed by the jabs. I have friends (and possibly close family) who have been seriously injured who may never recover...I work in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and have listened to the chilling experiences and broken hearts of injured and bereaved...I have friends who have lost family members to the toxic jabs...as a cancer survivor I said “no” and lost my job and my income (almost the roof over my head) and in some circles even my professional reputation as a result. This IS personal. My jury is out and I hope you’re right about Malone. I respect you and sincerely hope you haven’t been charmed by a clever ‘persona’. You do seem very inclined towards personally maligning the Breggins?...I can’t help but wonder why so much angst on behalf of Malone? Clearly he’s more than happy to fight his own battles and fight hard at that. A $25,000,000 lawsuit...you really believe anyone LOVES or remotely welcomes a fight of that magnitude? Clearly I have more reading to do.

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I think selling your book and selling it at someone else’s expense are two different things. That’s my 2 cents on that.

On the vaccine - I have a healing gift that seems to be helping people. It works remotely if the people you know may be open to that.

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to Pam R., I have a loved one vaccine injured. I'd be interested in hearing the nature and source too. It is devastating and incredible that there's no press for the immense suffering.

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I don’t see how the Breggins are selling their book at anyone else’s expense...they have a right to promote their work wherever and whenever they choose...especially on their own website and/or their own Substack. People who see references to their book are free to take it or leave it...that doesn’t cost anyone else time, money or effort. Re your ‘healing gift’, I’m curious, what is the nature and source of your gift?

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A good friend from my church informed me last year that he was thrilled that his adult children decided not to have the grandchildren jabbed (here in NZ it's with Pfizer) because of a specific and compelling warning from Dr Malone that my friend emailed to his children. Here is what saved 6 young children in my personal orbit -- the article from December of 2021, a few weeks before the rollout in NZ of "vaccines" for children aged 5 to 11. https://thebfd.co.nz/2021/12/19/the-bfd-nightcap-597/

I am grateful to Dr Malone for that, and I wonder how many people he has saved from making a very bad decision.

It is obvious from the instant changes in Dr Malone's Wikipedia profile that as soon as his warnings about the jabs were getting widespread media coverage, he had to be smeared and accomplishments disappeared on Wikipedia by those in charge of the depopulation agenda. From July of 2021, "The man who never was" --


The smearing will no doubt continue. It happens to ALL people who try to buck the evil system and reveal truths that are fatal to certain Satanic agendas.

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Nicky, I explained why I think ADE was important historically for coronavirus but likely a red herring for the vax rollout, and then forgot to add how sorry I am that you lost your job and suffered financially and professionally. The suffering from the vaccine and the plandemic generally is beyond mind boggling. Sending prayers and wishing you all the best.

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Word to the wise re ADE. Since the announcement of Warp Speed I found it puzzling and concerning one clear threat was ignored and another glossed over. We were being led to focus on ADE while original antigenic sin, nonspecific effects, and Hoskins effect was not being mentioned that I could find. Seemed very unlikely to me that TPTB would launch the mRNA jabs w/o surreptitiously testing them for ADE on animals and humans (e.g. the poor mistreated Uyghurs in concentration camps). Otherwise, TPTB risked a PR disaster and loss of control. By having us focus on ADE with predictions billions would very quickly die once jabbed, like the old animal experiments, we lost sight of a clear and consistent process that epigenetically weakens immunity on a semi-permanent basis, and in the process of extreme ADE predictions made us look less credible to outsiders, as though we were paranoid hysterics (more division). Two decades ago I took advanced immunology courses, yet I only learned about this serious vax issue from Dr Suzanne Humphries' lectures several years ago. This feature of vaccines essentially puts a bad light on ALL vaccines. Large studies in Africa found these effects increased all-cause mortality risk in girls by nearly 700%! That means higher risk of death from any type of infection or cancer. The pro-vax study authors recommended mitigating the effects by ending a vax series with a live attentuated vaccine which is closer to what happens in nature. Why don't vaccine informed consent activists know about this and why didn't this and Dr Humphries' very important work come to light during the pandemic? She went into hiding due to extremely serious and persistent death threats. Sadly, her amazing work has rarely been mentioned in the resistance.

The other safety issue glossed over by some was the detailed nature of the danger from the spike which was well understood before the vaccine was released. That's why Dr J Patrick Whelan sent a formal letter to the FDA (links below). There was much more but imho Whelan's letter should have been enough to interrupt the release of the vaccines.



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Yes, and Whelan's letter was posted on the Defender and my anthraxvaccine blog before those vaccines rolled out.

We at CHD did our best to warn people. But it turned out it was easier to scare them to death.

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My only problem with Dr. Ryan Cole is that he made an absolute statement saying there is no graphene oxide in the covid shot vials. He should have said that there was no graphene oxide in the vials he tested. With billions of vials out there, there is no way there can be any sort of consistency with the ingredients.

I do admire and respect Dr. Cole for warning us about the turbo cancers that are appearing after receiving the jabs. He is the only pathologist I have heard sounding that warning.

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Dr Cole has my respect and gratitude too...I’m a cancer survivor and Dr Cole’s VERY CLEAR early warnings influenced my decision to reject the toxic jabs. Dr Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist, also spoke out loud and clear about the risks.

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Apr 25, 2023Edited
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Even I, with no medical training whatsoever, knew the covid jabs were death shots.

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> graphene i suspect is disinfo to remove attention from the real culprit ... SPIKE PROTEIN

What is your evidence that

a) "Spike Protein" is in the shots,

b) Or, what's in the shots causes your body to make "Spike Protein"

c) "Spike Protein" has ever been isolated, or

d) "Spike Protein" exists?

ANY FOCUS ON VACCINES at this point (4/2023) -- TWO FULL YEARS after they were first rolled out and people started dropping -- is, IMHO Really, Really DUMB.

Focusing on the Vaccines is like focusing on the Knife and giving the Butler a Free Pass. https://apocalypticyoga.substack.com/p/the-butler-or-the-knife

It's FIGHTING FIRES and not ROOT CAUSES, like the lead illustration on this page shows: http://apocalypticyoga.wikidot.com/virus-pushers-against-clotshots

Do you just want to shout "Died Suddenly!!!" and "Clotshots are BAD!!!" all day long, LIKE A PARROT,

or uh, I dunno, maybe do you think we should ACTUALLY WORK ON SOLVING THE DAMN PROBLEM? How about we solve the problem from a FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL? Wouldn't that be great?

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Yeah... blahblah.... perhaps you could also ask Rutherford why he split the atom that lead to terrible bomb technologies... Or Henry Ford why he improved motor car production when there is so many road deaths....blahblah....

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Unja Bed...if your words are directed at me, you’ve wasted your time...your mockery and idiotic attitude mean precisely nothing to me.

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You should watch the Stu Peters episode. You’ll get it.

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Check out the comments on this substack. I started a threat about finding what Dr. Alexander posted upsetting, and the La Cata and others piled on.


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Is this true though? I am not in the science field at all but did see Malone on Bannon when he was censored everywhere else way back. He came on to tell anyone listening that the vaccine makers - he was probably more specific- I don’t remember- just changed the ingredient from uridine(?) to pseudouridine. He seemed horrified as he explained the difference. I was horrified. This was a very long time ago, now.

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He started warning people, as best I know, in May 2021 and has done so consistently since then.

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*La gata

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It's amazing how much is going on right now, huge shifts all over the place . . . the transgender murderer with a manifesto too "dangerous" to be seen, corporations losing billions over failed PR campaigns to prop up "trans", the entire Biden Crime Family now having their illegal LLCs for laundering the Big Guy's deals reviewed by Congress members, a high-level IRS agent suddenly turning whistle blower on the Crime Family, the hacking attack on Matt Walsh to try to destroy him, the scam fake "deal" between Murdoch and Dominion (when normally the amount paid out is never uttered - was there really any pay out at all?), the sudden firing of all FOX celebrities likely to positively interview Trump, the dropping of the election fraudster's (Konnech) lawsuit against the '2000 Mules' creators (Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg, of True the Vote) who were jailed briefly to keep them from talking, and now this whole classic IC fake scum person to try to shake things up amongst the most tenacious, most decent, clear and strong warriors exposing the deadly bioweapons and countermeasures to save lives . . . It bounces right off!

Anyone falling for the Latina refugee at this point is probably vaxxed and boosted, preparing for the next booster, etc.

But it's just part of an incredible event we are all living through, and ramping up in intensity now, as even the fake President is being thrown under the bus, which is pretty concerning given there must be a reason for that . . . and likely not just "his time was up". Something is going on.

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