Far from new happenings. Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston 1994 and Lab 257 by Michael Christopher Carroll 2004 to understand these "experiments" have been going on right here in the USA for decades.

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Meryl, Please find me. ronvrooman38@gmail.com; 503 641 8375,; www.orsja.org. There is a gaping hole that needs to be corrected.

An analogy of the situation in less than half a page.

We must do it ourselves. If I do not show up and do my job. There is a hole as no one can do it for me. We cannot do it alone. Are you getting the message? Sheriffs and Deputies! Cops and Councils! There is no quit!!! This is it life and death, now.

“They” are killing us and incarcerating us and the ones doing it to us are “us.” The vax rate includes a Grandson in the Oregon National Guard. He was vaxxed over his objections. My oldest daughter got Vaxxed, then surgery for blood clots destroyed her leg. Then she died of a heart attack

All the data seems to indicate the vaxx will kill everyone in 3 to five years. That is a lot of dead family and friends. Our de jure medicos are working for our peace, safety and happiness opposing Big Pharma. Eric Dover M.D. has provided tranches of information suitable as evidence https://drdovervsomb.weebly.com find COVID, easy.

The water is topping the dam; the spillway for the reservoir is over the top. There is no floodgate or emergency spillway for relief. The reservoir is huge, a giant shore line, coves, bays, inlets from creeks and rivers. Not that deep. At this level a small increase can put things over the top. A ripple will move water into the spillway.

When it goes over the top will it be with a sufficient number of men and women to overcome the 4th Reich on America? With their entrance that was provided to the Nazis, via Paperclip, courtesy of the United States Inc. of Washington District of Columbia post WWII, CIA with MK Ultra.

There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/Nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic /Khazarian/UN/[Georgia Guide stoneless] complex.

A solution is to obtain remedy thru Article III Amendment VII. It is guaranteed in written form.

The last meeting of the Confederation and perpetual Union was attended by one man. There has never been a quorum since. However, every time the Congress assembled for the several States the Members present from the several States of the United States and The United States of America met. Until South Carolina left the perpetual Union 1860 and ended when the United States closed sine die. March 1861.

So the closure date by abandonment/neglect/ignorance/intent was after Oregon’s statehood 1859 and the before the departure of South Carolina 1860. That was the last lawful United States government. Therefore and thereby the people in a Jural Assembly from those 33 States will return the United States to all of us lawfully to a Constitutional Republican form of government, in de jure original jurisdiction.

ARTICLE I Section 1; Ex parte Milligan; Civilian court; Grand Jury, Article III Amendment VII verdict = remedy on Oregon. www.orsja.org

Interesting and it could be true or close or not.

This is “the diversion that kept us from returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023.This was lawfully done on Oregon last year 2022... One step at a time for the last 5 years. 1st Amendment Assembly, ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution circa 1859 aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly the provisional government on Oregon, thru 6 (six) Grand Juries, 5 (five) Civilian Courts of record aka Article III Amendment VII of The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859, Oregon's well regulated 2nd amendment militia. We have notified the FEDS DOJ, FBI, USMS, USMC; notified-tried-convicted the de facto, color of law, incorporated, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON, Salem oligarchy of judiciary, executive, legislative, 36 Sheriffs, 38 Prosecutors. We have proof of service of all our documents, they have all been acquiesced to multiple times. 6 Grand Juries with Presentments and True Bills, 5 Article III Amendment VII jury trials with verdicts. One governor, 2 US Senators, one House Rep. 89 Oregon Legislators convicted, the entire Judiciary and 36 Sheriffs without oath or honor and unfit for a position of trust. All signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published at www,orsja.org We are at www.orsja.org and ready to help.

We are not affiliated with Anna, David Straight, T-ROH, and any current assembly groups not on Oregon. We are doing Oregon. You folks must do your other 32 states and 17 territories for yourselves, no one can do it for you, and you cannot do it alone.

What took us 5 years can be done lawfully with paper work completed in 21 days with 3 common law defaults and 30 days in the de facto. Then comes the hard part a Jury pool. Ours is several hundred people now. We called our first Grand Jury when we had 45.

Each state must do the work before we can Assemble in Congress as the several states and return to The United States of America's Constitutional republic and establish with the United States as a government service company that is not in color of law. As has been the case since March 1861 federally and November 8, 1910 on Oregon.

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The Horrific truth is America was infiltrated a Long time ago & a very diabolical Plan devised, implemented & perfected that has steadily grown & morphed n2 perhaps an unstoppable, catastrophic level of events that will lead 2their nwo which doesn't include most of us. There is So V Much Hidden & we've been So Thoroughly Tricked/Deceived 4SoLong that when theTruth is revealed many will faint dead away from utter & complete shock. They R Everywhere. They R Byond Wealthy. They have most of the power. But - David was only One when he slew the giant right? Yeshua was One when He changed the world. It starts with just One. With just One there is Always Hope. Unfortunately their air, water, food, "med" toxins & Xcellent propaganda & media/Control have steadily Poisoned our ppl & esp our children 2the point they don't even kno what s€x they r anymore. Hard times, perhaps end times - don't kno But what I do kno is that I'm Utterly Grateful for the few, the Courageous, the Able, the TrulyAware & Determined individuals who CARE & R Taking ACTION. Good Wins in the end, we just haf2 persevere & PushBack aye? Namaste & may theForce B with you👊📣

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Find or form you Jural Assembly.

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What do you want Dr, Nass to do - drill holes in the sculs of the stupid ones and pour some oil of knowledge into their brains?? All information is available, but probably not for total cretins, which actually is better for humanity. A natural purge.

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No, your suggestion while misspelled is stupid. Comprehend!! We have not had a lawful government since December 24 1860. The ignorance of that fact and the color of law incorporated governance that Meryl is ignorant of is critical to correct.

I agree the information is available. However, curing oneself of cognitive dissonance is difficult. People with the courage to speak truth to the de facto are few. Meryl will Speak truth to the de facto. To explain more truth is the challenge. I know M.D.s are smart enough. We have several in our Assembly. That was a joke. I learned. So, can you.

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Opening our eyes to the depths of deceptions is almost impossible for the indoctrinated...educated by those in control, we need to practice compassion and patience and hopefulness with many.

Have you read any of Matt Ehret's works? He blows me away - here is a taste for you: https://open.substack.com/pub/matthewehret/p/csis-and-the-round-table-origins?r=1b895l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I deny that I am part of the we that needs to practice compassion and patience and hopefulness. While I am meek and my weapon is still sheathed. I have no compassion or patience with those that are with pragmatism and prostitution usurping my unalienable rights.

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oh no, neither do I, but I'm thinking of our family's and friends who are still sleep walking... agreed!

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May I point out the bell curve on this subject?

What about when the United States as created by the several states becomes treasonous to the creators creator.

All power is inherent in the people. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —

All of us must do the abstract reasoning: 62.5 % of the population will not speak truth to the de facto. They will not get crosswise with the Established Governance. They have Cognitive Dissonance or similar. 16.25 % are smart enough to figure it out and they choose not to get involved. The Land of the free and home of the brave has morphed into the Land of the coward and home of the slave. 12 to 15% of the population is too stupid to qualify for the military Just 3% effects change. With 3 to 5% supporting evil.

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How does one state become independent from the $h1T$how operations of MIC-MKUltra/UN-WEF/WHO?City0FLondon-British/colonial-imperialists+++NG0's exactly? Our Canadian Puppets are run by these puppeteers and pretty soon, with so many convinced the syrup was for their benefitsandgreatergood, will be awash/as you say. I would refer some friends to you for an interesting discussion... but I like to follow the hopefulness in the threads coming out of the Schiller Institute - What Helga-Zepp-LaRouche extends with their Coalition for World Peace and Ten Principles will return the country to the days of Lincoln/FDR/JFK's realm of bringing a Nation back to its Sovereign Nattionhood.

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Cheerio, hello girl. It seems you hear the call. So , you might as well learn the nomenclature of the system. It consists of :the unanimous declaration thirteen united States of America; our Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America with its Constitution of 1859 and the Constitutions of the several states. There are 33 states and 17 territories. We have had color of law for the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. since 24 December 1860 and de facto martial law since March 1861. Except on Oregon where we implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA June 2018. We have an Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record; Grand Jury and ARTICLE I Section 1 aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. What took us 4.5 years to do on Oregon can be done paperwork complete in 30 days. www.orsja.org

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Thank you! Great info!

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"They found 309 laboratory-acquired or -associated infections from 51 pathogens; eight of these cases were fatal, including one of “mad cow..."

It seems laboratory pathogens regularly escape threatening populations, yet biological warfare labs or what's now termed "gain of function experimentation" is conducted throughout the US and all other continents.

No wonder, the WHO is eager to initiate a Pandemic Treaty given these dubious conditions. And Bill Gates is more than willing to finance their sketchy operations.🤑

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I was involved in designing and over-sighting building of BSL-4s in Ft. Dietrich and elsewhere. The accidental "lab leaks" is just a MSM narrative. GOF (Gain Of Function Experiments have been conducted not only in order to decrease effectiveness of pathogens, but also to increase it. Here we are...

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Any evidence that viruses even exist?

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My personal experience: My wife picked up what was going around the town via air transmission. (an assumption) I took the opportunity to TEST the effects of allicin on whatever was on the attack and had her struggling to maintain the chores. So I purposefully inoculated myself with a couple wet kisses, and afterward began the regiment of heavily-laden garlic sandwiches a few times a day. I was spared.

There of course remains plenty to throw stones at, regarding the "test" but unless something unforeseen occurred, my assessment is that some sort of pathogen was present in my wife's system, and the allicin in the garlic, like a good anti-biotic, disallowed its proliferation.

Now with this "man-made" or more accurately stated, "man-tweaked" (may I call it a "pathogen" or are you staunchly set against the "germ theory all together." How about:... (organism, all bets are off regarding natural cures.

I'll be interested to read your reply.


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Most of my neighbors, family & friends "caught" the new 100day "cough". Several took what I take prophylactically & those that did recovered rather quickly. Fermented garlic in raw honey with Cayenne pepper xtract. Also zinc, increased liposomal C, saline gargle. Most notable tho I take MB 3-4x/week & if around s/one w/symptoms do the fenbendozole 3-4 days on. I rarely get sick anymore. That "cough" sure seems 2affect the vaX'd pretty hard. Garlic is Magic tho all by itself!👊

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What’s MB? Looking at your protocol here. Thanks!

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Methylene Blue

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Thank you.

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Xcept I would Most Strongly recommend Against purchasing Any Chiina Garlic - nasty stuff. Their growing/processing of garlic continues to be under investigation by those of our gov who might or pretend2care. Grown in sewage 4 a start then Bleached👀

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Oh wow! But should not be surprising, although news like that always is. Remember the pet-food ordeal? Pretty bad. Yes, I stay away from all edibles that comes from that country. We are they are actually enemies, so why would anyone trust them to be conscientious about the food they export to USA? I'm actually residing in the Philippine Islands where the "fresh market" provides locally grown stuff, like garlic, among other things. The cooler weather veggies are grown in a high altitude location on our island of Palawan, called Baguio, and shipped south to lower areas. I don't trust what they grow there, either, since it's all too easy to use pesticides, which make the product visually more aesthetic (free from pests) When we purchase pest eaten foods from our own market nearby, I'm always relieved by it. Plus, we're beginning to focus more on edibles grown on our place, rather than ornamentals. Things are changing for the good, and I hope to promote education in the field of health, through phyto-organics. Can I make up a word once in a while?

Have a great holiday and thanks so much for your valued response. I'll remember what you pointed out.

Yours in Christ,


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Love ur response & kudos 4being so aware & growing ur own! DYK that Honey is TheMost adulterated & faked food? Also never buy fruit with the Apeel label (GatesFood & u can't wash it off+toxic). DYK that T-mobile's new TOS (termsofservice) will start fining users 1/1/2024 4text content they disapprove of?? Up to 2k per👀. Unless of course theMatrix Pushes Back 🫤 Reckon it's Truly Time2Come2Gether my friend. Namaste & Well-Wishes 2u&yours.

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Hi Marsha,

Well, here on Palawan, the "honey" is very liquid, probably due to diluting with water, then poured into make-shift bottles and sold. So I'm comfortable with thinking it's fairly OK.

As for the industry giants, you KNOW that with people's focused attention to their "Eye" phones and so forth, that they will be included in some nasty things, just like the pharm companies. I choose to not worry about it, because the Lord our Creator will sort them out at His Second Coming. If "push back" can be done to any degree, it should be done., But all of the agencies and govt entities are infiltrated and corrupted. The fox is guarding the henhouse. I choose to trust in God's intervention; whether that be as a conclusion, or along the way, or both.

If we want to go to heaven and become familiar with God's Government and His Justice, which will come to light as the "books" are opened up there, then we must TRUST His Holy Word, and obey what He instructs us on down here while in the flesh. It's really no more complex than that. So, time spent attending to that, is time WELL spent, and that's probably equal to or even more important than attending to a ministry of sorts. But doing BOTH is ideal.


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I'm also wondering what MB is please? Methylene blue? How much Fenbendazole do you take, thank you!

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I take the Fenbendozole 222mg - dog worker granules packets as they r much less xpensive & put it in capsules myself. If I'm around those V'd or showing symptoms of illness I take 222mg (I'm abt 140pounds so I use this instead of 444mg) 3-4 days on, 2-3days off. Xposed repeatedly to the Flu,etc & haven't gotten caught & NoMasks4Me. I also take a daily dose of fermented garlic (raw honey, cayenne pepper & garlic mixture daily nowadays) & avoid most non-organic fruit or those with Apeel labels & totally avoid Bioengineered Ingredients (it's in Tons of foodstuff like flour, cornmeal, C soup, baking powder, chili, icing, cake mixes & on & on. I'm on a low, fixed income but still able2do being careful. Anyway - apologies4length but we must all watch out4each other these daze. Namaste.

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Methylene Blue- Mark Sloan's book is quite instructive (also MB addresses thevax hydrogels) Time2 look4those 'unique, buried & hidden (Effective) remedies/cures they don't want us2kno (MB, msm/chlorine dioxide, borax, Garlic, ACVinegar w/Mother in it, lysine, cayenne pepper, herbs, vitamins w/No fillers, cbd, h.peroxide,etc, etc) Xcellent resource = Barbara ONeille on Instagram + Books as soon we won't have the access as more & more of theInternet is being 'erased'. Have u read tMobile's new TOS re "disagreeable text fines"? 2024 will leave many flat-footed & at others' mercy - Time2Prepare,Protest & Come2Gether. Namaste.

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Garlic is great and so are MEGA doses of vitamin C preferably with lysine!!!!!!

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Hi Skupe!

Happy Holidays to you and yours! Thanks for the reminder about lysine. I had forgotten all about that.

Yours in Christ,


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Thanks and same to you. I read a great book, Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease (Pauling Therapy Handbook)

by Owen Fonorow and Sally Jewell It's all about using vitamin C and lysine. I get my Sufficient C, which is the C mixed with lysine from SufficientC.com.

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Hey, THANKS Scupe!

I think I'll try and get that book you suggested. The name Linus Pauling rings a bell, but if I would have been asked who he was, or what he did, I would have failed to recall. Good of you to bring that memory back into focus. At 67, my mind's recall ability is sometimes disengaged or something.

This one concern I do have regarding vitamin tablets: They generally contain a massive percentage of calcium carbonate (what that might be I cannot guess, but I'll bet it's egg shell powder, or possibly from the White Cliffs of Dover...lol) Anyway, that's my concern, because of its potential to form bone spurs. They aren't any fun. So I'm gun shy. Instead, citrus fruit is a safe bet IMO.

Here in the Philippines, at least where I am, oranges are not seen, not even lemons are common. That's why I now have probably at least 50 lemon trees propagated from their parent by "cuttings", and another 50 or so of a different variety raised from seed taken from its first fruit; tallest about 2 ft. now. If they'll do their thing and bear fruit as hoped, we'll have PLENTY of lemon juice for good health!

Happy New Year to you and yours, of course!


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I understand but the vitamin C that I use is called Sufficient C from sufficientC.com. It has very few fillers but is mixed with lysine, and why I buy it and not a tablet. Being that you aren't in the US, see if you can find it or how little it can be shipped to you. Since you have access to lemon juice, find a healthier way of sweetening it with a ketogenic sweetener like allulose, Stevia, erythritol or monk fruit and stay away from sugar. Pauling was one of the last remaining old-time vitamin C guys.

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Emerging evidence is revealing that exosomes (waste disposal agents, implicated in cell–cell communication and the transmission of disease states) contribute to many aspects of physiology and disease through intercellular communication.

The inhibition of exosome secretion results in the accumulation of nuclear DNA in the cytoplasm, thereby causing the activation of cytoplasmic DNA sensing machinery. This event provokes the innate immune response, leading to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent DNA damage response and thus induce senescence-like cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis in normal human cells. These results, in conjunction with observations that exosomes contain various lengths of chromosomal DNA fragments, indicate that exosome secretion maintains cellular homeostasis by removing harmful cytoplasmic DNA from cells.


Exosomes are continually secreted by cells, with their release typically modulated by factors such as cellular stress and cell signaling. Once secreted, exosomes may be taken up by adjacent cells or may travel to distant cells; in some instances exosomes act on the cells from which they were secreted. Exosomes communicate a wide range of information to target cells, depending on the cell types from which they originate and depending on the cell surface proteins and biomolecules they carry. In particular, exosomes perform important activities that influence immune responses, cell proliferation, and neuronal signaling.


People are told they have to kill germs, or viruses instead of avoiding the formation of toxins...

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Truth be told; I would not be surprised much to have that which you cut and pasted to be found accurate. But only because of the wickedness of the organized med profession and its allies. With the med profession reaping trillions annually, would it be expected of them to divulge the origin of their golden goose?

I'll try and absorb what you linked up and give it some consideration. Here, I thought you wrote all that from off the top of your head! I was going to say!......... (wow!)

But with all due respect given to man's attempts to understand and modify the inner workings of God's breathing Creations, I'll continue to trust that "life" is reserved by Him for Him, and it is restricted in the sense that mankind will never be able to duplicate it since it is a providence ordained of the Creator and we have that "memorial" Sabbath Day wherein such a creation is held up as God's and God's alone.

The links you sent are far too complicated to understand from a lay person's point of view. The terms there are all unfamiliar, and I cannot bring myself to spend an inordinate amount of time on something such as this, which only tends to confusion and frustration, taking the place of faith and trust in the magnificent, biological life forms that flood (no pun) this world.


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Reaping trillions a year is the key...

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Awe, it's not all that much. Besides, I'm sure all parties involved will join in to spend every bit of those monies on reparations to the harmed that are still above ground. Also, they will no doubt turn themselves in. To whom, I have no idea, but hopefully to SOME govt agency which is still functioning albeit only as a shell of it's former self.

Yours in Christ,


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It's our duty to force it on them, especially on those industrial medical and military complexes and beneficiaries like Gates, or those big companies that own those businesses. They should definitely pay for it, and no, we don't have any debts to pay.

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American Medical Doctors

Are So Intellectually Limited

That It Almost Seems Cruel

To Mercilessly Mock Them.



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I agree! If you ever watch or have watched The Truth About Cancer, you will see what I see. We are still only using poison, cut and burn methods. Mexico and the Asian countries are much more advanced, methods like nutrition, sound, light, music, art, etc.

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Nobody should believe pathogens accidentally “escape” any more than Republicans now have the solutions because the Democrats are so bad, or that this problem of escaping pathogens began in a Chinese lab.

Whether it’s 9/11 or Israel killing Palestinians and blaming radical Muslims—all of these problems are well planned decades in advance and controlled by the same monsters in every county on earth, and I’m not talking about space aliens.

Left to Right, North vs. South. Every two to four years we’re told the “other side” is the evil side of the same exact asshole, but don’t worry, you can now trust the “other side,” so vote sheeple.

Can anyone remember the last time any of these Republican or Democrat politicians swinging that pendulum back to the other side of Satans asshole ever arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned those we were told must be replaced—because they are soo criminally-corrupt? NEVER. And as soon as treasonous Trump or shit Biden replaces the other, it’s bloody business as usual, and their stupid constituents on both sides of this criminally-controlled paradigm of tool-bots end up paying the price, again. We Americans are so skull-f🤬ed stupid, and it’s so intentional.

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I've *always* been very suspicious about lab leaks. One in particular is The "Hanta" virus that spread in mouse droppings in the 90s (and killed quite a few farmers and ranchers, one which I knew). We never hear about that anymore... I believe that playing around with this stuff is pure evil and completely unnecessary.

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the creature from plum island

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Or Jekyl Island from Mr. GEG! ;0)

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And this doesn't even include the "mysterious" respiratory disease outbreaks at the Greensprings assisted living community in Maryland (close enough to Ft Dettrick) and the US "Vaping" deaths due to an unknown respiratory pathogen.

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Sounds like we really do need a Savior!

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Or. you need to save yourself to receive His blessings.

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These lab clowns are not working for the betterment of humanity, but the opposite. All bio-labs should be shut down and erased from existence.

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Back in 2021, I did a short dive into the “lab leak” subject. Online sources reported, in general, that lab leaks happen all the time, everywhere, including the labs that are supposed to be best secured. A major part (read: all) of these “leaks” was human neglect or carelessness. See the article: 15% of infections due to needlesticks or spills - 1 out of every 6. Professional caution?

“Leak” suggests broken installations, shouldn’t these incidents be called something more accurate?

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Not at all surprised by this, which makes it so much worse.

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But, see, it's not a problem......until it happens to - YOU !

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I wonder if knowledge of vitamin c and its abilities were more wide spread .... would that be enough to discourage and eventually bring about the end of these bio weapon / virus creating programs?

http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/www.orthomed.com/ "Most of the cases of Ebola and Marburg virus, bird flu, and West Nile viral infections like all acute infections can be cured or ameliorated with massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate. This fact is because all of these diseases cause symptoms and kill because of massive amounts of free radicals. The ascorbate is a free radical scavenger that works by donating electrons to neutralize the massive amounts of free radicals generated by these diseases." copied from the link above.....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpptUsJFCEY March 2013 ..............speaker Dr. Thomas Levy Vitamin C Antidote too all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD - even SNAKEBITE! VIRAL VIRUS BACTERIAL

https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/ Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NoUcktt58 The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake interview by Lisa Tamati Sep 18, 2020

Dr Ron Hunninghake is the Chief Medical Officer of the prestigious Riordan Institute in Witchita, Kansas.

https://www.faim.org/interview-with-dr-paul-marik-on-vitamin-c-protocol-for-sepsis "Moving from a 30-50 percent mortality utilizing standard treatment protocols for sepsis to achieving a sepsis-related mortality of less than 1% using IV vitamin C / hydrocortosone / thiamine therapy in this small treatment group is nothing short of miraculous. His protocol has since been lab-tested and proven to work. It is now used regularly at Eastern Virginia Medical School to treat sepsis." 2016-2017 timeframe ........ forerunner of Math+ protocol for hospitalized covid .... publicized since March 2020 by flccc.net

apparently Dr. Robert Cathcart (wikipedia deleted his entry sometime between 2020 and 2023) ....stated that high enough divided doses of vitamin c will eliminate any virus.

more general information at http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml browse article titles of "News Releases" going back to 2005.

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