The only trials ought to be criminal cases against the folks who brought us the mass murder of the scamdemic Harmacide

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Science is just not scientific any more

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Science is scientifc. What we witnessed during COVID was anything BUT science!: a Mass Depopulation Event utilizing the Twin Bioweapons of SARS-CoV-2 AND the poison shots!

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"Exaggeration of benefits" is putting it mildly. Deadly ingredients in this, so called vaccine, include substances such as, graphene oxide and polysorbate80, etc. How could they do anything, except cause injury and death? Patents continue to hide noxious ingredients in all vaccines. This should be illegal, when matter will be injected into the human bloodstream.. Many trust their doctors and have no comprehension of the dangers they face, when submitting to these deadly injections.

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Just like they said statins were a miracle cure but then turned out to cause all sorts of problems, with more problems being found all the time, so it is with COVID jabs. Israel said they would give the world a cure for cancer in a year, and around a year later several (dual nationality) Jewish scientists rolled out bioweapon COVID jabs that were deliberately designed to actually cause COVID and sterilize people and give them heart attacks and cancer and kill them.

Death is evidently the cure for cancer according to their dark sense of humour, as now they are saying, "Well, you know we said we would give you a cure for cancer, what are you complaining about? Here it is, a whole lot of people don't have cancer anymore do they?"

Even more cheekily, they now actually say the COVID jabs are great for curing cancer, obviously by killing people then the problem is solved, yet again, by the precise same type of logic.

In reality, cancer rates for various kinds of cancer are now several hundred percent what they were since COVID jabs were rolled out, maybe it is a bit like X-Rays to look for cancer actually cause cancer and then they give you X-Rays for 'treatment' that actually make cancer seed cells more resistant and then 5 years after you have been officially declared cured from cancer, 50% of those officially 'cured' end up dead from 'side-effects' of chemo and X-Rays according to official NHS figures, and by 10-15 years later, 90% of all those 'cured' by chemo and X-Rays are dead from 'side-effects', but they were all 'cured' from cancer officially.

One of the 'side-effects' of the Pfizer COVID jabs released by court order is 'COVID pneumonia', hmmmm...

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"Israel said they would give the world a cure for cancer in a year . . "

Really? I guess I missed that announcement! Maybe what they really meat was "stop cases of cancer" instead of "curing" cancer!

See . . . after they exterminate ALL their citizens with poison bioweapon shots, there won't be anybody left alive TO DEVELOP CANCER!!!

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That is exactly what they intend, and they are very cheeky with it. Jews like Susan Sonntag have even stated that white people ARE the cancer.

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There are no benefits to taking a toxic jab for a "virus" that doesn't exist. Belief in the virus lie is a large part of the reason people rolled up their sleeve to assist the depopulation agenda. Those promoting this lie need to look in the mirror.

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Unless such a claim is itself a deep state psyop!

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If you got sick during the past four years, I suppose it was "from something you ate"?

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The fraud is overwhelming and it was clearly intentional.

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"The greatest danger from definitional bias is not that adverse events go uncounted, but that danger signals among the vaccinated that occur before the counting window opens are lumped in with those who received no shots." Well of course! How many times did we hear bout someone,e.g. Tiffany Dover, keeling over within minutes (in her case) hours, or less than a week? And they had the gall to claim this counts as "unvaxxed?" What dishonesty, so typical.

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Thank you Meryl, it was good to see you live at ICS5 too. I did make a handy summary of the research, here: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines . Also collected the videos together from ICS5/Senate: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/mr-lataster-goes-to-washington

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I can't run into anyone now that believes anything they are being told with their "lying with statistics" and fake science or politics. There is a lot of change for the good going on in spite of what they want you to believe and feel.

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Meanwhile these monsters are working feverishly to convert all of the "traditional" "vaccines" into mRNA shots...

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There is no doubt in my mind that exaggerations were made about morbidity and mortality, fake counts due to false positives of the PCR tests making it look like XOVID was everywhere (!) much less the lack of efficacy and the significant side effects of the bio weapon released through mandatory HACCINES! Both of my brothers had major cardiac and neurological events after receiving both shots. One has a stent (Thank you God) and the other fights with neurological events that plague (oops) his health at 68 years of age. Faucet is living it up on the MONEY he made while Rudy Guiliana has to sell his home from the political persecution of the LEFT (WEF). That IS CRIMINAL.

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Moderna 1.2% effective, Pfizer 0.84% effective against Covid and Covid 99.16% effective - but not when Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented by them 2013 - the formula on my substack, recently and BionTech who created and licensed their vaccine to Pfizer have published their vaccine was never meant to stay in the arm but to go into the Lymph Nodes and that they thought it would be licensed as Genetic Therapy back in 2015: if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.

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Safe and Effective” is a marketing term, not a scientific term. “Safe and effective” is an absolute, like an absolute truth.

Science is about measurement.

We measure safety, or its inverse, RISK in two dimensions: Danger and probability. Danger includes all the possible adverse consequences. We need to also measure probability, or the frequency of each case of damage. For example, death from vaccination is a risk with a high seriousness and a low probability. Soreness of the injection site is a very high probability but low risk. We multiply each risk by its probability to measure each risk. Risk calculations must be continually updated as we learn more about the dangers.

Unfortunately, in our current medical paradigm it is not possible to prove someone was injured or killed by vaccination. As a result, risks cannot be accurately calculated, so safety cannot be effectively monitored.

Effectiveness as well can be measured. However, effectiveness is measured against specific standards, which must be clearly defined. Current standard measures of vaccine effectiveness are very poor statistical analyses. As a result, we do not measure effectiveness very well either.

It is very challenging to measure the effectiveness of non-curative preventatives, because we can never prove a case of disease was prevented unless we expose the patient to a measured dose of the cause - and that would be immoral with human patients. In addition, most vaccines are tested on healthy members of the population, those less likely to contract the disease and suffer negative consequences. The vaccine is only used on unhealthy, diseases, or otherwise high risk patients after approval - again hiliting the need for ongoing surveillance of effectiveness accross different populations. A vaccine that is very effective for people with low risk, but ineffective for people with high risk is of little use in the general population.

In addition, drug companies decide on their own “measures” ol effectiveness, that is to say “what is measured.” They leave no room for independent much less competitive analysis.

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Bias before RCT = (1) Limited to fields of drugs that are likely to be profitable + (2) Pharmaceutical companies lead RCTs, not unrelated third parties.

In other words, the thief is made to monitor his friends.

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