Regardless of whatever health problems confront us, there is no need for global authority. Global communication, yes, but authority, no.

All these global laws are actually enabling anarchy, which is the use of violence, fraud, and theft with no overarching authority to stop them. Yet this is happening under the pretense of (global) "law." We can make a sound argument that the restrictions against hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and penalties for using these, for example, were violence against people, regardless of whether that violence was intentional or accidental, and yet this violence was (unjustly) supported by the medical community.

This is why the idea of natural law is important and why Tennessee HB726 based on natural law leads to nullification of laws contrary to natural law. When law becomes pseudo-law that supports violence, fraud, and theft, then law grounded in the prevention of violence, fraud, and theft has to be re-asserted. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/rep-bud-hulsey-in-tennessee-understands

Irrationality is pretending to be the height of rationality and we see this in the word salad the WHO presents to us. These words are specifically designed to deceive. The end goal of these words is to cause violence against our persons and our liberty, under the cloak of a pretended loving care for all things, and "science." We've seen this loving care and science during High Covid, and I believe we can all do well without.

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Beelzebub Billy Gates said in an interview regarding pandemics, that people will "definitely pay attention to the next one." He, and his now ex-wife, both had a deranged smirk on their faces.

There are ONLY two ways he could know that the next pandemic would be worse than the last. He is either a psychic or he is responsible for what is coming next. These Luciferians are constantly giving us major hints as to what they are planning next. How is it that SO MANY people can't see the neon signs?!!! They are all laughing at us!!!

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SOS (Servant Of Satan) Gates has planned probably more than the next pandemic and the Kremlin is familiar with the issue of US hegemony via bio-warfare:


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Hi Jan: Thank you for the article. I call him Beelzebub Billy Gates. I often wonder what could have happened to him, and the other Luciferians, in their childhoods to make them lose their souls.

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Apparently Gates & likeminded grew up in an ambiance where eugenics and extreme inequality were considered normal. As a kid you're not supposed to argue with superiors and privatized education reinforced the upbringing, including the idea that material wealth (no matter how accumulated) is proof of superiority (and inferiority of the rest).

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Oops. I'm repeating my nickname for him. You already saw that. I must be tired. :(

Have a good night, Jan.

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No problem: I often use different nicks, as an incentive for others to find variants or even more fitting ones. Eventually via an anagram:

Bidenomic blessing = Demonic bible signs

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Holy crap, is there no bottom on this barrel? Enough already. A brand spankin new malady du jour unveiled just in time for Christmas. 🤡 WHO - We Hate Others

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Beelzebub Billy Gates said in an interview regarding pandemics, that people will "definitely pay attention to the next one." He, and his now ex-wife, both had a deranged smirk on their faces.

There are ONLY two ways he could know that the next pandemic would be worse than the last. He is either a psychic or he is responsible for what is coming next. These Luciferians are constantly giving us major hints as to what they are planning next. How is it that SO MANY people can't see the neon signs?!!! They are all laughing at us!!!

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How that POS isn’t locked up is beyond me. Oh wait...Department of Justice...that's right. Too busy with insurrectionist soccer moms. Morons.

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EXCELLENT comment, Eric!

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Thank you so much for that great interview, Dr. Nass! You packed so much important information into just a few minutes.

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He has done lots of videos you can find online.


July 29, 2022




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Well done Dr Nass, great info in a small space.

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interesting, isn't it, that now we're hearing more about this supposed "white lung syndrome" in China, Europe, and now multiple U.S. states... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/new-plandemic-white-lung-pneumonia

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I wonder if they really mean "whites with lungs" as having the problem.

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While it may not be nice to speak ill of the dead, with Kissinger's demise, my first thought was - FINALLY... One down and quite a few more to go..

Over in the UK - on 18 December, Parliament will be debating the WHO's latest attempt to bludgeon world governments into accepting their horrible dictatorial takeover of our planet's health:

'The Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on a petition you signed on International Health Regulations legislation for Monday 18 December at 4.30pm. The Department of Health and Social Care will send a Government Minister to respond'.

Let's hope that attendance will better than last year - when Andrew Bridgen spoke to a largely empty House of Commons about the COVID debacle.

And, let’s also hope that the bloody UK elected representatives start to do their jobs and listen to their constituents – many of whom are at last beginning to wake up to what is really going on behind the scenes. Although the globalist buggers are getting more brazen by the day, I think they are now beginning to realise that their attempted ‘coup d’ etat’ isn’t going to be as straightforward as they had anticipated... Hence their increasing desperation to try to force through their suppressive agendas.

Deviating slightly; here in Solano County, a lot of people are up in arms about Flannery/California Forever's secretive purchase of quite a lot of prime agricultural land. Again, my first reaction - when this eventually came to light was - what is Jan Sramrek’s group's connection with the WEF, George Soros, Bill Gates et al? Bloody Bill Gates has also been very busy buying up a lot of America's farmland. In addition, there is a security issue; much of the acquired Solano County land surrounds Travis Air Force Base.

WHO, UN and all these disgusting organisations need to be defunded. ASAP.

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This nails it!

Truth Warrior, Meryl Nass MD :-)

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Important especially for former Soviet states: politicians there are beginning to realize the grave implications of servitude to the Western "alliance" that will take away even the rights one had in the former USSR. Such short videos will have a higher impact than long discussions and more so when all details can be looked up in Door to Freedom by those needing them (medical personnel, lawyers etc.).

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Dear Dr. Nass

Thank you for your essential service and your great human-ness with which you so generously bless the community of awakened individuals.

While I very deeply respect your work, listening to the interview doesn't work when one is 'assaulted' by complex documents on screen which would require the viewer to stop and carefully review the letter without trying to listen what you are saying at the same time.

Please tell the editors this.

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Meryl, so good. I have posted on my facebook page. Will try and send all over.

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