Interesting. I got the feeling from the Trump attempted assassination reading one substack after another detailing "new evidence" for the first week that we were, indeed, enmeshed in part of the "attempt." The attempt was sophomoric for that reason so that we would become involved only to have (as I predicted the Sunday following the attempt) no resolution or answer given (like LV Shooting). We were "part of the game." I agree with Farrell although I haven't yet read him.

I long ago read an Q&A by a member of the "Family" (ancient family lines). As part of the religious/philosophical arm, they're required periodically to answer questions. He noted that the very top level is unknown to the masses of people and is never seen in public. IOW, we'd never know them. I got the impression from his words that they do, indeed, proceed from ritual. In fact, their historical heritage is completely in tact for them in contrast to our own which is falsified and truncated. We truly don't know our past. Supposedly Neanderthal started our species, but now we discover remnants of huge cities (Turkey), temples, and artifices built requiring exact knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, engineering, etc. which precede Neanderthal.

The other part which rings true is the shattering of a public's psyche which mimics techniques used in MKUltra and told in their survivors' stories. In fact, MKUltra survivors reveal the same techniques are used on "Family" members which is verified also by Monarch (family members) survivors. The "Family" sees the technique as strengthening their level of power/being over us and rationale for their domination of humankind. (Those we see like Soros and Gates are middle management.)

The mind is deliberately split so that multiple caches or rooms can be created for independent storage of information and operation within the world. Rather than have a cohesive mind, we deal with easily forgotten memories and a divorce from strongly felt human emotions, for if we truly felt, we would never allow genocide. Humanity is being programmed thus so...which is why we can have horrible events occur and the public continues in a passive, accepting state. One cache accepts the horror, and another gives stability and rationale for continuing life.

They do this in the Middle East continually. They viciously exterminate people in one area only to offer bland, democratic, high-sounding justifications when, in truth, no justifications exist. The bland justifications allow normalcy to return. Your mind is fractured so you return to your "comfortable room" where nothing threatens you and where you refuse to recognize threats. Doesn't this description characterize Western civilization today?

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I really appreciate your perspective, "shattering of a public's psyche which mimics techniques used in MKUltra and told in their survivors' stories." Are we all survivors now? We've all been the target of a very sophisticated psy-opp? in these last decades. It has certainly been like waking up from a bad nightmare, only to find it is real.

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I think we are, in one sense, survivors...particularly those who see the highly propagandized aspect of "news coverage" in America. Who see news outlets orchestrating and branding stories and narratives via government-censor networks. How many reports need surface exposing government's demands for censorship and artificially installed news narratives in collusion with "news disseminators" before people truly wake up? I don't know. So many have been revealed from Twitter Files to the abrasive demands during Covid to recent law suits against private contractors working and funded by government; yet, many Americans continue to believe that news is real as presented. I think assessing how far an impact MKUltra-like techniques exercise over consumers of news is difficult, but people certainly act oddly these days. I think more than a "sophisticated psy-op" we might be dealing simply with a mind set well formed by MKUltra principles which has been pushed onto news outlets and substances/EMFs in the air, water, and food which disrupt neural activity in the population. (My deleted comment was simply this comment posting twice.)

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@honeybee..you are well informed. Do you have the ancient target/family lines or another in mind? On planet ? Off planet?

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Thank you for your nice comment. I read only what everyone else reads. I'm sure you're seen the articles naming certain families. Like this one: https://prepareforchange.net/2016/03/12/these-13-families-rule-the-world-the-shadow-forces-behind-the-nwo/

I always look for corroborating evidence, that is, ways in which the puzzle seems to fit together. Here's an excellent article from Lew Rockwell: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/04/bill-sardi/who-runs-the-world-blackrock-and-vanguard/

In connecting dots to understand the true character of a group which might have supremacy over the world, we need look to Sabbatian-Frankism from which cultural Marxism, so prevalent in our society today, springs. In my mind, this constitutes more a weapon but also describes another group who fulfills their purpose by incorporating this idea into the world. https://justpaste.it/whatisculturalmarxism

This group also manifests in Freemasonry and the Jesuit order which you've likely already explored.

Another label is "Black Nobility," bloodlines specific to Europe (allied to the first group named above), which harken back to the Khazars, another topic ripe for investigation. https://helenaglass.net/2024/06/16/black-nobility-and-the-creation-of-history-11th-century/

Khazars lead to Babylon. https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/03/22/how-the-khazarians-own-our-world-the-origin-of-the-khazars/

We easily see at this point how tracking and tracing "ancient family lines" becomes quixotic--almost absurdly impossible to restructure and bring to light. The links I give above are BY NO MEANS exhaustive. They're simply meant as illustrative examples.

I believe, after watching Robert Sepher, whom some accuse of Nazi sentiments, and reading Edgar Cayce that this line comes from the Sons of Belial in Atlantis. This is simply my belief; I have no evidence. The world crashed between the end of the Atlantean Age and our Post-Atlantean Age. Big flood. Wiped out humanity. A few humans survived here and there. The Sons of Belial were among them.

The Sons of Belial arose from the foolishness of the Sons of God, initially an extraordinary group of humans spiritually adept, who ultimately consorted with those who would become Sons of Belial. By consorted, I mean both sexually and living together as well as sharing knowledge which should never have been shared.

As Atlantis became more dense and material and spirituality declined, delusion crept into their thoughts. They believed that these individuals would bring goodness when, in fact, their true nature is evidenced today in the God-awful destruction we see in the Gaza genocide.

Which brings me to my next point. If anyone investigates these family lines and tries to develop a rational, coherent understanding, you'll necessarily fall into one construct or another because the subject is so vast and subversion of evidence exists everywhere. So, I've come to rely far more on intuition. I listen for "the voice" in someone. I listen for their "voice" which reveals their agenda. Much of the literature on the subject HAS BEEN COMPROMISED AND MISDIRECTED BY THE VERY PEOPLE WE MIGHT BE INVESTIGATING.

I note on going through my Bookmarks that many links no longer exist. They've been wiped from the internet. Much of the remaining material is extremely volatile and emotionally conveyed. Discernment is the key, and I'm still developing mine.

I think some truth exists in almost everything believed or conveyed, but a great deal of deception and lies do, too. So, we are troubled again and again with corrupted knowledge and history which is deliberately obscured.

I spent the last several years at Gigi Young's website (mystic/psychic) which was enormously instructive. I mention this fact because, prior to viewing her, I believed in the "Space Alien Myth." I don't anymore. I believe she may be right. Degraded beings, who look like Greys with hyper-advanced technology, may reside within the Earth's caverns.

After all, as world citizens, we are prevented from accessing Antartica where the Germans reported they found large underground caves which could sustain life with wonderful climate, water, and fauna. I couldn't argue with Gigi's logic that Greys have an abnormally great interest in our genetics (the abductions and lab experiments on abductees) because they ARE US.

Why would a "space alien" from a completely different star system want our DNA? Huge stories are told about them seeding Earth and "needing" our DNA for one reason or another...which makes no logical sense to me. OOH, the space alien is God-like, but OTOH, he's so feeble that he has to transverse dimensions or light years to come to this lonely outpost in the Milky Way Galaxy and get that species DNA.

I find far more logical the idea that they're degraded humans whose degraded spirituality is reflected in their physical form. They want to continue in human form and evolve, which the human form gives them the opportunity to do, so they need humans and their genetic structure to reconstitute their body. The problem with this outlook is that they only want to evolve by establishing themselves as "Gods." They want creator status in a material form.

They also need humans to become rabidly interested in genetic manipulation which, if we look from 1970, aside from computers and high-tech gadgetry, the only field which literally exploded is biogenetic engineering. [Where have we gone since 1970 in space exploration? Nuclear fission? Elucidation of our roots both historically and anthropologically?] When humans become interested in bioengineering, they'll willingly give their DNA.

Rudolph Steiner gives clear explanations how the body reflects the spiritual tone of the Age and the spirituality man incorporates. Without that form, the soul can't evolve and becomes extinct. I find far more logical that the Greys are in this danger which motivates their behavior.

This is why those in control have dumbed down all people worldwide; exert enormous censorship over education and research at all levels; have advanced cultural Marxism as the philosophy of the Age; and expertly control human passions, thoughts, and emotions. Their agenda is themselves: to save their derrières.

But, again, I listen for the voice. That's why I believe the Hidden Hand interview. His voice rings true.

I believe Hidden Hand that the true controllers are never seen. He remarked that, if we saw them, we wouldn't recognize either their name or them. Perhaps they've attained a level of etheric being. I think names like Rothschild are just under them. Some within the Rothschild stratum have magical capabilities but those largely reside within the top level.

[I pause to confess I've little believed in magic as a true function within the human sphere, but again, I may well be wrong. In viewing Dr. Nixon's quantum dots, crystals, etc. gathered from mRNA substances under dark field spectroscopy, one in particular was extremely troubling. He offered it as a puzzling example. The crystal "disappears" and then "reappears." I watched for a long time. I sensed that a truly high level of "science" or power was present. Magic is hyper-dimensionalty + physical interaction within the material plane.]

Anyway, this top level may well communicate with entities who reside in another dimension...perhaps the one Steiner calls the Eighth Sphere. I have no proof; I simply go with what sounds plausible to me. We each have to construct our version of the truth. I've reordered my opinions and beliefs continually over the years...so nothing is set in stone for me. My mind is always open, and I can hold conflicting POVs. Truth may simply be fluid in our time.

Presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens, etc. are middle management and are carefully cultivated and raised fairly unconsciously to fulfill their active role in the world shaped by the higher levels. King Charles' little temper tantrum over pens on a writing desk when he was signing some documents upon becoming king always comes to mind. He's just a human who's been groomed to think himself superior and privileged above all others. The means to control arises through mind manipulation like MKUltra/Monarch methods + ego stroking through fame and prestige + enormous wealth and security.

For this reason, most of European nobility or those who are key henchmen like Klaus Schwab and Ursula von der Leyen (lower level) believe themselves far above the normal citizen and world resident whom they consider expendable while considering themselves elevated humans. Harari's big mouth has eloquently revealed their feelings and thoughts.

Lower levels are controlled through money and prestige but also add blackmail. Highly successful jobs and careers depend heavily upon acquiescence to higher-ups' ideas and philosophical outlooks. And so it goes.

I'll stop because we're now approaching far too great a length, but I wanted to give some cohesive response.

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I need to read this again…I rarely met one as well read and versed as I on these same cross section of subjects. You may wish to go to my website…and explore a bit.

I did an 8 year spiritual sabbatical and during that time undertook a study of the cults. I am trained to recognize and stand up to evil. I have some unusual abilities that have been tapped.

To the greys: I was once abducted by them about 10 years ago and I was infuriated. They effectively throw a blanket over you - paralyze you- and put one out. I daresay that they would not try that stunt today. One place they like to hang out is Baffin Bay in an underground affair.

Off Planet ET’s are real. They have an agenda..and it is not our DNA. It’s the planet. If they successfully compromise our DNA as is being attempted now by the vaxxx..then they grab our emotional right hand brain side: which they do not currently enjoy. I am sure you appreciate that this shot disconnects that part of the right side of the brain to Source. ( which also grows as one walks one’s path). Pay attention to K Schwab’s countenance and perhaps it will be shown to you.

The brilliance with which this has been planned out is rather breathtaking. I have just taken up Peter Novak’s: The Original Christianity and his : The Lost Secret of Death. I believe the answer lies here: ancient A.I and ancient Egypt. The timelines are not lost to us. I have gone back into them. Something in the global mind field has literally gone mad: and /or the software from back then is still running and is badly corrupted. ( The “Global Mind” field is composed of ‘software’ as is our brain a reflection of the same in the ‘inner mind’ field). If this can be corrected: then we have the ability to stand up to the current intrusion IMV. GGB

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Thank you for your reply. I'll check out your website.

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Their most important tool is "Demoralization", as KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned us. That's goal #1, as demoralized people are too depressed to fight back effectively.

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And removal of morals takes away reverence for God.

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Basic Christian morality: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

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Thou shall worship the government, not who you say is God. For we are God says the ultra elite.

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Without God's morals killing and rape is Okay! (If you don't get caught) BUT eventually, the truth may come out, as with Kennedy's assassinations, and the Democrats' Nixon lynching & Trump assassination attempt! BUT Godless nations deserve Godless politics & death! So live with it!!!

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That is certainly true as I have been experiencing for over 2 years as a T.I. but I am fighting back hard. At 77, they have not only ruined my life at age 7 with an experimental s.m.a.l.l p.o.x. injection, but now they are ruining my 'golden' years!!!!! Not on!

I stand against all evil!

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Right, anyone trying to disarm you is your enemy.

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Yes,they are our enemies, that makes me smile though!

I am unarmed, they can't disarm me! My weapons are another kind!

2 Cor 10 : 4 - 6

For the weapons we fight with are not fleshly, but mighty in Yahuah (called God by many) for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yahuah, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to the Messiah, and being ready to evaluate all rebellion, when your obedience is accomplished.

BYNV (direct translation from ancient Hebrew)

2 Tim 1 : 7

For Yahuah has not given us a Ruach (Spirit) of cowardice, but of power and of love and of self-control.


(Self-control is one of the fruit of the Ruach (Spirit))

By self-control is meant, that one controls ones 'lower nature'. Those that want to take over and own the earth and everything in it, have given their power away to the demons of greed, lust for fame, lust for power over others, etc.

I stand against all evil, in Yahusha's (known by many as Jesus) mighty Name, who has been given all power and authority!

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They can "disarm" in other ways like trying to get you to think only their way and believing in Fake News! Yahusha, can't it also mean Joshua?

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Yes, they try to, as I am experiencing as a T.I. for 2 years + but they cannot if you are pledged to Yahusha (known by many as Jesus) having immersed yourself in water for the forgiveness of your crimes against Yahuah and keep the 10 commandments, statutes and decrees.In other words have a personal relationship with your maker, He lives!

Yes, Y,shua (Joshua) son of Nun refers to Yahusha ha Mashiak. Here is an explanation:

Nehemiah 8 : 17, the short form yod-shin-uau-ayin is found, and this is the only occurence of the short form of the son of Nun found in all of Scripture. At Deut. 3 : 21 we find six letters, yod-hay-uau-shin-uau-ayin, but in 216 other places the name of the son of Nun uses a five-lettered spelling, yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin. All 3 forms of spelling must be acceptable.

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......acceptable since Scripture uses all 3. At 9 : 4 ahead, another 'Y'shua' who is a kohen (set apart one) has the same 4-lettered spelling, yod-shin-uau-ayin. The reason this is important is the Greek IESOUS found at Acts 7 : 45 and Hebrews 4 : 8 refers to this same 'son of Nun'. (The translators confuse readers by transliterating IESOUS as 'Joshua' in 2 places, and in al other places they render it 'Jesus', it is obvious that the son of Nun and our Mashiak Yahusha use the same Hebrew letters.

The 'J' was not invented until the 16th century. There is no 'J' in Eberith/Hebrew.

For more clarification see LewWhite10 on the 'tube' and also Eberithdotcom.

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barukh attah Adonai Elohenu melekh ha'olam asher natan lanu torat emet Yeshua meshicheinu vechayei olam nata b'tokhenu barukh atah Adonai noten hatorah

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His name is Yahusha, not Yeshua, see a recent video on LewWhite 10 on the 'tube'.

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Sorry, I don't believe in a flat earth.

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But unlike what is posited in the essay, the late sixties, which I well remember as a participant, was time of intense resistance and defiance, politically and in culture.

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That didn't work-I'm pissed.

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Last year I read "JFK and the Unspeakable," by James W. Douglass, and found reference to the late Robert G. Vinson in the book. Here is Vinson's own account of his experience during his days as an Airman, as the Kennedy assassination transpired. I listened to his 1+ hour testimony, and found it credible and worthwhile.


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Thank you, that is one of the rare few books that I found fascinating but was unable to finish because the content is so extremely disturbing

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The J 6 reichstag fire and subsequent persecution unlawful of peaceful protesters was another psy op..designed to teach the American people if you even dare to peacefully protest we will imprison you forever.

More of the same, no?

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Just as now with Trump's shooting.

• 1963. The masons controlling the CIA/FBI murdered JFK.

◦ “Nixon knew that Congressman (mason) Gerald Ford, as a member of the Warren Commission, had, at the explicit direction of mason J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI Director, altered the official autopsy diagram; moving the marking from a bullet in his upper back to his neck in order to accommodate the single-bullet theory and to conceal the fact that Kennedy had been hit with more than the reported three shots. CIA Director Richard Helms, had refused Nixon’s presidential order to hand over the information proving the CIA involvement in the CIA murdering of JFK.” Yet instead of revealing this, he used it to extort those involved.1

• 1974. Nixon was forced to resign by the CIA and FBI organizing Watergate with the mason press:

◦ At least four of the Watergate burglars were still on the CIA payroll at the time of the break-in.

◦ Watergate Special Prosecutor, mason Nick Akerman was aware of both the CIA’s advance knowledge and involvement in the break-in, but said and did nothing.

◦ Senate Watergate Committee Chairman, mason Sam Ervin stoutly refused to allow the Committee Republicans, the right to publish a Minority Report, which would reveal the CIA involvement.2

Will soon post an amazing investigation.

In the meantime read this:

Weaponization of Justice


Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


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"We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” - Karl Christian Rove


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"- William Joseph Casey

(shrovetides and casements)

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The book I study are the Scriptures. Everything one needs to know is there, to stand against all evil and know, that it is already defeated.

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oh shit.

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Karl Rove's words, in my mind, says it all. They paint the picture in its completeness, exposing the motive and M.O. of the over-all plan, which has been implemented so very long ago. That someone would actually "let the cat out of the bag" is a bit surprising to me. Personally, I don't think its misinformation one bit, but rather the proverbial "slap in the face" which they are confident will NOT wake us up.

Something like that.


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Intriguing, thank you. Would love love to see something from the Tavistock book too if possible.

Glad you trust your gut.

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I have nothing in principle against JFK’s assassination being an expression of age-old Masonic symbolism, but as James Douglass exposed in “JFK and the Unspeakable,” the same hit with the same type of patsy whose workplace was atop a jagged dogleg on the limousine route failed in Chicago just over a month earlier only because a boardinghouse landlady discovered the assassins' rifles in their room when they were out. Harold Weisberg exposed another such failed plot in Miami. I doubt that they made sure on each occasion to have all the occult signs in place before saying Go! And Michael Hoffman, a key source of the masonic interpretation, is given to flights of fancy. My last (apocryphal) quotation about how stupid people are came from p. 135 of Hoffman’s book “The Great Holocaust Trial” in which he purports to prove that there was no Jewish Holocaust and certainly no gas ovens. It’s a brilliantly researched and argued book by a courageous and principled man but is simply mistaken. For some obscure reason both he and David Irving ignored the 1944 Vrba & Wetzler Holocaust Protocols—contemporary eyewitness accounts of the murders by bullet and gassing and cremation—and instead focus on debunking all the 1960’s and thereafter fabrications of Holocaust Horror that Israel and friends generated in support of their myth that Israel was founded to save the Jews of Europe from Hitler’s wrath. In subsequent editions Hoffman somehow overlooked Christopher Browning’s book, “Ordinary Men” that recounts the exterminations of Jews in Poland by the German Order Police Squadron 101 that throughout details Germany’s need to conceal the exterminations from both its own people and especially the world, including a fearful exclamation from its leader Wilhelm Trapp knowing that no mercy would be shown if Germany lost and its monstrosities were revealed. So, passionate as Hoffman is, he shows signs of being an ideologue and I would take what he says with caution. I say this without doubting for a moment that there is hard-core satanism, child sacrifice, and blood rituals that routinely take place among the ruling elites.

If you want a teleological twist to the JFK assassination there is a better secular version by Vince Salandria in “False Mystery: Essays on the JFK Assassination.” Here are samples:

"Once having seen the Zapruder film it becomes clear that the Warren Commission had to have been deliberately structured to reduce itself to absurdity. ...The Commission and its staff could have concealed the multiple assassin killing more successfully than they did. But ultimately, the very nature of the killing was itself designed to reveal a conspiracy [so that] people would know at some time and at some level of consciousness that there was a conspiracy. ....when Kennedy, a popular, loved, independently rich, and world-renowned President could be killed without the courtesy of a common-law inquest which is a basic right of Anglo-Saxon justice...then what effect did such transparency have on the way people looked upon the inviolability of their own civil rights? If all the family and friends would not dare raise their voices in outrage, then what effect did this have on people? (elaborated upon)...What effect did the transparency have on the way people looked at the constitutional and electoral structure when under a hail of bullets a duly-elected President was literally fired from his office and then buried under another hail of lies issued by the same government which he had been elected to lead? What happens to the importance which people attach to elections when power shifts without the benefit of elections? (138-140)

Through this Orwellian doublethink the government sends us clear signals. It instructs us that if bullets could remove a constitutionally-elected president, and the murderers go unpunished, then we should not take seriously U.S. politics. It instructs us that we should not entertain hopes of accomplishing a truthful explanation of the meaning of the killing. As for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, that voice was a muffled whisper informing us that probably the mob did it. Through this hushed and cowardly utterance the people were told that they could not rely on the Congress to represent their interests." (170)

I was a close enough friend of Vince's for a decade that his wife was jealous of the time we spent talking. His book has a section where he speaks of the rulers crowing with arrogance as though demanding tribute from their victims. Twenty years ago I decided to prove one way or another whether Dan Rather made a mistake or lied about "the president's head went forward with considerable violence." I stepped into the middle of an ongoing 40-year old CIA operation devoted to concealing the nature of the murder and brainwashing the masses, in the middle of which another conspirator stepped forward, told his blatant lie and taunted that not to believe him would mean that little old you had to believe that he was part of the conspiracy; which he was.

That said, I think that most of what Vince and Michael Hoffman believe about the ruler's motivations in making the kill transparent are simply wrong. They can get away with what they can get away with because of the stupidity of the masses, but the "transparency" to us is not really designed to send a message to us or to the people; it simply expresses how things are and it is very dispiriting. We feel that they must be mocking us, but mostly this isn't so--it is just so wretchedly painful to see things so very clearly and to be utterly unable to convince our fellow citizens--and often our loved ones--of what is as plain as the nose on our face. Which is why I related the Karen Read case in a recent comment. Occasionally there are messages sent to "us." The Trump fiasco kill had such messages to Trump and us. The sloped roof that upon first blush was too hot for the sniper who was to be perched on it; the Army soldier in camouflage who gets a message on his headphone and then steps forward to point his huge rifle at the USSS loading Trump into the limo is a message to Trump and us, but not to the general public though the roof excuses are arguably now also to the general public that they can take a hit at Trump, lie through their teeth about it, and there's nothing we can do, not even if we are Senators. But you would be surprised and dismayed to know how many people know nothing of it, or dismiss it as incompetence.

The fifth and final official public governmental cover-up of the JFK assassination was the House Select Committee for whom Gaeton Fonzi worked as a researcher. Fonzi recounts "a revealing discussion" with a former high-ranking member of the Agency who explained why Fonzi had insultingly been sent running down blind alleys in his investigations, "You represent the United States Congress," he said, "But what the hell is that to the CIA?" (Fonzi, "The Last Investigation," p. 302). Fonzi died August 30, 2012. There were a few people still around then who knew enough about what he had done to run his obit in the NY Times on September 11, 2012. R.I.P.

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Lots of good info here. Omitted is the tendency of the perps to announce to us what they propose to do. Or show us. Like the kid Crooks, identified for most of an hour. Or the fact ? I heard that NO SS snipers had been at any other Trump rally. Or the 8,000 frames per second that the NYT photographer used to film Trump. That photographer needs to be debriefed.

I believe there must be a major element of doing it in front of us, thumbing their nose at us. You the public will never know the truth. We are inviolable. You have no agency. Even Trump will never learn who called for the hit. They could have poisoned Kennedy, Trump, Reagan, Bobbie Kennedy, George Wallace. Easy. Undetectable. Much more reliable.

No. Instead they took the chancier route of trying to blow their brains out in public, with obvious patsies taking the fall. For the EFFECT.

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It is clear to me that the Trump "assassination attempt" was a sham. He would never have stood up in that pose with his fist in the air for a photo had he really thought there were people out there with rifles aimed at him to kill him. And his ear thing was clearly staged -- many medical people have commented that when ears are hit like this, there's blood all over the place, and there wasn't here. And his ear miraculously healed in a matter of days. I'm younger than Trump by a few years and I had a knee skin that was a couple of weeks old when he was allegedly hit -- my knee was not healed by the time of the convention, when his ear showed no signs of a wound. There are other indications it was staged that I won't go into. Trump may not, and probably did not, engineer the whole thing, and who knows why he went along with it (remember that he was under a LOT of pressure with various indictments against him, so it is quite possible that he was under the control of a handler in this respect (and many others, BTW)). Remember that Trump has been a showman for years and has a whole lot of acting gigs to his credit. He knows all about staging things. He may or may not have thought the whole thing up, and probably did not, but he clearly cooperated with the plan.

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Trump is a showman and full of blarney. He claimed that the bullet went through his ear. Sincere commentators like Rima Laibow, M.D. took Trump's description on its face and argued that it was a hoax because otherwise he would have bled like a stuck pig. The correct solution is that the bullet barely grazed his ear and never severed any veins or arteries.

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I didn't do Vince full justice--part of his argument was that they could have poisoned JFK but chose the spectacular hit instead to show their power. I believe that poisoning is easier said than done when the details are examined.

As I stated in a prior comment both the "sloped roof" excuse and the camouflaged soldier receiving a message on headset then aiming his weapon at Trump as the SS put him in the limo were such declarations of power and impunity. You may well be right about the gal in the stands--if you watch it carefully there are two moments when she seems to smirk--but it's a hell of a place to sit to get a souvenir and we are not likely to find definitive evidence. And if we do, with whom do we share it? Much more suspicious is that this was CNN's first live coverage of a Trump event and their first comments after the fail were that he had tripped on stage just like Biden.

John Judge believed that Abraham Zapruder--a white Russian with monarchist loyalties--was there on assignment to provide a souvenir and later rub our faces in what they did to us. If I were persuaded of that then the Hoffman scenario would be much more plausible. My best understanding from studying these matters in great depth is that there is an enormous amount of sheer hap and randomness where they are flying by the seat of their pants--Oswald was down in the second story lunchroom--but always with the full confidence that the media will cover their asses no matter how big the exposure and the people will believe or at least yield to the trusted megaphone.

Btw, the 8,000 fps is not uncommon--there was a similar catch 30+ years ago of a bullet in the air during the North Hollywood bank robbery in fully bullet-proof suits by the robbers, one of whom was shot in the head. Here's the answer to the briefing from Google, "In still photography, photographers aim to freeze motion and provide razor-sharp images. In scenes containing movement, this is achieved with high shutter speeds, from 1/250 to 1/8000 second." He wanted a razor-sharp image of Trump while he was speaking and moving.

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Your comments regarding the JFK assassination are much appreciated. Regarding the photograph of the bullet that missed Trump, Peter Yim offers good arguments for believing it to be fraudulent. See:



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It would be naive to think that they had not planned for another location had Chicago had any issue and they had to call it off. They were determined it would happen that day no matter what unfolded.

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You haven't grasped the argument, viz., that it is highly unlikely that the plotters arranged the same Masonic symbolism in Chicago, Miami or perhaps other venues where they couldn't quite pull it off. Hoffman demanded that every single piece was in place. I am suggesting that he is reading his script into Dallas.

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Yes, tons of info in your essay. Thank you, but the general overview is what will be remembered, at least by me. I think the raw truth is set forth in the words of Karl Rove, posted in a few comments before yours by Bernaysauce. We the "investigators" and identifiers of truth and falsehoods, are little more than a "follow-up" effort, always in the rears, piecing together conspiracies of murder in their true light many decades later. Meanwhile, dozens of other seemingly chaotic events are put to task, keeping the media occupied with them, and the public reeling from the shocks.

In my Christian understanding, nothing less than Satanic corruption and planned chaos is behind it all. All of it~! To orchestrate such a world-wide plethora of evil, takes far more than just normal human engineering. IT requires supernatural intervention. And since the events we are witnessing correspond so fittingly with the prophetic picture that the Bible sets forth, I'm firmly convinced that it IS the Truth. It stands head and shoulders above the confusing alternative explanations circulated. Even here among such intelligent posters, we can read of theories that include "little gray men" that are seeking our DNA for their own degraded genome. Stuff like that. So there is a ton of deceptive material to wade through, if one will willingly spend the time. But I will not. I KNOW what time it is! And that Satan has created all the orchestrated chaos, deception, and lies in order to obscure the Truth as it is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer.

May God bless these words,


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Of course they would have another location all set up in case there was a problem as we clearly know now that the main character, the so-called assassin himself, tried to warn the very deep staters he was working for. All you have to see is the complexity, precision planning and capture of all communications and actions in 9/11 to know that Dallas was just an acceleration in revealing what was their increasing capabilities and tech used on 9/11. I don't even want to think of what they have now but we must. Nano tech? I've seen their nano lit up at night and it isn't just in bodies, it's being deployed all over. Might want to look up Firefly Aeronautics. Imagine trying to make a tiny LED drone look like a firefly? I think that is exactly what they are doing. These horrors want to terraform every nook and cranny but what is man made can be destroyed by man and will be when it is working against the people of this world. Our town government website posted that the federal government would be deploying drones to patrol a federal land nearby. They didn't say how big the drones would be and they operated way past the time they said they would. I was not the only witness to these ridiculous toys. And they are selling off the data of course just like they are all data.....all of it.

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I agree with your general picture of what is happening. My response to Meryl was limited to challenging the basis for her Masonic symbolism interpretation of Dallas, which I think is reading too much into things.

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Meryl BARELY scratched the surface of the symbolism that the "Illuminati" and the Freemasons have placed in "plain sight" to display their presence and preeminence. They are controlled by Satanic agencies which do like to flaunt their power structure, which is illegal, immoral, unjust, and etc... But what can we expect from those who worship Lucifer as their masterful god? Just ask the defector of the secret societies about what goes on behind the scenes, what their goals and aspirations are, and how they plan to achieve them. You will then know more than you know now.

God bless you!


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Just ask the defector of the secret societies about what goes on behind the scenes >> Glad to do so. Do you have a reliable source?

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This takes my decades of conspiracy research to an entirely new--and frightening--level. It is mindblowing that these events were structured to turn the populace into passive sheeple. Thank you for introducing your readers to these materials, Dr. Nass.

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Thank you for taking the time to post this, Meryl.

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Thanks for this, Meryl! I look forward to reading it soon.

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks)

The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy

by Mark R. Elsis


Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy

Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

Only one group had the power and therefore, the means, as they did on June 8, 1967, September 11, 2001, and still do today. Israel assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy for stopping them from obtaining nuclear weapons. That was the number one motive. Yes, there were other motives, and these were; having the American Zionist Council (AIPAC today) register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act; Executive Order 11110; ending the Vietnam War and therefore the military-industrial complex; stopping the oil depletion allowance for big oil; and splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces. All went along with it for their own psychotic reasons, but Israel obtaining nuclear weapons was the true motive. James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, and starting in 1951, also the head of the Israel desk and the liaison with Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet agencies, was the liaison between Israel and the United States that facilitated this barbaric coup d’etat.

I researched and found out of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.

by Mark R. Elsis


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I will tell you a book that can short circuit all of it. And I will cut to the chase right now. The Secret behind Secret Societies- Liberation of the Planet in the 21st Century. by Jon Rappoport

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Rappoport is one of the best writers we have!

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I love all of you super deep truth diggers. If it wasn't for all of that intense digging you guys do, I wouldn't have half of the understanding that I do. So I appreciate all of it. Joseph Farrell rocks.

It's just that book shows how we can win, by learning what we are up against and how to dissolve it. Which we are. So I slip and throw in my 2 cents. My bad.

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I've often wondered why FBI Director Hoover, who immediately got his boss replaced after Johnson took office (RFK got replaced by the do-nothing Ramsey Clark as Attorney General) and then facilitated the Warren Commission coverup, is almost never discussed as having a motive to participate in the coverup.

Given that a pristine bullet fell in the stretcher from Gov Connolly's clothing, which some months before had been fired by the Oswald rifle that, as recovered from the crime scene, was jammed and incapable of firing bullets, it's obvious that Texas had a case against Oswald for shooting a policeman with a pistol but the US had no case against Oswald for killing the President. Moreover, other individuals took part in getting the pristine bullet to the Governor's stretcher.

The Warren Commission coverup could not have happened had Oswald gone to trial and been acquitted. The lone gunman theory only worked if Oswald died and the evidence relating to his rifle never made it into court.

A jury of Texans who likely grew up around guns, would not have believed that two bullets had been fired that day from a jammed gun that could not shoot bullets.

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Nitpick- gun enthusiasts prefer “malfunction” to “jam”

Its puerile, but always good to keep deniers and debunkers at bay

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In the initial year of World War I, the Mannlicher-Carnaco Rifle that was the standard infantry weapon of the Italian Army, became known as the Humanitarian Rifle because it malfunctioned nearly as often as it functioned. Italy switched sides and pulled troops out of France and into the Tyrol bordering Austria-Hungary, and their persnickety infantry weapon became an historical footnote until the infamous photo of Oswald's face on perhaps his torso and arms, holding perhaps the same Mannlicher-Carnaco Rifle that turned up, nonfunctional, in the Texas School Book Depository. (Yeah, the evidence review was that sloppy).

In other historical oddites

* Mr Crooks did a Web search the night before murdering a fire chief in Butler, Penna, comparing the length of the shot Oswald allegedly made in Dealey Plaza with the one he intended to make.

*Mr Oswald allegedly shot Mr Kennedy and Mr Connolly three times with two bullets, then fled to a theatre where he was arrested after shooting one of the arresting officers with a pistol. (That part of the story looks true).

* Almost 98 years earlier on April 14th, 1865, actor John Wilkes Booth was observed by playgoers in a crowded theater, shooting President Lincoln then exiting Stage Left and fleeing to a nearby warehouse where his getaway horse was tied to a hitching post.

* Mr Booth was never conclusively proven to have been found. An Army cavalry squadron pursuing Mr Booth engaged someone the assumed was Booth, in a gunfight at a barn. The barn caught fire and after it burnt down, one corpse, burnt beyond recognition, was recovered from the ash heap.

* Mr Booth's conspiracy was much sloppier than more recent ones. Several Booth accomplices were convicted of their attempts to kill Secretary of State William Seward and the Attorney General the same night. The Booth Conspiracy intended to remove the senior level of Lincoln's cabinet, but failed lo loop loop

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I guess anyone can make a correlation. If you want to make 1+1 = 3 you can do it if you want it to be so.

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I thought it was crazy when I first heard this theory, but a lot of people are thinking it adds up as 1 + 1 = 2. These are not the only 2 authors considering this. The number of agendas and number of people involved in the JFK assassination are huge. (I have a library on the subject.)

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Wow! I would love to browse that collection. I found 'JFK Autopsy' by Hornberger very good. I also liked the associated work by Douglas Horne of the ARRB historical investigation. He produced a five- or so part video series on the results.

I would love to invite my wife and I for dinner, immerse myself in that collection and enjoy a month-long, after-dinner conversation. I was in 1st grade on November 22, 1963 when the principal opened the door of our schoolroom and motioned for the teacher to come into the hall. Assassinations have filled and defined the lives of most of us.

Do you like white or red wine?

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Thank you for exposing evil.

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How many “coincidences” before it’s undeniable?

Dr. Nass hardly comes across as an apologist for the Catholic Church


Tons of Freemason symbolism around Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing sites and history. I went to confirm with my own eyes. There’s no way that the Fat Man, most expensive bomb developed and used in history, missed its mark by over a mile. And no coincidence that the Japanese ran out the Freemasons in the decades prior.

BTW - 1+1=3 for many, many families.

God bless you, Dr. S. Tenpenny

Thanks for all your hard work in exposing the Convid scam

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Don't forget Judy Mikovits, who tried to stop it before it even got started! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/plague-of-corruption-book-the-talented-dr-judy-mikovits/

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Oh fab stuff Meryl. Not unexpected stuff tho! I like JP Farrell’s stuff! Thank you for taking the time, great curation. From NZ

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