This RI form is not an informed consent form concerning a specific substance. It is a "vaccination" consent form - which would be legally interpreted as a consent to the act of vaccination.

Actually, Points 4 to 7 exclude injection of a specific product. Which may be construed as an implication of negative effect which the form subject has become aware of.

We may be sure that a flock of lawyers were working on this paper for a very long time. Conclusion: words matter, and matter most than we think. Takeaway: we need to learn the importance of using proper words and we need to constantly work on learning to recognize language traps or gaps.

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Legalese. Like almost everything we do accompanies a legal doc we have to sign and agree to. Yet it typically is very extensive and difficult to understand, and, therefore, hardly reads bc, for one, its legalese, and the only ppl that understand all the nuances of the wording are attorneys. A contrived trap! We are so accustomed to being taken advantage of this way.

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Isn't it interesting? Knowing the law is #1 in all life. It's everywhere, and it determines everything else. Observe it, and you are good. Make one wrong step neglecting it, and the rest of your life may be a nightmare. The question is… Why isn’t law taught from age 6 or 7? It certainly is not too complex or too abstract. If we can indoctrinate small kids into maths or physics, why not law?

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Well, ppl might understand too well their rights from early on.

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Devil's advocate here.

Knowing the law is #1 in all life. It's everywhere, and it determines everything else. Vital law is natural law, divine law, moral law,

We are all endowed from birth.

We do not have to be taught.

We just have to choose.

Free will - our birthright.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Translation: Government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

Laws basically the same: made by the rich, for the rich.

You can buy almost whatever you want in court, if you are rich enough.

Teaching law in schools would just be indoctrination in propaganda.

Besides the fact, that schooling is basically indoctrination, not education anyhow.

Most lawyers specialise today, because laws are so complex and ever changing, it is impossible to stay on top across the board.

We are enmeshed in a labyrinth of laws, that increasingly obscure our vision and restrict our freedoms, for our own good of course.

Legal fog, has obscured the path to the current mess, we are in.

Legislation of immorality undermines our moral foundations.

There is recurring blather, about teaching morality in schools.

How that is going to work, in detention centres and concentration camps, that abuse children physically, mentally, morally, emotionally and spiritually, is unclear.

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We are talking at cross purposes. After 2019, most of active people do, unfortunately.

One space is that of what we think we should have or we are entitled to or what we miss. Sometimes we are right, sometimes this perspective comes from being angry at continuous denial of common sense in daily life. Like, why you should pay taxes when you don’t know who will take this money and for what. Then we get the reaction, ah, taxes are unjust or are illegal. Or not written down in some scriptures. The point is that this attitude comes from within, from what we observe and - after processing in our minds - find a “no way reality”.

Another space is that of the Organizers, a multitude of individuals and groups who make huge efforts to put life into frameworks. They chose Law to be the uniting factor, and it is applied worldwide. It takes various forms, some you will like, some you won’t. As any artificial system, it is prone to errors and corruption. Still, it provides a relatively uniform and coherent plane to make relationships across cultures work. So far, we haven’t created anything better.

We all live within this legal sphere, and to a large extent our life without it would be much more difficult or socially impossible. Money, regulations, contracts, borders, bans and mandates, accounting, contributions, all have a certain purpose and - theoretically - do more good than harm. But all this cannot accommodate everybody and all situations in life. When the times of change come, this enormous mechanism opposes any changes… for the time being… until one day a new reference frame is created for these changes, and things run smoothly again. Inertia is always painful, because a single You wants to be there right now, but the whole mass of Yous will have to wait a little.

When we are not satisfied with what is, we should locate weak points and make efforts to change the situation there. One point at a time. It is easy, feasible, and the cost will be low, and the time needed will be acceptable. But if you want to change the whole system… Can you? We have no idea how the whole system works. From the results we get we may assume that nobody within the system knows it, including all top bosses. Everybody is trying to do the best they can in their room. Conflicts arise, misunderstandings, timing issues, funding problems, and, obviously, the justification of some measures is not always clear.

Enough theory. One of the key problems for the collective economy is that even the best laws are crippled by exclusions, exceptions, special assignments, and so on. The solution to this is simple: remove lobbying. Take the initiative to make lobbying illegal. Another problem: time and delays. Take the initiative and pass the law that says, “All matters accepted by the office shall be settled within a period of 3 calendar months.” Impossible? Absolutely no. It’s the backlog of the past that pushes everything into some unknown future. Plus, we all have become accustomed to “Later, I am now busy or tired.” Change the attitude, and the social framework will change.

But don’t be critical about things that you cannot change. If you really want to be critical, always add one sentence with a proposed solution. Otherwise, why waste energy?

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The real problem is that society was ruled by Luciferians intent on turning everyone into a cyborg and selling them.


I say, was ruled, because God sent a Trumpet in 2016 to announce that we had a choice whether to be slaves or sovereign beings. Millions chose enslavement.

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How many physicians actually had the complete information, let alone understood it. The packaging insert, remember, was a large, folded, piece of blank paper!

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People do not understand this. There was no package insert for EUA products. Instead there was only a Fact Sheet (see the PREP Act for more on this). Legally it was not needed. Once licensed there was a package insert.

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Yes, and very few also understand the legal "bait and switch" game played by Pfizer with the full cooperation of the FDA. The licensed version, ComiRNAty was judged to be "legally distinct from but interchangeable with" the EUA product That allowed Pfizer to "have its cake and eat it"by theoretically "launchung" but never making available the licensed product but allowing for substitution of the EUA product because it was "interchangeable". That allowed Pfizer to continue to benefit from the full legal liability immunity granted to the EUA version whilst at the same time pretending that the licensed version was now licensed and "on the market" so as to allow inclusion in the childhood vaccine schedule, at which time it would then AGAIN be afforded full legal liability immunity.

More disgraceful fascism, the State allowing legal trickery so as to benefit the Corporate entity at the expense (in many ways) of the public.

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Thank you.

This is the clearest, succinct presentation of the "bait and switch" tactic I have read.

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here in australia there was no package insert OR fact sheet, you were instructed to scan a QR code or given a web link to “look up” , my jabbed family and friends have told me.... and no, not one of them bothered to scan or look it up

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wow, so you were shut out from even the sketchy info unless you had online access. that would have left my elderly parents completely in the dark. many elderly don't mess about with the Internet.

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Even many pharmacists were unaware!

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Unfortunately, many doctors are lazy, but they were getting paid 50 bucks a shot

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A lie from the beginning to the end. It should have been called the "Gene Manipulation Consent Form"

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If the information sheet were complete, the word, "homoborgenesis," would be in it.

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More government-approved criminality. It just doesn't stop.

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I propose name changes for each of the major government & NGO entities involved in the ScamDemic/PlanDemic:

US Government-

FDA-Fraudulent Death Assistance

CDC-Criminal Disease Creation & Proliferation

NIAID-Nazi Inventors Assisting In Democide


WEF-World Euthanasia Foundation

WHO-World Homicide Organizers

DOD-Death On Demand

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Great article. I suggest that it is highly probable that no where in the world did 'informed consent' actually occur. How could it, the gene therapy producers did not undertake nor provide full details of their phase 1 trial outcomes, nor did they provide details of the contents of the vials. Additionally, and certainly in Australia, the office of gene therapy did not test nor approve these GMO products prior to them being injected into people.. Given the various transgressions of those who designed, produced, promoted, failed to provide full & proper details of and to regulators, & coerced world citizens (illegally removing all rights in doing so) to take these experimental GMO trial products, t seems reasonable that litigation ensues.

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Tha American Board of Family Medicine de-certified me earlier this year for giving actual informed-consent, which they cast as the moral-terpitude of "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination".

I was indeed advising pregnant women, young people and those who had already had COVID against the risk of accepting the experimental vaccine-products, until I was fired in October 2021 for refusing vaccination at the clinic where I had worked for a total of 18 years.

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oh my, how dare you have actual ethics and morals, Dr Day. you didn't follow orders so you were cast aside. wonder how many of your former colleagues KNOW what happened was wrong? how many spoke up?

the 'system' that does this is no longer a viable system and more and more of us are refusing to participate in it.

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You’re are hero in this battle against Humanity. “Do no harm” like many other values, virtues and oaths have disappeared. I thank you for your bravery and persistence to do the right thing. Hope you have been able to work again.

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Thank You, Sharon. I may be seeing patients again soon, after 2 years.

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As a retired Health Care Provider and Mal-Practice Attorney I can say without hesitation that the so called "Consent Form" from Rhode Island is not worth the paper it was written/printed on!

Every Medical Consent form has to either give a "Risk/Benefit Analysis" on the form itself, or State that the Health Care provider (MD, DO, PA, Advance Practice RN etc) has "explained the risks and benefits associated with this treatment/procedure and has answered to my satisfaction any questions I have." Then it has to be signed and dated by the Patient and by the Health Care Provider who explained the procedure, risks and benefits to the Patient.

In the case of an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) medication or procedure, and ALL C-19 Vaccines were under EUA, International Law, recognized and accepted by the US, goes further and states that the Health Care Provider who signs the Consent Form must be the Health Care Provider who ordered the medication/vaccine or will be preforming the procedure. It can not be a Nurse or some office personnel such as a receptionist.

Failure to specifically follow the procedures outlined in the 2 paragraphs above constitutes "Fraud" and Fraud removes any protections under Law, even Law passed by Congress and signed by the President or State Law passed by a State Congress and signed by the Governor!

In the case of an EUA medication such as the C-19 vaccines, failure to obtain valid informed consent is a CRIME, specifically "Crimes Against Humanity". This means the crime is prosecuted in Criminal Court and Mal-Practice Insurance does not cover it since Mal-Practice is Civil and not a Criminal violation of Law.

FYI under Crimes against Humanity there are only 2 penalties if convicted; a) death or b) life imprisonment with no possibility of Parole.

The crimes from Covid-19 go much deeper than you imagine!

1. It was a fake pandemic; C-19 had a 99.96% chance of recovery for anyone except those with multiple serious illnesses.

2. The "Vaccine" was not a vaccine, but a Bio-weapon designed to maim and kill.

3. The Health Care Professions were fed a lie and most swallowed it hook, line, and sinker and many still believe that lie.

4. It was a diabolical plan by those who want to reduce the World's population to 500,000 which is their definition of "sustainable" population.

5. Those mentioned in #4 above, suckered a great many Health Care providers into a trap. If the International Law covering EUA procedures/medications, explained above, is carried out to it's legal conclusion, hundreds of thousands of Health Care Providers will pay with their lives or their continual loss of freedom and this will accelerate population reduction markedly toward achieving the goal of the likes of people like Klaus Swab, Bill & Melinda Gates and Anthony Fauci.

How many of you who read this have lost a lot of faith in Health Care Providers as a result of the Covid-19 debacle?

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I lost my faith in sickness providers back in 2011.

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Do you think it will be litigated or the perpetrators punished? I stopped watching tv years ago but occasionally do watch movie’s & documentaries or good series. Recently, I was appalled & by noticing the high percentage of just medical products, medicines commercials. Doesn’t that alone provide enough evidence of “who owns too much of the world”!!!

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Whether it will be litigated and the perpetrators punished depends to some extent upon us. If we demand changes be made, crimes be punished and restitution be given families by money made by doctors and hospitals who mal-practiced on patients for the money they would receive, we have the chance of getting somewhere. If we just sit back and let others "do it" we may very well end up in a worse position that we are now.

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What constitutes willful misconduct?

Consider for example a practitioner administering a Covid-19 injection - is it willful misconduct if the practitioner injects a person who has not given voluntary informed consent for the intervention?

This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have the vaccination to maintain their livelihood. If an individual presents before a practitioner under a vaccination mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the practitioner refuse to inject them if they are not voluntarily wanting the injection?

Isn’t it willful misconduct if a practitioner injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination, someone who has not given voluntary informed consent?

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Next you are going to tell me that I never signed a social contract but I am obligated by just being born which is “consent“ because I did not commit suicide or move away. I feel like I am just a serf.

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I haven't seen a vaccine commercial, but from what I hear the side effect chyron that rolls under most pharma commercials was absent. This advertising continues. From the time pharma commercials became legal until the covid vaccines, those chyrons rolled under every ad. That is implicit fraud, through omission. For years everyone was used to the blah blah and "even death" I only know this as I watched tv at my mother's, when I usually don't. The commercials were really manipulative before covid, so I'd imagine they are full of subliminals and top tier psyop marketing techniques now. They are still forcing this experimental schist onto the elderly and kids and pregnant women, though the OB/GYN doctors are horrified that pregnant women don't want their 4 in 1, flu, dtap, covid and something else. The shots must be stopped worldwide first, though nothing seems to penetrate the carapace of the death cult.

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One word: "homoborgenesis".

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Now wait a minute you mean to tell me that that SV 40 or the green monkey DNA isn’t effective at stopping an imaginary virus?

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Faked informed consent fits right in with the fake pandemic and fake covid...what's not to like?

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I don't know of anyone who got these vaccines who was even given this fact sheet.

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a friend in Michigan claims to have gotten a fact sheet that admitted the jab didn't protect against infection or transmission. in 2021. I do NOT believe her. she also said they were told that immune-compromised shouldn't get the shot. say what?? don't know what planet she was on since those were one of the groups specifically targeted. I think she was just making it up as the actual facts came out...

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I think it's "willful misconduct" to fail to inform potential recipients that under PREP, the manufacturers and "vaccinators" of this experimental concoction enjoy complete liability immunity against any injury or death resulting from submitting to this junk. I think that the "informed consent" doc in Florida did spell this out.

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Excellent Info - Thank You 👍

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Excellent analysis. My only observation is that the word, consent, is misused.

First, "informed consent" is two words, not one. There is consent, and there is consent given by someone who has been informed.

Second, consent is not given by a clinician to a subject. This phrase, "make subjects think they have been consented" is nonsense. Consent is obtained from the subject by the clinician. The duty of the clinician is to inform, not "consent" the subject.

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