Don't say "clueless" above a whisper! The processors might get an idea from that and decide it to be another feared "pandemic" for which to create another vaccine for! Why not? It seems that everything else they do is counter-intuitive.
For instance, in a perfect world, "industry" giants (ideally) could have formulated solutions to REAL issues, instead of pseudo-science like global warming (now climate change) and more toward those with harmful potential as well as those of actual current concerns.
There's plenty of space for living comfortably here on this huge earth, but its management has been laced with sinfulness, thoughtful foresight traded for vain selfishness, sacrifice exchanged for greedy gain, and love for ones brother swapped for careless neglect.
Quite naturally, human tendencies gravitate toward these dark traits, (some even are intentionally cultivated) but with proper education they could have been inducted into the masses' psyche, if taught at an early age, and emphasized in school. That of course would require Christian ethics, and THAT is as far from man's thought-processing preference as the East is to the West. Humility, and next, repentance are etched into the first two stepping stones on our walkway to eternal life. But we must choose to place ourselves upon them. Alternate paths are fraught with danger; some are candy-coated, promising, and attractive, but ultimately lead to disappointment and death . The coin has only two sides: It's either Jesus (the Creator) and eternal life, or Satan (the originator of lies) and eternal death.
Times are slated for "trouble." Best become prepared while it's semi-calm.
I was listening to a discussion of the Klaus' book, The Great Reset and damn if this demented dude doesn't tell you exactly what he's thinking. he says the 'science' of it (transhumanism) already exists, only thing in his way is the legal and ethical hurdles. He KNOWS what they plan is illegal, unethical and immoral. imho, they already have a vast swath of the population completely addicted to their screen. now create a scenario where its suddenly taken away (like false flag cyber attack) and they'll have people begging to get it back, no matter what 'conditions' are placed on it. we are already being conditioned to the slow boil of 'strings attached' to basic human rights. scary stuff. yes, sir.
Your point is very much a possibility in my view. Every now and then, a quick trip to town is necessary. As a former motorcycle rider, the habit of keeping a sharp eye out everywhere ensues. During such times, it is noticed that perhaps four or five youngsters will be gathered around an outdoor table, each of which are glued to the small screens in their hands. No one is communicating with any other. It's sort of surreal. At other times, one can estimate that about 80 to 90 percent of everyone sitting in a diner or elsewhere, as they wait, are hunkered over their devices. Hey! Wouldn't that count as a "syndrome?" something to initiate a reason for a "vaccine" to alleviate?
I should have been a bad-guy! 'Could have been among the evil top dogs there, eh?
Pardon the thought. (I think my brain is defiantly requesting lunch!)
oh yeah, its deeply disturbing to me, to see entire families (mom, dad, kids) in a restaurant together and ALL on looking at individual devices and not interacting with each other more than absolutely necessary. I saw a mom with a toddler wandering in a parking lot, while she was standing next to her car, looking at her phone! I barely resisted the urge to scream at her. the PARENTS being the worst possible influences with this behavior. I'm 63 and I have friends who think I'm an outlier because I literally will not take my phone out of my purse for an entire day or into a store with me. I will do nothing involving money on it. never, ever, not once, have I played any type of game on it (or on computer). I have an old friend whom I will not invite to a restaurant anymore because she will 'game' on her phone the entire time. why are we even here together??
I very much believe its completely intentional to addict people to these devices and age doesn't even matter. Heather Heying (from the Darkhorse podcast) calls it 'the black mirror' and I think that's an apt moniker
Yes, who can disagree with any of that? I've even seen a motor-cyclist using his left hand to text while his right was on the throttle! I couldn't believe my eyes! "The Black Mirror" yeah, what a "Black Hole" they really are! And they're not going away either!
That's downright rude to be sitting at a dinner table across from someone being sucked in!
Thank you for your remarks, my sister! I now have a new moniker to apply, with your permission, of course!
I know a few people STILL considering moving to Canada! they are completely clueless that they would be moving into a fascist state!
Live there and glad never gave up US citizenship.
Don't say "clueless" above a whisper! The processors might get an idea from that and decide it to be another feared "pandemic" for which to create another vaccine for! Why not? It seems that everything else they do is counter-intuitive.
For instance, in a perfect world, "industry" giants (ideally) could have formulated solutions to REAL issues, instead of pseudo-science like global warming (now climate change) and more toward those with harmful potential as well as those of actual current concerns.
There's plenty of space for living comfortably here on this huge earth, but its management has been laced with sinfulness, thoughtful foresight traded for vain selfishness, sacrifice exchanged for greedy gain, and love for ones brother swapped for careless neglect.
Quite naturally, human tendencies gravitate toward these dark traits, (some even are intentionally cultivated) but with proper education they could have been inducted into the masses' psyche, if taught at an early age, and emphasized in school. That of course would require Christian ethics, and THAT is as far from man's thought-processing preference as the East is to the West. Humility, and next, repentance are etched into the first two stepping stones on our walkway to eternal life. But we must choose to place ourselves upon them. Alternate paths are fraught with danger; some are candy-coated, promising, and attractive, but ultimately lead to disappointment and death . The coin has only two sides: It's either Jesus (the Creator) and eternal life, or Satan (the originator of lies) and eternal death.
Times are slated for "trouble." Best become prepared while it's semi-calm.
Yours in the Battle,
I was listening to a discussion of the Klaus' book, The Great Reset and damn if this demented dude doesn't tell you exactly what he's thinking. he says the 'science' of it (transhumanism) already exists, only thing in his way is the legal and ethical hurdles. He KNOWS what they plan is illegal, unethical and immoral. imho, they already have a vast swath of the population completely addicted to their screen. now create a scenario where its suddenly taken away (like false flag cyber attack) and they'll have people begging to get it back, no matter what 'conditions' are placed on it. we are already being conditioned to the slow boil of 'strings attached' to basic human rights. scary stuff. yes, sir.
Warrior Queen,
Your point is very much a possibility in my view. Every now and then, a quick trip to town is necessary. As a former motorcycle rider, the habit of keeping a sharp eye out everywhere ensues. During such times, it is noticed that perhaps four or five youngsters will be gathered around an outdoor table, each of which are glued to the small screens in their hands. No one is communicating with any other. It's sort of surreal. At other times, one can estimate that about 80 to 90 percent of everyone sitting in a diner or elsewhere, as they wait, are hunkered over their devices. Hey! Wouldn't that count as a "syndrome?" something to initiate a reason for a "vaccine" to alleviate?
I should have been a bad-guy! 'Could have been among the evil top dogs there, eh?
Pardon the thought. (I think my brain is defiantly requesting lunch!)
Happy Sabbath to the readers. God bless you all.
oh yeah, its deeply disturbing to me, to see entire families (mom, dad, kids) in a restaurant together and ALL on looking at individual devices and not interacting with each other more than absolutely necessary. I saw a mom with a toddler wandering in a parking lot, while she was standing next to her car, looking at her phone! I barely resisted the urge to scream at her. the PARENTS being the worst possible influences with this behavior. I'm 63 and I have friends who think I'm an outlier because I literally will not take my phone out of my purse for an entire day or into a store with me. I will do nothing involving money on it. never, ever, not once, have I played any type of game on it (or on computer). I have an old friend whom I will not invite to a restaurant anymore because she will 'game' on her phone the entire time. why are we even here together??
I very much believe its completely intentional to addict people to these devices and age doesn't even matter. Heather Heying (from the Darkhorse podcast) calls it 'the black mirror' and I think that's an apt moniker
Yes, who can disagree with any of that? I've even seen a motor-cyclist using his left hand to text while his right was on the throttle! I couldn't believe my eyes! "The Black Mirror" yeah, what a "Black Hole" they really are! And they're not going away either!
That's downright rude to be sitting at a dinner table across from someone being sucked in!
Thank you for your remarks, my sister! I now have a new moniker to apply, with your permission, of course!
In Christ,