On a runaway train

Racing towards a cliff

Danger is present

It's hard to miss

But don't dare speak up

Or slam on the brakes

Conspiracy theories

Say conmen and snakes

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This only goes to buttress my contention that the more we emphasize and harp on the deadly and terrible effects of the Jab, the greater the resistance, psychologically, as I have written about here:


The fulcrum for us is freedom, freedom of choice. Lord knows the jabs will never stop, there will always be another and another and another ...

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Also, I like Pierre Kory's article that just refers to"the many deaths" without even mentioning the jab. I'm hoping more articles like it will follow.

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Aug 25, 2023
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Really ought to realize your only getting clicks , most are so mad they wont ever buy your product advertised.

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Product? Only product here is informed opinion by a person with considerable experience. All are free to examine and evaluate. Better yet Dr Nass has no real financial bias in her opinions. Can we say the same for our public health official who DO have a financial interest? I trusted them once and am quite sad that my taxes who support their work is compromised by their rewards for promoting a product that doesn't work properly and could harm some people.

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I don't understand it. When I determined our child's autistic diagnosis was from the v@cc1nes back in the late 90s, I told everyone who would listen to avoid the shots! I didn't want other parents and children to suffer.

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They can’t comprehend because of the SCANKS in this world who are worthless but make out by being a scank. There are a lot of us, myself included, who have tried to tell everyone, anyone that vaccines injure too. All they hear is the worthless SCANKS who shove the propaganda down their throats. And worse if no one in their family was ever injured.

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And bless you for it!

I’m completely baffled by the lack of intellectual curiosity confronted with every day in conversations about local, national, and global issues directly impacting each and every one of us. What happened?

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Now that WestonAPrice.org is around and has many members with autistic and other children, they can help teach you holistic nutrition if you seek them out. Even with a MS in Holistic Nutrition, I learned more from them than I did in school.

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Aug 24, 2023
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(my son is now 19. he functions at the level of a 4 yr old. he is no where near recovery but much improved over the years. he's both lead and mercury poisoned and has several other persistent medical issues. your son is one of the lucky ones, not to minimize your massive effort, that's for sure. much love to you, Barbara!)

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Aug 24, 2023
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we ALL are warrior moms! (an awesome gal recently came out with a book called Warrior Mom, about recovering her son. I set up my Stack name before I knew and now I kinda feel bad cuz I am not her. many of us in the community have been referring to each other as 'warrior moms' for nearly 2 decades now. I did not intentionally swipe her handle ;) )

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yet lots of parents like us, Barbara, will deny it till the day they die. they will never look at their child's (or now adult's) medical issues and work on them. they will call autism some kinds of tolerable 'difference' to be celebrated and then use psych drugs when their suffering offspring's behavior becomes unmanageable.

(my son's autism is primarily from my mercury amalgam fillings; I was an older mom and they had plenty of time to deteriorate and cause MY autoimmune issues. I have no doubt, however, that he v's tipped his bucket.)

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So sorry for your suffering. Your son is fortunate to have you caring for him. No, we never used any drugs either. We found a holistic doctor (praise God!) back in the early 2000s who helped us look at EVERYTHING - deodorant, detergent, organic/non-GMO foods, lighting, the texture of labels on clothing, you name it! I've recently had my mercury fillings removed! Last one earlier this year with a holistic dentist who took extreme precautions which was fine with me. Are yours removed now?

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oh I really don't consider myself as 'suffering', but thanks. its one day at a time... :)

yes we did all that too (remove as many toxins, crap out of the diet, etc)

I gotta tell ya, things have really progressed A LOT in the treatment community since you recovered your son. just in the time I have been on the scene (my son's dx in '07), we have made huge advances in nutragenomics - planning supplement & treatment protocols around gene mutations. it was a big help with my son's chronic candida & sulfur intolerance, among other things. our health coach is a genius (mom of two young adults on the spectrum, cuz it takes a WARRIOR MOM, right?!) developing custom treatment plans. she literally has clients around the world. I help her run our local 'in person' support group and an international online group. she speaks at conferences and is well known for her protocol to treat high ammonia. (cuz yeah, us moms don't know jack shit about 'science', uh huh... this woman knows more about gene mutations, methylation & krebs cycles than any mere MD!)

at one time, I had 6 amalgams. I have one left and its in an intact tooth so I am leaving it alone for now. 3 completely destroyed the teeth they were in, they are gone; two were successfully removed and replaced with composite. thank goodness I was aware of detoxing during their removal because no way could I afford a holistic dentist. I did lots of liver support, asked for extra suction and rinsing during removal. overall, I am in pretty good shape for a 62 yr old.

here's the story I love to share with people who 'get it' (bare with my longwinded stuff).

how I KNOW that my amalgams were/are the primary cause of my son's autism, and this is thanks to the brilliant biomed detective work of my 'warrior' coach/mentor.

I had severe Crohn's and ulcerative colitis from the age of 18, on. I had my older boy at age 32. I was so ill after I had him, I was hospitalized for several weeks and eventually had my gallbladder removed. always on some kind of med and at one point, recommended to have my entire colon removed. I refused. (thank goodness!)

fast forward about 8 yrs & I'm with my 2nd husband. get pregnant with my middle boy at age 42. ALL my gut symptoms disappeared. my gastro explained it away as a result of 'pregnancy hormones' or some such bullshit. guess what? they NEVER came back. after a lifetime of autoimmune Crohn's/colitis. its GONE. well... guess where it went. yup, into my boy who gets dx of autism at age 3. known medical fact that baby 'detoxes' mom. :( (oh gee not TOO much maternal guilt there, pffft)

we did metal testing and his lead was off the charts (we live surrounded by heavy industry), also loaded with aluminum (to this day, he is unable to sweat cuz of it!), cadmium and yup, mercury. been chipping away at the metals with mild chelation for the past decade (he's never been able to tolerate any radical chelation). he didn't speak until I started detoxing the lead and mercury. there's still a LOT in there.

my son with autism crashed completely after 18 mo shots but it was kind of subtle. I had just gotten pregnant with my youngest (surprise! I was nearly 45!). HE (youngest) was, in retrospect, very vaccine injured as an infant. screamed constantly, never slept more than an hour or two at a time, had infant eczema and chronic constipation. STOPPED all jabs after HIS 12 mo shots and somehow was able to pull him out of the downward spiral. whew. (he's a typical pain-in-the-ass 17 yr old now.)

at one point, (after the red pill was delivered by my now-mentor) I pulled out all of my boys' shot records, laid them side by side, and saw that my oldest (born in '93) had the same # of jabs in his ENTIRE childhood, that my youngest (born in '05) had by the time he was ONE yr old. BAM. MIKE DROP. case fucking closed.

but yeah... one day at a time, honey. one day at a time.

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Thank you so much for sharing this

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you're so welcome! thanks for putting up with my long winded story ;)

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Once I understood that Hotez had a vaxx injured child, I knew he would be stalwart to never admit it....that is the easy answer, and why I so praise those parents who decided to look deeper....praise!!

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I have seen this happen amongst clinicians I know as well. When confronted with the potential of vaxx injury induced autism, only a few end up acknowledging it and then often becomes fighters for vaxx safety and freedom of choice. The majority cannot face the guilty conscience of possibly contributing to the adverse health of their children - as such they double down in advocacy and do everything they can to stifle any voices of other physicians and parents who are pointing to vaxx injury, as those people having a voice will only continuously and subconsciously perturb them to consider the fact that that have been on the wrong side, so it’s much easier to dismiss those voices as malicious and ignorant, and even a threat that must be neutralized. It’s tragic really.

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If some of them faced it, they would probably have a breakdown.

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Yes, that was the point of Meryl's sage advice. We will have a national nervous breakdown if we accept the truth. But then healing comes, and a new world is possible.

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As is their sacrifice is part of some bigger cause, instead of just rampant genocide....a farce to be sure and sadder than sad....thanks Kareem Kandil MD ND

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jacquelyn: Dr. Hotez wrote a book a few years ago, called "Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism." When Amazon first posted it they left off the word "Not," but soon corrected the error. He is a bully.

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My aunt's friend has an autistic grandchild. She said it wasn't caused by shots. I told her doctors don't know if it was or wasn't (just to maintain peace with her). If it was caused by shots, they wouldn't admit it anyway. The shots are too much of a cash cow.

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He should definitely be on our side, anti shots, instead of attempting to kill more and make others sick.

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....agreed, as in the precautionary principle?

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WOW! I did not know this till Dr Nass’ article here. I have no pity on serpent Hotez, only his poor child.

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This story illustrates the effectiveness and power of the brilliantly-deployed mind control of recent years, which perverts reality so fully that a mother will hide from the truth because the truth is simply too painful. Blind, unquestioning belief can cloud judgement and logic. It is BECAUSE OF her only child's death that she did this so-called “study,” in a desperate attempt to avoid the painful truth that the trusted authorities, and her belief in them, caused this tragedy.

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Yes, you're right. She would do anything to discredit anyone who could have prevented her child's death, because that would mean questioning the entire mainstream orthodoxy and her firm belief in it. And if somebody else were right about the injection, that would make her wrong about it, which would make her feel responsible for her daughter's death, which is a situation she doesn't want to face. Hopefully one day she will find the courage to see things clearly.

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huge difference between polly tommey and this quack. polly did not have a medical background back in the 90s when her son was born and only a small fraction of us were paying attention to how toxic the childhood vax schedule.

i was one of the millions who were not wise to the scheme nor was my relative who had to scramble to take care of their autistic child just as polly has.

but sarah goff is a physician. no excuse. that she would sacrifice her child to the moloch who paid for her article speaks for itself.

she is no abraham.

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Dr. Goff unfortunately cannot accept the fact that maybe she is responsible for her only child’s death. Her cognitive dissonance is something she cannot face even though if she did, she could be on the right side of history and join the fight against the scientism, agendas, and narratives that the globalist cabal wishes to utilize to gain abject control over all of us. She needs to take off her blinders, and summon the courage to admit what a horrible tragedy the entire vaccine program is. May God convince her to use her brain and faculties of discernment rather than be trapped in an ideological fantasy land where she like everyone else trapped continues to ignore solid data and real science.

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I hope Dr. Goff reads this and takes it to heart.

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IF she sees this, she will rage. she clearly is entrenched in the narrative and may never come up for air. oh well. we can't wake up everyone.

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It would be hard to face being responsible for her child's death, but she needs to do it.

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blaming and lashing out are only the second stage of grief so yeah, she's not doing herself any favors getting stuck in that stage. the two gals who she got to do the glorified 'opinion' paper, are probably substitute 'daughters', psychologically.

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Excellent analysis, Warrior Mom.

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thank you. I have a degree in developmental psychology. never worked in the field but firmly believe that no knowledge is wasted. I was accepted into a Master's program in special ed. never got to finish it because I then had a disabled son. funny how life works sometimes. ;)

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Sending my admiration and moral support for your loving care, enrichment, and education of you son.

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Why these authors feel the need to interfere in people's freedom of choice and speech is a mystery to me, but I look forward to the opportunity of telling them what I think about their opinions. I guess they feel important and superior publishing a paper in JAMA, that is a little sad that this is all it takes for them to give up their integrity.

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JAMA has no integrity. neither does any of the major journals. lots and lots of people are waking up to that.

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So am I understanding this correctly?

Someone is building a "directory" of doctors promoting "misinformation" and their theories as a way for media to point to this as an "authoritative source" to refer to as a means to discredit all of these folks (and their findings) at once?

Because I'm finding increased censorship in trying to share info from these doctors, and one of the methods is basically censoring anything from substack (I have to mangle the URL, and it's a cat/mouse game every day as they compensate with added spaces in the domain, etc. in an attempt to avoid censorship when I'm sharing it with others.

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Positive Circular reasoning.

Hire someone to write something about someone whose reputation you want to destroy, and then refer to that article when showing “evidence” of a crime.

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I think “repent” is still appropriate. It literally means to change your actions . To turn around and do the opposite.

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You have so much grace, Dr. Nass. I have none. This woman should rot in hell - she refuses to accept her guilt in killing her only child. That alone should damn her to hell. The fact that she is trying to destroy good people who are attempting to prevent more murders (one of which she executed on her own daughter) is an evil that we cannot accept. We should only be praying for her poor innocent daughter's soul, may she rest in eternal peace. God.

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There’s a psychological diagnosis for people who deliberately harm their children (man-something by proxy).

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You mean Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, although Dr Goff's case doesn't really fit that. Dr Goff did not mean to harm or kill her child; she ended up doing it out of medical ignorance. I myself am no doctor, but why this Dr Goff couldn't even look at the VAERS or EudraVigilance data, as I did for starters, is beyond me.

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Was she paid to promote the covid shots?

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Now that's an interesting question! There apparently was a ton of money from Big Pharma sloshing around these docs and "researchers," and of course politicians. Our own former Prime Minister Jacinda "your single source of truth" Ardern made out like a bandit re her net worth after a few years of catering to the WEF globalists and rabidly pushing Pfizer's death jabs. The reason the bought-off media gives for her high net worth now is that she "wrote some books". lol.

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I'm also wondering if she was paid "off the books" hush money AFTER her daughter's sudden death from a covid shot NOT to speak out against them.

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Another excellent comment. Recall how likely it was that Tiffany Dover was "paid off" to keep silent about her vaccine injury.

See Jikky's take on that -- https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/is-tiffany-dover-responsible-for

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good question. I think lots of universities were giving incentives so maybe in a second hand way. I think its also a question of being paid off emotionally. between the fear porn, the 'us vs them', the reinforcement of some moral superiority. lots of shit going on that doesn't involve money (which is of course, nothing to sneeze at)

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I'm also wondering if she was paid "off the books" hush money AFTER her daughter's sudden death from a covid shot NOT to speak out against them.

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Still can't get my mind wrapped around the fact these ppl exist to hurt others. Im so blessed i attained the discernment to know there was something very wrong with this vax. Iv come to learn alot since 2020. Thank you for what you do for everyone. Your in our prayers.


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Reading Fit for Life by Marilyn and Harvey Diamond in the early 1980s, helped me to learn how devastating shots and poor eating can be. It wasn't for the diet but for the learning material in the book. Even now, 40 years later, reading it may help you wrap your mind around the issues a little more.

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Thank you. I'll look into it.

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Read it long ago. They were on TV often. Seem to remember them talking about the trees and plants and O2.....wish I could remember more about Vax opinions....

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yes misinformation is whatever deviates from narratives selected by those in power

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Misery. LOVES. Company.

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill


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Thank you for this spot on quote from Churchill. Never saw it before.

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I need to get the names and locations of those 52 'misinformation' doctors. I have friends and family all over that want to find a doctor that isn't pimping for Gates et al. They'll be glad for the recommendation.

If the practitioner has had a license stripped, all the better. (S)He's one of us. Lip service ain't enough, anymore.

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You are on a number of substacks, write your own, and probably know many of the docs who have lost their licenses. You could start a list. Here are the first two: Sherri Tenpenny and Judy Mikovits

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