I am so sorry that you had a hip-fracture, Sister Meryl!

"One Health" sound like a good storefront operation to help coordinate zoonotic bioweapon outbreaks and global responses, but I'm so jaded and cynical lately...

Thank you for the further research into monkeypox, an infection contracted by people butchering bushmeat and men who have sex with infected men.

There are some other loose ends here:


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Thank you for all this and I am sorry for your hip troubles. I am a nurse and wrote about being unvaccinated. Much of this info could be found for many months now. If only it could make its way into the mainstream news. A Nurse's Story can be found here: nancyrbenedict.substack.com

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Thank you. You write generously and convincingly!

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Hope you recover soon from your broken hip!

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Dear Dr. Nass,

I wish you a speedy recovery. You are a precious resource in our lives.

Thank you for exposing the murk in Merck (and friends) — just a pun for much-needed fun! One Health indeed! More like One Sickness for All.

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This is interesting...


Page 10 talks of a 'Monkeypox Pandemic' simulated exercise (much like Event 201 near the end of 2019)

Page 12 has the first 'move' of the Monkeypox 'Attack' scenario as beginning on May 15 2022.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

"And then I managed to trip, fall and break my hip. I had assumed that frequent walks, consumption of adequate vitamin D and my large frame would protect me but I was wrong."

I assume that you haven't been checking your vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels. And maybe you have kidney disease and have reduced your protein intake which will impact bone density.

Doctors make the worst patients. Nurses come second.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

"consumption of adequate vitamin D"

What is adequate and what form of vitamin D?

When supplementing with D3, 50 units per pound of body mass is adequate. And, of course, D3 supplementation is dilatory.

When supplementing with calcifediol, 20 mcg daily is sufficient for maintenance.

The target 25OHD level should be 50 ng/ml.

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Of course.

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Yes, MK7 helps to divert calcium from arteries to bones. And muscle and bone loading via exercise are needed to keep muscles and bones from deteriorating.

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I have a new view of nutrition which posits that fiber and fat must be balanced in each meal along with carbs and protein. Fat provides necessary vitamins.

A varied diet is also required, including red meat, white meat, seeds, nuts, beans, fruit, and, of course, vegetables.

It also seems that sweet cravings may indicate magnesium deficiency. I eat pumpkin seeds, almonds, and dark chocolate to get magnesium.

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Carbohydrates are not a necessary nutrient.

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Guess what? PCR tests for monkey pox are already available:


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Of course they are! We could have bet on that! 🥴😉

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oh Meryl, oh Meryl, I am glad to hear from you and to be aware of that you are healing from a fall, I think you must be in pretty good shape to be able to write so extensively ;} but for anyone that would be a push. I think our highly 'improved' lives of clicking, (i stand and click but most sit and click, yes?) are...not improved. Getting percussive bone building exercise is tricky, when we are so addicted to the clicky. I sat down for the first 12 or so years of clicking, but had to stand up, and have had fewer or different problems because of that. Screen addition is real. But it's whats connecting me to folks who are...thinking. Def the best year of my life wrt creating nationwide and worldwide connections. Didn't someone say we are in the Age of Aquarius now?best from Oregon

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with all due respect i wouldnt bet much on US ability to control WHO. if afghanistan offers any lesson look at how many billions went to taliban who basically stole all US high tech.

Once sovereignity is delegated to WHO types good luck getting it back ... gates at al, will control it through WHO.

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And Gates (“Grates” any truly critical thinking person) has a love affair with smallpox. Could Monkeypox, I mean, Moneypox, be the road to lead to smallpox & mandated world-wide inoculations? Hmmm.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

As always, your posts are most informative and enlightening. Thank you! Re Sachs, I have always regarded him as a complicated character. He had always seemed genuinely concerned with the plight of impoverished people, but was misguided in tackling it from a problematic elitist modernist perspective. His global institute at Columbia seemed to further entrench him in globalist circles and leadership positions. It was as if his buying into the modernist narrative had a momentum that carried him in directions beside himself. I think he was earnest, but may be losing faith in the globalist directive; I hope so.. I would hope he sticks with his current indictment, and that it is not part of an agenda to return him to dark circles of power.I look forward to following this.

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Thank you for your careful and clearly written piece summarizing so many interconnections and to help prevent a 'spell' being cast on those not having this information. You blew away some of the 'smoke and mirrors' being used. I will send this to many clients and friends.

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Thank you for all you do. It is so refreshing to read your blogs. You do such an amazing job of illuminating the evil power hungry scumbags (Tedros, Fauci, Gates, etc) that lie and cheat to gain power and money. Karma will get them all eventually.

PS Prayers for a speedy recovery of your hip. Godspeed 🙏🏻

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Tedros is a stooge for Bill Gates who arranged to have him installed as WHO D.G. He will do what Gates tells him to do. Neither Tedros nor Gates have any medical training whatsoever. Daszak, Baric, Fauci, Gates all belong behind bars until their appallingly disgusting lives end.

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Personally, for the fraud Fauucchii - I would prefer the testing done on the poor beagles in the lab would be done unto him & HIS vocal chords cut so that we would never have to hear his diabolical voice again. As far as the malfeasance of gates & tedros - I also take solace that God knows & will deal with them incredibly justly, if we as a society are unable to at this juncture.

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Amen to that! Karma is real and God never disappoints. 🙏🏻

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Sounds perfect, let me know how I can help.

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Dr. Nass I'm sorry you broke your hip and I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing the best truth you can. I've been doing the same since 2007 in my spare time. There's just so many fake people online and off.

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I hope your fracture heals really fast!!! And thank you for continuing to spread the light anywhere you go!

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Hey doc, monkeypox appearing on the scene is very suspicious. Not just a little bit but what the actual f*ck is going on there? By and large it is of little concern itself being relatively benign having a low IFR and not being particularly virulent, it just looks unpleasant. My main concern lies in its relationship to smallpox. Just how removed and different is monkeypox to its cousin smallpox? How many adaptions away is one from another? Who knows or studies this field?

If you were to consider all known WMD from the fields of chemical, biological or nuclear/radiological warfare. Which agent do you think has the greatest impact on the world as a whole?

I hazard to guess a genetically modified smallpox strain as the single most significant of them all if weaponized. More dangerous than a nuclear bomb. More dangerous than sarin or vx nerve agents. As in the alpha and omega of all agents.

And this small and inconvenient fact somewhat concerns me.

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I don't like to contribute to fear for hypothetical threats so will dodge your questions.

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