“The vaccines will definitely kill your child, but at least they didn’t die of Covid”.

Thanks guys.

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Re: “Although the implications of this finding must be better understood, these results do not alter the risk-benefit ratio favoring vaccination against COVID-19 to prevent severe clinical outcomes.”

Who is actually at risk of “severe clinical outcomes” with COVID-19?

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The same people at risk of severe clinical outcomes as the flu.

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So not most people then...

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Exactly. The original strain was a particularly nasty flu, custom-made to infect human lungs, but if we had treated it like any other flu it would be a mild, endemic coronavirus by now.

Instead we've prodded and poked at both the disease and the immune systems of billions of people, and now we're heading into the exact nightmare so many warned about.

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On 19 March 2020, Paul Offit had an interview with Zubin Damania (aka ZDoggMD) in which he said:

“…this is a virus that primarily is going to kill people who are older and also have co-morbidities – you know, chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, hypertension etc.

So you know who really the group is who’s going to die, so that group then should stay home – just weather this out for the next few weeks or couple of months or whatever it takes. Those people should stay home. I think anybody who has a mild respiratory illness or moderate respiratory illness should stay home, and the family that’s in contact with them should stay home.

Do that and then, obviously anybody who’s older should limit any contact that they have with crowds, and just do more sensible things.

I just feel like by doing what we’re doing there will be a lot of unanticipated consequences which could be dire.

I mean people, I think businesses will likely close down, I think people will lose jobs, people could become homeless.

There’ll be a ripple effect to this that will be very damaging. Right now we have roughly 75 or so deaths in the United States – somewhere in that range – no sorry 87 deaths. As of today which is March 17 I think it’s 87 deaths, which is – obviously any death is bad, but keep in mind the fact that the CDC estimates that as of March 7 we’ve had between 22,000 and 52,000 deaths from influenza.

You know, and there are thousands of children who’ve died of respiratory syncytial virus in this country, which is not to say if you can prevent it, prevent it, but I just wonder at what cost we’re ultimately preventing this.”

Remember, this was March 2020…

So why was there an INSANE plan to 'vaccinate' mass populations around the world, most of whom did not need any intrusive medical intervention?!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=137765677655636

Quote from around 2:46

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And why did Paul Offit subsequently WIDELY SUPPORT and PROMOTE the covid vaccine program -- for ALL ages?

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Good question Kathleen!

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Basically no one aside of very elderly and sever preexisting conditions -- same scenario as day 1. And here the clowns are 3 years later actually still thinking Covid is a threat to the whole population. Insane.

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Definition of insanity:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

Attributed to Albert Einstein

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Those are the words need be said, in order to keep your job these days. "If you want to know who owns you, figure out who you cannto critisize."

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I can't get too excited about finessed explanations of the molecular mechanism of spike's cardiotoxicity. The shots and their presumptuous mRNA platform are the problem and should be banned as any sort of 'public health' tool. Whether the siited study might lead to a treatment for the 'vaccine' injured might be another story.

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Every day of delay is moar munny!

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How these “scientists” can live with themselves is beyond me.

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Soooo....myocarditis is OK ? No issues here to see ??

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Because mild, right?

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The sigh....implications of all this are so profound and overwhelming.

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I'snt this proof of ADE?

How can worsening of clinical outcome after vaccination ever be considered good? There was increased spike uptake leading to myocarditis. Anotherwords antibodies did not neutralize it. Spike ended up in the cell undisturbed. Isnt that what happens in ADE, spike enters the cell more effectively than if a person had not been vaccinated. Please tell me how this can be twisted into a beneficial vaccination/immune response.

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Thank you for bringing that one to the surface.

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Hum - they got myocarditis - SMH -more money for the criminal

Cartel as long as the person “needs” treatment & meds & hospitalization, etc (remind anyone of the lab rats spinning the wheel)?

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The jab is unfit for man or beast.

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Could it have to do with if the vaccine reaches a blood vessel when it’s injected?

Whatever the reason, this was all rolled out too quickly. Accidents or not serious problems were doomed to happen.

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1 + 1 + 1 = 4:

"both free and antibody-bound spike, which was detectable only in patients who developed vaccine-induced myocarditis" +

"There is growing in vitro evidence that spike itself can stimulate cardiac pericytes dysfunc-tion23 or inflame the endothelium" +

"the spike antigen itself, which evades antibody recognition rather than invoking immune hyperactivation, may contribute to myocarditis in these individuals" =

"these results do not alter the risk-benefit ratio favoring vaccination against COVID-19 to prevent severe clinical outcomes"

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The linked publication shows spike protein in exosomes was still circulating 4 months after the last injection with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, in all 6 people they checked, at relatively low but variable levels. And besides giving young people myocarditis if they hit the spike-protein jackpot, what else are those spike-covered exosomes doing while floating around in the blood?


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Interesting. If there was no evidence of autoimmunity this strongly suggests that the cause of the myocarditis is free spike in circulation. I had previously assumed that it was the circulation of LNPs which resulted in spikes being manufactured in cells in the heart lining - but that would presumably result in an autoimmune response. Or are BOTH mechanisms in play?

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Could the difference be due to intramuscular versus intravenous vaccination? I’ve read that the shots weren’t necessarily done in such a way that the vaccine remained in the muscle. Just a thought…

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