Sadly i couldn't watch this, as anything to do with the Centrst website has always been greeted by my computer with an otherwise blank screen saying 403 Forbidden. However, I have known for some years now that the NZ Medical Council is a disgraceful bunch of mostly non-medics who simply follow NWO orders. I don't know why our new coalition govt doesn't fire them. Maybe they can't. In NZ democracy is still widely regarded as "so last-century dahlink", since Jabby got her claws on things.

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Try Brave search rather than anything Google.

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Thanks for the Brave Search tip! I checked it out on YouTube!

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You are welcome Steve.

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Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!!

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Thankfully, brothers and sisters, there will come a time when history will come to its final close, and "repeating" mistakes will not be granted us as they have been; from which to learn and proceed. Time here on earth will have come to its temporary end. Jesus will have come down from heaven to receive His own unto Him.

Revelation 22:11 King James Version (KJV)

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work."

These are some of the last words of the last chapter of the last Book of the Bible. A final plea to all of us to investigate the Truth and make the necessary adjustments to our hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit through prayer and sincere repentance.

In Christ,


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@Ray: That's what this short temporary life is all about! I.e. What Jesus did for us on the cross! I.e. buy his believers & followers a "free" ticket to Heaven! OR one can take the default, Satan's Hell option!

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Brother Steve,

I hope this finds you in excellent condition. Mindful, anyway of the redemption that was paid in full for our waywardness. It's truly a life changing realization once it has set roots in the mind and heart. In the big scheme of things, we'd agree that the "ticket" is free for the receiving of eternal life, but there is a requirement attached to the gift. How would we ever know of this "gift" if it were not handed down to us through the words of Jesus and His prophets? And how would we come to know what is required of us while we we're above ground? Like ancient Israel, God had covenanted with the Hebrew nation; for them to be the "light" to the pagans; to be the "head and not the tail," and be the witness to the world regarding the Truth, but they failed their end of the Covenant to "keep the Commandments of God," and to remain pure, to not mingle, marry, and thereby be subjected to the foreign deities which are not alive ie., have no breath in them. Their "house" was left to them, "desolate." That nation was no longer favored by God's Supreme care and protection. It was, after all, the Jewish religious leaders who put Jesus to death out of hateful jealousy! That's history. What about now?

To those who were fleeing the persecution of the Romish Church in Europe, there was given a land of "freedom" to develop a system which, if the pilgrims would adhere to the received Text of God's Word, and promote it as it was learned, would become a bastion of "light" and truth, which would fill the part that Israel was supposed to fill.

Specifically, regarding the Gospel that cost so many, so dearly to become available to read. And finally, to disclose the works of Satan through his Romish headquarters where evil was spawned and from where it spread it's curse. See Rev. 14: 6-12.

How does one go about attempting to condense down such a magnitude of words and thoughts, through such an expanse of time? We must all investigate these things for ourselves, since we will be individually judged. And it will take a bit of time to do.

Just remember, that "hell" is a place of destruction, not one of eternal torment, as the Catholic false Pagan doctrines declare. Satan is a liar, and eventually he too will be burned up and gone for ever. Hell, as well, will not be existent for longer than its purpose requires. These are biblical truths we all should know. There's a lot more to convey, but some other time.......

Yours, in the faith,


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I don't think it was Jewish leaders who killed Jesus, I believe it was You, Me, and all the other sinners, who nailed Jesus to that cross! (He accepted and paid our bail!) How cool is that?

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I get you! And you will have an eternity to "LMFAO" in Satan's tormentfull Hell! Where he will be doing all the laughing, forever!

(If you can believe Jesus Christ?)

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Yea sure. YOUR silly religion and RIDICULOUS "god" have ALL the answers. LMFAO!

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Remember to "LMFAO" in your next, eternal, tormentful "life" with Satan!

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Brother Steve,

There will always be scoffers, abusers, Truth deniers, wicked souls bent on destroying those who are obviating or at least trying to emulate the Character of the Sinless One. They will be with us until the fires of hell go out. Yes, the fires will eventually go out, once there is no more "fuel" to consume by their destructive flames. It is the most common misconception one can so easily make when that subject is brought up. But I am constrained to make the correction to the doctrine of "eternal torment." The fires of hell, are "eternal" only in their capacity to destroy eternally. The flames them-selves are not eternal. Punishment for a life of blatant sin, could never be weighed justly in the balance of God's perfection by such a weighted difference as proposed in the false doctrine. It will require a short and easy investigation to expose the truth. Please do so.

As for Nola's reaction to spiritual matters, do not let his or her mocking get under your skin. It is just another form of "glory" that Christians must learn to endure and can actually be counted as beneficial, much like how Jesus endured the cruel and unjust behavior with which he, a "sinless" soul was treated by the Roman Governors the Jews, the cruel mob, the harsh soldiers, the taunting of the one thief, and even His own deserting disciples. So our little discomforts that come in the form of taunts and verbal jabs, are literally weightless to consider in comparison. Now if the bold person would present some legit concerns that seems to not correspond to Bible Truth in light of current "science," then good, it would then appear that the commenter would be seeking truth, and not just fomenting argumentation to cause disruption.

Knowing the Truth is essential in supporting God's "justice" methods. It might seem like a "strange act" (which is how God deems it too) but there is sound logical reason for destroying the wicked "root and branch" for the safety and prosperity of the future saints as well as those "sleeping" in their graves now. This "controversy" between Christ and Satan, will not continue for much longer. And we can ALL thank God for that!

Your brother in Truth,


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Brother Steve, and all Truth seekers,

The Battle of Armageddon: Part 1 | 3ABN Worship Hour


The above link is suggested for to clarify the common misinterpretations given to Babylon, Armageddon, The "Beasts" and more. This is straight Bible Truth to feast upon. 'Just thought you might wish to dip in.

Your brother,


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Ray, my good man, could you cite the chapter & verse supporting your "temporary Hell" theory? Your brother in God. Steve

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Spoken like a truly FAKE fucking xtian! You fools always out yourselves LOL!

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How heathenish of you! You must have learned all that in LOL school! Right? Were our founding fathers "FAKE" for pledging their lives, honor & wealth in supporting a "Our Creator" based, "One nation under God" where you people can foam at the mouth in peace? I bet you can't answer, can you?

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Nov 3Edited

The same fucking bastard "founders" who STOLE the indigenous people's lands and attempted to obliterate them, and pushed their STUPID HYPOCRITICAL xtian beliefs on them, all while forcing kidnapped Africans into slavery to do their fucking DIRTY WORK? You xtian ASSHOLES are the most DISGUSTING, ARROGANT IDIOTS and the world would be so much better off if you all NEVER EXISTED like your make believe "god" and its silly "son".

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First we must learn to distinguish what's history from what's baloney. I doubt that'll happen any time soon!

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Agreed. Much of history is written by the victors and/or all out fabricated to mislead the masses.

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Check out Petter Stoner's "history" book, Science Speaks! He gives you the scientific odds on the documented coming life and death of Jesus Christ, at an odd ratio of 1in10 to the 17th power! (To demonstrate, it would take that many silver dollars to cover ALL of Texas 2 feet deep, then pick that 1 lucky coin, blindfolded!

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Respectfully, I think Kurt Vonnegut's position is closer to the truth:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - (George Santayana)

"I've got news for Mr. Santayana: we're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive." - Kurt Vonnegut

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I echo Julie: Australian doctors have had and are having the same problem; any of us who did not comply with the March 2021 directives to comply with the government approach and beyond that, to actively promote it, have been demonised, suspended, lost or surrendered our licenses, and for many; left in limbo without an income source now for 4 years, or fighting an apparently totally corrupt appeals system.

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Totally a witch hunt since these are mostly man-made!

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Wouldn't a "witch-hunt" at least have some semblance of trying to seek out the wickedness and do away with it? In the present case at hand, I venture to say that the perps are NOT seeking the slightest bit of justice or "right-doing" by their pretended actions. I thought that much was fully understood.

In Christ,


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No, a witch hunt is motivated by prejudice and ignorance, period.

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“While no one would suggest this level of ignorance exists today”

I would.

It’s the same ignorance, but wrapped in a veneer of faux sophistication. Much medicine is still at the witch doctor level. I suspect the theory behind vaccines is founded on a vast oversimplification of the workings of the immune system, and amounts to little more than a kind of “holy water” propped up by financial self interest.

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" I suspect the theory behind vaccines is founded on a vast oversimplification of the workings of the immune system..."

Without a doubt!

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The fall of NZ began under the regime of the satanic WEF tyrant Adolf Ardern and the country has never recovered.

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St. Jacinda was taken out just in time and now enjoys the new Damehood and a Harvard post. where she can mix in safety with her WEF/Globalist friends and the Tony B_Liar set. She will go down in history as one of the most tyrannical and evil Western politicians in a so-called "Liberal Democracy"

I still think that NZ, Australia and Canada were used by the Five Eyes as a test bed for how far a psyop could be pushed down the throats of the people. As it turns out - quite a long way!

The MCNZ should be ashamed of themselves for following her dystopian policies, the removal of informed consent and basic human rights.

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The Vaccine Ideology has totalitarian roots which are deeply rooted in …International patent royalties and research funding much needed by “researchers”.

Bill Gates, in spite what the lying paid fact checkers tell you, is being sued in the Netherlands by COVID shot injured plaintiffs. He’s been banned in a few states in Africa because his vaccine program has introduced an epidemic of death and autoimmune disorders which they never had before he landed there.

Gates was/is the second biggest donor to the WHO, and they ARE in the vaccine business. They are totalitarianism at its finest…I'm being facetious. Take a look at the UN treaty regarding pandemics. A really good investigated journalist needs to start looking at the international patents these people have in common. What is their business model???

In the US key personnel and health agencies own intellectual property rights . As long as the technology is relevant the key personnel can make $140,000 annually, per patent. They leave the agencies they continue to benefit from royalties, as do the health agencies themselves. If you have a better competing product…they launch a campaign to discredit the technology and research. Prime example is what they do with Lyme disease.

These patents are technologically interdependent of the shot makers tests and diagnostics. Components needed for the products they make or their focus in research. My experience in non profit with the key personnel…they are globalists. They rule with an iron fist communicating with state medical boards, certification boards and academia which targets competing doctors and researchers if their business model threatens their business interests. It’s been about the money and power they thrive on since the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980…the pathway to hell.

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Yes, they are a steel hand cloaked in a silk glove. The harmful drug Remdesivir was pushed and benign drug Ivermectin suppressed for the reasons you described.

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Being UnVaccinated,

I Woke Up This Morning And Realized,

I Am Science.

Full Disclosure:

I’ve Never Been In A Fair Fight.

And I’m Not About To Let Up Now.


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The same shite also going on in Australia.

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An historic oversight, or a historic oversight? Oversight is being to kind. Maybe over-reach is more accurate, even over-the-top, or just plain evil. No idea why NZ doctors have to follow this council, originating in the US. no real jurisdiction.

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Where there is money st stake anything goes.

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"...McCarthy’s anti-communist trials in the 1950s shared in common a fear of “otherness” or perceived threat to societal order ..."


Looking around at society today, I'd say he was prescient, but then, what would any logical person think when the Marxist brand of communists of the time ran around preaching, advocating, and practicing worldwide revolution of the violent variety?

Badmouthing McCarthy is a sign of how effective Commie propaganda has been and an indication of how effective villification and silencing are.

McCarthy was more right than wrong. As a current example, read what Malcolm Kendrick and others have been through. The legal case – naming a few names, https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/

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LOL- you're STUPID!

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I have a question. Why is there no Criminal Investigation of this council? People died because if their directives.

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Here is a NZ video from that time, taking apart the order from the NZ Medical and Dental Councils to doctors and dentists to (1) get jabbed and (2) shut up about any problems with the jab - Pfizer in that case, as that was the only brand available in NZ.

"Ep 7: Muzzling the Doctors? A response to the NZ Medical Council statement (28 Apr 2021)"


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Zowe Smith: Covid Was a Technocratic Democidal Eugenics Program


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