The conclusions of this essay by Alexander Dugin are on point, but he seems to have missed the context of what is MAGA. Some examples:
"Biden failed to deliver ..." just who is this "Biden".
"Trump’s movement developed into a distinct ideology. Its central premise was that globalism had failed...."
This was not an "ideological" presumption. It was simply an acknowledgement of observable reality. Men dosed with female hormones are not women, as one example. Forests have burned since time immemorial, and if people are to make use of the resources of the earth, it is necessary that they deal with such realities. It is not a matter of ideology that reservoirs dedicated to fire prevention should be maintained and kept full. The Trump movement was powered mainly by a recognition that the "elite" agents of the administrative state had become ingrown and incredibly incompetent. This is true from county to state to federal agencies and agents. Accompanying this incompetence was a level of corruption that has never been experienced nationwide within the US.
"The key point is this: by acknowledging Trump ..." This notion that Trump has been "acknowledged" by the Deep State is a fiction made out of whole cloth. The Deep State, meaning the actions of individuals scattered throughout the various levels of administration, has continued its attempt to disrupt and even allow attempts to assassinate Trump over the course of his campaign. It continues to hide documents and lie about obvious failures. It raided his house and fabricated evidence that implied he was not a proper custodian of secret documents. It is still there, lying deep in the mud, awaiting its chances.
All that but still.... the deep state DID allow Trump to win. They stole Senate seats in AZ and WI; with Senate candidates in those states outperforming the Democratic candidate for president by margins that beggar belief, it is clear that the mechanism for theft as employed in 2020 and 2022 remained in place. Countless House seats were stolen in CA.
Why did they let him win?
For a while I thought they must have something spectacular planned, something they need an ideological adversary to be at the tiller for. Thanos rides in on a black swan, that type stuff. And that may still be true.
But what I have resigned myself to instead is that Trump has reached a detente with the deep state. He will support their goal, which is US hegemony everywhere, with US NGOs (run by politicians' next-of-kin, as we all know) free to spread peace and love and taxpayer dollars around the globe (with of course the customary 10% for the Big Guy siphoned off the top) the way they have since Fukayama was in short pants.
But now, instead of gaining the cooperation of the rest of the world by putting military bases in every backwater on earth and threatening to blow up those who resist our beneficence, Trump means to employ economic incentives to achieve those same goals. Sanctions, tariffs, whatever it takes.
As a Russia specialist, I'm very familiar with Alexander Dugin. In addition to being a well-known intellectual, he's a religious Russian Orthodox Christian, a nationalist and very conservative. His daughter Dasha was murdered by Ukraine's version of the CIA although he was the target.
His analysis is very good but he completely omits the key word: technocracy. Any analysis that doesn't directly address technocracy and the rule of billionaire oligarch technocrats ultimately fails. This was demonstrated starkly yesterday at Trump's inauguration when the top oligarchs - Elon Musk (X, Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Sundar Pichai (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Tim Cook (Apple) & Peter Thiel (the CIA's Palantir) - were front & center with the best seats in the house. This tells you all you need to know. As John Whitehead brilliantly summed up today's reality in the US: a government of the rich, by the elite, for corporations.
Yes this technocracy is the continuing strategy for a digital slave world , this is being pushed in Russia as well, WEF has not disappeared or given up . NOR HAS BLACK ROCK.
I'll have to take a look at that technocracy thing. Bc yeah. Those seats were very, very glaring. We hear a lot about the long time loyalist to Trump being used by Trump this time around. Uh... My eyes say best seats in the house were party to an almost successful take down of Trump. Is there any reason to trust them? Perhaps Trump thinks that recruiting the worlds most successful businessmen will Make America Successful Again. It's all so strange. Seeing all that money sitting there together, mixing with the most power, kinda freaks me. Money IS power in it's self already. Power plus money can corrupt. Absolute power and money can corrupt absolutely.
That seems like a very sanitized version of the 'Deep State' that is in Dugin's mind. To me the Deep State is not even an American entity, but a global one. How can there even be a Globalist influence (and we've been talking about that, and in those terms, since the start of the Plandemic) w/o the existence of a global cabal ? So somehow Dugan is either deliberately neglecting this essential influence of the real Globalists, or wants to make his take be only in the context of traditional geopolitics, with Russia a distinct element.
The Deep State to me, is much more than "the traditional secret societies and clubs in the U.S., which historically served as communication hubs for elites", The Freemason Lodge called the City of London, is believed to dictate current policy to the whole world, and it is much more than any communications hub where the big boys go to shoot the shit with each other over cognac and cigars. It has a major occult aspect to it, i.e. the orchestration of destinies from the spiritual realm. The real truth is we don't even completely know what the Deep State even really consists of, but it's undeniable it can act with immediate effect -- take the way all countries were suddenly in such lock step during the Plandemic with their measures. The Deep State has its apparent medusa's heads, like the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations, but the Committee of 300 is supposed to be central. You can't even claim that the CIA is an "American" agency, because it really is beyond any authority based on the concept of "country", its "government" and certainly not its "people."
For Dugan, i think he should look into the inner sanctum of Russia's Politburo and how it's connected to the global cabal, because nothing can even move on planet, without the (global) Deep State deciding it will.
For almost 40 years I did not vote for a Democrat or Republican...I felt they were almost the same. However, i asked for guidance in 2016, as to who I should vote for...and I was guided to vote for President Trump. I was not disappointed. He had great opposition, dealing with all the RATS and others, in Washington. but the media never covered all of the good things he did. it was all "Orange man bad" nonsense. We had peace and the economy was prospering, until the riots, instigated and promoted by Soros. President Trump is really not into political parties. He is an American who loves America. Many were like him back in the 1940s. My family were patriotic flag-waving Americans who loved 4th of July parades. We were proud to be Americans with no desire to be anything, but Americans. Today, it is mind-boggling to see how many hate the country of their birth. What happened in the last seven decades? I believe COMMERCIALISM took over. Common sense and spirituality went out the window. Money equated to success. In 1960, an atheistic Communist, Madalyn O'Hair got the Supreme Court to outlaw the reading of the Bible and any prayers in our public schools. I believe trouble started, when this occurred. When I was in high school, every morning started with the Pledge of Allegiance and a reading from the Bible. There were no armed guards patrolling the hallways. When I went back for our 25th Alumni was necessary to have armed guards patrolling the hallways. I am not into organized religion, but I believe totally in the One who created the world and all life. I believe this had a great deal to do with the changes that occurred. Worshiping money, instead of, the Creator who made our world.
"Commercialism" was a Deep State psychological operation to break up the family, promote abortion, and normalize gay behavior. And they kicked prayer out of schools.
There are obvious parallels to the Weimar Republic if you care to take a look.
This will sound simplistic but for all who try to define what is happening and why without consideration of what the God of Judaism and Christianity (and should be the same for Muslims because they are all part of the same family) will always miss the target. It is now, has always been, and will always be a war between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, God and Mammon/Lucifer/Satan, respect for life or distain for humans,-especially the old/frail/disabled/humble/weak/useless eaters. Love regardless of person (God is not a respecter of persons) and Hate. We as humans tend to follow one side or the other in approach to each other. God will win in the end even with it's humble, disabled, weaker contributors. "God will make weak things strong and strong things weak" and he does personally help out now and then. Like now. Discounting that there is a God is dangerous business for both sides. God's side believes we need to do what is best for every single human cell on earth. The other side believes we need to do what is best for those in power and the rest are collateral damage to gaining that power so always fight for one thing--control at all cost. The latter brutality would win but for the fact that there is a God & he is watching and rooting for his side. We exist to learn and to learn, we much be blinded to some things for a time.
Worthwhile read. Americans are a different breed of cat from other nationalities. Maybe it’s because we remember still the family stories of ancestors who actually built this country. To have our American Exceptionalism demeaned by poseurs such as Obama was galling. We are individualists, American style. Globalism is not in our genes (except among the delusionally woke). Trump loves America and true citizens love Trump.
When looking at all the appointments and their histories and pro Zionist stances, how does anyone see anything but continued globalist agendas , having accomplished SO much in the last 4 years doing anything but continuing but with new scams and strategies ? TRUMP IS DEEP STATER AS WELL . Just a bad cop good cop game .
Another important role in the official Kremlin narrative is played by Putin’s “brain”, “traditionalist philosopher” Alexandr Dugin, an admirer of Lenin and Stalin who in 2014 called for Russians to “kill, kill, kill” Ukrainians. His reaction to Covid was telling: he kept silent and started wearing a mask (source: Iurie Rosca). He has been unmasked in Paul Cudenec’s recent article, which concludes that he is a globalist pawn (
I don't trust this guy and his analysis. He's soft-pedaling the influence of the globalists and overemphasizing the role of nation states. Of course the main mass of the population is very hazy on the notion of there being globalists in the first place, so he seems to be tailoring his article toward them. It's more propaganda, in other words.
Very good, but he has ignored the unchecked criminality of the left, literally getting away with murder (also arson, theft, the corruption of justice, political persecution, etc)
I agree with the observation of this omission. One way to see it is that Trump represents a counter-revolution, answering the Jacobin revolution we have endured through the last four years. Whether or not Trumps Unity party is likely accomplish their lofty goals is a different question, one which invites self-examination: Great to what end? by what standard of greatness? Are they going to operate humbly restoring a moral framework that understand themselves as under and accountable to divine authority with the people, humbled by transcendent standards of justice and righteousness, or are they going to remake the world in their image and unleash a new kind of oppression? This fuels my prayers certainly.
My expert is Francis Boyle, a professor of international law. Lisa is a lawyer in a commercial field. She is very smart but she does not know everything. All we need to do to get out is say so and remove all our staff from working on WHO issues. Yes it is a process but she is wrong about the process and it does not require Congress at this stage. To prevent a future president putting us back might require Congress.
While a philosophic perspective is nice, ignoring the required economic support can lead to wrong conclusions. What the Western neo-feudal gang (great reset) intended, was global ownership and subsequently partying 4ever on the extracted rent. The failure to achieve that leaves the question "how to set up a production based economy ASAP?" that delivers highest quality products that can be sold at a price allowing for US-acceptable salaries.
AFAIK there isn't anything yet and deporting the cheap labor force isn't a solution.
Confiscating property like the Panama Canal will not only make the US the world's least trustworthy country but also accelerate the flight from the US $ and increase popularity of BRICS. And there's an ecologically acceptable design of a Nicaragua Canal that would provide better handling of shipping. Of course China would supervise construction.
Considering China as "enemy" might be the most serious error: the country greatly outperforms the US in science and technology already, including military.
The conclusions of this essay by Alexander Dugin are on point, but he seems to have missed the context of what is MAGA. Some examples:
"Biden failed to deliver ..." just who is this "Biden".
"Trump’s movement developed into a distinct ideology. Its central premise was that globalism had failed...."
This was not an "ideological" presumption. It was simply an acknowledgement of observable reality. Men dosed with female hormones are not women, as one example. Forests have burned since time immemorial, and if people are to make use of the resources of the earth, it is necessary that they deal with such realities. It is not a matter of ideology that reservoirs dedicated to fire prevention should be maintained and kept full. The Trump movement was powered mainly by a recognition that the "elite" agents of the administrative state had become ingrown and incredibly incompetent. This is true from county to state to federal agencies and agents. Accompanying this incompetence was a level of corruption that has never been experienced nationwide within the US.
"The key point is this: by acknowledging Trump ..." This notion that Trump has been "acknowledged" by the Deep State is a fiction made out of whole cloth. The Deep State, meaning the actions of individuals scattered throughout the various levels of administration, has continued its attempt to disrupt and even allow attempts to assassinate Trump over the course of his campaign. It continues to hide documents and lie about obvious failures. It raided his house and fabricated evidence that implied he was not a proper custodian of secret documents. It is still there, lying deep in the mud, awaiting its chances.
All that but still.... the deep state DID allow Trump to win. They stole Senate seats in AZ and WI; with Senate candidates in those states outperforming the Democratic candidate for president by margins that beggar belief, it is clear that the mechanism for theft as employed in 2020 and 2022 remained in place. Countless House seats were stolen in CA.
Why did they let him win?
For a while I thought they must have something spectacular planned, something they need an ideological adversary to be at the tiller for. Thanos rides in on a black swan, that type stuff. And that may still be true.
But what I have resigned myself to instead is that Trump has reached a detente with the deep state. He will support their goal, which is US hegemony everywhere, with US NGOs (run by politicians' next-of-kin, as we all know) free to spread peace and love and taxpayer dollars around the globe (with of course the customary 10% for the Big Guy siphoned off the top) the way they have since Fukayama was in short pants.
But now, instead of gaining the cooperation of the rest of the world by putting military bases in every backwater on earth and threatening to blow up those who resist our beneficence, Trump means to employ economic incentives to achieve those same goals. Sanctions, tariffs, whatever it takes.
As a Russia specialist, I'm very familiar with Alexander Dugin. In addition to being a well-known intellectual, he's a religious Russian Orthodox Christian, a nationalist and very conservative. His daughter Dasha was murdered by Ukraine's version of the CIA although he was the target.
His analysis is very good but he completely omits the key word: technocracy. Any analysis that doesn't directly address technocracy and the rule of billionaire oligarch technocrats ultimately fails. This was demonstrated starkly yesterday at Trump's inauguration when the top oligarchs - Elon Musk (X, Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Sundar Pichai (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Tim Cook (Apple) & Peter Thiel (the CIA's Palantir) - were front & center with the best seats in the house. This tells you all you need to know. As John Whitehead brilliantly summed up today's reality in the US: a government of the rich, by the elite, for corporations.
I highly recommend Whitehead's even better analysis. I hope Meryl & everyone else reads this - you will be enlightened.
Trump fooled Israel. Maybe. Will he be fooling with these guys? We don't know.
Yes this technocracy is the continuing strategy for a digital slave world , this is being pushed in Russia as well, WEF has not disappeared or given up . NOR HAS BLACK ROCK.
I'll have to take a look at that technocracy thing. Bc yeah. Those seats were very, very glaring. We hear a lot about the long time loyalist to Trump being used by Trump this time around. Uh... My eyes say best seats in the house were party to an almost successful take down of Trump. Is there any reason to trust them? Perhaps Trump thinks that recruiting the worlds most successful businessmen will Make America Successful Again. It's all so strange. Seeing all that money sitting there together, mixing with the most power, kinda freaks me. Money IS power in it's self already. Power plus money can corrupt. Absolute power and money can corrupt absolutely.
That seems like a very sanitized version of the 'Deep State' that is in Dugin's mind. To me the Deep State is not even an American entity, but a global one. How can there even be a Globalist influence (and we've been talking about that, and in those terms, since the start of the Plandemic) w/o the existence of a global cabal ? So somehow Dugan is either deliberately neglecting this essential influence of the real Globalists, or wants to make his take be only in the context of traditional geopolitics, with Russia a distinct element.
The Deep State to me, is much more than "the traditional secret societies and clubs in the U.S., which historically served as communication hubs for elites", The Freemason Lodge called the City of London, is believed to dictate current policy to the whole world, and it is much more than any communications hub where the big boys go to shoot the shit with each other over cognac and cigars. It has a major occult aspect to it, i.e. the orchestration of destinies from the spiritual realm. The real truth is we don't even completely know what the Deep State even really consists of, but it's undeniable it can act with immediate effect -- take the way all countries were suddenly in such lock step during the Plandemic with their measures. The Deep State has its apparent medusa's heads, like the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations, but the Committee of 300 is supposed to be central. You can't even claim that the CIA is an "American" agency, because it really is beyond any authority based on the concept of "country", its "government" and certainly not its "people."
For Dugan, i think he should look into the inner sanctum of Russia's Politburo and how it's connected to the global cabal, because nothing can even move on planet, without the (global) Deep State deciding it will.
For almost 40 years I did not vote for a Democrat or Republican...I felt they were almost the same. However, i asked for guidance in 2016, as to who I should vote for...and I was guided to vote for President Trump. I was not disappointed. He had great opposition, dealing with all the RATS and others, in Washington. but the media never covered all of the good things he did. it was all "Orange man bad" nonsense. We had peace and the economy was prospering, until the riots, instigated and promoted by Soros. President Trump is really not into political parties. He is an American who loves America. Many were like him back in the 1940s. My family were patriotic flag-waving Americans who loved 4th of July parades. We were proud to be Americans with no desire to be anything, but Americans. Today, it is mind-boggling to see how many hate the country of their birth. What happened in the last seven decades? I believe COMMERCIALISM took over. Common sense and spirituality went out the window. Money equated to success. In 1960, an atheistic Communist, Madalyn O'Hair got the Supreme Court to outlaw the reading of the Bible and any prayers in our public schools. I believe trouble started, when this occurred. When I was in high school, every morning started with the Pledge of Allegiance and a reading from the Bible. There were no armed guards patrolling the hallways. When I went back for our 25th Alumni was necessary to have armed guards patrolling the hallways. I am not into organized religion, but I believe totally in the One who created the world and all life. I believe this had a great deal to do with the changes that occurred. Worshiping money, instead of, the Creator who made our world.
"Commercialism" was a Deep State psychological operation to break up the family, promote abortion, and normalize gay behavior. And they kicked prayer out of schools.
There are obvious parallels to the Weimar Republic if you care to take a look.
This will sound simplistic but for all who try to define what is happening and why without consideration of what the God of Judaism and Christianity (and should be the same for Muslims because they are all part of the same family) will always miss the target. It is now, has always been, and will always be a war between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, God and Mammon/Lucifer/Satan, respect for life or distain for humans,-especially the old/frail/disabled/humble/weak/useless eaters. Love regardless of person (God is not a respecter of persons) and Hate. We as humans tend to follow one side or the other in approach to each other. God will win in the end even with it's humble, disabled, weaker contributors. "God will make weak things strong and strong things weak" and he does personally help out now and then. Like now. Discounting that there is a God is dangerous business for both sides. God's side believes we need to do what is best for every single human cell on earth. The other side believes we need to do what is best for those in power and the rest are collateral damage to gaining that power so always fight for one thing--control at all cost. The latter brutality would win but for the fact that there is a God & he is watching and rooting for his side. We exist to learn and to learn, we much be blinded to some things for a time.
Worthwhile read. Americans are a different breed of cat from other nationalities. Maybe it’s because we remember still the family stories of ancestors who actually built this country. To have our American Exceptionalism demeaned by poseurs such as Obama was galling. We are individualists, American style. Globalism is not in our genes (except among the delusionally woke). Trump loves America and true citizens love Trump.
When looking at all the appointments and their histories and pro Zionist stances, how does anyone see anything but continued globalist agendas , having accomplished SO much in the last 4 years doing anything but continuing but with new scams and strategies ? TRUMP IS DEEP STATER AS WELL . Just a bad cop good cop game .
If Trump is good, we will see immediate attention on stopping the child sex slave trade and adrenochrome harvest networks. Are we seeing this, or not?
Dear Meryl
Sorry to interfere, but I have to warn you that Alexander Dugin is not to be trusted. From my article on Russia (
Another important role in the official Kremlin narrative is played by Putin’s “brain”, “traditionalist philosopher” Alexandr Dugin, an admirer of Lenin and Stalin who in 2014 called for Russians to “kill, kill, kill” Ukrainians. His reaction to Covid was telling: he kept silent and started wearing a mask (source: Iurie Rosca). He has been unmasked in Paul Cudenec’s recent article, which concludes that he is a globalist pawn (
"The deep state in the United States represents the core of the state apparatus and the ideological and economic elite closely tied to it."
Sure sounds like a WEF fifth column.
Who ran this country for the last 4 years. It sure wasn't Biden/Harris.
I don't trust this guy and his analysis. He's soft-pedaling the influence of the globalists and overemphasizing the role of nation states. Of course the main mass of the population is very hazy on the notion of there being globalists in the first place, so he seems to be tailoring his article toward them. It's more propaganda, in other words.
My favorite parts of Covid:
Democrats had the race war that they wanted.
And they lost.
Very good, but he has ignored the unchecked criminality of the left, literally getting away with murder (also arson, theft, the corruption of justice, political persecution, etc)
I agree with the observation of this omission. One way to see it is that Trump represents a counter-revolution, answering the Jacobin revolution we have endured through the last four years. Whether or not Trumps Unity party is likely accomplish their lofty goals is a different question, one which invites self-examination: Great to what end? by what standard of greatness? Are they going to operate humbly restoring a moral framework that understand themselves as under and accountable to divine authority with the people, humbled by transcendent standards of justice and righteousness, or are they going to remake the world in their image and unleash a new kind of oppression? This fuels my prayers certainly.
Dugin is an anti globalist, anti liberalism, opposed to international capitalism, opposed to US Hegemony, nationalist. What is not to like?
Oh oh.
This is important:
You have to untangle all of this!
My expert is Francis Boyle, a professor of international law. Lisa is a lawyer in a commercial field. She is very smart but she does not know everything. All we need to do to get out is say so and remove all our staff from working on WHO issues. Yes it is a process but she is wrong about the process and it does not require Congress at this stage. To prevent a future president putting us back might require Congress.
While a philosophic perspective is nice, ignoring the required economic support can lead to wrong conclusions. What the Western neo-feudal gang (great reset) intended, was global ownership and subsequently partying 4ever on the extracted rent. The failure to achieve that leaves the question "how to set up a production based economy ASAP?" that delivers highest quality products that can be sold at a price allowing for US-acceptable salaries.
AFAIK there isn't anything yet and deporting the cheap labor force isn't a solution.
Confiscating property like the Panama Canal will not only make the US the world's least trustworthy country but also accelerate the flight from the US $ and increase popularity of BRICS. And there's an ecologically acceptable design of a Nicaragua Canal that would provide better handling of shipping. Of course China would supervise construction.
Considering China as "enemy" might be the most serious error: the country greatly outperforms the US in science and technology already, including military.