I love JHK, so I'm sure this is great, but I immediately chafed at the use of "thinking classes" because "thinking" is the last thing I would call them. Maybe the "groupthinking" classes or "captured intellectual class" or something along those lines, but not "thinking."

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He may have meant "thinking" as in possessing a college education. However, we know that just because someone is "educated" doesn't mean they have critical thinking skills. My unsophisticated dad referred to these people as "educated idiots".

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That's a much more accurate term :-)

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I think it refers to those who those who don’t use their hands for a living.

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Even if people work in technology, they still have to use their hands to navigate their laptops (for the most part). At least until they get chips installed in their brains. LOL.

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It refers to labour jobs, vs ‘mental work’ jobs as your primary work. Not that your hands are never employed in any way hanging useless by your side. Lawyers, bureaucrats, teachers, etc vs roofers, construction workers, farmers, truck drivers etc. not that either never uses their minds in their work of course, or that the other never uses their hands. Clearly the type of work one does has NOTHING to do with intelligence, critical thinking skills, or keen intuition.

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Yes, I understand. Many people I know who do physical labor jobs are very perceptive about other people's character and intentions even if they aren't considered the "thinking class".

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My father used to call them that as well! Im glad he did not have to endure the culmination of their utter disregard for real science and their insufferable hubris!

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I think Stalin referred to then as useful idiots.

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it is more than apparent that none of them have thinking skills but have all fallen LOCKSTEP behind the govt, cdc, un, nihaid, wef and whatever other initials go with the global elites. For me, the moment I heard Bill Gates talking about the efficacy and importance of getting these shots, I began my research. Where did he get his medical license? All struck such fear in the populace that no thinking adult could talk them out of this mRNA EUA bioweapon. We were called conspiracy theorists and as they saying goes, the difference between a conspiracy and truth is about 6 months to a year. I am so thankful, I refused even when my doctors tried to make me feel guilty, didn't I care about my community? I am a 75 yr old retired nurse, and said I would be needed to take care of my family when they became sick and so it goes.

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The next threat is the WHO ‘treaty’ that gives that privately funded corporate entity with strong ties to Big Pharma the right to,override our constitutional rights and violate fundamental human rights including bodily autonomy. Then the digital prison that is digital ID and central bank digital currency ( which means there is NO actual currency, but they own and control the value of all labour and basically issue you ‘vouchers’ for ‘approved’ purchases.) Of course any such purchases will be heavily restricted in order to ‘save the planet’ from their gross lie that’s ‘climate change’ . Of course, they’ll have no such restrictions, as we’ve already seen demonstrated by these ‘elites’ and politicians who tell us what to do, but none of it applies to them. Do NOT comply with digital ID or currency or the prison door has slammed.

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Mine too

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groupthinking classes. will give you credit when i steal that one.

go dr. meryl we love you! just let's not forget that we're not the only ones watching the proceeding and the cali med board will learn just as much from it as we do.

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I always hated the term "creative class" because it was humiliating to a lot of hard working people in traditional jobs.

So now I am turning that little weaponized meme back on the royalists, and calling a different but possibly overlapping group, their well educated, venal and unreliable minions, the "destructive class".

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I watched the entire hearing. It was terrific. Dr. Nass really got her stride going after she realized that despite the Board's nasty and superior tone (trust me, their tone expresses the DISDAIN and DISGUST they feel for taxpayers), they have nothing and she has righteousness on her side. Righteousness, and the fact that she did absolutely nothing wrong.

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The Emperor rarely has clothes.

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To add. Tens of, if not hundreds of thousands…possibly millions of people around the United States watched the video, or snippets of the video. And let me tell you, there’s MILLIONS of Americans who were fired from their jobs and kicked out of school over this vaccine BS, who saw just who these tyrant demons are, and how they treated you, and how they acted during your hearing. No one was impressed by them…

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And those people will NOT forget and WILL be voting!

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Why aren’t “activists” filing complaints against their practices?

Where’s the hidden cameras and shit? Lol

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Amen ■ Preach

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I really do hope that you are "fixing to sue the living shit out of them", Dr. Nass!

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i will donate to the cause.

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They thought they could silence you, and now they’re a household name.


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When Meryl has one of those five drinks a year, I'd love to buy her one and dinner too.

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I will join you to toast her!

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Looks like we might need a table for 20 or so, so far.

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Steve Kirsch recently advocated for legal actions against the Covid tyrants. Peggy Hall has a lawsuit against Orange County California coming up. Your defense against your med board sounds like it's going well. Why can't we all do a class action lawsuit against all of the Covid tyrants in office and out of office?

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Great post! Wonderful that it went so well for you. Your courage, intellect and persistence are second to none! You are a true model of integrity in science!

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Deep thanks for your exemplary teaching Dr. Meryl Nass.

Not all doctors are warriors, but you are.

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I hope to live long enough to see the newly invigorated gallows market, really take off.

The elites and authorities would need to be fully and properly "vaccinated" before taking the plunge though.

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Congratulations Dr Meryl Nass and Atty. Gene Libby

You must now seer the results of this judgement into their minds and wallets

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This is some of Kunstler's best writing ever, poetry first and THEN "just the facts"...

'“Science” that veers back into superstition and necromancy"

I have some idea why most doctors, such as myself, do not take their firing or license-suspension to court. They have very limited means, and no guaranty of success, so they (I) must make the best of the situation.

I chose to "stand naked with the Jews" by refusing COVID-vaccination, and becoming an "untermensch", sub-human.

I had no question about my choice, and I only wonder where this path will now lead. We all wonder that.

I will never have to wonder what would have been different "if I had done the right thing".

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This notion of making people sick to protect them in the future began in 1721 with scratching smallpox onto people before they got it at some time in the future. This idea went on for 140 years despite the London Bills of Mortality showing that smallpox outbreaks increased by 50% from 1721 to 1800. This medically sanctioned idea was an utter failure.

Yet, this notion was slightly modified by Edward Jenner at the end of the 1700s, who decided to believe rumors that cowpox prevented smallpox. There were those at the time that knew this was untrue, but the previous blunder was then replaced quickly with a new blunder.

The slightly new idea was termed “vaccination.” The word “vaccine” comes from the Latin word “vacca,” for cow. Yet, it was never just about a cow, as Edward Jenner thought it came from the lesions of sick horses. An illness called the Grease. Over the following decades, different concoctions were made, all under the brand name of “vaccine.”

The original “vaccine” used for 150 years was really made from the pus from a sore on a cow, horse, goat, pig, sheep, mule, ass, buffalo, rabbit, or smallpox from a corpse scratched onto a cow or other animal and also contained assorted bacteria, yeast, fungi, and chemicals. It was not all about cowpox as had been mythologized.

So, it’s not surprising history is replete with vaccine illnesses, deaths, and massive failures to even prevent smallpox disease and deaths. Many doctors wrote about these huge vaccine problems, with some calling vaccination a delusion. Yet, like today those were all ignored in favor of belief and profit. Those that don’t follow in lockstep with the herd are burned at the stake.

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"The Grease." Love it.

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Dear Dr. Nass. . . I'm from Maine and I am a member of Maine Stands Up. This article is fantastic, and the news seems like your case is going in the right direction. You have a LOT of people rooting for you, and a great number of people who admire your bravery, your principles, and your commitment to the truth. God bless you!

Peter Falkenberg Brown


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So, Dr Nass, for those of us who support you but dont have time or the stomach to watch the full “Star Chamber Proceeding” in this Inquisition, please give us the salient facts that these idiots were presented with ….and apparently reluctantly acknowledged to be true..

BTW I hope you sue every last one of them for defamation and character assassination!

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There were 4 sets of complaints, that got amended 3 times: Original one in January, first amended in May, and then on Sept 26 and again on Sept. 30.

By the end, the Board attorneys claimed they were not arguing about off-label prescribing; they were not arguing about vaccines; and they were eliminating misinformation. Yet it was for those reasons my license was suspended.

So while the other side is trying to back away from the things it cannot support and which broke no rules or regulations or laws, and keep them out of the hearing, we continue to argue about them because my license remains suspended because of them. Now the Board wants to argue only piddley claims about my notes not being extensive enough and lacking informed consents to discuss a sick patient with their spouse or child--whilch btw broke no HIPPA laws either.

The poor AAGs are trying to prosecute an unprosecutable case.

The Board staff and members relied on me rolling over because fighting them costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. They even demanded 4 years of tax returns to see how much I was worth and how far I could afford to go with the litigation!

Luckily, Children's Health Defense is supporting my defense and I hope those supporting me will donate generously to my defense, because this is about all patients and all medical professionals being allowed to do what is best for the patient, and fighting back against the imposition of one-size-fits-all government-dictated medical care.

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Actually Dr Nass, the "one size fits all" model has been in place here a very long time. I have been a Registered Pharmacist since 1969 but went back to school full time to study Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in 1984. I got an MS and an OMD degree and my license to practice acupuncture and herbal medicine in California in 1988 and have been in practice since then. In the last 34 years I have seen how acupuncture alone can create miracle cures to some of the most recalcitrant health problems and with the 4000 year old Chinese herbal medical formulas added in there are literally millions of sick patients in our country who could be cured or benefit dramatically from the widespread use of them but my profession is still bumping along at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to overall usage because of Big Pharma. Unless you know an acupuncturist/herbalist you probably are unaware of just how much benefit can be had by including these two ancient modalities in any healthcare regimen. In fact the Chinese doctors pretty much wiped Covid 19 out as a killer by March of 2020, a month after the Chinese Ministry of Health ordered all hospitals in China treating Covid patients to begin using their herbal pharmacies to treat them. Within 2 weeks those critical care wards were emptying out and by March were back to normal. I knew they had wiped out Sars Covid 1 back in 2003 with their herbal medicine and when this nonsense started with the hysteria I knew it was a fraud, not the least of which was because as a pharmacist I had watched Fauci murder young men with AZT back in the 1980's and knew he was a ruthless sociopath. I also went to PubMed in March of 2020 after Trump mentioned HCQ as a treatment option for covid which he had been told about by Dr. Zelenko but which had also been used in China or Australia I believe and sure enough there was the paper from 2005 proving HCQ killed corona viruses in vitro. It would have been just a hop, skip and a jump to begin using it medically here and that would have saved tens or hundreds of thousands of lives but the agenda was obtaining EUA for the untested and deadly mRNA technology and that necessitated keeping the panic up and silencing those who were intelligent enough or brave enough to try to fight the system. Of course, we all know it was a "pandemic" of bad tests, lies, malpractice, interference in best practices and wanton fraud that created this whole fiasco.

I am amazed myself sometimes with what I have seen just in my own office alone using one of the oldest systems of healing.. long term illnesses turned around.. So, yes, the "one size fits all" system is evil and those who set this up 112 years ago didn't care any more about health or healing than the Bourlas and the Faucis of today....it was strictly about profits and finding further use for crude oil and coal tar, the original sources of all our modern day prescription drugs. I wish you and ALL of us "God Speed" and "Good Luck" as we confront these international criminals who have hijacked our medical system and our societies to turn us into their medical slaves.

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I'm sure you must be really rich charging $60 for a phone consult. Many doctors charge much more than that. I donate to CHD with hopes they can defend others like you. I do hope a lawsuit follows although that just wastes even more of the public's money. That AAG ought to be personally sued.

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Those might be in the next hearing. This one seemed an exploration of information "evidence" related to three patients. The apparent voluminous mound of evidence required flipping thorough sections. The collected information was likely assembled against charges that had been dropped once somebody read the 1st amendment. I saw no real meat revealed about the three patients.

I'm fortunate enough to avoid stuff I didn't want to do in order to watch. But to my mind this overly long hearing wasted time of professionals who ought to have better things to do. Dr Nass is a gracious person giving up her truly valuable time in service to so many other doctors facing a group of misguided power seekers. Watching it just made me angry at the waste.

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"The people running the CDC, the NIH, and the FDA deserve severe floggings in the civil and criminal courts. They all know it now, too, and they’re running scared."

But ... are they? They keep on authorizing and recommending boosters that have not been properly tested in clinical trials. They continue to tell us these things are safe and effective. They keep saying the emergency is still here. In short, while the general population is more skeptical and more confident about the return to normalcy than they have been in several years, the CDC/NIH/FDA are more bold than ever.

Am I getting this wrong?

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They are losing the battle fast!! And they know it. This is a last-itch effort before they all disappear!

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They won't take a hint. Too arrogant.

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Then let them fall - long and hard!

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Their goal is to get the Covid vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule. ACIP decides this on Thursday Oct 20. If approved–almost a guarantee–the vaccine makers get liability protection for childhood and adult vaccines. The "emergency" ends, they laugh all the way to the bank, and could care less what names they are called. It’s a diabolically pathological situation. These are dangerous people running dangerously evil corporations.

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Damn. I didn't realize that approval was imminent. That's really terrible news. Most states will then mandate this jab for children.

I'm surprised by this news because I'd thought that there were actual serious requirements (like much longer term studies, true adverse event scrutiny, etc) for vaccines on the childhood schedule. But no -- scientific results are now determined by a paid committee? Time travel must be real because we've gone back to the Middle Ages...

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I have kept you in my prayers Dr Nass!! I watched the hearing, beginning to end. The panel is an embarrassment to medicine... you will prevail!! And yes, I hope you sue the shit out of them!!!🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Me too ■ Prayers continuously

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