The only misinformation out there is coming from the WHO itself. Its a scam organization that is all about power, control and lots of money (to The WHO) and has nothing to do with health. One need only look at the covid debacle to see how well The WHO did with stopping that so called pandemic.

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C19 was a hoax to depopulate.

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If it goes thru we will NOT COMPLY, we stand together this time and say NO! I have had it with them and I know others have too. Please for all thats Holy, STAND together this time and their plan will fail.

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Just watched some of the Crisis Summit: Dowd, Rose, Cole, NASS! & others including E Europeans.

One observation (as a European):

the American speakers all carefully went into great detail about the science & the injections & the WHO coup whereas the E Europeans more or less said:

“Listen, this is totalitarianism. We know it when we see it. We just got rid of it. We are NOT letting it come back”.


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I have no doubt you're a 100% correct. That's why so many didn't like mean tweeting Trump. Americans need to be coddled and given awards for participation. 🥴 Plus liberals scream, cuss, and are foul mouthed and don't want to be like them. However, ever heard sqeakiest wheel gets the grease...look what groups get grease here?! Time to stand up and say not only no but heck effing no and if you don't listen we'll make past riots look like toddlers throwing a fit for candy! And we DEFINITELY need to start standing up for God! That's the absolute saddest part! We started down this road when Christians didn't become a force to be reckoned with after taking prayer out of schools! Honestly, letting government control everything was DUMB!

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The WHO coup is preposterous.

Everyone needs to wake up & laugh it out of existence.

It’s an unelected unaccountable clique proposing that they will rule the world.

They’ll tell humanity what views & speech are allowed & which are banned; what injections to get & when; whether they’ll permit us to travel or even go outside. They’ll sling us in quarantine if they want.

Whatever happens with their CRIMINAL power grab - which requires corrupt politicians support it - we must all REFUSE TO COMPLY.

The WHO is very clearly run by ORGANIZED CRIMINALS.

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Very rich demonic criminals

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Keep up the good work, Meryl! The message is getting out! Soon the pandemic treaty’s “Shalls” will become “Mays” again, and the elitist’s hoped-for coup will essentially be history.

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So many politicians don't have a clue. Or, they've been led to believe that this "agreement" won't have any teeth. Other politicians welcome it because they've bought into the whole "one health" scheme. Heaven help us if this horrible thing gets "agreed" to... Bill Gates is rubbing his hands together as he gets ready to release the Kraken...

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"Growing resistance" 🥇✊💪🎉

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"Supporters of the agreements have also asserted that, regardless of what the documents say, the treaty and IHR amendments are toothless because the WHO will have no authority to enforce any of its directives or recommendations, and cannot force lockdowns or quarantines on member nations."

If they truly believed this - then one would have to ask what would be the purpose of going through this exercise?

Do they know what "shall" means and that it replaced "recommend" in the IHR?

Are these "supporters" just saying this because they need to justify the bribes/kickbacks they receive or the money that they expect to be funneled to them or their employers/institutions?

What happened last time? The police, military, corporations and all governments helped crack down on freedom - so once the directive comes from on high and the governments (like the cowardly idiots that they are) dictate that they be enforced - do you really think the enforcers "just following orders" will decide to, for once, honor the constitution? No just like the majority of the medical professionals they will follow, without question, the protocols from their superiors - even if it ends up destroying them, their family and their country.

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My stand has always been no.

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I didn't see anywhere how many votes are needed from the 200 WHO Member States to approve the Treaty and amendments. Also, if you vote No, but you are in the minority, your country must adhere to the WHO Edicts no matter what. That's how it played out in 2020. One other thing to note is the SARS/COVID19 Lethal Treatment was dictated by WHO's Pandemic Treatment Committee and was adopted by the Member States via DHHS and every single State Health Agency, including Florida and Louisiana. Grandstanding now, but not one single public hearing has been held over the 1 million deaths from C19 toxic treatments and inoculations and ventilators all over survivable flu symptoms plus desperation that made many people give up in the Lockdown. The Covid Jabs are still in the CDC Vxxx Schedule for babies and young children under an "Eua" yet no SOE to make that legal.

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Even if the WHO treaty comes into effect, as it likely will, courageous non-corruptible leaders such as Trump will come along to exit the WHO, the UN, the EU, the WEF, NATO, and all other such utterly corrupt cartels. I for one intend to get a copy of the treaty to use as toilet paper.

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Good Luck with that WHO!!

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James Roguski on UK Column News today- WHO will give MORE Sovereignty to nations to Quarantine visitors and transfer money from poor people in the West to Oligarchs in Brown and Black countries to profit off of jabbing those who "missed out" in the first Plandemic. RESIST

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The real emergency is WHO and gates destroying humanity.

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Humanity is surrounded by toxins.. in the AIR in the WATER… in the FOOD… radiation .. 5G … cleaning products.. medicines.. vaccines..ALL of these should have been safely monitored and controlled to protect humanity by such as the WHO.. that was their responsibility to keep things in check… they have not.. nor did they during COVID… so what has changed in order to support the ONE HEALTH TREATY they want to handcuff every other health control to?

The WHO have not shown a single action they have enacted that benefited mankind.. only things that benifited them.

Is this treaty more of the same?.. who benefits anything if it’s not mankind?… the WHO benefits… they always did..a giant boil growing bigger by each year.

They should be treated like a football manager .. one bad season .. and you get the shaft… these zealots should have gone decades ago.

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