RFK, Jr.'s book on Fauci/Gates makes it clear that Big Pharma and their controlled government agencies decided in the 1980s-1990s to promote vaccines as the centerpiece of policy even though infectious diseases had declined markedly. Today this policy has gotten completely out of control. Preventive approaches involving sanitation, nutrition, and wellness have been totally subverted in favor of massive vaccine-centered interventional medicine. The WHO is leading the charge worldwide, controlled buy Bill Gates, Big Pharma, etc., just like the US "health" agencies--NIH, FDA, and CDC. The WHO should be ABOLISHED. The US health agencies should be restored to their original purpose of promoting health. I know all this first-hand, having worked at FDA headquarters. See my new book https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/

Thanks, Richard C. Cook

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Thanks for the "like" Meryl. Let me also share that my personal physician, a woman doctor, had two miscarriages after taking the COVID vaccine. She waited a while and fortunately gave birth safely the third time.

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Sorry bud, the juries still out on how safe that could be, long term.

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WHO's jury.

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Wow. Right on the money 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯👍

It's funny I was thinking as I was reading WEF had there dirty nasty fingers all over that document written by fascists.

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Oct 23, 2023
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Ikr I thought the same 😂

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I truly can’t believe that we have let them get this far. As a free nation we have such wonderful documents called the “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights,” to protect us but yet they’re being trampled in the dust. Every American needs to stand up right now! Nothing should ever be allowed to supersede these documents. If everyone would pitch in a little financially and just give their voice in this fight for freedom we might be able to make a difference! I’m amazed at how many still just don’t have the time to be bothered by all this. They’re too busy watching their sports games, Hollywood movies and being entertained. Now they have everyone focused on this psyop over in Israel while they steam roll forward with their agenda. Nobody is paying attention and they know it! Keep up the good fight Meryl Nass.

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Margaret Thatcher once said " You can vote in Socialism but you have to shoot your way out".

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What is being imposed is fascism, not socialism, which is empowerment of the working class and confiscating the obscene wealth of the oligarchs. Have misdirections and betrayals of socialism happened? Indeed so. but Anthony Fauxism is not socialism.

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so your answer to the merger of the state and business is the totalitarian power of the state alone?

how about almost no government at all, meaning no-one anywhere can have very much power?

doesn't that make the most sense, or is it that those who insist the state take care of people don't want the responsibility of taking care of themselves, and having to produce something or have marketable skills?

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Of course not! You are putting words in my mouth. I support voluntary cooperation in pursuit of worthy goals agreed upon together. As for those who disagree, do your thing as long as it is constructive, and that of course needs to have discussion itself. Done right, we citizens become the government, and are accountable to each other.

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i can't find fault with any of that - no government or power seat anywhere in sight, right?

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All to evolve. We can't know what our collective wisdom will produce. But the imperial order has to be defeated worldwide, and it is fracking already. A political earthquake is imminent. Can we be ready?

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Thank-you! VERY much, indeed! Not sure why people still have trouble seeing fascism when it's this blatant, but we need to identify and know our enemies.

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The time for Americans to stand up and defend the constitution was when congress was debating passing the patriot act which Biden wrote in 1995 just waiting for the incident where it could be passed. But people were scared of terrorists so they ignored that it would nullify the constitution.

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The Patriotic Act definitely started us downhill in a big way. They created these terrorists and still work with them today. Sadly, people when terrorized will definitely do anything for safety. Look at Covid, look at what’s going on in the Middle East!!!! 9/11 was our first IQ test, Covid was our second and now this conflict is our 3rd! Less and less people are catching on. I don’t know that we’re ever going to get our freedoms back. I do believe that Jesus is coming sooner than we think!

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Yup. John Kerry admitted that Obama just sat back and watched as ISIS got bigger because he wanted them to overthrow Assad. But what’s worse is that Israel would rescue them from Syria and take them back to Israel for medical treatment.

Plus during a ceasefire in Syria the CIA terrorists broke it and fought with the pentagon terrorists. Plus there’s our working with Al Qaeda long after 9/11 happened. Sadly most Americans don’t know about how we fund terrorists before they become our enemy. Strange huh?

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Important message to proclaim widely: "We no longer can trust your institutions, whether governmental, medical, or educational. By your behaviors in the last 3 yeas, you have FORFEITED THAT TRUST."

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Most kids aren't being taught our history and are very happy to let the government make up rules d'jour. College students have the emotional maturity of 7th graders. But I agree there are probably more adults old enough to have been taught American history, English composition and critical thinking that are not paying attention and not standing up. There is no future for America unless the People open their eyes and stand.

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I think society has been so dumbed down unawares with food, poisoned water, air and now these Covid shots that they just can’t reason correctly. These sociopaths knew what they were doing. I’m a conspiracy theorist by nature since I was little. I questioned everything! Now that we find ourselves in this position I’m glad I did/do still question everything! We need more self thinkers!

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You hit the nail on the head in the first paragraph with "Treaty intends to create a complicated managerial structure" which is fancy talk for prison after which nothing else really matters once you are inside. This used to be called a tar baby in Brer Rabbit tales but that is so unsophisticated.

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Yes 👍 it felt like I was reading Mein Kampf. Had that same propaganda bullshit using pandemics to kill off people in the name of Climate Change.

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Gollum, on the postponement of the hearing on this Pandemic Treaty Draft Revision:

"The Light; It hurts Us!"


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'This and related sections are probably what make the pharma organization so upset with the Treaty.'

Meryl, the Pharma is so upset about this because The WHO starts to behave like a Pharma Company THEMSELVES!

Your analysis material is spot on again! Super!

I have sent so much material to my government (Belgian) about all this,

translated, read, worked on it knowing I have to communicate clearly, calmly and respectfully with them. I have done this till the cows come home.

I also sent James' video 'Message to world leaders and so much more. My government is in constant crisis...The latest one the 2 Swedish citizens killed by a migrant. In the meantime, the world is on fire.

When things will eventually come into effect ( I doubt that actually...) I will say: 'No! My government wasn't communicating with its citizens about this. It wasn't spoken about in parlement. Nor did the Belgian media . And if you, as foreigners want to force this upon me, well, you too didn't inform me about this either.'

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Maybe Bill Gates himself wrote the text.

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That is what I have been thinking all along. I am actually convinced of this. 'Infodemic', 'One Health' 'PABS', 'Health Hubs', these are words with Bill Gates' signature, I am sure!

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In the real world, The World Health Organisation ceased to exist when Bill Gates bought his right to influence the once honest organisation. The WHO became CORRUPT and no longer has any authority or significance in world health matters.

We the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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"combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation..." Hey good idea, lets get that fella that started the safe and effective rumor!

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Exactly! What author will compile their lies concisely and publish it as " Exposing Misinformation on Covid?"

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WHO treaty sounds a lot like a WEF depopulation aid to me.

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Let's simplify this. Anyone found guilty of purposely mandating dangerous substances to vulnerable communities will be taken out and shot, with that substance.

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Excellent run-through. During my own read, I laughed out loud when infodemic was defined to include "too much information"

Also, I found this WHO document "Strengthening WHO preparedness for and

response to health emergencies... ten proposals to build a safer world together" that appears to emphasize the main points organization wants baked into these agreements. Might provide some stability in terms of understanding the objectives amidst all these shifting drafts:


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What a load of RUBBISH! That gives them license to declare pandemic after pandemic to destroy the world! NOBODY in their right mind would agree to those terms.

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Acute ridicule and satire is richly deserved. Satirists of the World Unite! You have Nothing to Lose but your Cheneys."

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The inescapable R&D weaponised pathogens escape

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Also, Dr Nash thank you very much for keeping us informed.

Unfortunately, I'm very poor right now. So I want you to know how much I appreciate the information you share on your free subscription side. Much love to you and the other real healers.

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I hope the American congress can hold these fascist vultures at bay until Jan 2025. Then Pres Trump can tell the WHO to go fuck themselves and defund the CDC and NIH. Keep these fascist agencies the hell away from Americans

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Thanks for the likes.

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