I'm no Einstein but I do know if this passes we can kiss off the world we once knew...forever. I'm glad I am old but weep for my children, grandchildren and all that follow. I grew up loving my country, my ancestors and my heritage. Now? Just a sense of shame for the lies I bought.

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💯🎯 ... I fear for our children, they have deliberately dumbed down the population, made them distracted by Tik tok, celebrities and fashion, taught to comply rather than question... and put everyone into a dream that nothing bad can ever happen... USA, Australia, Europe, Canada, NZ, once free nations under threat... Much of the population can't see it for whatever reason and it's scary for our future...

I'm clinging to the Australian constitution, I do not recognise the WHO as having any authority in my country, the bureaucracy that sign up to it are unelected (politicians do not sign this it's our damn, dumb, compliant bureaucrats, wined and dined that will sign this, I do not give them the authority to sign anything on behalf of this country)...

Theyre building a digital financial prison to force our compliance... Fighting to keep cash will be the next battle

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The government disregarded the constitution during covid. Travel between states should be free but was not. We don't have many other rights that are protected, because the founders hadn't thought of the many tyrannies that would come. E.g. it didn't occur to them to stipulate that travel within states must also be free because why would anyone ban that in the first place?

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Exactly... Whole thing was unconstitutional... They couldn't force you to have a vac though, even though apparently losing job, income, then potentially house, family, etc wasn't considered force (cough) ... If they can skirt round the constitution (they want to do this in US too) they'll force it next time... Maybe in the "wellness" camps...

People are so asleep and trusting, and/or easily frightened, that most Aussies were almost too eager to comply unfortunately ... Or asleep...

I was at a party a few weeks ago, and I was chatting with a guy who was truly unaware of what was going on ...

He had been laid off many years back from his accounting firm... I said I had been fired for not taking the vax (now this guy had taken vaccine, so he had no need to say the following)...

He said to me WTF?? They can't do that?

I said, no they said everyone MUST take the vax or lose their job...

He said, that's insane, you should get a lawyer, thats illegal...

I said no they did this around the country in most professions... For a long while he couldn't believe what I was saying ...

Unfortunately that's how unaware many people are...

I wonder at what point many would wake up?

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Same here in the US. If you bring up the issues going on you get that"deer in the headlights" stare.

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Will NZ keep its promise ? A big fat NO!

(Even if it did, world bank sanctions would correct their thinking.)

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Upon reflection, Covid is NOT the story of our times. The story of our times is that all the important organizations in the world are completely captured. All Covid did was prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.


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I agree! Covid and everything since is a distraction while the digital prison infrastructure which is to be our prison is installed and solidified. People mistakenly think that things like the border wall are to keep out others while, in realty, it is to keep us in. When those in control flip the switch, as in CBDC and cash elimination, there will be no escape and the mask will come down. Just ask the millions gotten rid of by Mao and Stalin and Roosevelt and Churchill. This adds a new meaning to captured.

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Maybe I will make my own privately controlled "non-profit" for health policy, just like Bill Gates, and then the U.S. and other governments can sign treaties with me and follow my guidelines:

* eat your vegetables

* brush your teeth

* go to bed on time

* an apple a day keeps the doctor away

subject to amendments, of course

oh yes, first amendment to the above treaty:

* avoid getting injected with bioweapons

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They Are Not Safe Anymore.

They Got Caught

Creating Imaginary Terror.

You Caught Them.

Every Single One Of You.

They Will Never Be Safe Again.

They Don’t Feel Safe Anymore. Anywhere.

Thank You For That.

And Carry That With You.

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It is difficult to trust any government at this point.

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In reading the sheepish legalese of the letter from the "member state of Australia" it occurs to me that Hancock et al in 1776 would have laughed their arses off if such a letter were proposed as a Declaration to Great Britain and the world of the self evident truth that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.

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The new government in New Zealand has written it into their 100 day plan and it has to be done by tomorrow. See item #36.


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I can't imagine a country that produced Ardern (the lockdown queen) and then followed with Hipkins (just chase down all the unvaccinated...) can muster up non-totalitarians from their candidates without considering new axioms in selection.

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A small group of masters. They could be dealt with quickly and easily. AND THEY likely will be, according to history / when the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. So sad people often need to be pushed to that point where the cost is so high to restore rather than being inexpensively vigilant.

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For three months (March to June 2020) I fell for the Covid scam and capitulated to the mask farce. Then I realised I was promoting the lunacy so became a proud Conspiracy Theorist.

Best move I ever made.

Even though I'm 78 I'm considering registering myself as a 'SPERM BANK' because all those males who accepted STERILIZATION by VAX will need help impregnating the unjabbed females that need help.

Only kidding - but you get my drift?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I thought NZ had already decided the WHO was finished?

We the people VOTE NO to the existence of the now corrupt and obsolete World Health Organisation!

Was MYOCARDITIS deliberately included as yet another dangerous health issue when mercenary and CORRUPT Big Pharma pretended to have invented a "Safe and Effective" injection for Fauci's man-enhanced viral illness = Covid? Big Pharma's motto = "There's no money in HEALTHY PEOPLE"! "Let's make 'em sicker and for longer!"

Myocarditis is RIFE after accepting the useless 'Experimental' Covid injection - they call a vaccine!

You can't expect to Pfuck with the human heart with dangerous injections and expect it to "get better". It's insane!

I hereby reject the World Health Organisation as an entity that now has no relevance to humanity - since being corrupted by its biggest benefactor - Bill Gates. Gates now owns and controls the WHO.

We, the people, declare the WHO obsolete and redundant - so stick your Treaty where it hurts!

The now CORRUPT World Health Organisation is DEAD! We, the people have spoken!

With regard to Bill Gates's now CORRUPT World Health Organisation, I seem to remember, early on in the revelation that a 'Health Treaty' was being prepared by this organisation, which Bill Gates now controls, that some of the smaller African Nations were not invited to vote of this lunatic Treaty because other larger African nations could vote for them. Was I dreaming, or is this yet another example of how Gates's WHO intends to take over the world population in the guise of 'health' = resulting in total control of our daily lives, thoughts and actions?

The WHO is now defunct and has no place in World Health matters. We have spoken!

We shouldn't need to explain what's been going on since before 2019 so that those sleeping since Covid was created (and the useless but deadly injections were made available) can assimilate the incredible but sinister story. But it seems there are still many of these complacent muppets still snoozing through the CULL of civilisation.

The time of reckoning is well overdue and the conspirators' Heads Must Roll!

Hopefully, there are more of us who realise the damage and fatalities these depopulating Covid injections cause.

Myocarditis is just one of a myriad of injuries and DISEASES caused by the useless Covid Jab. Cancers can also be activated.

Most of us now seem to know the whole Covid & DEADLY VAX scams were introduced after several years of Planning!

It seems there are more diseases and illnesses caused by the DEADLY COVID JAB. The crap does nothing to stop or reduce the man-made virus. The jab, they pretend is a ‘Vaccine’, seems to reduce our natural resistance to every known illness. The jab also stimulates or resurrects long-forgotten illnesses we might have historically recovered from. AND it seems to introduce new diseases and CANCERS along with many other DEADLY health complications. But still, the murderous vax-makers deny all LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY for health issues and DEATHS their injections so obviously cause.

Retribution is well overdue for the pre-meditated mass murders the vax makers planned with their co-conspirators at the CDC & FDA.

We cannot simply let these insane criminals apologise and expect to continue a normal life, while millions have died due to their greed or insane beliefs which we’ve all had to endure.

Mick from Hooe (UK) – Unjabbed and ready to fight dirty!

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The introduction of elevated levels of myocarditis, neurological disorders, dysregulated immune systems, and infertility were just good control measures, and profit centers.

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