MI5 and Chatham House? This is more than a WHO, Imperial college, or epidemiological crony. She’s a spook of the highest order as well as a behind the scene controller.

I would like to suggest that she may indeed be a member of the committee of 300. As in a hidden hand. Americans should know that Chatham House is THE central steering office for it’s offshoot the US based Council on Foreign Affairs.

What her links confirm is that convid was long in the planning.

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What would be helpful is an org. Chart illustrating the corrupt network, and supplying it to our local reps and congressmen. Especially the newer , hopefully untainted ones.

Present in a way that shows how it will also impact them and their families if these despots take over world health care, money , private ownership of land and homes, what you are ALLOWED to eat, how much water you can use, the air you breath, the freedom to have your say, to drive how ever far you want from your home, etc, etc. once they are fully in charge and install a hands off AI to be the bad guy - no-one will NEED representatives. Their job will be eradicated.

When explained that way - it can be a powerful motivator to induce action.

Illustrations speak louder than words.

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We need to crowd source this work. Who wants to do it? Map the network.

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Charlie Robinson has called it ‘the octopus of control’ as there are so many tentacles in numerous areas. And even when you think you’ve cut off a tentacle, they grow back. Another trait of octopi that fit is they change their form in order to blend in. Thus they may look and act like us, but are actually batting for the Octopi.

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You need to hook up with Whitney Webb- she is fab at this kind of mapping.

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Me love I'm a holist son of a bus driver plus self realised tantric yogi master my enlightenment began when I was an Australian expatriate like a lot at the time in a boarding house in London's Berkeley Square at the height of the swinging sixties the very day Saturday after the release of Sgt Pepper I had some LSD from Sandoz lab with my friends when Sgt Pepper began playing and I saw the music flow in waves from the speakers was the start of an 8 hour ecstasy and a, life long love of the Holy Spirit and its Truth Consciousness. I say this so you will know where I'm coming from and love to share my divine solution to this Rothschild cancer that has infested the whole world's body politic to the point of death so the only course left is a decent burial thank God there's a fabulous new age waiting birth which I feel is my task as a mid husband not wife to achieve a safe birth which I've been told would be eased with a transformation and a rise and ascension of conscious let's work together your such a brilliant talent and so worth supporting



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Mar 30, 2023
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I remember when Amazing Polly presented her WEF Young Global Shapers presentation some time ago. It a fascinating dot connector vivisection of behind the scenes dealings by individuals not even heard about yet, but important tomorrow. She is a great investigator and could be really helpful. Not to mention always superb James Corbett, a regular on Meryl Nass’s CHD Channel.

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I was just going to mention Polly St George. She has charts and graphs.

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Someone like Stuckelberger mentioned below has insider knowledge of Big Pharma connections, and perhaps Naomi Wolfe with her group who are researching all the covid pharma connections.

I’ll send her an email to see if her graphics team can do something to assist.


In September 2021, Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider,

blew the whistle on Gates,

explaining how the WHO is, in fact, controlled by Gates,

who in turn dictates policy for his own personal financial benefit.

Excerpts from CHD:

Many have pointed out that Gates, through his billions in donations to the WHO, has significant leverage over the WHO’s decisions.

In September 2021, Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, blew the whistle on Gates, explaining how the WHO is, in fact,

controlled by Gates, who in turn dictates policy for his own personal financial benefit.

Of the four organizations Politico focuses on, GAVI,

the Vaccine Alliance, may be the most important.

GAVI, founded by Gates, is headquartered in Switzerland.******

In 2009, GAVI was recognized as an international institution and granted total blanket immunity,

including qualified diplomatic immunity,

which is extremely odd considering the organization has no political power that would warrant diplomatic immunity. *****

Odder still is that GAVI’s immunity clauses go beyond even that of diplomats.

GAVI’s immunity covers all aspects of engagement, including criminal business dealings. !!!!!!!

Equally strange is the fact that they’re completely tax-exempt.

GAVI can basically do whatever it wants without any repercussions.

Police can’t even investigate or collect evidence from GAVI were they to be implicated in a criminal investigation.

according to Stuckelberger, GAVI is the entity that is really directing the WHO.

According to Stuckelberger, Gates did, in 2017, request to be put on the WHO’s executive board — like a member state — ostensibly because he gives them so much money.

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Mar 31, 2023
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There are those who sit back on the couch and complain, and there are those that take ACTION.

What’s your suggestion for solutions?

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Mar 30, 2023
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Since de la Boetie lived in the 1500s, whose emails are you referring to and how can we access the information?

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Mar 30, 2023
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I used to do Follow the Soros cash for my Tw account, in the UK establishment and highlighting important EU people in his pocket. Both were aided by ‘DC legal hacks’ data dump following a 2016 access to Open Society mainframe Database. Then 260+ EU MEPs were bought. All the remain influencers were as well. But it’s like Soros’ Best for Britain (set up by LORD Malloch Brown, member of Privy council, another 300 now heads OS) gives money to Greenpeace who then gives money to Led by Donkeys. Always a middle source. Another thing is that politicians get private donations. But their not private, it’s that the cash looks like it’s from so and so. But so and so is an executive of a Corporation. So in reality it’s the Corp influencing them (KPMG does this).

Another good source that follows NGOs, and Foundations spider webs has been Capital Research/ Influence watch who cross reference all of these links.

Hence you find that BLaMe had OS seed money and was further funded by Ford, Kellogg and I believe (memory) Carnegie institute.

But I’ve wondered more recently whether Soros is the front man as his Hedge fund, quantum has been the main management vehicle for Rothschilds money. (See Niels (Von) Taube - who with Soros broke British bank and set up Quantum. His family were German/ Estonian Aristocrats who were given ethnically cleansed Polish lands by Nazis. Niel’s aunt wrote ‘we aren’t members of the party but support their aims’.

So you have a J, in bed with an Aristocratic NZ who manages J money.

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Lovely bunch aren’t they.

Thanks for the useful references. I’ll take a look at them.

Yes, they often use NGO (non gov orgs) as proxy’s in their shell game. That’s also why Gates has so many “health” foundations. CEPI, GAVI, Gates Foundation. He also uses a separate one for buying farmland. He owns 270000 + acres of farmland in usa.

Cascade Investment, L.L.C. is an American holding company and private investment firm headquartered in Kirkland, Washington, United States. It is managed by Michael Larson.

More than half of Gates's fortune is held in assets outside his holding of Microsoft shares.

Cascade is the successor company to Dominion Income Management, the former investment vehicle for Gates's holdings, which was managed by

convicted felon Andrew Evans.

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All the evidence needed for a War Crime against humanity Tribunal and Commission is here and available. Trump WHO opposes cause he is anti deep state the quicker he is reinstated the quicker justice will happen

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Mar 30, 2023Edited
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I would agree with you except for one thing I'm a natural born mystic and Spiritual dreamer an example of this to prepare you for whats to come is that in the mid 1970's I was back home in Sydney after a sojourn oseas in London and Toronto where I had so much regular Sandoz acid and pot to become absolutely enlightened by practising Kundalini and Comtomplative yoga using first Secret of the Golden Flower then Tibetan Mayahana Buddhist Secret of Realising Nirvana through Knowing the Mind or Ashtavakra Gita which is the Yoga I praxis and teach. By this time I'm in Toronto Canada in 1969 and with my mates who were Gurdjeiff Ian's unwittingly and that same day I got arrested with them in Canada's biggest pot bust my minimal involvement helped my mates get a mild sentence with me. Now to my dream I'm living here at Sydney's famous Bondi Beach and next to the suburb Bronte and I dream that Gurdjeiff is at present there so I go there but he's asleep and his affendents refuse to allow me to bother him but I brush past and wake him and said Father I'm asleep and you are dead I must speak with you I then said father how will I know I'm doing the right thing and he said ' Show me a Good Key that's me without any mistakes Kerry without rr ie error.....now to my dream with the Don in early 2016 on my local govt bus where he was sitting up the back I told him i

liked him cause he wasn't pollie and that I would be his de facto campaign mngr and started writing up till the other day and apart from the Covid nightmare he's done exactly what I've advised see Mike Kings Real History Channel about him and Q or me in Spirit to get a idea of what's really going on. Cheers

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And the titular head of the WHO is not even a medical doctor...he is a genocidal former soldier.

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And the handpicked pawn of Bill Gates, who is not a doctor or scientist (not even a college degree) but he likes play doctor to the world by throwing around his money like the self important, self righteous eugenist egotist that’s he is.

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According to Politico, four health organizations —

the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI (gates again),

the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations,

or CEPI (Gates yet again), and the Wellcome Trust (don’t even get me started on this lot) — rapidly took a lead in the global pandemic response, and while all four claim to be independent organizations, they’re all actually founded and/or funded by Gates.

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Yes, he’s a communist from Ethiopia with more in common with the CCP values than caring health solutions.

Be afraid - be very afraid.

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You don't need any training to be an allopathic medical doctor, it's all witchcraft anyway.

It's been maiming and killing for over 112 years now. The Cabal is exposing itself.

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Mar 30, 2023Edited
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Just the skills you need to take care of the herd….

From Breitbart:

China reportedly supported Tedros’s rise to lead the WHO in 2017, even though he was not trained as a medical doctor.

Tedros named Robert Mugabe a WHO ‘goodwill ambassador’… Mugabee who was a RUTHLESS cruel dictator for years in Africa

In October 2017, Tedros named Mugabe a “goodwill ambassador”

to help combat non-communicable diseases in Africa, provoking outrage from medical professionals and human rights groups.

Ethiopia has borrowed billions from China, reportedly including more than $13 billion during Tedros’ tenure as foreign minister between 2012 and 2016.




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I downloaded Van Kerhove's Ph.D. thesis, and I looked at every page of it. I would never mistake her for a genius. But for two years, she was there along with "Tedros", giving orders to the entire world.

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Mar 30, 2023Edited
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I think she is a dope.

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Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller appears to be someone who has ice-water running in her veins. That’s not the look of a compassionate person.

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Chicken Flu gonna come for me and you!!!

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Are you saying the chickens have come home to roost/

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Her name translated in English is graveyard.....perfect similarity

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An aside : as irony'll have it, Van Kerkhove literally means 'from graveyard' in Dutch.

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Great sleuthing 👍🏻

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The WHO is nothing but a medical terrorist organization.

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Thanks for this info! As I recall, WHO official Maria van Kerkhove made a big blunder a couple of years ago, when she issued a statement to the effect that contact tracing data did not support the phenomenon of "acsymmetric transmission" of covid. She must have received a big slap on the wrist, because she soon thereafter recanted that. Do you remember that?

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Yes, but she was probably just reciting what she had been given. WHO made an about face on remdesivir. It just had its SAGE experts advise against vaccines for children. Which will require another about-face.

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That was a lot of uncovering and untangling of the globalist elites spiderweb and it’s parasitical inhabitants . Thankyou.

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It would be great if you could contact these people for interviews?

Would make for some interesting reading and I'm sure they would be keen to share there knowledge👍

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Amazing Polly covers some of this from a different angle. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SIhlWo6ePkba/

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I'll always remember Van Kerkhove as the fixer who, in the very earliest days in Wuhan, told the world what China wanted us to believe. Instead of the truth.

Btw, that's a VERY flattering picture of her. She should thank you.

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Even worse.

Biowar criminals.

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Victoria Nulands’ name is conspicuously missing.

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She has an appointment with destiny too.

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Mostly medical midwits

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