Just found another typo. Here is the correction:

“In the interests of timeliness and administrative and judicial efficiency, Board Staff seeks to COVER ITS ASS SO AS TO AVOID LEGAL LIABILITY FOR THEIR CORRUPT KANGAROO COURT vs Dr Nass”

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Well done, John.

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I wished for someone to make a short abstract. You've done it. Perfectly.

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No - they should absolutely not be allowed to go back & alter that document.

It must stand as it is & if it's unfit for purpose for whatever reason it should fail & all charges rescinded.

You cannot submit shoddy paperwork & then beg permission to go back & fix it later - Absolutely No Way & if it's allowed get ready to challenge that stupid decision

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I agree! It really shows their incompetence on another level and they know they need to get their ducks in a row knowing Dr. Nass will be taking this further.

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They must have learned this trick in middle school

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Dec 21, 2023
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Spot on! This is the nature of our current society, kids in the schoolyard shouting insults and sticking their tongues out. Watch Congress at work, it's hard to believe they are even fit for picking up trash. I'm currently reading Weaponizing Anti-Semitism and it's a catalogue of baseless malice. Unfortunately, most people's herd instinct overshadows any sense they may ever have had.

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I bet with some legal digging, there is a statute or three that has been violated that might render this whole document null and void and you could be reinstated. Get your lawyer to work on that!

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I too agree with this. These doctors seemingly haven't been in patient care recently and obviously aren't too good at Zpencil pushing, typing, spelling. Perhaps the AG should deny the action as it has gone on too long and evidence has shown the cover up of h6droxychloroquine and ivermectin in order to receive EUA approval for the clot shot. FAULTY LAW PREMISE.

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It's a final order. You get to appeal it to the courts. No "redo." They had no basis in the first place for any of it. They had their decision made just stretched it out for what was it? More than 18 months - they had all their opportunities plus the months to draft and re-edit and re-edit.

Sounds just as groundless and illogical, false, incoherent as their "expert" witnesses. They had their Soviet star chamber/show trial and closed it. They basically want to reopen it just for their administrative equivalent of a SLAPP suit.


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Dec 21, 2023Edited
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I don't know who was pushing for this legal action but the work was obviously not up to par & having just experienced a rather nasty case myself, which I won, filing cases properly & providing reputable evidence is all.

However we have seen the most atrocious violations of the legal system in America recently, never would a reasonable person ever have expected the Law such as it is the fall to the utterly dismal examples we've seen recently & this seems to be more of the same & is unacceptable.

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There are endless examples of what a joke the law is if you read American history. Remember Earl Warren who led a relatively liberal Supreme Court? He actively supported the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII so agribusiness interests could steal their farmland.

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I do remember that though I am not American & am on the other side of the pond.

What's coming is going to be shocking - illegal immigrants who are 'rushing the boarder' in their thousands every day will be allowed to vote (democrat of course), which is one of the reasons why their being let behave as they have been. Then they'll be allowed to join the Police force & police the USA, ppl who got here by doing business with murderous cartels, 5 mins ago will soon be the new police force.

Some used drugged children who get passed back & forth, to pretend to be their kids to make getting in easier to get in & who knows what happens to those kids after, many disappear or die.

Huge empty warehouses are being used to store kids & babies, illegals in every hotel where they fight, drink, prostitute themselves & some abandon their own kids.

Looking on at this from another country is mind blowing, between that & the law becoming whatever the deep state want that week is utterly shocking & tragic - America is being destroyed at a pace, so heartbreaking to watch but also sad to see so little being done to stop it.

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I never call human beings illegals. Perhaps as someone who lives in Europe, you are not aware that there were NO borders before Europeans came here and engaged in their usual violent, destructive viciousness. The U.S. makes life miserable for people south of the border -- for example, the U.S. shipped gang members from southern California to Honduras, which is why that poor country ended up with an unbelievable murder rate -- then they come here looking for work and safety.

OUR GOVERNMENT smuggles human beings, weapons, and drugs (see Whitney Webb, One Nation Under Blackmail) because they are ways of controlling the U.S. population. And even better, smuggling makes huge profits which can then be used for black ops. And if you're in Europe, my guess is your government is engaging in the same nefarious behavior. At least here we have some free speech and many Americans are not stupid enough to think their government is benign.

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Goody, two shoes, Susan. They are illegal aliens. Perfectly good legal term with a well-known definition. If someone wants to save a syllable to call them illegals I’m fine with that. If someone else is wants to save two syllables, sorry three, then I’m OK with calling them aliens. Newlight, if I was in their country with no passport, no visa, and no legal means of support visible, I’m absolutely sure that once caught, I would be arraigned in whatever legal system there is, and I would be termed the equivalent of an illegal, alien sister it’s the way the civilized, modern world works. Or it was until the, oh Biden, Obama treasonous regime was installed by the globalists.

Girl, you better wake up and smell the coffee before November 2024 and particularly before January 2025, cause things are going to change when POTUS DJ T assumes office again. Otherwise get your stocking cap and start screaming at the sky.

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What an absolutely ignorant post. No borders, the various Indian tribes (Stone Age people tribes, if you must) just fought amongst themselves over hunting & fishing grounds, scalping each other with the ebb and flow of the fortunes of intertribal warfare. That is so much more civilized than enforcing legally negotiated international borders established by treaty; some poet once said good fences make good neighbors. I think he was referring to actual neighbors, but well applies to countries.

Regarding the gang members shipped to Honduras: why do I have the strong sense that that isn’t the whole story my guess is they were shipped to Honduras because that is where they came from. Criminals down there. Criminals up here now. Criminals down there. Shouldn’t be our problem .

Why do I think that this is just distraction from the coming exposé of the full story of Jeffrey Epstein’s honeypot, blackmail, sex trafficking operation.

Honey, you’re gonna have to provide some better citations for your assertions.

Maybe what you’re asserting is true, and the reason the deep state was so terrified of a second president Trump term is that he was going to blow the lid off the hole. Sorry mess.

My guess is that you’re not a Trump fan.

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Why dont you take your grievances up with Muckraker, Michael Yon, Owen Schroyer, Mike Adams et al - the ppl reporting from on the ground, the Darien Gap, Panama, seeing what's actually going on???

Your govt has invited these ppl to eliminate you, if you're a traditional American, you're no longer required & they want you gone asap.

Yes, we know Whitney Webb's work very well & good for her.

Why is your Govt letting Military aged men into the US from Africa, Syria, China etc, why does Michael Yon report that American homes have already been sold to communist Chinese who are viewing their purchases on Google earth whilst their waiting for the US to fall as the Communist Chinese are now claiming that the original Native Americans are descended from Chinese therefore America belongs to China ???

No, these ppl are your friends, of course they've come to help you, how could all these ppl watching what's going on closely be so wrong ???

Europe has a very long history of fighting off unwanted invaders - see the war to repel the Muslims in the middle ages after Europe had been ravaged by plague which was won by the slimmest margins. We know their sending them here to stab children & babies in their push chairs - dont want to try & stab adults do they? Defencless kids are so much easier to murder than a grown adult male.

The foul global cabal are using the underclass from wherever they can get them to eradicate ppl who've realised what's really going on & they want the US destroyed asap.

They bought everyone off everywhere to let these ppl in - maybe they dont pose in front of cameras whilst they make the throat slitting sign like they do here, even their male children do it. They've been radicalised & promised control of the countries their invading by killing us all off so they can take our homes etc, in America they're gonna take your guns any day now then you'll be defenceless & if you call the Police, it will be them who come.

But we must be nice & let our murderers in & give them whatever they want, they're lovely really aren't they?

Good luck with that.

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I find the arrogance and emperors-with-no-clothes disconnect surreal. But as a former criminal defense attorney, I am shocked that they denied you "time served" in your probation. This is on par with treating criminals better than law-abiding professionals. It is so obvious you are being targeted and penalized..... in front of the nation and world. The indictment is on them, "as history will judge."

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Excellent point.

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Sorry for any inconvenience to you, would you agree to give us a second chance to make your life even more miserable this time around ?

We would like to thank you for your consideration and understanding. We wish you and your family a Merry Xmas while you still can ...

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I wonder if these people have any idea how stupid they look. Particularly i light of the fact that they upped the ante in the penalties since the hearing decision AND they have been named individually in a lawsuit pointing out their conflicts of interest and lack of attention to justice and truth. AND the entire proceeding was a joke lasting over two years and costing the taxpayers a whole lot of money, so that they could ignore all evidence painstakingly presented.

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It is scary that these kinds of incompetent psychopaths have been allowed to permeate all of our ruling institutions, people of such caliber should never be given any ability to rule over anyone, as they do not possess the basic traits of most normal human beings.

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They know they are FOS and the reasons are baseless. But especially now post Covid. What a circus.

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WE already knew the Board did not know what they were doing (to put it very kindly), now it's doubly obvious.

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Stupid IS what Stupid DOES ______ You can't fix STUPID and you can't make this SH*T up.

Dr Nass you are a BIG THREAT to them RIGHT NOW!!!! _ Continued Infinite Blessings to You

You are the WOMAN WARRIOR :) <3

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I can't take them any more. I don't know how you do it. If you proceed with your civil suit I do fervently hope you punish them smartly. The lessons need to be learned by them and all those who would dare by decree to smother a doctors right to speak to his patients.

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Dear Dr. Meryl,

I really cannot believe how dammed determined the Sorry State of Maine Atty Gen and Medical Board is. You've been through Administrative-Reputation Slander hell.

Please continue your fight knowing that every sane reasonable person would be appalled at how malicious these administrative bassturds are to avoid admitting they are dead wrong.

Proud Liberator shot full of flak carrying on your mission, nose up, don't stall, safe landing our heroic doctor.

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They are just paid off to persecute any doctors who don't follow their orders as in "I was just following orders".

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On top of having to live in a clown world, we have to be subjected to the fraudulent authority of actual, real-life clowns.

Good grief!

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Make them prove their case. It's required in America.

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Screw them. If you have a say in this, let the world see their words.

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believe the best response to them is “PACK SAND!”

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They can't possibly get away with this level of blatant corruption.... can they???

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Is this them admitting they're full of it?

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Yes, I wonder if they realize they've dug too deep a hole (you know, dig a hole to China) and Beijing lights are twinkling 2 feet away--so they want to back up and, just incidentally, change their minds?--

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Outrageous kangaroo "Medical Board", what the heck is a Board approved "Practice Monitor", what is this the new medical industry brown shirt police? They should be "monitoring" Bourla's office at Pfizer, that man is the biggest criminal of this medical cartel, he lied to public about the injections, what was in them, the "trials" and lied about is results., along with his cohort Gottleib.

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