In December 2019, when I first saw an article on Yahoo news about a new virus in Wuhan China, I did about 4 hours of online research. In that four hours I found a few articles written by scientists from the Wuhan lab in some prestigious journals, not behind a paywall. Anyone could read them. The articles discussed, even boasted about manipulating bat coronaviruses and creating chimeric viruses. Then I looked up maps of China and it's provinces. It turned out that the Wuhan lab is the only BSL4 lab in all of China, whereas wet markets are all over China and number in the millions. I also found out that the source of bats that carry the original unmodified coronavirus was in Yunon and other provinces, not Wuhan. The Wuhan lab got their bats from hundreds of miles away. I asked myself a simple question, which is more likely of these two scenarios?

1. A scientist working on chimeric coronaviruses in the Wuhan lab got infected, and went to lunch at the nearby wet market spreading the infection.


2. A chimeric bat coronavirus spontaneously arose in the one in a million wet market across the street from the lab where they were making such viruses, hundreds of miles away from where the bats lived.

I concluded that number 1 was FAR more likely.

Any scientist who concluded otherwise is either lying (to cover up involvement in gain of function research) or is a political apparatchik masquerading as a scientist.

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"Ignore Vitamin D, IVM and HCQ; instead be fearful, and beg me for some countermeasures. I own a company in Germantown, Maryland near Fort Detrick that would love more contracts for diagnostics, vaccine and drugs for the next pandemic, even though we supposedly have no idea what organism might cause it."

That's an excellect recap of Robert Garry's written testimony, Dr. Nass!

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"The global community remains ill-equipped to prevent or manage the emergence of novel viruses."

"I think the better question is "What's the evidence for a new pathogen?"

Dr. Michael Yeadon

[novel zoonotic coronavirus - SARS-CoV-2]

You have to have a pandemic so you have to get a new virus so you can have a new vaccine so you can kill off a large part of the population so you can destroy the economies of the world so you can install the novus ordo seclorum.

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No offense Dr Nass but Pharmakia is of satan .

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I believe these so called scientists are nothing more than paid cia spooks as you suggest! They are gonna continue the wet market pangolin/bat narrative and their left wing looney liberal lame main stream mockingbird hypocritical media mob lap dogs will are gonna parrot it ad nauseum until about 40 years from now when some cia or Navy Intelligence documents are declassified that admit it was being propagated in a lab and turned loose!!! Have we not seen and heard this narrative enough in the last 100 years from the defense industry playbooks to not know exactly what it looks like???

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Are they spooks or scientists?

They're mad scientist spooks. That's why they fit in so well with all the other psychopaths.😵‍💫

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Luc Montagnier, who described the AIDS virus, said that SARS-CoV2 virus had clear evidence of lab manipulation in spring 2020.

There were the "splices", where new segments were put in for old segments, and like splicing audio-tape, the splice leeaves evidence on either side.

There were completely new functionalities, caused by specific clusters in the genome, which made specific proteins, like the protein segments on the spike-protein which bund the human ACE-2 receptor, a completely new thing for a coronavirus.

There were specific functional segments lifted from the AIDS (HIV) virus. This is the most studied human virus, so these functional segements were well understood.

The massive random mutation one would expect to have happened alongside such specific mutations, over long years, if the process was "natural", were not there. Almost all of the mutations had specific jobs to do.

Montagnier was kind. He said that he presumed that the lab had been trying to create a virus to make a vaccine to, a virus that would contain a lot of threats, which the vaccine could then counteract.

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virus origin "at this point it is not supported by scientific evidence" - What evidence? While we have an abundance of evidence suggesting but not proving a lab origin, no evidence of an animal. Poor Dr Anderson. We humans are involved with "pandemics caused by novel and emerging pathogens" but not from land use or climate or whatever but from labs mucking around with pathogens nature may never have created. Worse sometimes those labs don't follow protective measures because the measures are cumbersome. Hopefully Congress will act to require much more oversight into these labs and not fund labs that refuse inspections. Perhaps these labs are too dangerous for we humans to even operate.

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I want to compliment you on the work you are doing for all of us. You may have been put here for just this reason. Thank you and may God bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

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Our “Scientists” that support pushing this new profitable form of injecting humanity ignores the need to have objective research that protects humans from being lab rats! Medical ethics have been trashed and Fauci’s wife who was in charge of medical ethics at the CDC should be called to testify and explain how she performed her job to protect Americans.

The words have been coined to define the corruption of legitimate medical research and is called “consensus research/science “ translation is if you want to be on the payroll for supporting Big Pharma goals you will support the manipulated research that has predetermined endpoint. Shut down the voices of those protesting this medical crime has been a major effort in the last 3 years!

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What I intuit here is the clear intention of doing it again, and again, and again. This is the fabrication of an illusion of a world of danger where only totalitarianism can protect the terrorized. In this not-real world, climate change (pure hoax) magically generates novel viruses in animals which then routinely jump to humans. Ignore the labs that are fabricating novel viruses, those are the good guys striving to save us from fake terrors brought to us by "the world." Built into illusion is the training that any observance of the elements of the con are pre-bunked and declared conspiracy theory. They have spent a great deal of time and money conditioning the sheeple to react to this phrase like a hypnotic totem, it automatically triggers a response in the manipulated of fear and aversion. They are currently installing the hypnotic suggestion of "white supremacy" these days. If anything is a cancer on the species, this is the most virulent ever seen. for normal people, it is a struggle to see the real face of evil. Mindless, raging, contemptuous, nihilistic.

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023

Spooks or scientists, what matters most is that they are on the same team, have credibility for the masses, and have the right narrative. I’ve always thought that Alex Jones had the wrong title with “INFOWARS,” that it should be “WHODOYOUTUST&BELIEVEWARS” because virtually none of the people are going to do any thinking of their own. The New Yorker and the New York Review of Books are tools of the Deep State who seduce their audience with terrific sincere investigative journalism of social injustice that moves so many of us to tears and, having won the public’s trust, mix it in with absolute lies and bullshit on the things that really matter from JFK’s assassination to the Magnitsky Act to COVID to NATO-Ukraine-Russia. The New Yorker’s David Remnik, father of a severely autistic child (so he should know about it, right?, recently interviewed RFK, Jr. but instead of the complete interview broadcast truncated “Op-Ed” excerpts from it full of mocking condescending aspersions against RFK, Jr. for doubting the safety and efficacy of vaccines and for holding nonsensical conspiracy theories about the deaths of the father and uncle that even his siblings dismiss out-of-hand (and they should know, shouldn’t they?). See “The Alternative Facts of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.” which links to the “interview” and begins thusly, telling you in his kindly and authoritative manner just what you should think of Kennedy:

[Begin Quote] If there is a madness, slight or otherwise, in Kennedy’s bid, it is not confined to his hubris. He is roiling with conspiracy theories: S.S.R.I.s like Prozac might be the reason for school shootings, vaccines cause autism. There are many. To prepare for the conversation, I listened to some of Kennedy’s podcast sessions with the likes of Bari Weiss, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, and Joe Rogan. I watched his marathon announcement speech and tuned in to all the hosannas he was getting from a peculiar amen corner that includes Steve Bannon, Jack Dorsey, and Tucker Carlson. In his 2021 book “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Kennedy accuses Fauci, who was then the nation’s top infectious-disease doctor, of helping to carry out “2020’s historic coup d’état against Western democracy.” (The book has blurbs from Carlson, Naomi Wolf, Alan Dershowitz, and Oliver Stone.)

Kennedy’s habits of mind are MAGA-adjacent, but his manner differs from that of his Republican doppelgänger. Donald Trump is a bully—rude, swaggering, out to flatten his questioner under an avalanche of lies and volume. Kennedy is not rude. Rather, he is serenely convinced of his virtue and his interlocutor’s pitiful susceptibility to conventional wisdom. The experience of interviewing him and listening to his previous interviews, I found, was like settling in for a long train ride with a seemingly amiable stranger in the next seat. You ask a straightforward question and, an hour later, as you race by Thirtieth Street Station, in Philadelphia, he is still going on about the fraud of COVID vaccines and how he was unfairly “deplatformed” for spouting conspiracy theories. By the time you’ve pulled into Wilmington, he might be talking about how drugs known as poppers helped cause the AIDS epidemic, or how “toxic chemicals” might contribute to “sexual dysphoria” in children. As you head south, he is talking about being “censored” by Instagram, the F.B.I., and the Biden White House. New technologies like 5G towers and digital currencies are totalitarian instruments that could “control our behavior.” Wi-Fi causes “leaky brain.” After a while, you begin to wonder why you bought a ticket. But it’s too late. You’re pinned into the window seat.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. [END QUOTE] https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-alternative-facts-of-robert-f-kennedy-jr

If there is a way out of our dilemma, it’s through unending repetition of tedious truths on the one hand, and dramatic presentations of simple, clear, direct, visceral, atheoretical lies and deceits from the authorities who, sad to say, still have that eternal rejoinder of the husband caught by his wife in bed with the buxom maid, “Come on honey, who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” The unending repetition just may come to the attention of someone with power who is genuinely deceived and is open to becoming undeceived. If only we had more authority to make people listen to the truth.

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Today's 'discovery' will be akin to the development of the floppy disc in the near future.

If these poor 'under-attack', clinically tested, proven safe and effective, now-available-in-over-the-counter, scientists feel that the attack against them is unfair, let me say this: You are an advisor, not a 'compulsor'.

Your "education" has conferred on you no excess rights, to lord it over any other human being. We all have the same right: To screw up our own lives without forcing our selves/ideas/jabs on ANY other human being. EVER. To have spent 7-10 years for a PhD means you have immersed yourself in proving a theory. Since over 72% of all 'theoretical papers' published in "Science", "Nature", and "NEJM", could not replicated, even by the author in a 2017 review of all three publications, there is NO WAY I'm giving any honorifics to clueless "scientists." Do something independent of government/big-pharma financing, then we can talk.

And finally:

That Biden would say that the constitution was never meant to be 'forever', I wanted to ask him, "According to whom?" We the People (of God), intend for it to last for all eternity. With God as our leader.

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I have always thought that the idea of humans being a "cancer on the planet" was too general.

If we get down to specifics however, the "powers-that-be-billionaires" is the cancer and "We the People" are the surgeons. Not the paper shufflers at the front desk, no, no, at this point We are the surgeons.

And it will get messy...

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Thanks Dr. Nass.

"Experts" & their Switcheroos all just need to get in the line for the ROPE.

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