Are we proceeding to the New World Order, or are we successfully beating it back?
Here is a scorecard to use
I had some help creating the graphics below, which I posted nearly a year ago. Last year, this is what we were facing head on. Now it seems there have been many very hopeful speed bumps for the globalists.
I think this is a very good tool for tracking whether we are going in the right direction, and providing a list of what still needs to be fixed. Hope you don’t mind me reposting it.
Remember, it is all part of the same agenda. Spread the word!
It’s quite terrifying when you are actually looking at it in summary/chart form. Thank you for putting that together. 🫣
Don’t worry people, Gavin Newsom is going to
“Build-Back-Better!” What an absolute disaster of another so-called or I as call all of them a “useless-clump-of-unknown-cell-mass!”
It is so sickening these people haven’t worked a day in their lives and think they can tell “Californians” how to live!
What’s worse is “Blackrock” will own all the disaster land destroyed by fires, fires they knew would happen and winds they could predict to a tee!
Instead, government did nothing! Maybe Gavin & Bass need to learn that
“Water-puts-out-Fire!” As long as you have water!
It’s great to have a “scorecard” so to speak. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get back to some sort of “logical-common-sense” leadership!