Terrifying and depressing. We may be winning a few battles, but overall we've crept much closer to totalitarianism. I would feel better about the wins if I heard more talk from Trump & RFK Jr about the worst of our issues, rather than just chipping away at the more acceptable ones (eg, MAHA). So much talk of controlled opposition everywhere, and with all that they're leaving unsaid, it is hard to defend them... Meryl, why is RFK Jr not speaking about the childhood vaccine schedule? Geoengineering? The covid fraud?
“They” are still working diligently to push him out. He has too much truth to share. (Although he already said it in his over a thousand page book- which no one can dispute anything because he did his research and included all the research access)…yet still people are balking. I mean- you cant put more truth than that- with references. People generally (on the other side) don’t want to bother with reading and pondering logic…..it’s too much work for them and opposes their political hand holding.
To paraphrase an old song line, waking up is hard to do. We are just at the beginning of a great awakening in the USA and it is spreading world wide , slowly at first, but look at where we came from and where we are now. And now it is up to each of us to help spread the word, to organize and to warn the world. Meryl has provided much ammunition over the years to create the awareness, but ammo is useless if no one pulls the trigger, if no one removes the silencer. Trump has said many times that he is against the globalists and will do something about it. Surely intelligent people do not expect him to lay out a detailed plan for the enemies of humanity to see and take counter action. When Trump says he wants to remove radical ideologies from schools, from government, etc., why would anyone not think that he includes getting rid of the globalists as well? Trump does not think outside the box, rather he doesn't allow boxes to interfere with his thinking. When people say ban, ban, ban, Trump thinks buy. Use the forces of evil against those who would do us harm. Trump has said NO CBDC, and IMO a programmable CBDC is the next to last step in ending the human race. We know that Trump says things that can be confusing and may be or seem to be contradictory, but why would anyone expect him to reveal specifics of what he is going to do. Transparency should never mean telling our enemies enough to give them the leverage to destroy us. From my meanderings around the Internet, I would say that most people are still clueless about anything in Meryl's chart. They think that a CBDC will be great because they can buy and sell faster and more securely, not comprehending the most likely horrendous results of being in a centrally controlled system with no way out except death. It takes time to overcome the planning and activities that it has taken the WEF/UN/WB/IMF/Gates Foundation, etc., 50 years or more to develop and put into play. We must continually spread the word on as many platforms as possible, but starting in our own local communities with like-minded neighbors. As long as there are gullible, greedy, opportunistic and fanatical people in the world, they will have an audience and willing followers. It is up to the rest of us to counter their message with one of life, liberty and hope.
Ok Meryl…..I just posted this on FB. I’m a healthcare provider in Seattle…..we will see how this rolls. I’m pretty sure I’ll be ostracized…..I did loose my job for quite a while due to “non compliance with vaccination” but I did not go through what you did. You know that word well-ostracized. And you losses so much more. Hands down to you, who has given up so much to speak out for truth, and against the pangs and arrows of Health Care.
Newsom is a POS. He does not represent me, a CA citizen for 80 years.I regret voting to keep him in the re-election of several years ago. At that time I just could not get behind his opponent.
Not my business (well sorta because Canada copies California) but I followed that election closely and often listened to Elder's show. In my opinion, it was painfully obvious he would have been way better than Newsom.
Heck, a sock puppet is better than that POS as you say. No wonder he and Trudeau get along. Morons.
Getty boy Newsom is Fidel Trudeau’s mini me. Both WEF puppets. A big hurdle for any conservative or Repub to jump over in CA are large unions who push members to vote dem only and always. The other problem the CA GOP is useless. They will even go against or doom a CA repub candidate.
I understand your frustration California Girl, I’m on the other side of the country and your pain is my pain. It’s startling how inept politicians are.
They’re also narcissistic-psychopaths. Their world is nonexistent within the real world good & honest, decent people reside. If they had half a percent of functioning brain cells, maybe they’d understand.
But that’s asking too much for someone like Gavin Newsom who hasn’t worked a day in his life! Our country is being systematically dismantled by people such as Newsom! Someone like Bass as well, which is a whole other story. Marxism is where she is! Though she belongs in an insane asylum along with their deranged woman are men and men are women nonsense!
All across America, my home state of Massachusetts, is a close second and closing fast on California when it comes to policy deranged politicians.
When politicians grift their way up through the ranks they forget where they came from, not all, most though and they enter the “Dark-Side” of hell.
Taking everything they can along the way. The only thing left for them to do is destroy everything else. It is a sickness and a mental disorder, I believe the majority of Congress suffer from.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts California Girl.
You’ve got that right! Snowflakes now, the “toxic-kind” which are falling from the sky and we also have our “human-type!”
Skin is thin as “paper-mâché” here in the east coast bookend which I long to leave but have been prohibited by staggering house prices, the non-inflation inflation plus a host of other factors.
LOL no not at all Bassehound. I turned the media off long ago. Literally when Obama said he wanted to “Fundamentally Transform America!” Actually before that statement, which we can see is happening today. Nevertheless, I read and write. Work and learn on my own without the any fallacies from the “State-Run-State-Controlled-Media!”
Substack is the first social media platform I have ever used. Staying with lockdowns. Simply to learn about mRNA and nearly five years later I’ve written more than my entire life combined.
Good to hear, these CA fires like convid, East Palestine, Lahaina and western NC are not happenstance. Sadly, in every instance many innocent are hurt. Seems 2025 is going to be the Cloward-Pivens strategy on a high pace.
As far as LA goes, both Palisades and Altadena cleared land of a lot of single family zoned builds, with Altadena loosing a large number of 100 yr old craftman’s homes. In CA new Agenda 21/2030 legislation will change that zoning after disaster events. 15 min/smart cities with stack and packs are now easier to install. There is also new CA building codes that allow for building multi fam units with zero car parking, bike parking must be provided and it is happening with cities approving these projects.
Thank you Bassehound. I’ve written many times about “Cloward-Pivens”’in past articles mainly when lockdowns began.
You’re absolutely right about all the events not being “happenstance.”
So much has happened for the worse and by design. The urgency to usher in the
“New World Order” continues today and will throughout 2025. I don’t think Trump will do anything to stop it. Not the “Bioweapon Injections” which literally killed more than a million Americans and upwards of 20+ million worldwide. If not more!
But Trump / RFK Jr. and everyone else have been silent! At this point there should be “Headlines” throughout the entire world referring the “Dangers” 1. Of mRNA Technology and 2. More specifically these non-vaccine, Bioweapon Injects!
IMO, no other “Attack” during peacetime has murdered more people than these “Bioweapons! But it’s no big deal to any of the powers to be or soon to be! Which infuriates me to know end!
Thank you again Bassehound, I so appreciate your insights.
The same reason why Blackrock is invested heavily in “Asheville NC.” After Hurricane Helene destroyed the area where the “lithium & Quartz” mines are located, there investments in that area increased based on the “IRA” or Inflation Reduction Act was found to include a $90 million dollar agreement with DoD & the owners of the Asheville NC mines.
My understanding is the same type of situation in LA will happen primarily because of the heavy investments Blackrock has in California and with the LA land that’s been destroyed by fire being “toxic” due to solar panels, etc. and the push for government’s 15 minute cites, based on those factors Blackrock will scoop up the land. There’s no guarantee with anything anymore but speculation is that Blackrock will take over the land for government push to “Build Back Better” as stated by Gov. Newsom.
Of course there’s so many regulatory hurdles for homeowners to overcome and cost associated with such Blackrock seems to always be there to “rescue” the little people like me.
One thing is very concerning, there’s too many inconsistencies involving these fires the same way it was in Lahaina Hawaii.
Yes, Blackrock and Vanguard have their evil tentacles everywhere. What they cannot burn out or hurricane or flood out, will be grabbed by property taxes no one can afford. I remember well the chilling statement by the evil Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, "You will own nothing and be happy." The WEF is meeting right now and no doubt cooking up all sorts of nefarious plans for our future. I live in Arizona, and Blackrock and Vanguard are building huge "communities" in our area of rental housing.
Peggy Hall from the Healthy American has a Substack. She has a whole playlist about the LA "Fires". The videos are excellent. I encourage everyone to watch them.
Dr. Nass - I think you should send this to Trump's new chief of staff, so she can share it with Trump. It needs to be re-visited periodically to make sure we are moving in the right direction over the next 4-years.
Trump’s chosen cheif of staff Susie Wiles is a swamp creature big money lobbyist. Wiles is pharma connected and likely who set up the maralargo diner with Pfizer’s Albert Bourla. Trump just dined at Maralargo with Billy Gates, Wiles was present. Trump is part of the swamp.
It may be better to send it to Steven Miller, Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff. I am aware of some of Susie Wiles's history & also have reservations about her, but am willing to give her a chance. I don't agree that Trump is part of the swamp, but believe he thinks he is in a better position by keeping these individuals under a more watchful eye. (as the saying goes, "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer")
Good grief, Susie Wiles is part of the deep dark swamp just like trump, vance, musk, Ramaswampy, peter thiel, howard lutnick, most of trump’s admin he has named. Not even surprised the trump excuse list came out. It is a very popular thing for the trump cult. Trump is part of the dark evil swamp.
Maybe there is an excuse for trump’s dining with gates and if corse big money lobbyist Susie Wiles.
Seems the 2025 Chinese Lunar year of the snake timing is well fitting.
Bill Gates reveals "intriguing” dinner with Donald Trump-1:47 min
We shall see what we shall see. As my husband is fond of saying, "watch what someone does, rather than listen to what they say". Although I am not pleased with some of his cabinet choices, I am willing to assume a "wait & see" stance. After the nightmare that we have all lived through for the last 4-years, anything at this point, will be an improvement. Very honestly, I did not think it was possible to do this much damage, across the board, in 4-years, as the installed Biden administration has done. It's been truly mind-boggling & staggering in its depth & breadth.
I have watched trump and based in his actions I know there is no way to ever trust that evil creature who brags about the damage he has done to America and Americans. There are millions of Americans paying the price for trumps actions and the pied piper followers are backing round two, likely why he was selected to his damage post. Honestly I did not think so many could ignore trumps actions and add to that help make the grifter family richer. Sad that some of that wasted money into the grift trump coin could have gone to help hurting people in western NC. But nope toss it to the grifting family. Shows how so many Americans have lost all sight of reality.
I do not share your assessment. The Biden administration was comprised of two entities: they were either freaks/incompetents or malevolent/evil. Among the more heinous were the attempts to normalize pedophilia (minor-attracted persons, anyone?) & sexual perversion (drag queen story hour for children, anyone?). What has been allowed to happen at the southern border is unconscionable. A good read on that topic is, "Invaded" by J.J. Carrell, a recently retired Border Patrol Agent, with 25-years experience. Between Mayorkas & Garland, the damage has been incalculable. Biden's mandates for a poorly tested, experimental product for a treatable infection were also unconscionable. Trump may have his faults, but compared to what we have all lived through, I will take him any day of the week.
I think the ‘world’ has decided it wants a global government… they’re just vying for who is going to run it. Will it be the West or the East? Make no mistake, ‘elites’ will control it… whose elites and what general form of governance for the masses seems to be what they are squabbling over. The US citizens are left out of the debate entirely it would seem, we’re just useful idiots in the machinery to be steered one way or another.
"The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof, the world and all who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters” -Psalm 24:1-2
What are you suggesting??? The world is composed of people and they most definitley have decided against this>>> You many be a useful idiot, I most definitely am not.
What I am saying is that there are many competing voices prodding me and poking one way or another… I have only that which I am able to discern on the face of it or by prayer. I do think we are in trouble as a nation, as is the world, because we do not honor the One He sent.
There is also wisdom in knowing what your role is. I am learning more and more not to run out ahead of Him and ask Him to bless what I think is right. Know His word. Seek Him first. Understand there will always be opposition.
I remember when Trump first took office, someone posted a list of subtly changing things in an attempt to prove he was pushing an agenda of tyranny. We need that again, just to help us sort out what is true.
I think that if we look at history- it will speak for itself. Trump was in office for 4 years….and we had a thriving economy. He never displayed any behavior during that time that would in any way hurt Americans. Trump NEVER talked or discussed anything remotely close to mandates. Biden Admin on other hand did. Biden actually said- he was going to send police door to door to enforce Civid vaccinations. Trump never said or did that. He did push Warp Speed on the advice of Anthony Fauci……but at that time it was to get a “vaccine” for the elderly and the already sick- as they were pushing that the Covid virus was completely lethal. This was in the beginning of the “pandemic”. Trump did ok the lockdowns because that is what he was being told by CDC and WHO and Fauci. But a few weeks into lockdowns was the turnover into Biden Admin. And just remember that they were the ones that turned this into a big Pharma expose.
Trump is one of them. Look who he hangs around with and who he has named as cabinet picks, his VP Vance a underling of Peter Thiel who was involved in djt round one.
Nice djt’s old pal Billy Gates is giddy after a recent maralargo dinner. That is in addition to the dinner djt had with Albert Boutla. Good idea djt have these before im office so they can be off the record. Have to give djt credit he has to be one of the best cons of all time.
Bill Gates reveals "intriguing” dinner with Donald Trump-1:47 min
The over the top out in the open efforts are hurting the cause reeking of desperation. The election of Trump and the religious revivals going on worldwide.Short of an unthinkable Black Swan event (and I expect them to try to pull it off or God to ) things will continue on an upswing.......until we become so complacent that the Globalists/Marxists take advantage of it
As long as Gates is alive, he will run the show. Why isn't he on death row, yet? Along with Fauci and the rest of the Nazis? Why are people so willing to let these criminals live? They will continue with their nightmare agenda against us until we say NO, YOU WON'T! When will this day come? Will Trump have the power to round them up and imprison them? That is the BIG QUESTION.
Gates is a 2nd level minion. The top level are Banksters and notice you NEVER hear of them on "The World's Richest Persons" lists. They create 10's of $trillions out of thin air. They are the World's Richest, by far, but they don't allow outfits like Forbes to list their names, they keep in the shadows.
How right you are!! We've lost over a million Americans to the horrendous "vaccines". Yet we allow these vermin to continue living. America, the land of the lily livered.......
I think we have won some battles but aren't winning the war. I say this as my son's school is doing SEL (Social Emotional Learning), a computerized data collection on each child. This I believe starts them to form a digital identity for the United States Government communism program. I have given a speech about this a couple of years ago. Doesn't matter. The school is getting paid off.
Besides giving a speech to the school board, and calling about a week ago when I learned it was happening any way, I got to call again. The teacher was supposed to return my phone call, but hasn't. Even if she returns my phone call I probably will be talking to a liberal teacher who has no clue what is going on. Got to try to explain to her children writing down their current emotions so their emotions can be twisted by government propaganda later is a bad thing. Though it sounds nutty even to me. I know they will be thinking, "we are just teaching good manners etc... Not sure if he loses any points in the class if he doesn't do it too. Grades matter to my child as it should.
I have to hand it to the elite. They hit us at every angle. This morning I was thinking of how the prices of houses is out of reach for many millennials. After they raise the price of houses astronomically, and burn down our Bedford Falls kind of cities, then of course "build back better", the elite will have the world looking like Pottersville in It's a Wonderful Life.
He is in 11th grade. Friends matter to him, and he wants to attend school. My father used to say high school is the best time of your life, so enjoy it. My father may have had a point. Though I keep asking him if he wants to just take the GED test as I am sure he would pass. Then he could start college right away.
I will be praying for your son and his fellow students.
I am not sure if you know who Charlotte Iserbyt was. She was an outspoken parent in Maine. She served in the dept of ed under Reagan and her finding there alarmed her enough to collect info and compile it into a book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”. It is available on her site as a PDF.
Below are links to her website and some interviews and articles. Some of these are older and may no longer be good. Sorry if that happens. There is also a good interview with Norman Dodd who sometime Charlotte mentions.
Charlotte and Prop Luc Montagnier oddly both died on the same day 08 Feb 2022.
I believe it. There is absolutely indoctrination in our children's school and media they watch. It is sickening. I did buy a book years ago about the dumbing down of our schools. I am sure even the fluoride they put in our water/toothpaste is also on purpose to dumb people down. Thank you for taking the time to post all of this. I will look into it.
The highly articulate late Tom Horn had much to say about the 2025 inauguration… and it’s being held inside the warm womb for maximum effect. Wake up! https://youtu.be/fDBCgShR5Dk?si=bhcbpxYKAArtTUz4
Got a little over 11min and ytub had to insert over 10 min of obnoxious ads that cannot escape from, only put at 2x speed. Ytub has pretty much become worthless. Going to look to see if on Odysee or Rumble partially owned by JD Vance🙄
Meryl, thank you for this piece. I was wondering why we still call it the new world order, when in fact; it’s called the One World Order. There is nothing new under the sun and yes, we are moving towards a totalitarian regime…whether it be a president, governor or any fake representatives we have…I questioned everyone about all the cabinet picks and I got huge backlash.
Lived in LA, for 9 years, and I have seen no change Newsom has to change his way of thinking. PERIOD.
Anyways, thank you. We passed agenda 21, which was distributed in ‘86, and we pretty much became slaves in lockdown 2020-2021.
I am not going to say it was the stupidity of the people, but the sheeple followed. What’s to come in 2030? We will be chipped and one horrible man will be in charge. We made a mistake, we are like the lost Israelites in the desert, making golden calves, and wondering around like fish out of water,
It’s quite terrifying when you are actually looking at it in summary/chart form. Thank you for putting that together. 🫣
Terrifying and depressing. We may be winning a few battles, but overall we've crept much closer to totalitarianism. I would feel better about the wins if I heard more talk from Trump & RFK Jr about the worst of our issues, rather than just chipping away at the more acceptable ones (eg, MAHA). So much talk of controlled opposition everywhere, and with all that they're leaving unsaid, it is hard to defend them... Meryl, why is RFK Jr not speaking about the childhood vaccine schedule? Geoengineering? The covid fraud?
Because we need him to get confirmed
“They” are still working diligently to push him out. He has too much truth to share. (Although he already said it in his over a thousand page book- which no one can dispute anything because he did his research and included all the research access)…yet still people are balking. I mean- you cant put more truth than that- with references. People generally (on the other side) don’t want to bother with reading and pondering logic…..it’s too much work for them and opposes their political hand holding.
Yes, much resistance to uncomfortable truths. I still see that a lot with 9/11 truth--unwilling to "go there."
To paraphrase an old song line, waking up is hard to do. We are just at the beginning of a great awakening in the USA and it is spreading world wide , slowly at first, but look at where we came from and where we are now. And now it is up to each of us to help spread the word, to organize and to warn the world. Meryl has provided much ammunition over the years to create the awareness, but ammo is useless if no one pulls the trigger, if no one removes the silencer. Trump has said many times that he is against the globalists and will do something about it. Surely intelligent people do not expect him to lay out a detailed plan for the enemies of humanity to see and take counter action. When Trump says he wants to remove radical ideologies from schools, from government, etc., why would anyone not think that he includes getting rid of the globalists as well? Trump does not think outside the box, rather he doesn't allow boxes to interfere with his thinking. When people say ban, ban, ban, Trump thinks buy. Use the forces of evil against those who would do us harm. Trump has said NO CBDC, and IMO a programmable CBDC is the next to last step in ending the human race. We know that Trump says things that can be confusing and may be or seem to be contradictory, but why would anyone expect him to reveal specifics of what he is going to do. Transparency should never mean telling our enemies enough to give them the leverage to destroy us. From my meanderings around the Internet, I would say that most people are still clueless about anything in Meryl's chart. They think that a CBDC will be great because they can buy and sell faster and more securely, not comprehending the most likely horrendous results of being in a centrally controlled system with no way out except death. It takes time to overcome the planning and activities that it has taken the WEF/UN/WB/IMF/Gates Foundation, etc., 50 years or more to develop and put into play. We must continually spread the word on as many platforms as possible, but starting in our own local communities with like-minded neighbors. As long as there are gullible, greedy, opportunistic and fanatical people in the world, they will have an audience and willing followers. It is up to the rest of us to counter their message with one of life, liberty and hope.
Excellent statement, worth publishing elsewhere too.
Thanks Jon, Appreciate the compliment. I intend to post it elsewhere. Just need to find the appropriate threads.
Ok Meryl…..I just posted this on FB. I’m a healthcare provider in Seattle…..we will see how this rolls. I’m pretty sure I’ll be ostracized…..I did loose my job for quite a while due to “non compliance with vaccination” but I did not go through what you did. You know that word well-ostracized. And you losses so much more. Hands down to you, who has given up so much to speak out for truth, and against the pangs and arrows of Health Care.
Liking puns, I sometimes call it "ostritch-sized." (word well-ostracized.)
Don’t worry people, Gavin Newsom is going to
“Build-Back-Better!” What an absolute disaster of another so-called or I as call all of them a “useless-clump-of-unknown-cell-mass!”
It is so sickening these people haven’t worked a day in their lives and think they can tell “Californians” how to live!
What’s worse is “Blackrock” will own all the disaster land destroyed by fires, fires they knew would happen and winds they could predict to a tee!
Instead, government did nothing! Maybe Gavin & Bass need to learn that
“Water-puts-out-Fire!” As long as you have water!
It’s great to have a “scorecard” so to speak. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get back to some sort of “logical-common-sense” leadership!
Newsom is a POS. He does not represent me, a CA citizen for 80 years.I regret voting to keep him in the re-election of several years ago. At that time I just could not get behind his opponent.
Excellent acknowledgement. NewScum is a criminal then and now...
In any case the idea that he was elected and not selected is problematic...
Larry Elder?
Not my business (well sorta because Canada copies California) but I followed that election closely and often listened to Elder's show. In my opinion, it was painfully obvious he would have been way better than Newsom.
Heck, a sock puppet is better than that POS as you say. No wonder he and Trudeau get along. Morons.
Getty boy Newsom is Fidel Trudeau’s mini me. Both WEF puppets. A big hurdle for any conservative or Repub to jump over in CA are large unions who push members to vote dem only and always. The other problem the CA GOP is useless. They will even go against or doom a CA repub candidate.
I understand your frustration California Girl, I’m on the other side of the country and your pain is my pain. It’s startling how inept politicians are.
They’re also narcissistic-psychopaths. Their world is nonexistent within the real world good & honest, decent people reside. If they had half a percent of functioning brain cells, maybe they’d understand.
But that’s asking too much for someone like Gavin Newsom who hasn’t worked a day in his life! Our country is being systematically dismantled by people such as Newsom! Someone like Bass as well, which is a whole other story. Marxism is where she is! Though she belongs in an insane asylum along with their deranged woman are men and men are women nonsense!
All across America, my home state of Massachusetts, is a close second and closing fast on California when it comes to policy deranged politicians.
When politicians grift their way up through the ranks they forget where they came from, not all, most though and they enter the “Dark-Side” of hell.
Taking everything they can along the way. The only thing left for them to do is destroy everything else. It is a sickness and a mental disorder, I believe the majority of Congress suffer from.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts California Girl.
You’re in my thoughts and prayers alike.
Taxifornia and Taxachusetts are pretty much book ends at this point.
You’ve got that right! Snowflakes now, the “toxic-kind” which are falling from the sky and we also have our “human-type!”
Skin is thin as “paper-mâché” here in the east coast bookend which I long to leave but have been prohibited by staggering house prices, the non-inflation inflation plus a host of other factors.
Newsom and Bass are just playing their roles. Hope you aren’t falling for all the media crap.
LOL no not at all Bassehound. I turned the media off long ago. Literally when Obama said he wanted to “Fundamentally Transform America!” Actually before that statement, which we can see is happening today. Nevertheless, I read and write. Work and learn on my own without the any fallacies from the “State-Run-State-Controlled-Media!”
Substack is the first social media platform I have ever used. Staying with lockdowns. Simply to learn about mRNA and nearly five years later I’ve written more than my entire life combined.
Thank you Bassehound for your insight.
Good to hear, these CA fires like convid, East Palestine, Lahaina and western NC are not happenstance. Sadly, in every instance many innocent are hurt. Seems 2025 is going to be the Cloward-Pivens strategy on a high pace.
As far as LA goes, both Palisades and Altadena cleared land of a lot of single family zoned builds, with Altadena loosing a large number of 100 yr old craftman’s homes. In CA new Agenda 21/2030 legislation will change that zoning after disaster events. 15 min/smart cities with stack and packs are now easier to install. There is also new CA building codes that allow for building multi fam units with zero car parking, bike parking must be provided and it is happening with cities approving these projects.
Wish you a good day AJR
Thank you Bassehound. I’ve written many times about “Cloward-Pivens”’in past articles mainly when lockdowns began.
You’re absolutely right about all the events not being “happenstance.”
So much has happened for the worse and by design. The urgency to usher in the
“New World Order” continues today and will throughout 2025. I don’t think Trump will do anything to stop it. Not the “Bioweapon Injections” which literally killed more than a million Americans and upwards of 20+ million worldwide. If not more!
But Trump / RFK Jr. and everyone else have been silent! At this point there should be “Headlines” throughout the entire world referring the “Dangers” 1. Of mRNA Technology and 2. More specifically these non-vaccine, Bioweapon Injects!
IMO, no other “Attack” during peacetime has murdered more people than these “Bioweapons! But it’s no big deal to any of the powers to be or soon to be! Which infuriates me to know end!
Thank you again Bassehound, I so appreciate your insights.
Could you clarify for me AJR why Blackrock will own the burnt out land?
I don't understand.
The same reason why Blackrock is invested heavily in “Asheville NC.” After Hurricane Helene destroyed the area where the “lithium & Quartz” mines are located, there investments in that area increased based on the “IRA” or Inflation Reduction Act was found to include a $90 million dollar agreement with DoD & the owners of the Asheville NC mines.
My understanding is the same type of situation in LA will happen primarily because of the heavy investments Blackrock has in California and with the LA land that’s been destroyed by fire being “toxic” due to solar panels, etc. and the push for government’s 15 minute cites, based on those factors Blackrock will scoop up the land. There’s no guarantee with anything anymore but speculation is that Blackrock will take over the land for government push to “Build Back Better” as stated by Gov. Newsom.
Of course there’s so many regulatory hurdles for homeowners to overcome and cost associated with such Blackrock seems to always be there to “rescue” the little people like me.
One thing is very concerning, there’s too many inconsistencies involving these fires the same way it was in Lahaina Hawaii.
Yes, Blackrock and Vanguard have their evil tentacles everywhere. What they cannot burn out or hurricane or flood out, will be grabbed by property taxes no one can afford. I remember well the chilling statement by the evil Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, "You will own nothing and be happy." The WEF is meeting right now and no doubt cooking up all sorts of nefarious plans for our future. I live in Arizona, and Blackrock and Vanguard are building huge "communities" in our area of rental housing.
Peggy Hall from the Healthy American has a Substack. She has a whole playlist about the LA "Fires". The videos are excellent. I encourage everyone to watch them.
https://www.youtube.com › channel
Thank you Patricia, I appreciate your sharing this information / link.
You're very welcome, AJR. Have a good night.
Dr. Nass - I think you should send this to Trump's new chief of staff, so she can share it with Trump. It needs to be re-visited periodically to make sure we are moving in the right direction over the next 4-years.
Trump’s chosen cheif of staff Susie Wiles is a swamp creature big money lobbyist. Wiles is pharma connected and likely who set up the maralargo diner with Pfizer’s Albert Bourla. Trump just dined at Maralargo with Billy Gates, Wiles was present. Trump is part of the swamp.
It may be better to send it to Steven Miller, Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff. I am aware of some of Susie Wiles's history & also have reservations about her, but am willing to give her a chance. I don't agree that Trump is part of the swamp, but believe he thinks he is in a better position by keeping these individuals under a more watchful eye. (as the saying goes, "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer")
Good grief, Susie Wiles is part of the deep dark swamp just like trump, vance, musk, Ramaswampy, peter thiel, howard lutnick, most of trump’s admin he has named. Not even surprised the trump excuse list came out. It is a very popular thing for the trump cult. Trump is part of the dark evil swamp.
Maybe there is an excuse for trump’s dining with gates and if corse big money lobbyist Susie Wiles.
Seems the 2025 Chinese Lunar year of the snake timing is well fitting.
Bill Gates reveals "intriguing” dinner with Donald Trump-1:47 min
Lunar New Year 2025: A Guide to the Year of the Snake
We shall see what we shall see. As my husband is fond of saying, "watch what someone does, rather than listen to what they say". Although I am not pleased with some of his cabinet choices, I am willing to assume a "wait & see" stance. After the nightmare that we have all lived through for the last 4-years, anything at this point, will be an improvement. Very honestly, I did not think it was possible to do this much damage, across the board, in 4-years, as the installed Biden administration has done. It's been truly mind-boggling & staggering in its depth & breadth.
I have watched trump and based in his actions I know there is no way to ever trust that evil creature who brags about the damage he has done to America and Americans. There are millions of Americans paying the price for trumps actions and the pied piper followers are backing round two, likely why he was selected to his damage post. Honestly I did not think so many could ignore trumps actions and add to that help make the grifter family richer. Sad that some of that wasted money into the grift trump coin could have gone to help hurting people in western NC. But nope toss it to the grifting family. Shows how so many Americans have lost all sight of reality.
Year of the SNAKE is fitting.
I do not share your assessment. The Biden administration was comprised of two entities: they were either freaks/incompetents or malevolent/evil. Among the more heinous were the attempts to normalize pedophilia (minor-attracted persons, anyone?) & sexual perversion (drag queen story hour for children, anyone?). What has been allowed to happen at the southern border is unconscionable. A good read on that topic is, "Invaded" by J.J. Carrell, a recently retired Border Patrol Agent, with 25-years experience. Between Mayorkas & Garland, the damage has been incalculable. Biden's mandates for a poorly tested, experimental product for a treatable infection were also unconscionable. Trump may have his faults, but compared to what we have all lived through, I will take him any day of the week.
I think the ‘world’ has decided it wants a global government… they’re just vying for who is going to run it. Will it be the West or the East? Make no mistake, ‘elites’ will control it… whose elites and what general form of governance for the masses seems to be what they are squabbling over. The US citizens are left out of the debate entirely it would seem, we’re just useful idiots in the machinery to be steered one way or another.
Deep state is willing to kill us, are we willing to kill them?
I believe prayer to a better weapon against the things I cannot see or do not comprehend. Peace be with you.
Prayer is the best weapon and action follows.
God uses people in differing ways…according to His purposes. Prayer will lead you to what your purpose is in Him.
No better stated.
Your mind is infinite, use it.
Only God is infinite. I am a very average person, I use it as He gives me ability.
that is a false belief, Jesus said "you" could do even greater thing
Not suggesting anyone has, just that its a false belief to declare the excuse of lack of comprehension, and then defaulting to prayer.
A prayer might be for comprehension... Your mind is infinite, use it.
Only because He gives us that mind to use in accord with His will.
I believe water runs uphill, too.
"The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof, the world and all who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters” -Psalm 24:1-2
What are you suggesting??? The world is composed of people and they most definitley have decided against this>>> You many be a useful idiot, I most definitely am not.
What I am saying is that there are many competing voices prodding me and poking one way or another… I have only that which I am able to discern on the face of it or by prayer. I do think we are in trouble as a nation, as is the world, because we do not honor the One He sent.
Discernment is the operative word. First Knowledge, some gets converted to Wisdom... Discernment is the Governor. There is Divine order
There is also wisdom in knowing what your role is. I am learning more and more not to run out ahead of Him and ask Him to bless what I think is right. Know His word. Seek Him first. Understand there will always be opposition.
I would consider these some of the most important works of truth that I've discovered...you'd never hear or see anything about these on the MSM:
Europa: The Last Battle
The Greatest Story Never Told
Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Hellstorm Documentary
Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The Benjamin Freedman speech from the Willard Hotel in 1961
It does seem that there's been an acceleration of people waking up to the truth...let's hope it keeps going!
Jeeeeeeez. What a clusterf@$k!
And Don’t forget…
It’s not about Green Energy
It’s about Energy…
We need touchstones to help us keep track!
I remember when Trump first took office, someone posted a list of subtly changing things in an attempt to prove he was pushing an agenda of tyranny. We need that again, just to help us sort out what is true.
I think that if we look at history- it will speak for itself. Trump was in office for 4 years….and we had a thriving economy. He never displayed any behavior during that time that would in any way hurt Americans. Trump NEVER talked or discussed anything remotely close to mandates. Biden Admin on other hand did. Biden actually said- he was going to send police door to door to enforce Civid vaccinations. Trump never said or did that. He did push Warp Speed on the advice of Anthony Fauci……but at that time it was to get a “vaccine” for the elderly and the already sick- as they were pushing that the Covid virus was completely lethal. This was in the beginning of the “pandemic”. Trump did ok the lockdowns because that is what he was being told by CDC and WHO and Fauci. But a few weeks into lockdowns was the turnover into Biden Admin. And just remember that they were the ones that turned this into a big Pharma expose.
"Think of the foreclosures!"
The Fidelity Fiduciary Bank song, from Mary Poppins, as sung by Dick Van Dyke, as the bank chairman:
If you invest your tuppence
Wisely in the bank
Safe and sound
Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank
Will compound
And you'll achieve that sense of conquest
As your affluence expands
In the hands
Of the directors
Who invest as propriety demands
You see, Michael, you'll be part of...
Railways through Africa
Dams across the Nile
Fleets of ocean greyhounds
Majestic self-amortizing canals
Plantations of ripening tea
All from
Tuppence prudently, thriftily, frugally
Invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
When you deposit tuppence in a bank account
Soon you'll see
That it blooms into credit of a generous amount
And you'll achieve that sense of stature
As your influence expands
To the high financial strata
That established credit now commands
You can purchase first and second trust deeds
Think of the foreclosures!
Bonds, chattels, dividends, shares
Debtor sales
All manner of private enterprise
The mercantile
You see, Michael? All for the lack of...
Patiently, cautiously, trustingly invested in the...
To be specific
In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
47 will likely march us into it and just like with convid there will be the excuse list for 47.
After a nice din din with 47 Mr Gates seems pleased with what could come.
Bill Gates reveals "intriguing” dinner with Donald Trump-1:47 min
Lunar New Year 2025: A Guide to the Year of the Snake
Soon we will see if Trump played us or played the globalist. I am not hopeful.
Trump is one of them. Look who he hangs around with and who he has named as cabinet picks, his VP Vance a underling of Peter Thiel who was involved in djt round one.
Nice djt’s old pal Billy Gates is giddy after a recent maralargo dinner. That is in addition to the dinner djt had with Albert Boutla. Good idea djt have these before im office so they can be off the record. Have to give djt credit he has to be one of the best cons of all time.
Bill Gates reveals "intriguing” dinner with Donald Trump-1:47 min
Awards for the stupidest comment of the day.
Nominations go to the Hound.
Yep horribly obvious the psyops are so effective .
The over the top out in the open efforts are hurting the cause reeking of desperation. The election of Trump and the religious revivals going on worldwide.Short of an unthinkable Black Swan event (and I expect them to try to pull it off or God to ) things will continue on an upswing.......until we become so complacent that the Globalists/Marxists take advantage of it
Yep the election of trump, ugh but what impeccable timing for the 2025 Lunar year.
Lunar New Year 2025: A Guide to the Year of the Snake
ugh??? what planet are you on??
Ugh is spot on, how could I ever back someone who boasts about something HE is behind that has killed and maimed so many?
How could I back on planet earth someone who is marching his loyal masses off the cliff. Planet earth it is called.
How could I back someone who hangs will fellow snakes?
Cannot back the snake donny. UGH, UGH, UGH!
What you do not comprehend is what you do not comprehend, Ugh
Oink Oink Oink
Lol, wish you well in duper donny land. Enjoy being duped, duped, duped👏
Let's get to work.
As long as Gates is alive, he will run the show. Why isn't he on death row, yet? Along with Fauci and the rest of the Nazis? Why are people so willing to let these criminals live? They will continue with their nightmare agenda against us until we say NO, YOU WON'T! When will this day come? Will Trump have the power to round them up and imprison them? That is the BIG QUESTION.
I note the trolls are out in force suggesting we kill our enemies. That means we are over the target. Ignore them.
Gates is a 2nd level minion. The top level are Banksters and notice you NEVER hear of them on "The World's Richest Persons" lists. They create 10's of $trillions out of thin air. They are the World's Richest, by far, but they don't allow outfits like Forbes to list their names, they keep in the shadows.
His tenure as influencer is over. He never "ran" anything
How right you are!! We've lost over a million Americans to the horrendous "vaccines". Yet we allow these vermin to continue living. America, the land of the lily livered.......
I think these guilty parties should come up against the Concept of Muzzle Velocity.
I think we have won some battles but aren't winning the war. I say this as my son's school is doing SEL (Social Emotional Learning), a computerized data collection on each child. This I believe starts them to form a digital identity for the United States Government communism program. I have given a speech about this a couple of years ago. Doesn't matter. The school is getting paid off.
Refuse to allow it.
Besides giving a speech to the school board, and calling about a week ago when I learned it was happening any way, I got to call again. The teacher was supposed to return my phone call, but hasn't. Even if she returns my phone call I probably will be talking to a liberal teacher who has no clue what is going on. Got to try to explain to her children writing down their current emotions so their emotions can be twisted by government propaganda later is a bad thing. Though it sounds nutty even to me. I know they will be thinking, "we are just teaching good manners etc... Not sure if he loses any points in the class if he doesn't do it too. Grades matter to my child as it should.
I have to hand it to the elite. They hit us at every angle. This morning I was thinking of how the prices of houses is out of reach for many millennials. After they raise the price of houses astronomically, and burn down our Bedford Falls kind of cities, then of course "build back better", the elite will have the world looking like Pottersville in It's a Wonderful Life.
This is heartbreaking. I hope you can Home school.
He is in 11th grade. Friends matter to him, and he wants to attend school. My father used to say high school is the best time of your life, so enjoy it. My father may have had a point. Though I keep asking him if he wants to just take the GED test as I am sure he would pass. Then he could start college right away.
I will be praying for your son and his fellow students.
I am not sure if you know who Charlotte Iserbyt was. She was an outspoken parent in Maine. She served in the dept of ed under Reagan and her finding there alarmed her enough to collect info and compile it into a book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”. It is available on her site as a PDF.
Below are links to her website and some interviews and articles. Some of these are older and may no longer be good. Sorry if that happens. There is also a good interview with Norman Dodd who sometime Charlotte mentions.
Charlotte and Prop Luc Montagnier oddly both died on the same day 08 Feb 2022.
Deliberate Dumbing Down | Official Website of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt https://youtu.be/tP5H7lLpjQE
Charlotte Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, P1
A conversation with Charlotte Iserbyt
Charlotte Iserbyt - Resume the Reece Committee Investigation of Tax Exempt Foundations (Norman Dodd)
Norman Dodd - The Hidden Agenda For World Government [5223].
Charlotte Iserbyt - phaet.org
Charlotte Iserbyt -- Kissinger Out Of The Closet
Remembering Charlotte Iserbyt: The Woman Who Exposed Skull & Bones & Soviet Indoctrination In The US (Video) - The Washington Standard
I believe it. There is absolutely indoctrination in our children's school and media they watch. It is sickening. I did buy a book years ago about the dumbing down of our schools. I am sure even the fluoride they put in our water/toothpaste is also on purpose to dumb people down. Thank you for taking the time to post all of this. I will look into it.
It sounds like your son is in good hands. He is blessed to have an alert and caring mom.
Who is "we" with any power to change anything?
The timetable has never been touched:
Agreed , how you doing ?
The highly articulate late Tom Horn had much to say about the 2025 inauguration… and it’s being held inside the warm womb for maximum effect. Wake up! https://youtu.be/fDBCgShR5Dk?si=bhcbpxYKAArtTUz4
Got a little over 11min and ytub had to insert over 10 min of obnoxious ads that cannot escape from, only put at 2x speed. Ytub has pretty much become worthless. Going to look to see if on Odysee or Rumble partially owned by JD Vance🙄
Meryl, thank you for this piece. I was wondering why we still call it the new world order, when in fact; it’s called the One World Order. There is nothing new under the sun and yes, we are moving towards a totalitarian regime…whether it be a president, governor or any fake representatives we have…I questioned everyone about all the cabinet picks and I got huge backlash.
Lived in LA, for 9 years, and I have seen no change Newsom has to change his way of thinking. PERIOD.
Anyways, thank you. We passed agenda 21, which was distributed in ‘86, and we pretty much became slaves in lockdown 2020-2021.
I am not going to say it was the stupidity of the people, but the sheeple followed. What’s to come in 2030? We will be chipped and one horrible man will be in charge. We made a mistake, we are like the lost Israelites in the desert, making golden calves, and wondering around like fish out of water,